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Kathleen Vanbeekom

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RE: Mary Evelyn's Koffee Klatch
11/26/2012 4:59:06 PM
I found it on Youtube!


Hi Evelyn and Myrna

That was a great story about Hannah and Michael.

Myrna, when you said it made you "feel good all over" it reminded me of a TV commercial that used to advertise Hanes underwear. You might remember it. This guy would get on an elevator and as people usually do when they get in an elevator nobody talked. This guy was about to burst with the good news so finally he says, "I feel good all under!" He said it was because of his Hanes underwear. :)) I always got such a kick out of that commercial.

A few years ago, I had a very wealthy friend who wore $5000 worth of diamonds on her hands. She was quite sedate. On a previous occasion I had told her about the Hanes ad because it amused me. One day we were on an elevator with a couple of men and the janitor for the building. As usual, nobody talked. So I said to my sedate friend, "I wonder if anyone on this elevator feels good all under?" She just looked at me and shook her head. When we got off the elevator I burst out laughing while she gave me heck. It was funny. Perhaps, you would have to be there.

Here's hoping you all are feeling good all under. :))


Myrna Ferguson

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RE: Mary Evelyn's Koffee Klatch
11/26/2012 5:12:01 PM
lol Let it up to Kathleen, she will find it. I love it. Thanks

I found it on Youtube!


Hi Evelyn and Myrna

That was a great story about Hannah and Michael.

Myrna, when you said it made you "feel good all over" it reminded me of a TV commercial that used to advertise Hanes underwear. You might remember it. This guy would get on an elevator and as people usually do when they get in an elevator nobody talked. This guy was about to burst with the good news so finally he says, "I feel good all under!" He said it was because of his Hanes underwear. :)) I always got such a kick out of that commercial.

A few years ago, I had a very wealthy friend who wore $5000 worth of diamonds on her hands. She was quite sedate. On a previous occasion I had told her about the Hanes ad because it amused me. One day we were on an elevator with a couple of men and the janitor for the building. As usual, nobody talked. So I said to my sedate friend, "I wonder if anyone on this elevator feels good all under?" She just looked at me and shook her head. When we got off the elevator I burst out laughing while she gave me heck. It was funny. Perhaps, you would have to be there.

Here's hoping you all are feeling good all under. :))


RE: Mary Evelyn's Koffee Klatch
11/26/2012 6:05:55 PM

Kudos Kathleen!!!! Thanks for finding this.:)

lol Let it up to Kathleen, she will find it. I love it. Thanks

I found it on Youtube!


Hi Evelyn and Myrna

That was a great story about Hannah and Michael.

Myrna, when you said it made you "feel good all over" it reminded me of a TV commercial that used to advertise Hanes underwear. You might remember it. This guy would get on an elevator and as people usually do when they get in an elevator nobody talked. This guy was about to burst with the good news so finally he says, "I feel good all under!" He said it was because of his Hanes underwear. :)) I always got such a kick out of that commercial.

A few years ago, I had a very wealthy friend who wore $5000 worth of diamonds on her hands. She was quite sedate. On a previous occasion I had told her about the Hanes ad because it amused me. One day we were on an elevator with a couple of men and the janitor for the building. As usual, nobody talked. So I said to my sedate friend, "I wonder if anyone on this elevator feels good all under?" She just looked at me and shook her head. When we got off the elevator I burst out laughing while she gave me heck. It was funny. Perhaps, you would have to be there.

Here's hoping you all are feeling good all under. :))


Kathleen Vanbeekom

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RE: Mary Evelyn's Koffee Klatch
11/26/2012 6:06:06 PM
The early 1970's were great, I remember walking to elementary school and singing, changing the words to commercial songs. Going to & from school was the best part of the school day. Those were the days when there were commercials for REAL toys & games, not all electronic games.

RE: Mary Evelyn's Koffee Klatch
11/26/2012 6:17:49 PM

Kathleen this video certainly brought back precious memories. My son had lots of Hot Wheels and my daughter had several Barbie's and my mom made her a lot of clothes for them

Every Saturday morning was grocery shopping day and my kids, stepson and my two youngest brothers went along to go next door to the dime store to spend their allowance while I did my shopping and my son would usually buy another Hot Wheels. Those were definitely the good days because we didn't have to worry about anyone harming our kids if they weren't right under our nose.

This was also before we ever even heard of seat belts for cars too. :)

The early 1970's were great, I remember walking to elementary school and singing, changing the words to commercial songs. Going to & from school was the best part of the school day. Those were the days when there were commercials for REAL toys & games, not all electronic games.


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