OK so the programs have changed but the strategy remains the same. See what I mean in today's post! The New Synergy of 4 Programs!
I just sent this message again to 501 of my friends in
Hi HSM Friends,
Do not read it here! Scroll to the bottom and click for credits.
Read this message in the new
Synergy of 4 programs! in
AdLandPro or in
IMfaceplate where the important text links are live and click-able.
Today is the day you will inject 1000 LBS of Sumo Wrestler into your results - and soon you will see what I mean!
If you have never made money before or just need some amazing results, you will get it by using this new site.
This is not a pretender.... check this out...
It is called
WonderMailer, where all members help all members in advertising their sites & programs, which makes everything a lot easier for you (and them - all involved!)
Sign -up- today and start out with 500 points to use for ads:
Click Here to join!
* No, it is not a trick or a trap!
* No, it is not pretending!
* Yes, it is honest and real!
You will see, it takes 7 seconds to see why its called Wonder Mailer - and it just came out.
You will get Wonderful Results!
Sign Up Right Now! Ken
Click Here to read it in The
Latest Addition article in
IMfaceplate and see how the Synergy of 4 programs exponentially increase your results. The 4 programs in today's "Latest Addition" are
WonderMailer, and

P.P.S. I did make a few changes to the messages as I promised my followers a better look here in
We want to thank all of you for your friendship and your participation in our forums and other areas on the Internet where we are involved. We have learned so much from sharing strategies of success with all of you. Over the past couple of years my wife
Elaine and I have accumulated advertising credits faster than we can use them up. We are now in the process of sharing the excess credits with our friends and showing others the strategies for attaining massive amounts of credits with a few of our favorite resources.
If you would like to share in this process of paying advertising forward please join us in the "
Deal of the Day" or the "
Copy & Paste Advertising" forums.
To show you how grateful we are please enjoy this video: