Hi Everyone, My youngest son also had serious hearing impairment since he was a baby, and had 4 tube surgeries, one per year from age 3 thru 6...probably what Roger calls "grommits" in the UK. In preschool, the teacher treated him as if he was mentally retarded, but he was a brilliant kid, he had taught himself to count change by that time, he's always been great at math, and after his first tube surgery, the preschool teacher said he was a different student the very next day, of course! He could hear and participate without being frustrated, he really blossomed immediately. He still has slightly less hearing than everyone else, he's almost 20 now.
I was told in high school that I was getting hearing loss, and shortly after that, a doctor told me I'd lose my hearing within 10 years, well it's been over 25 years now and the past few years have become gradually much worse, I wonder if it's hereditary, lots of my relatives also had hearing loss at a young age or since childhood. People do treat hearing-impaired people differently, treated as if stupid or with lack of normal comprehension, when that's not true at all. One of my uncles really didn't like having a hearing aid, and my father won't get one, and he told me I probably wouldn't want one either because of occasional static or other problems. I just don't want one. Maybe someday, because it can be frustrating for other people when I don't hear them and they need to repeat themselves louder, but in maintaining my sense of humor, I'd say...that's not my problem, I don't know who's problem it IS, I guess it's the problem of the people who need to constantly repeat what they said, several times!