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Myrna Ferguson

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RE: Mary Evelyn's Koffee Klatch
3/29/2013 12:56:01 AM
Hello Myrna

Do you believe that story?

I liked Elvis but I wasn't really crazy about him or anything like that?
I have a friend who is crazy about him. Called her cat Elvis. If she had had a boy his name would have probably been called Elvis Elvis Elvis Jones.

He had a great voice and he looked great on stage but I didn't really care for most of his songs because it wasn't easy to sing along with them. Some of them were good for jiving, however.

Some people are so nuts about him, they have a Church of Elvis someone told me. I don't know if that is true or not.


Hi Evelyn and friends,

you like Elvis, well you may want to check this out.


I think it is true. I have heard more then once alive. Did you watch the video?
Helen Elias

1370 Posts
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RE: Mary Evelyn's Koffee Klatch
3/29/2013 7:00:17 AM
Hi Myrna

I tried watching the video 'Elvis Found Alive' but it didn't work on that website. I then went to YouTube and watched it there. It told me nothing except they are trying squeeze more money out of this legend. Maybe it wasn't the same trailer. I see all sorts of people trying to make money out this dead man.

There is no way Elvis would still be alive even if he faked his death. And I absolutely do not believe he did. For one thing, he looked like a very sick man on his last show.

By the way, all that extra weight he was carrying was not all fat. Some of it was, no doubt, but most of it was water retention which might have meant congestive heart failure was happening. You could even see it in his face. The autopsy also revealed that he was carrying 50 extra pounds due to bowel impaction.

Another thing, he never struck me as a man who was tired of all the publicity. He loved the stage. He looked to me like he was glad to be rid of that fiasco in Hawaii and all those movies he did and raring to get on the stage. The problem was his body wouldn't let him.

If there ever was a waste, it was all those movies ...which he ended up hating to do. A few movies would have been ok but Elvis shone on the stage.

Even if Elvis had faked his death and went into hiding, he would never have lasted this long. If the drugs didn't get him, life off of the stage and out of the limelight would have killed him long before now ...or he would have felt compelled to come out of hiding.

People want to believe this stuff so bad. I hate to tell them that the only way they will see the real Elvis is if they dig up his body and then they will only see his bones.


Hello Myrna

Do you believe that story?

I liked Elvis but I wasn't really crazy about him or anything like that?
I have a friend who is crazy about him. Called her cat Elvis. If she had had a boy his name would have probably been called Elvis Elvis Elvis Jones.

He had a great voice and he looked great on stage but I didn't really care for most of his songs because it wasn't easy to sing along with them. Some of them were good for jiving, however.

Some people are so nuts about him, they have a Church of Elvis someone told me. I don't know if that is true or not.


Hi Evelyn and friends,

you like Elvis, well you may want to check this out.


I think it is true. I have heard more then once alive. Did you watch the video?
Spend $4 and get back $10 every time you spend. Contact me (Helen) at this email »»»
RE: Mary Evelyn's Koffee Klatch
3/29/2013 12:38:14 PM
Hi Michael, thanks, and Happy Easter to you too. :)

Have a happy Easter All


Marriage lets you annoy one special person for the rest of your life" Author ..

Chinese Fortune Cookie
RE: Mary Evelyn's Koffee Klatch
3/29/2013 12:49:28 PM
Hi Helen,yes, this was a very good Elvis impersonation and I was quite surprised because at the beginning of the video the guy sounded like Topo Gigio, the mouse. Remember him??


I really like this Elvis impersonation. I think it is one of the best I have seen.

You might have seen this before but it really is worth another look.

If you remember him from old time TV, you would never guess he could do something like this....

RE: Mary Evelyn's Koffee Klatch
3/29/2013 12:54:49 PM
Happy Good Friday ladies. Helen I wasn't all that crazy about Elvis either but I did like some of his songs and as far as this story on the website you gave Myrna, does say it is a "mockumentary spoof" which indicates that it is not a true story but then maybe I am just reading it wrong. IF and that is a big if, Elvis is still alive he would be 78 years old, not an unreasonable age. :)

Hello Myrna

Do you believe that story?

I liked Elvis but I wasn't really crazy about him or anything like that?
I have a friend who is crazy about him. Called her cat Elvis. If she had had a boy his name would have probably been called Elvis Elvis Elvis Jones.

He had a great voice and he looked great on stage but I didn't really care for most of his songs because it wasn't easy to sing along with them. Some of them were good for jiving, however.

Some people are so nuts about him, they have a Church of Elvis someone told me. I don't know if that is true or not.


Hi Evelyn and friends,

you like Elvis, well you may want to check this out.
