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Amanda Martin-Shaver

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RE: Ron Paul 2012 - Wins Again
12/18/2011 7:27:50 PM
Hello Helen,

My comprehension on Ron saying he would not have any foreign aid because we should not be telling anyone else how to live and also it took money from the poor in the US to give to the rich in the foreign countries.
The Govt should be allowed to run their own countries without outside influence telling them what or how to do it. There is such a action of talking diplomatory to teach/educate share techniques and ideas.

I have seen this a lot over the years e.g. charity groups sending food and aid and it gets hijacked or insiders stealing and placed on the black markets, the aid never gets to the people whom need it. These Govts also expect and take for granted they will get overseas aid and don't take responsibility for their own citizens, so that gives them the licence to hold extravagant banquets for other countries Heads of State while their own people are starving. - I have always felt that I was condoning these atrocities whether by my personal consent or not just by my Govt engaged in sending.

My feelings have been to teach people 'how to fish and they will be able to feed themselves' not just give them the fish. Jesus taught this simple lesson. Something went wrong because some of the Christian Ministries have gone in over the centuries and decades to different countries and 'forced christianity' upon the people. This creates resentment, no wonder there is hostility - take over bullies does not work. People are more inclined to come over to your way of thinking from witnessing your actions to your talk.

That does not mean that we do not lend assistance when needed - upon disasters - earthquakes, tidal waves etc but we should not come in like the 'star of the show' and take over - ask what aid they need and give it willingly.

I have never heard Ron speak negatively from his own lips anti-antisemitism. I have been following him since he came on my radar quarter way of this year and listened to old videos to learn as much about him as possible. Why wasn't it known to most of the general public he was standing, as this is his 3rd time,.. I never ever heard of him, and nor had vast amounts of others. It has been through alternative social media that I heard about him. That states volumes to me how the MSM keeps people out of the news of the public and how they sabotage candidates, people, groups etc they are TOLD not to like or report negatively on with propaganda.

While I think of it - it was alternative media that I heard bad vibes of Norman Cain not MSM whom at first I assumed (which I shouldn't because it makes an Ass out U and Me)
Yes I believe God is still very much in control and we need to remember this - as so often we have gone in (our own personal actions and even collectively) to save the day without really even waiting for Jesus to answer our prayers.

US and people have rejected God on more ways than I can list and I reckon we are receiving the disciplinary actions upon the country that He said He would do..The many christians are luke warm and are in asleep or in willful denial because I speak to many people in person as well as post on social media and my so called friends are too busy writing about 'fluff' I could slap them with a wet noodle to wake them up if I could reach through the monitor screen!

I did several studies of Derek Prince back in NZ and I really enjoyed and understood his ministry so easy to follow - and yesterday I listened to a couple of videos (2 hours each) that a friend posted on Facebook.
Here is his website if you would like look further. The last days is hard for me to write about without lots of scripture and this is probably not the thread to do this. - but I did want to respond to you.


Hello Amanda and everyone

I agree with much that you said, Amanda, but there is one thing that bothers me and it is Ron Paul's stance concerning Israel but then like he said one time, Israel might do better without the USA telling them how to live. Then they can decide to nuke Iran, build settlements where they wish, keep what little land they have left, and the best part, God can show the world His glory and His power when he intervenes on behalf of Israel.

The Bible says there will be much destruction in Israel in the last days with lives lost and women 'ravished' ...but a remnant will be saved. I don't think anyone can deny that we are in the last days. Then the Bible goes on to say that the Jews, killed by what is said to possibly be a Nuclear attack, will be brought back to life, if I understand it all correctly.

Maybe it is necessary that the US needs to be out of the way in these last days.


Helen Elias

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RE: Ron Paul 2012 - Wins Again
12/18/2011 11:08:14 PM

Hi Amanda

It just occurred to me while reading your post that if Ron Paul stops aid to ALL countries and groups, he may actually be strengthening Israel's position because aid to other countries and groups like the Palestinians, Pakistan and other Muslim countries would also be stopped weakening their position against Israel. I hope that's his motive.

I know that the aid often does not get to those who need it. An example is the Palestinians who use the money to buy weapons "to wipe Israel off of the map".

I am not so concerned about the financial support Ron Paul talks about withdrawing but moral and emotional support that the US should be willing to give Israel ...but then Ron Paul does not say the USA would stop being friends with Israel.

I choose to mention God (briefly) in my posts sometimes because I think it is important for people to be reminded that in the end, it is up to God and that people need to pray. We need to be reminded that there's more than mere man involved here. God is involved but we keep talking as though He is not even there. I know people reject God on many counts but we still see some recognition and we should seek to keep that as much as possible. Things will be much, much worse if God withdraws completely.

People who want separation of church and state right down to minutest of detail, and who don't want God involved, they, by their words and actions, are not practicing separation of church and state themselves because they put forth their agenda which is like a religion of its own.

We also need to remember that Satan is roaming to and fro through the earth to see who he can devour. Many of the atrocities we see today can only be explained properly if we recognize that there is a devil behind the scenes influencing evil men/women. How else do explain some of the most horrific atrocities?

You may write me to my private email address listed below each of my posts anytime you wish. That's why it is there people can yell at me (just kidding).

Depression? Pain? Sleeping problems?

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Amanda Martin-Shaver

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RE: Ron Paul 2012 - Wins Again
12/19/2011 12:10:32 AM
Hi Helen,
I do not have any problems whatsoever speaking about my Saviour the Lord Jesus Christ - however I am kind of careful taking over other members forums and changing the topic.

Yes Ron Paul did definitely state that US would still be friends with Israel he also said that Israel is well armed and could look after herself and we would assist if needed.

He also felt that the US has stuck our noses into other countries business when it was not asked and on this I definitely agree. There have been too many wars especially this 10 year one because it was never brought to the people or candidates for approval or voted on that the constitution states, President Bush just declared war. Many people felt that it was to finish off the hatchet job Bush Sr started and couldn't finish (my wording)

Yes I agree that God has been left out or even pushed out more times than He should and it is often those groups, people etc that say they are christian! He is brought in only when it is convenient. All the Federal Govt establishments, schools, courts God has been banned and they are the very places He needs to be first - and people wonder why the US has gone awry. There has been an email passed around often that say around 14% say they do not accept God so why hasn't the other 86% told the 14% to sit down and shut up.. Christians have been too compliant and let themselves cool down to a luke warm sitting like a couch potatos sitting in their comfortable lazy-boy watching mind numbing TV getting brain washed on all the adverts to get up and state 'that's enough leave God in the schools, courts etc'

You know there is a saying back in NZ 'She'll be right' whereby Australia is similar 'She'll be right mate'.. meaning everything is OK - yet I do not reckon that NZ was ever this empathetic and definitely not as dumbed down as the American young adults are. The elder generation whom were not effected by mind control from toxic/poisonous substances in water, food, air, clothing have not noticed or questioned why their young citizens are dumbed down yet they have noticed!??

Yes I agree, evil is running the world and Satan has got a good solid hold and about to to shut the gate on the US with marshall law, indefinite detention without having to say why, kill switch all ready to be turned on for the internet! and people still sleep on.



Hi Amanda

It just occurred to me while reading your post that if Ron Paul stops aid to ALL countries and groups, he may actually be strengthening Israel's position because aid to other countries and groups like the Palestinians, Pakistan and other Muslim countries would also be stopped weakening their position against Israel. I hope that's his motive.

I know that the aid often does not get to those who need it. An example is the Palestinians who use the money to buy weapons "to wipe Israel off of the map".

I am not so concerned about the financial support Ron Paul talks about withdrawing but moral and emotional support that the US should be willing to give Israel ...but then Ron Paul does not say the USA would stop being friends with Israel.

I choose to mention God (briefly) in my posts sometimes because I think it is important for people to be reminded that in the end, it is up to God and that people need to pray. We need to be reminded that there's more than mere man involved here. God is involved but we keep talking as though He is not even there. I know people reject God on many counts but we still see some recognition and we should seek to keep that as much as possible. Things will be much, much worse if God withdraws completely.

People who want separation of church and state right down to minutest of detail, and who don't want God involved, they, by their words and actions, are not practicing separation of church and state themselves because they put forth their agenda which is like a religion of its own.

We also need to remember that Satan is roaming to and fro through the earth to see who he can devour. Many of the atrocities we see today can only be explained properly if we recognize that there is a devil behind the scenes influencing evil men/women. How else do explain some of the most horrific atrocities?

You may write me to my private email address listed below each of my posts anytime you wish. That's why it is there people can yell at me (just kidding).

Depression? Pain? Sleeping problems?

RE: Ron Paul 2012 - Wins Again
12/19/2011 3:08:29 AM
Hello All Copy of a post ... By Myrna Ferguson

In forum A Journey to the Mountain of Love See original post here

Myrna Said

" I have never in my life felt the need to fight as I do now. We are fighting for our freedom.

Here is a video I found to get in touch with the White house."

Call the White house line at 202-456-1111 or
Demand NDAA veto

Amanda Martin-Shaver

2587 Posts
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RE: Ron Paul 2012 - Wins Again
12/19/2011 4:23:31 AM
The news just gets better and better.. *pun intended*
The bill to sign the 'off switch' for the internet is written up ready to be signed into action anytime with the 'propaganda' excuse of hackers and copy write issues...! We know we are in an informational war - social medias who tell the truth to inform the general public against the MSM which is bought and paid by the Globalists to report their 'everything is OK Fluff'..

I have more bad news for you. I reckon you are all aware that there will be a shortage of food and you should be by now storing up basic dried long-time storage items and thoughtfully nutritious as you can - not microwaved meals (in fact put your microwaves away as they throw out radiations as well as they kill nutrition in the food that you are eating 'dead nutrition' that make us sick) steam over a saucepan of boiling water ..for the FAMINE ahead.

Hello All Copy of a post ... By Myrna Ferguson

In forum A Journey to the Mountain of Love See original post here

Myrna Said

" I have never in my life felt the need to fight as I do now. We are fighting for our freedom.

Here is a video I found to get in touch with the White house."

Call the White house line at 202-456-1111 or
Demand NDAA veto


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