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RE: Is Ron Paul a racist? Hmmm... Good Questions
5/16/2012 3:18:10 PM
The first of 3 articles by the same author. I will post all 3 here and then you may see why, voting for the lessor of two evils is not an option to save America. The argument is valid as are the references. Forget the propaganda and open your mind.


PART 1 of 2

By Kelleigh Nelson
June 3, 2011

Newt Gingrich

A couple years ago one of my neighbors asked me to accompany her to a tea party meeting at the Maryville, TN library which is about 25 minutes from Knoxville. I said, "Sure, I'd love to go see what they're doing." There were several speakers and most of it was boring classroom beginner's education for those that were just waking up to the fact that we've lost our country. We paid our two dollars and sat in the back of the room. The third speaker's topic was "Where to go for information." When they showed pictures of websites of Newt Gingrich and Heritage Foundation and others, I just shook my head and got up and left. I was absolutely appalled that any freedom loving American would send an audience of uneducated people into the hands of those that are worse enemies than the obvious Democrat Marxists. Remember folks, "A false friend IS MORE DANGEROUS than an open enemy."

For several months I've mulled over the thought of exposing everyone they suggested, Newt, Heritage, Koch and a plethora of GOP candidates running for election in 2012 for POTUS. In a previous three part article, SAVING THE REPUBLIC?, I exposed a good deal of the Heritage background, but we will need to revisit and explore more deeply the deception of this allegedly conservative think tank which is anything but a constitutional foundation.

First we'll start with Newt who masquerades as a rightwing conservative but is one of the most dangerous enemies of freedom now hoping to gain the presidency in 2012. Some friends have told me with all the bad press he's dead in the water, but I saw McCain resurrected, not once but twice to win the primary in the 2008 elections, so we still need to know the truth about Newt.

Gingrich was born in 1943 in Harrisburg, Pennsylvania. A college professor, historian, and author, Gingrich twice ran unsuccessfully for the House before winning a seat in the election of November 1978. He was re-elected ten times, and his activism as a member of the House's Republican minority eventually enabled him to succeed Dick Cheney as House Minority Whip in 1989. As a co-author of the 1994 Contract with America, Gingrich was in the forefront of the Republican Party's dramatic success in that year's Congressional elections and subsequently was elected Speaker of the House.

Newt received a B.A. in history from Emory University in Atlanta in 1965. He received an M.A. in 1968, and then a PhD in modern European history from Tulane University in New Orleans in 1971. At Tulane University he accepted student deferments rather than being drafted to Viet Nam. He experimented with marijuana. He led a campus demonstration defending the school paper's right to print a photo of a nude faculty member. And in 1968 he campaigned for Nelson Rockefeller.

In 1990 he became a member of the Council on Foreign Relations. If you've never read Richard N. Gardner's April 1974 article in CFR's World Affairs, Gardner called for an end run around national sovereignty eroding it piece by piece. The CFR was founded in 1921 for world government and eliminating national independence. Henry Kissinger is also a CFR member and actually schooled Newt. Both Gingrich and Kissinger claim they're conservatives.

Gingrich has been married three times. In 1962, he married his first wife, Jackie Battley, who was 6 years his senior and his high school geometry teacher. In the spring of 1980, Gingrich left Battley after having an affair with Marianne Ginther. According to Battley, Gingrich visited her while she was in the hospital recovering from uterine cancer surgery to discuss the details of their divorce. Six months after the divorce was final, Gingrich wed Marianne Ginther in 1981. In the mid-1990s, Gingrich began an affair with House of Representatives staffer Callista Bisek, who is 23 years his junior. They continued their affair during the Lewinsky scandal, when Gingrich was a leader of the Republican investigation of President Clinton for perjury in connection with his alleged affairs with Paula Jones and Monica Lewinsky. In 1999, over the Mother's Day weekend and on the same day his second wife had been diagnosed with multiple sclerosis, Gingrich informed her he had found someone else.

In 2000, Gingrich married Bisek shortly after his divorce from second wife Ginther. He and Callista currently live in McLean, Virginia. If I were Callista, I'd take extremely good care of my health.

Newt was elected congressman from Georgia in 1978. In 1979 he voted

1. YEA to the creation of the Department of Education, which is unconstitutional (William Z. Foster called for a federal Department of Education in his book, "Towards Soviet America.") Studies were to be cleansed of religious, patriotic and other features of the 'bourgeois' ideology. Students were to be taught basis of Marxian dialectical materialism, inter nationalism and general ethics of the new Socialist Society. See any articles by Charlotte Iserbyt.

2. YEA to designating 68 million acres as Federal protected wilderness. Our constitution doesn't call for any land "control," but the communist manifesto calls for all abolition of property and land and application of all rents of land to public purposes. Federal Land grabs today are huge percentages of the 13 western states that are now federally owned.

Note: The communist manifesto wants:

1. Land controls
2. Progressive Income Tax
3. Termination of Inheritance
4. Central Bank which is the Federal Reserve
5. Control of Education
In 1994 Newt voted:
1. YEA to the National Endowment for the Arts
2. YEA for 1.2 billion for UN peacekeeping
3. YEA for the presidential line item veto
4. YEA for 13 billion in foreign aid
5. YEA for 166 million more for the IRS
6. Led Congress into GATT with fellow CFR member Bill Clinton and then stated that it was a very big transfer of power. It was, because it overrode Article 1, Section 8 of the constitution. As well, GATT reduces the amount of money we can save for pensions. He jawed with President Clinton in NH that he was a huge fan of FDR and Woodrow Wilson, two of the most despised early communist leaning presidents. Remember Wilson gave us both the federal reserve and the 16th amendment, income tax.

He also voted:

1. China as Most Favored Nation for trade
2. Voted to supply funds to subsidize trade with the Soviets.
3. Voted to transfer 2.2 million acres in Idaho to Wilderness status.
4. Voted for federal funding loan guarantees for greater trade with Red China.
5. Voted for taxpayer funds being available to foreign governments through export/import banks.
6. Is pro amnesty - Joe Galloway wrote in December 2010 that both Newt and Jeb Bush were pro-amnesty. Gingrich stated, "We are not going to deport 11 million immigrants." How about 40 million Newt...send them home, they're an invasion!
7. Is pro foreign aid. In 1995 he voted for 31.8 billion in foreign aid, but wouldn't vote to cut foreign aid by a measly 1%.
Newt also backed a strong central government, strong environmental laws, national service programs, the United Nations Goals 2000 (which many Republicans voted for), federal financing of local police, and UN peacekeeping missions for our military.
8. Gingrich is pro-Obamacare and even advocated it in the 90s on Meet the Press, and recently:
9. He did a Global Warming ad with Nancy Pelosi that is coming back to haunt him, but in reality, he is a big environmentalist.
10. Is pro-Gun Control - Newt is currently circulating a letter advertising a DVD called: "America at Risk" for which you may obtain a copy if you send him $35.00 or more. On page 3 of his six-page letter he says: "Today the choice is yours: You can either sit back and allow Barack Obama and the liberal elite to disarm our country, leaving us defenseless against enemies who explicitly desire to erase America from existence."

Yet, if you check on the voting list of those who voted "yea" on Public Law 101-216 in 1989 (an update to the General and Complete Disarmament Law, Public Law 87-297) you will find that Newt Gingrich voted in favor of section 2 of this disarmament bill which reads:

"(2) as defined in this Act, the terms 'arms control' and 'disarmament' mean 'the identification, verification, inspection, limitation, control, reduction, or elimination, of armed forces and armaments of all kinds under international agreement to establish an effective system of international control';"

Should we trust a man who professes to be so concerned with our security and right to have armed forces, who also votes to give them away to the United Nations for a world army? The last thing we need is someone who professes to protect us, while at the same time, is planning to sell us out! See Bernadine Smith's website for countless documents.

Newt's campaign manager for many of his congressional races, was Ralph Reed of the Christian Coalition and a charter member of the secretive Council for National Policy. Ralph was a paid speaker like many of his fellow CNP members for Sun Myung Moon's Unification church who has a front group within the CNP.

Reed took money from fellow CNP member, Jack Abramoff's American Indian casino clients through a variety of conduits and manipulated Christian groups to act as fronts to oppose gambling competition for the tribes. He helped Abramoff oppose legislation to extend protections to women and children employed by sweatshops in the Northern Mariana Islands, despite the fact that our government had reported that the employers forced employees to enter the sex-tourism trade. When these immigrant workers inevitably became pregnant, they were forced to have abortions. For part two click below.

Click here for part -----> 2,

May Wisdom and the knowledge you gained go with you,

Jim Allen III
Skype: JAllen3D
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Jim Allen

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RE: Is Ron Paul a racist? Hmmm... Good Questions
5/16/2012 3:39:23 PM
Part 2

PART 2 of 2

By Kelleigh Nelson
June 3, 2011

Newt Gingrich and THE THIRD WAVE

Okay, so we've gone over what Newt has done in the past, and part of what he stands for, but we haven't touched at all on his belief in Alvin and Heidi Toffler's THE THIRD WAVE. To make it quite clear, Toffler's beliefs are rooted solidly in communism, but dressed up thoroughly in neo-con speak and sprinkled with the tiniest bit of capitalism. This is why so many of our electorate are fooled by the RINOs and why so many of these RINOs go along with the communists in the Democrat party.

In 1994, Newt presented a list of 8 books he wanted everyone to read....first was the Declaration of Independence, second the Federalist Papers, and third was the THIRD WAVE by Alvin Toffler printed by the new age Progress and Freedom Foundation. Alvin Toffler is Newt Gingrich's mentor, so we need to take a closer look at what Toffler espouses in THE THIRD WAVE. By the way he never mentioned reading the constitution and for good reason. He wants to be rid of it.

Toffler believes mankind is entering a new system. To the founding fathers in his book, he wrote, "For the system of government you fashioned including the very principles on which you based it, is increasingly obsolete, and hence increasingly, if inadvertently, oppressive and dangerous to our welfare. It must be radically changed and a new system of government invented, a democracy for the 21st century. For this wisdom, above all, I thank Mr. Jefferson who helped create the system that served us so well for so long, and that now must, in its turn, die and be replaced."

Gingrich, who swore an oath 10 times to uphold and defend the constitution urges with his mentor Toffler, the very death of the American Constitutional system. Gingrich wrote the forward to Toffler's book, "Creating a New Civilization." As my friend, Constance Cumbey wrote in her recent article, the very best information on The Third Wave and Newt Gingrich was written by Steve Farrell. The entire 8 part series is here. If you never do any other reading, print this 8 part series out and read it carefully. It is a picture of what is happening to America. Connie also mentioned in her blog that new Catholic convert Newt (formerly a Southern Baptist) recently spoke at John Hagee's church in San Antonio.

Apparently Hagee's staff doesn't research the backgrounds of their invited speakers and thus has influenced and poisoned thousands with the neo-con rhetoric of Gingrich who is selling the old doctrine of communism.

I am going to quote heavily from Steve Farrell's article so you will know at least part of what we're facing with the right's love of the Third Wave.

"The Third Way/Wave may sound new and innocuous to many, but its founders include such earlier notables as Plato (The Republic), Karl Marx (The Communist Manifesto), and Adolf Hitler (National Socialism), certainly not the best crew for men and women sworn to defend our Constitution and to turn to for inspiration."

"Plato didn't call his revolutionary plan for tyranny 'tyranny.' Who would? Rather he cloaked every item of revolutionary change in more palatable terms like, 'justice,' or 'the heavenly ideal,' or 'the pursuit of the good,' or 'the love of truth.' " He believed in and practiced double talk just as the politicians on both the left and right do today. "He believed so much in his double talk that he convinced casual readers that they were mulling over a Judeo-Christian appeal to virtue. Virtue, he taught, is whatever sustains or brings about the ideal city. And such an ideal city was his! Communist, through and through."

Here are the 'Virtuous' Aims of Plato's Third Wave

1. Private property must be abolished, the wealthy hated and their wealth redistributed by state mandate.
2. Children belong to, and are born to serve the state. The influence of parents is noxious and disruptive to the interest of the state, thus every child should be raised in government nurseries, without knowledge of who his or her parents are and without the parents having knowledge of who their offspring are. Every child becomes the common property of every parent in the city. Every parent has the collective duty to watch over them. (Hillary Clinton's, It takes a Village)
3. Private education, like traditional parenting, is at the very headwaters of falsehood and social strife. It must be eliminated and replaced with a closely monitored state school system.
4. Old values passed down in history, song, children's books, all need to be rewritten to discredit and erase the old virtues and to exalt and enthrone the new.
5. Frivolous children's games eliminated, new games developed that emphasize law and order.
6. Private industry is self serving. State should have absolute control of all industry for benefit of the whole.
7. Class mobility is a revolutionary idea that threatens the stability of the state and the pre-eminence of true philosophy. A strict caste system and the elimination of career choice is the answer.
8. Talent must never be allowed to wander or be wasted. Early on, children must be identified and channeled by the state for the benefit of the state into careers selected by the state.
9. Under the guise of equality, women ought to be exploited: first to foment 'class war' during the Third Wave (women's roles are reversed to men's); next, to be promptly put into their place as part of a 'community of women' to be shared collectively by male guardians.
10. Selective breeding is beneficial to the state (Hitler)
11. Unwanted babies, inferior babies, deformed babies and the adult handicapped are an unnecessary drag on the prosperity and well-being of society. They should be left to die. Unproductive adults, likewise, should be terminated. (Abortion, Obamacare)
12. Homosexuality is morally acceptable and homosexual rape of lower-class males and boys is a right of rulers, guardians and war heroes.
13. Only a few men are foreordained to understand life and higher good...the rest are equivalent of dumb sheep.
14. Absolute loyalty to the government is vital for the success and safety of society. A state sanctioned KGB-like network is an essential good.
15. Wealth is not essential to the safety of the state.
16. Virtue rejects troublemaking democracy (pure or direct democracy) as an end, yet shrewdly identifies it as the quickest, surest route to promoting the communist view of equality of ends.

There are more, but these are the ultimate goals, the communist goals, of Plato's Third Wave/Third Way and where all this business begins. "Marx, like his forbearers of the 18th century communist cabal known as the Illuminati, invented nothing new. He stole heavily from Plato's "Republic" without due credit and then "borrowed" heavily from Hegel's Godless dialectic view of history, Aristotle's quantum leap view of evolution, and Plato's cynical conception that the source of all law, morality, and religion is simply the strong and the rich erecting protectionist walls around their property and power.

Hitler's German national Socialist German Workers Party (Nazi) was another Third Wave setting. Hitler was a bit more advanced in the newer beliefs of the Third Wave. Hitler taught that the masses were dumb and needed a leader, they couldn't self-rule. Fascism embraces much of Plato and Marx but utilizes different, and perhaps, superior methods of control; --for all the while it lets citizens think they have a safe amount of freedom."

Just like their talk about decentralization and democracy, Third Way proponents today talk of national "service" (Obama), "Compassionate Conservatism" (Bush), "Faith-Based" subsidies, and moral effective "partnerships" with cash for conversion. (most politicians).

"Gingrich openly calls himself a futurist, which is the study of, and interest in, forecasting or anticipating the future, or theorizing on how to impose controls on events.

Gingrich revealed to Congress that he began working with the Tofflers in the early 1970s on a concept called anticipatory democracy. He says, "For twenty years we (who's we?) have worked to develop a future-conscious politics and popular understanding that would make it easier for America to make the transition from the Second Wave civilization (the one the founders gave us) --which is clearly dying--to the emerging, but in many ways undefined, Third Wave civilization (Alvin Toffler's Centrist Utopia)."

The majority of the above statements are directly from Steve Farrell's wonderful article which I hope you'll all take the time to read because of its utmost importance in understanding what is happening today with Republicans especially.


Truly we are surrounded in both the left and the right with Communists. Both are adept at hiding the truth of their doctrine in euphemistic language. Some are more bold than others like Newt Gingrich, but nearly all of the GOP candidates and most of our GOP politicians believe in much of what Toffler's Third Wave represents for this country. As I wrote in my article, WOLVES IN SHEEP'S CLOTHING, it is the rightwing that is desperately trying to destroy our constitution with a new constitutional convention and don't believe it when they tell you there are no dangers.

The father of our constitution James Madison knew better and voiced a strong concern regarding any call for another convention. The so-called "White Hats" have such pretty speech that they convince the uneducated that they are helping to save the country, when in fact, they are part and parcel of the purposeful destruction. We need to force them to obey the constitution, not destroy or replace it.

I know that all things are in God's Hands and He has the ultimate control. I also know that the only true thing that will save this country is the preaching of God's Word. Having said that, we also must stand and fight for what we know is right and defeat the enemies of freedom.

We'll discuss some of the other GOP candidates for president in the next article. For part one click below.

Click here for part -----> 1, 2, 3,

© 2010 Kelleigh Nelson - All Rights Reserved

Kind of makes you say hmmm, doesn't it?


May Wisdom and the knowledge you gained go with you,

Jim Allen III
Skype: JAllen3D
Everything You Need For Online Success

Jim Allen

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RE: Is Ron Paul a racist? Hmmm... Good Questions
5/16/2012 3:44:05 PM

By Kelleigh Nelson
June 15, 2011

Willard Mitt Romney

"The American people will never knowingly adopt Socialism. But under the name of 'liberalism' they will adopt every fragment of the Socialist program, until one day America will be a Socialist nation, without knowing how it happened."

Norman Thomas (1884-1968) six time U.S. Presidential candidate for the Socialist Party of America. Norman Thomas and Gus Hall, the U.S. Communist Party Candidates, both quit American politics, agreeing that the Republican and Democratic parties had adopted every plank of the Communist/Socialist party and they no longer had an alternate party platform on which to run.

Willard Mitt Romney was born in 1947 in Detroit, Michigan to former Governor of Michigan, George W. Romney and his wife, Lenore Romney. He was raised in Bloomfield Hills, Michigan and attended Brigham Young University.

When Willard was a sophomore in high school he participated in the campaign for his father's first term as Governor of Michigan. CFR member George Romney was reelected twice and Mitt even worked for him as an intern. He went to the 1964 Republican National Convention when his moderate father battled conservative Barry Goldwater for the party nomination over issues of civil rights and ideological extremism. The family ended up supporting Lyndon Baines Johnson for president.

Willard got his Juris Doctor/Master of Business Administration degrees from Harvard Law School and Harvard Business School. In 1966, Mitt left for France as a Mormon missionary which is a traditional duty of sons of Mormons. This was the first time Mitt was living a life of deprivation. With the rules of no drinking or smoking, he failed to gain many converts in France. The French Catholics are wine loving people and prove especially resistant to a religion that prohibits alcohol. His missionary years were not the best esteem builders, yet he still holds a great fondness for France.

Romney entered into management consulting and had a position at Bain and Company. He eventually served as it's CEO and led it out of a financial crisis. He was the founder too of a spinoff company Bain Capital, a profitable equity investment firm. He had an excellent record of success with clients like Monsanto Company, Burlington Industries, and Corning Incorporated. Of course Monsanto is responsible for the majority of GMO seeds and foods in our nation today.

He won the election for Governor of Massachusetts in 2002, but only served one term. The state was in financial peril and had a projected $3 billion shortfall. The reason it was in peril is like all states, the politicians overspend and then expect the taxpayers to make up the difference. Unexpected revenue came in from a previously enacted capital gains tax increase and $500 million in federal grants which decreased the deficit to $1.2 to 1.5 billion. Through some budget manipulating and cuts in state aid to cities and towns, and major cuts to universities which increased the tuition by 63% over four years, as well as his vetoing many items, although all were overridden by the Democrat majority legislature, he managed to bring in more to the Massachusetts treasury. What Romney really did to fix the budget was what most Governors, both left and right do. They raise taxes on the people of the state. He raised fees for marriage, driver's, and gun licenses. He increased the state gasoline fee by 2 cents per gallon and he closed tax loopholes that caused businesses to pay more taxes. This brought in $541 million to the coffers, but created financial hardships on businesses in Massachusetts.

Romney Care

Of course this all didn't last long with the adoption of the socialist universal health care mandate Willard gave Massachusetts. He promised it wouldn't raise taxes, but incorporated a new payroll tax. He also pushed for incorporating an individual mandate at the state level. His past rival Ted Kennedy (he ran against Kennedy for Senator in 1994), who had pushed universal health coverage for years became a close friend of Romney's and helped push the state's Democrats into voting for it along with the Republicans.

With Romney Care all residents of the state are required to buy health insurance or face escalating tax penalties such as the loss of their personal income tax exemptions. This is, in effect a tax on their very existence in the state of Massachusetts! The most draconian sections of the bill that would put burdens on businesses were vetoed by Romney, but the Democrat legislature overrode them all. Romney Care also finances abortion with a $50 dollar co-pay. This entire bill was endorsed by Marxists Hillary Clinton, Teddy Kennedy and of course Planned Parenthood who has now helped murder 56 million American babies in the womb with help of plans like Romney Care.

At the same time Massachusetts also created a new state entitlement that was already trembling on the verge of bankruptcy inside of a year. It is called Commonwealth Care, it uses a sliding income scale to subsidize coverage for everyone under 300% of the federal poverty level, or about $63,000 for a family of four. In 2008, the year's appropriation for Commonwealth Care was $472 million, but officials have asked for an add-on that will bring it to $625 million. For 2009, Governor Deval Patrick requested $869 million but conceded that even that huge figure is too low. Over the coming decade, the expected overruns float in as much as $4 billion over budget. So, despite Romney's getting the state out of the red with new fees and taxes, he turned around and gave the state a huge new bureaucracy that now has it near bankruptcy.

Romney on Abortion

1994 - Romney stated, "I believe abortion should be safe and legal in this country.

2001 - While campaigning in Utah, Romney said, "I am not pro-choice."

2002 - While in Massachusetts, Romney quipped, "I will preserve and protect a woman's right to choose.

2004 - Romney again magically became pro-life.

2005 - Once again in liberal Massachusetts, Romney spoke these words, "I am actually committed to my promise to maintain the status quo with regards to laws related to abortion and choice. He even exempted Catholic and Christian hospitals from refusing the morning-after pill in case of rape.

Not only does Romney not advocate a ban on embryonic research, he actually supports government funding for the lethal use of the tiniest children for research, demonstrating the falsity of both his conversion and his account of it. And yet many pro-family "leaders" have chosen to ignore the truth, and believe lies.

Now on the campaign trail again, he's saying he's pro-life, but let's look at his record.

After he claimed a pro-life conversion, Willard Mitt Romney

authorized tax-funded surgical elective abortion two years after he claimed he was pro-life.
advocated grisly research on embryos after he claimed a pro-life conversion.
nominated a pro-abort Democrat judge after he claimed a pro-life conversion.
gave Planned Parenthood a permanent seat on a state board after he claimed a pro- life conversion.
bragged that he would continue to defend abortion "rights" after he claimed a pro-life conversion.

His record is absolutely shocking and in another campaign speech he stated he is personally pro-life, but doesn't want to push his personal religious beliefs on society. So, society's cultural decline and the murder of 56 million innocent babies shouldn't have any commentary from the religious sidelines?

To top it off, the Pro-Life Family Movement discredits themselves again and again. Many conservatives repeat his false claim of being pro-life including Ann Coulter, saying "Romney governed as a pro-lifer." Jordan Sekulow through his father's organization, ACLJ (American Center for Law and Justice) wrote, "Governor Romney would and still could make a great candidate." Jay Sekulow is a CNP member. Tony Perkins (CNP) at the Family Research Council says Romney is, "solidly conservative across the board," and a Focus Action Candidate Commentary video from Focus on the Family(CNP) shockingly agrees with Romney that, "on the social issues we are so similar." Remember, these groups are members of the secretive Council for National Policy and nearly all are UN-NGO's. As UN-non governmental organizations, they must agree with the planks of the Marxist UN to get NGO status.

These groups and people say all this of a man who

funded abortion statewide through taxpayer monies
opposed a Massachusetts Defense of Marriage Constitutional amendment
said homosexuals should be allowed in the boy scouts
officially celebrated "Gay-Straight Youth Pride Day"
sat on the board of directors for a leading purveyor of pornography without opposing the corporation's exploitation of women
instituted homosexual marriage
was ahead of Barack Obama in promoting government controlled health care.

Willard Mitt Romney states, "On every piece of legislation, I came down on the side of life."

Gay Rights and Marriage

When Romney ran against Ted Kennedy for Senator in 1994, he wrote a letter to the Log Cabin Republicans stating, "We must make equality for gays and lesbians a mainstream concern."
Romney also stated in 2002 that "All citizens deserve equal rights, regardless of their sexual orientation." Willard said that domestic partnership status should be recognized in a way that includes the potential for health benefits and rights of survivorship. Most companies today give health benefits to homosexual partners. One of the first was the conservative company of Colorado, Coors Beer while their backyard neighbor and fellow Council for National Policy member James Dobson of Focus on the Family railed against one of the airlines for giving health benefits to homosexual partners.

Romney also supported hate crimes legislation during his campaign for governor. In 2002, Romney also opposed a Massachusetts constitutional amendment that would have banned same-sex marriage and domestic partnerships because the amendment would have prohibited domestic partnership benefits for gays and lesbians.

supported Bill Clinton's "Don't ask, don't tell" and thinks it worked and shouldn't be changed.
boosted funding for homosexual "education" starting in kindergarten
opposes a ban on homosexual scoutmasters
forced Catholic Charities, the nation's #1 adoption and foster care service to place children with same sex couples even though he was under no legal obligation to do so.
passed over Republican lawyers for three quarters of the 36 judicial vacancies he faced and nominated two open homosexuals.
supports passage at the state level of the Employment non-discrimination Act which would force churches and other religious organizations to hire homosexuals and transvestites or face criminal fines and prosecution.

Global Warming/Climate Change and Cap and Trade

On CBS with Katy Couric in February, 2009, Romney said this, "I think the risks of climate change are real. And that you're seeing real climate change. And I think human activity is contributing to it. I would develop within this country sources of energy which would allow us to be free of foreign oil. But sources that don't emit CO2."

"I believe the world is getting warmer, and I believe that humans have contributed to that," he told a crowd of about 200 at a town hall meeting in Manchester, New Hampshire."

Romney supports regulation of greenhouse gas emissions, primarily through voluntary measure. He would eliminate "dirty" coal power plants even at the cost of losing jobs because he believes coal plants kill people.

Illegal Aliens and Amnesty

Although Romney says he's against amnesty for illegal aliens, he also says, "I don't believe in rounding up 11 million people and forcing them at gunpoint from our country." (Willard, it's probably more like 40 or 50 million people here illegally and according to FBI statistics they murder 25 American citizens per day!) Willard says he would like to see illegal immigrants register with the government, pay taxes, and apply for citizenship. What? How about entering the country the way all our ancestors did? How about coming into this country legally? Does Willard have any idea of how many "other types" are crossing the border so easily?


Romney supported the infamous, No Child Left Behind, as well as the federal government's involvement in education. See Charlotte Iserbyt's article. He approved efforts in Massachusetts to REQUIRE parents in poorly performing schools to attend parental education classes. He also is for Charter Schools. See education expert, Char Iserbyt's article on Charter Schools.

Second Amendment

Willard Romney has stated in past campaigns that he is a proponent of gun control and fully supports a ban on assault weapons. He enacted a ban in Massachusetts on many so called "military style assault weapons." Romney stated, "These guns are not made for recreation or self-defense. They are instruments of destruction with the sole purpose of hunting down and killing people." Sorry Willard, but you don't know squat about firearms, nor do you understand that the second amendment is the very teeth of the Bill of Rights. And you don't even own a gun!

In 1994, Willard also supported the Brady Bill. The Center for Handgun Violence which is Sarah Brady's organization, is responsible for countless lawsuits against manufacturers and various state firearm laws. They are rabid anti-gunners, as obviously is Willard Mitt Romney.

Sustainable Development and Agenda 21

In 2004, as part of Willard's goal to adopt a strategic approach to "land protection" in Massachusetts, he launched a plan to help cities and towns adopt "smart growth" policies that foster sustainable development. He stated that he wanted a more coordinated approach to "land conservation," involving housing, environmental and transportation agencies.

As I mentioned in my previous article on Newt Gingrich, federal or state land grabs under the guise of sustainability are wholly unconstitutional. However, once again, elimination of land by the federal or state governments when it belongs to the people, is fully a plank of the communist manifesto.


Obviously Willard Mitt Romney is no conservative. His stances on issues are tainted with communist tenets, and I've only covered a few of them. Why then do people who claim to be "conservatives" and "Christians," like Sean Hannity, Laura Ingraham, Ann Coulter, Hugh Hewitt, Mark DeMoss, Richard Land, Stu Epperson, Jay Sekulow, Jim Dobson, Tom Minnery, and Tony Perkins, claim that he's a conservative?

Sadly, we are dealing with many false friends of the constitution and what I call "controlled" opposition to the communist agenda.

The above facts regarding Romney's platforms change depending upon which group he is speaking to and whether they're liberal or conservative. However, his actions in Massachusetts as governor speak volumes about what Romney really stands for and it's certainly not the constitution...more like the communist agenda.

We've many other candidates, many with far less communist tenets than Newt or Willard, but none that are really solid true constitutionalists. We'll discuss them in the next article.

Proverbs 12:20 - Deceit is in the heart of them that imagine evil: but to the counselors of peace is joy.

Click here for part -----> 1, 2, 3,

© 2010 Kelleigh Nelson - All Rights Reserved

More to come for sure:


May Wisdom and the knowledge you gained go with you,

Jim Allen III
Skype: JAllen3D
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Jim Allen

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RE: Is Ron Paul a racist? Hmmm... Good Questions
5/16/2012 4:01:42 PM
This under the same heading "The Phony Rightwing" so there is more to this series. But quite informative and necessary when considering the lessor of evils. Which is still evil ain't it?


By Kelleigh Nelson
December 30, 2011

Ron Paul

Yep we're slaves alright. Tax law being the most nefarious of the lot. Certainly, we are no longer living in a land of "justice". . We have lots and lots of laws of "Control and Obedience" to the American Royalty erroneously called The Federal Government. We have King and Queen Obama and a bunch of Czar's...Does anybody remember "America"? (the land of the free?) -J. Carlton, Calgary

This is for everyone who keeps writing me and asking, "When are you going to write about Ron Paul?" No matter what I write about Ron Paul, I will be loved by some and hated by others. Please remember I started with the worst of the lot and, IMHO all but Bachmann and Paul are globalists. Michele carries a lot of baggage, working for the IRS to me is as damaging as Herman Cain having worked for the Federal Reserve. With Ron Paul, you have a man who, among other things, wants to rid us of the Federal Reserve, (watch this important video) give power back to the states, is staunchly pro-life, doesn't believe in World Government, wants to stop the federal spending, wants to stop all foreign aid, wants to bring our soldiers home, has a way to cut spending and the deficit, wants to eliminate federal departments responsible for pushing the horrid UN Agenda 21 and Sustainable Development, would repeal Obamacare, Dodd-Frank, and Sarbanes-Oxley, would lower the corporate tax to 15%, and is a Christian who isn't pandering his faith like so many of the candidates. [Link] Here is Ron's statement of faith and I love it. [Link] Congressman Paul's detractors will list many points against him, but if one only searches the reasoning behind Paul's stances, you'll find that many of them are constitutional.

Ron Paul was born in August of 1935, and raised in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania. He graduated from Gettysburg College and the Duke University School of Medicine, before proudly serving as a flight surgeon in the U.S. Air Force during the 1960s. He and his wife Carol moved to Texas in 1968, where he began his medical practice in Brazoria County. As a specialist in obstetrics/gynecology, Dr. Paul has delivered more than 4,000 babies. He and Carol, who reside in Lake Jackson, Texas, are the proud parents of five children and have 18 grandchildren and five great grandchildren. Paul was raised Lutheran, but now attends a Baptist Church.

Paul is a libertarian and thus there will be many facets of his belief system that constitutional conservatives might disagree with albeit his reasoning in most instances is sound and constitutional. If the states were given back their original power under the Constitution to decide issues such as abortion, that action would deprive the Federal government from passing laws like Roe v. Wade which resulted in a national law that forces all States to uphold abortion.

Let's look at some of the issues conservatives may have problems with, as well as those areas where we'd agree Ron Paul is the only candidate for President who is truly a constitutional conservative and who could put this nation back on the right track. Please take special notice of the links as they're quite informative and

1. Ron Paul voted for the repeal of "Don't Ask. Don't Tell." [Link] Paul seems to waver on whether homosexuality is a sin. [Link] The Congressman also believes the government should not be in your bedroom and says, "Gay couples can do whatever they want and call it whatever they want as long as they don't impose it on someone else." [Link]

Ron Paul stated in an article in the Huffington Post, "Everybody is an individual person, and everybody has the same rights as anyone else. The government has no business in your private life, you know, so if one person is allowed to do something so should everyone else. The whole gay marriage issue is a private affair, and the federal government has no say." Get the government out of our bedrooms! It is very important to see that this is an issue of individual justice rather than social justice.

2. Many Libertarians like Ron Paul are closer to the leftists in their love affair with Islam which is one area that is extremely troubling inasmuch as the desire of Islam is to overtake America and make it a Muslim nation. Paul doesn't believe the religion of Islam is our enemy and I'd have to disagree with him on this issue. [Link]

3. Congressman Paul says U.S. intervention motivated 9/11 attacks. [Link] Two weeks prior to the tenth anniversary of the 9/11 attacks, Ron Paul says that U.S. intervention in the Middle East is a main motivation behind terrorist hostilities toward America, and that Islam is not a threat to the nation. [Link] Ron Paul has spoken about ";," which is the unintended consequences of foreign operations that were deliberately kept secret from the American public. In Christopher Simpson's 1988 book, Blowback, he thoroughly explains America's recruitment of Nazis into the CIA and its disastrous effect on our domestic and foreign policy that has lasted for years. The same goes for the other CIA foreign operations the public has no knowledge of even today. Please see this important video on Blowback.

Paul also believes we should get out of the Muslim countries now. I too believe this, albeit I want all our soldiers brought home and put on our borders with 50 caliber machine guns to protect our nation from drug cartels and illegal aliens.

4. Ron Paul, the most visible libertarian in the US (under the Republican banner), has said he thinks that sending illegal aliens home where they came from is not "humanitarian." He also doesn't believe in building a 700 mile fence. Now it seems the Libertarian Party is following this same kind of reasoning. [Link] But wait! Here's what Ron says about illegal aliens in an interview with John Stossel. He wants to get rid of the subsidies for illegals, as well as any mandates by the Federal Government. This would include food stamps, social security, medical care, automatic citizenship under the guise of amnesty, free education, etc. Stop the free rides and they'll stop rushing over our borders. I agree with his stance. If the bird feeder is empty, the birds won't come. With soldiers on the border, terrorists won't either. Paul is against amnesty. [Link]

5. Ron Paul's libertarian views would support legalization of pornography and prostitution. [Link] Again, Ron's view is the First Amendment protection and that parents can restrict and control their children and it is not the Federal government's responsibility to do same. [Link] Prostitution is still going on today whether it is legalized or not and this is a social issue like homosexuality and pornography. Congressman Paul doesn't believe the government should legislate virtue or morality. I wish he'd tell this to the leftist Fabian socialists and Marxists we have in government control. [Link]

One of the factors that has brought the decline of morality in America is the failure of today's churches in teaching sound biblical doctrines and exhorting the members to read and study God's Word and spread the Gospel and we need to understand this rather than laying the blame elsewhere.

6. Ron Paul is staunchly pro-life and would have laws protecting life decreed by the States rather than by federal law. As I explained above, Ron would like to see Roe v. Wade repealed and let the States decide rather than having the Federal Government making abortion a nationalized law. [Link]

7. Paul believes the government has no role or authority in regulating drugs, another Libertarian concept. However, his stance has a great deal of merit inasmuch as it actually does pull the rug out from under the drug cartels and their profits. Am I in agreement? Not necessarily, but here's the Congressman's take on this issue. [Link]

8. Ron says terrorists should be tried in American civil courts. The opposition says, "Foreign terrorists belong in a military court." As for American Citizen, Anwar al-Awlaki, who was killed by a U.S. drone strike in Yemen, like Ron Paul I have to ask, "Are we setting a precedent that will be used against other US citizens in the future?" [Link] It is something we definitely need to consider. Remember, what our government will do to an undesirable citizen, they can also do to us. Note the bill that just passed and will be signed into law H.R.1540 NDAA

9. Florida Republican Congressman John Mica offered the following morally clear Amendment (5/25/2011-H.AMDT.318 (A018) Amends H.R.1540):

Amendment requires that the rules of engagement [ROE] allow any military service personnel assigned to duty in a designated hostile fire area to have rules of engagement that fully protect their right to proactively defend themselves from hostile actions.

The results? (tallied here): 143 out of 185 Democrats present — 77% — voted against this amendment; 217 out of 235 Republicans present — 92% — voted for it. As for the two Republicans in Congress running who are Presidential candidates, Michele Bachmann voted for the amendment; Ron Paul against it.

AND here is the caveat, the law authorizes the United States to use military force anywhere it says there are terrorists, including within the borders of our own country and including against American citizens. This bill eliminates habeas corpus making detention indefinite. It represents the largest hand-over of unchecked war authority from Congress to the executive branch in modern American history. The founders were seriously opposed to handing this much power over to executive, fearing tyranny, which is what we have today. If enacted into law, this provision would make Obama a total dictator who can wage war without the consent of the American people, which he has already done with Libya, but would legitimize it. This bill will legalize an unconstitutional act. [Link] Ron Paul has clearly sounded the alarm regarding the imminent destruction of the Republic. [Link]

10. The bogus claim of anti-Semitism arises with Ron Paul for several reasons. Basically his stance on our intervention in the Middle East which he feels resulted in terrorist attacks against us, and his pro-Islamic Mosque stance in New York have fueled this belief. Unfortunately Congressman Paul sponsored a bill that would have eliminated all aid to Israel alone rather than all foreign aid to any country. I do believe Paul wishes to eliminate all foreign aid and I'm in agreement with this stance. As well, I have Jewish friends in Israel who wish Israel would decline any monies from America so Israel could act as Israel sees fit and would not have to bow to American interests.

Here is what my one Israeli friend said, "US aid to Israel has made us (Israel) a puppet under the power of a terrible prez we didn't elect. US money enslaves us. If no one has the guts to speak truth, they don't merit to lead a nation. We in Israel live with empty words of blowhard politicians who're afraid of making the Arabs mad. If you don't tell the truth, they'll kill more of us. IF you tell the truth, they'll kill more of us. I'd rather die for the truth than a lie. The fact is, archeology- facts on the ground- and the history of the region attest to Jews not Palestinians being here from the beginning of time. Go study."

I have to agree with my Israeli friends and with Paul inasmuch as the strings attached to accepting US dollars inhibits Israel from proper defense of their country.

In Paul's book The Revolution: A Manifesto, at the end the Congressman includes a section called "A Reading List for a Free and Prosperous America." And on that recommended reading list is John T. Flynn's book, As We Go Marching. Congressman Paul is recommending the writings of a man who, in his day, was seen as a driving force behind the anti-Semitic liberal Republican Senator Nye and the Senate investigation into Jewish influence in Hollywood. [Link] [Link]

More troubling is the fact that Ron Paul's website mourned the passing of virulent anti-Semite, Eustace Mullins. [Link] In my files I have a copy of Mullins' booklet, "My Life In Christ," which was printed for him by Aryan Nations. Any investigation of Mullins reveals strong anti-Semitism. The question is who controls Ron's website? I am sure Paul does not.

Ron's real stance on Israel is clear and the rumors of anti-Semitism are false. Here is Ron's stance on Israel in this interview. Here is Ron's interview with Newsmax on his support of Israel and from The Atlantic, "Ron Paul is More Mainstream than His Opponents on Foreign Policy."

11. Ron Paul's new Plan to Restore America basically abolishes all the cabinet level departments tasked with implementation and dissemination of Agenda 21. His supporters have been hot on all the Agenda 21 issues for a long time. They're probably the ones who got Rand Paul up to speed on the issues, since he didn't have a clue when one of our researchers wrote to him. Ron is proposing One Trillion dollars in budget cuts! [Link] Here are the key components of Paul's economic plan, "Restore America," released in October.

It’s not mentioned by name anywhere in Ron Paul's 11 page Plan to Restore America; but, the cabinet-level departments he’s abolishing (page 2 on his plan) are the same departments (Energy, HUD, Commerce, Interior & Education) that Bill Clinton appointed to his President’s Council on Sustainable Development in 1993 to co-ordinate with the UN’s Agenda 21. [Link]

For this reason alone I'd cast my vote for Ron Paul. If you are unaware of what UN Agenda 21/Sustainable Development/Smart Growth/Smart Meters/Wildlands Project is all about, then visit Tom DeWeese's site on Agenda 21.


No one has ever accused Ron Paul of being a flip-flopper. He has been saying the same things for 35 years. Now the latest events in America and the world have conspired to make him look increasingly on target.

Congressman Paul is by far the most radically anti-big government candidate in the running. He'd boil the Federal government back down to a few skeletal constitutional functions. He'd cut all foreign aid, abolish the Patriot Act, get rid of Obamacare, return us to a gold standard, as well as eliminating the welfare state, and federal income taxes. He hates bipartisan compromise and loves gridlock!

Are there things on which I'd disagree with Dr. Paul? You bet there are! But there are far more things I agree with him on, especially his love of liberty and the Constitution. I have spent the better part of six months researching Dr. Paul and have collected hundreds of documents and articles on the man. The elite establishment politicos and media will do anything to destroy the reputation of this man, yet he gains more followers as the days go by. Recently he was on the Jay Leno Show. Leno asked him how he liked the debates so far and Ron answered that standing there for two hours to speak for three minutes wasn't very enjoyable. Jay also made the statement that the bottom 15% of Americans pay no taxes. Ron quipped back, "That's a good start!"

If you wish to know more about Ron Paul, go to his website, Ron Paul on the Issues. Another site that contains valid information is Wikipedia's Political Positions of Ron Paul.

Paul isn't a 6'2" square jawed hunk of male flesh with a pompous arrogant, know-it-all attitude. He's a little Banty rooster who's smaller and faster than the globalists he's running against and who loves freedom. If there's any chance in saving our country, I believe it's with Congressman Ron Paul.

P.S. Here is a recent article written by his first and only speech writer in 1976. I think you'll enjoy it!

P.P.S. As the MSM falsely attacks Ron Paul for racist remarks, see the truth here and here. Make sure you watch the video.

© 2010 Kelleigh Nelson - All Rights Reserved

Really adds perspective, I think.


May Wisdom and the knowledge you gained go with you,

Jim Allen III
Skype: JAllen3D
Everything You Need For Online Success

Jim Allen

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RE: Is Ron Paul a racist? Hmmm... Good Questions
5/16/2012 9:59:05 PM
Hello Friends,

It seems some folks like to cast aspersions without reviewing the documentation. So I went looking for proof and the only proof I can find is a pdf pointing to a recommendation or salesletter from Ron Paul, suggesting folks purchase a newsletter subscription.

We've all seen them many of the congressman and senators send these letters out. Seldom do they write more than the initial salesletter, trusting the folks running the subscription service.

Now claiming that someone wrote one of these hate filled racist rags that have been ballyhooed since December of last year, is one thing. Repeating the story without any further proof other than some racists stating "I thought he was one of us" does nothing more than prove that thinker wrong and the persons that continue perpetrating the same nonsense are either wrong or have ulterior motives.

Remember they play the racist card because, they have no valid argument and know it marginalizes and often shuts up dissenters. IE: Tea Party people are racists>

Bull$hit! We all know it and know when this group sees them on their fringes they point them out and move away from them and in most cases we learn it was some union thug or other opponent operative trying to discredit a group of concerned Americans.

America is the only place that seems to think you are guilty by association without further proof. Much like Nazi Germany, remember? This too is current news topics.

Remember anyone can copy a signature and the one in the pdf may well be one such copy or was the original for future publications. I have not seen any of those publications and have yet to find more that the "salesletter" forward. Have you? If so where can I see such publication or publications proving this great American a racist as claimed.

The article titled "
In ad for newsletter, Ron Paul forecast "race war""

A direct-mail solicitation for Ron Paul's political and investment newsletters two decades ago warned of a "coming race war in our big cities" and of a "federal-homosexual cover-up" to play down the impact of AIDS.

The eight-page letter, which appears to carry Paul's signature at the end, also warns that the U.S. government's redesign of currency to include different colors - a move aimed at thwarting counterfeiters - actually was part of a plot to allow the government to track Americans using the "new money."

This really does nothing more than act as a warning to what we know now is happening for real. There is nothing racist here folks. Its all fact today, is it not? Read the damn PDF! Also ask yourself why the top of page one appears cut off.


The white supremacists, survivalists and anti-Zionists who have rallied behind his candidacy have not exactly been warmly welcomed. “I wouldn’t be happy with that,” Mr. Paul said in an interview Friday when asked about getting help from volunteers with anti-Jewish or antiblack views.

But he did not disavow their support. “If they want to endorse me, they’re endorsing what I do or say — it has nothing to do with endorsing what they say,” said Mr. Paul, who is now running strong in Iowa for the Republican nomination.

Having support from these groups because they agree with your libertarian views IS NOT RACIST! It something some liberal Wonk would say. IMV

In closing this post, if continuing the dialogue that Ron Paul is a racist with no evidence other than support from some outside fringe groups then every politician that has take a dollar from Richard Trumpka and the ilk or Jesse Jackson, Al Sharpeton and other groups like CAIR or any politician that has taken a position supported by a lobbyist should also be automatically classified as some sort of crook or racists.

You see Obama wins because he keeps dividing folks with his rhetoric and those that continue to spread that rhetoric are guilty of colluding to reelect him too. Put that in your pipe and smoke it.

Remember if you think this shoe fits you then its probably yours and you should wear it proudly or prove me wrong. Needless to say I am quite disappointed in the source of this latest racist claim in these forums.


May Wisdom and the knowledge you gained go with you,

Jim Allen III
Skype: JAllen3D
Everything You Need For Online Success
