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Luis Miguel Goitizolo

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RE: Truth tellers
9/19/2012 4:50:38 PM
Hi Myrna,

Something very strange is happening here. This report I got this morning
has made me really curious about the why and how.



Established Video Link on Intriguing UFO Video Disappears in Most Strange Way After WTK Message

Dear friends,

I highly suspect someone doesn't want you to watch an amazing video on genius inventor David Adair describing his fascinating experiences at Area 51. The link I gave in today's email message has strangely disappeared almost overnight.

At 6 AM this morning (US Pacific Time), Sept. 18, 2012, I sent out a message to the over 10,000 subscribers to our email list. In this message, I recommended in a special note a most intriguing video on David Adair describing his bizarre and intriguing experiences at Area 51. The video was 41:18 in length and had been originally posted on Oct. 21, 2010 with the below link:

I watched the entire video just a few days ago without problem at that link. Yet this evening, if you click on the link, a strange message appears stating:

"500 Internal Server Error

Sorry, something went wrong.

A team of highly trained monkeys has been dispatched to deal with this situation."

If you do a search for the video at this link, you can still find the description of the video. For me right now, it is listed as the third video at that link. Yet when you click on the listing, it gives you the same strange error message above. Yet the fourth video at that link is the same as the third – the same David Adair video – yet on a different website.The video is still working there. Click this link to watch it now.

But to make this really strange, when I click on the YouTube icon at the lower right of the video on that page while watching the video now, I am taken to a page with the same error message above.

That YouTube icon in the lower right usually takes you away from the hosting website to the original of the film on YouTube. The original has been embedded into the webpage on the new website. I have used this method to watch the originals of many videos on YouTube hundreds of times, yet this is the first where the video still plays on the new website, yet gives an error message on YouTube. It is highly strange that the David Adair video on Area 51 is still showing on the second website, yet it is inaccessible on YouTube.

To me, this is highly suggestive that someone went in and corrupted the link after I sent out the email this morning to our subscribers with the link the the video. David Adair's claims in this video are highly unusual, yet he has very good credentials. To many who have studied UFOs, though his claims are quite intriguing, they also make a lot of sense. I'm sending this message to promote this fascinating video which I suspect someone did not want you to see.

In case the above link fails to function after I send this out, I invite you to do a video search on the title of the video, which is "David Adair at Area 51: Advanced Symbiotic Technology." And if you are interested in both my take on the whole UFO/ET question and why I am very optimistic about our future, click here. Take care and spread the word.

With best wishes,
Fred Burks for PEERS and
Former language interpreter for Presidents Bush and Clinton

P.S. There is some interesting information on Dr. Steven Greer of the Disclosure Project at the end of this video.

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"Choose a job you love and you will not have to work a day in your life" (Confucius)

Myrna Ferguson

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RE: Truth tellers
9/22/2012 5:38:23 PM
Hi Miguel,

I can't copy this site called the Mayan Calender, but here is the link. I think is is very interesting. and what I have learned it sounds right on the mark
Luis Miguel Goitizolo

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RE: Truth tellers
9/22/2012 9:12:11 PM
Thank you Myrna, I will read that carefully. Meanwhile, here is this all important new development on 9/11. It came into my hands this morning and it's so incredible, how the truth is finally coming out into the open for all to see.

Sep-19-2012 10:21

9/11 Doubts Seep into the Mainstream as Evidence Accumulates

The most significant expert may turn out to be Judge Ferdinando Imposimato, the widely respected honorary president of the Italian Supreme Court and legendary mafia hunter who lost his brother in a revenge attack.


(LONDON) - As the annual 9/11 remembrance draws to a close, the world is as split as ever. Not only on whether the Afghan and Iraq invasions were justified, but between those who accept Washington's official 9/11 story and those who do not.

Under the mainstream media radar, the number of those who do not is steadily increasing, forming substantial majorities in places like Pakistan and Egypt and significant minorities even in NATO's heartland countries, France, the UK and the US itself. The issue is not whether, despite his denials, Osama Bin Laden might have wanted to organise the 9/11 attacks but whether Al Qaeda actually had the capability to infiltrate 19 terrorists into the US, including some very well known to the CIA, and the four highly skilled pilots necessary to pull off the spectacular coup. Up to then Al Qaeda's biggest success was setting off two truck bombs in East Africa. (1)

The stereotype promoted by the corporate media of a 9/11 sceptic, a badly educated redneck watching Fox News in a trailer park, could hardly be further from the truth. The website Patriot's Question 9/11 lists hundreds of University Professors, over a thousand architects and engineers and hundreds of aviation professionals who have spoken out against the official 9/11 story. (8)

The most significant expert may turn out to be Judge Ferdinando Imposimato, the widely respected honorary president of the Italian Supreme Court and legendary mafia hunter who lost his brother in a revenge attack. Imposimato has written to the Journal of 9/11 Studies announcing his intention to bring a case before the International Criminal Court citing key figures in the US administration for involvement in the execution of the 9/11 attacks. (2)

Imposimato's take has received indirect support from people close to the heart of Washington's power elite. Richard Clarke, White House anti-terror czar at the time, has confirmed what researcher Kevin Fenton has established based on a meticulous examination of recently released official reports. Someone at the top of the CIA "made a decision" to stand down the FBI and the CIA, allowing the alleged hijackers a free run in the US when they would otherwise have been arrested and the plot foiled. (9)

Meanwhile the 9/11 truth movement continues with a drip, drip of new research. This year we have seen nothing on the scale of the revelations of iron spheres and uncombusted nanothermite in the dust at Ground Zero, strong indicators that the Twin Towers' spectacular collapses on live TV were caused by something a lot hotter than diesel fuel fires. But there are significant developments nonetheless.

Scientist Kevin Ryan was fired from work some time ago after he went public saying his employer Underwriters Laboratories, the company which had certified the quality of the steel used in the World Trade Centre, was involved in creating fake computer simulations to help support the official story that the fires were sufficiently hot to cause the disastrous collapse of three skyscrapers. He has since been beavering away at various aspects of the 9/11 story.

This year Ryan has released an analysis of the changes that the 9/11 events have brought to the US building industry. If the official story is to be believed, 9/11 was an architectural and engineering disaster. Buildings expressly designed to withstand a high speed jet impact and subsequent fire failed spectacularly. This disaster should have led to an urgent and exhaustive inquiry with many action points for other buildings of the same construction. Instead, says Ryan, nothing like that happened.The US engineering community has acted as though it does not believe the official 9/11 story any more than the alleged conspiracy theorists in their trailer parks. (3)

Meanwhile the US Public Broadcasting System became the conduit for the latest film from Architects and Engineers for 9/11 Truth: Explosive Evidence - The Experts Speak Out, with downloads nationally pushing Bill Clinton's Convention Speech into third place, an astonishing success for a topic the mainstream media as usual were entirely deaf to (4). The film has a section in which psychologists and counsellors explain why the media and sections of the public are so reluctant to doubt an official story that might, from another government, seem highly unlikely if not absurd. The reasons come down to trauma, belief in authority and a phenomenon psychologists call cognitive dissonance. For every trailer park dissident there are several other citizens with a very strong desire to believe in authority, especially after the terrifying circumstances and unprecedented media barrage of 9/11. Confronted with contradictory evidence some time later, such people suffer from painful cognitive dissonance and often resort to denial.

An example of cognitive dissonance occurred last week on CNN when Piers Morgan tried to dismiss Jesse Ventura, a maverick politician and broadcaster. Morgan clearly knew little about the issue and could only say the suggestion of an inside job was "preposterous". The studio audience applauded Ventura. (10)

Another 9/11 researcher who goes by the name of Shoestring has presented a very detailed analysis of the various emergency offices that failed on the morning of 9/11. Probably the most shocking was the FBI's emergency management office in Washington, designed to cope with up to five major emergencies at one time, which knew nothing more than the TV channels. In the light of so much other bizarre activity - at the CIA, on the building investigation, the failure of Washington's Andrews Airbase to scramble any of its fighters for nearly two hours - the official 9/11 story of coincidence, surprise and cock-up begins to look less likely than some of the alternatives. (5)

But surely the post 9/11 war against Al Qaeda has produced a network of detainees, led by Khalid Sheik Mohammed, who have corroborated the official 9/11 story of a plot hatched in the caves of Afghanistan? Even the supine 911 Commission was disturbed by the CIA's refusal to allow them any contact with KSM or even his interrogators. As suspicions of systematic torture were confirmed in media leaks, the CIA illegally destroyed most of its own records, presumably to save its officers the worry of future prosecution. This ugly picture of detainees tortured into corroborating the official 9/11 story has been enhanced by another recent revelation from the Defence Department Inspector General: detainees were given truth drugs, or to put it in official language were drugged with powerful antipsychotic and other medications that “could impair an individual’s ability to provide accurate information". (6)

Last year's bombshell from the White House anti-terror czar at the time has produced a sequel. Richard Clarke has focused on the role of the CIA saying the then boss George Tenet must have known about the shocking unexplained decision to block three FBI field offices from acting against several 9/11 hijackers. Most researchers agree that the CIA's dedicated Osama Bin Laden Unit, kept secret until some years after 9/11, is the best place to start asking questions. Up to now they have focused on Bush favorite and torture advocate Cofer Black who oversaw the unit before moving on to make money as a principal in Blackwater, the mercenary company in Iraq.

Recently another CIA official has come into the frame: Black's deputy in the CIA's counter terror center, Enrique “Ricky” Prado. A book based on sources in the Miami Vice Squad describes Prado's apparent double life as CIA official and a member of Florida's Cuban mafia. The story was ignored by much of the mainstream media but carried in detail in Wired magazine, the Daily Beast and the UK's Daily Mail, which operates under stringent libel laws. (7)

When will the truth be known? Many agree that the planet's intelligence services probably already know. Iran's President Ahmedinajad's UN General Assembly speech calling for a new investigation into 9/11 was greeted with predictable outrage and the corporate media applauded when the NATO countries angrily walked out. But most countries did not walk out and with global opinion ever more sceptical as time goes by, this could prove a bad omen for Washington.

(1) In the UK a poll by ICM taken last year showed only seven percent were fully confident they had been told the whole story of the attacks, while in France a large minority thought the US government was involved in the attacks. Middle East experts as diverse as Alan Hart and Mohamed Heykal have both said that any Al Qaeda plot would have immediately been known to the many intelligence services who had agents in the ramshackle setup.


(3) Note: the media have featured someone claiming to be from the original engineers team who has said that planners never imagined a plane crash into the WTC but this is contradicted by the written record and there is scant evidence that this individual was in the role he claims.





(8) For an interesting review of some of the questions raised see

(9) Fenton's book is "Disconnecting the Dots", published by Trine Day


"Choose a job you love and you will not have to work a day in your life" (Confucius)

Luis Miguel Goitizolo

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RE: Truth tellers
9/23/2012 1:56:25 AM
Hi again Myrna,

I have just begun to read the article in the site you mention and I am finding it a fascinating read, though it seems to me that it basically covers the same info that was previously given in an article
entitled Latest News: Critical Mass Milestone for Awakening of the Human Race Has Been Achieved (see it here). This other article was first posted in "Miracles & Inspiration" in September 7 (updated September 16, September 22) and was later posted in Galactic Press (in September 8) as "~Brilliant Message~ Awakening of the Human Race." Then, a few days later, I read it in Jill's forum and copied it in turn to my own New Age forum. I am sorry for all the erudite references, but it can indicate to you how really engrossing I find this subject.

This of course doesn't mean that I will not read it through; also, I will try to copy it to my forum.

Thanks again,


Hi Miguel,

I can't copy this site called the Mayan Calender, but here is the link. I think is is very interesting. and what I have learned it sounds right on the mark

"Choose a job you love and you will not have to work a day in your life" (Confucius)

Myrna Ferguson

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RE: Truth tellers
9/24/2012 3:04:35 PM
Hi Miguel,

There is just so much to read and learn, I feel sometimes like I can not take much more, but keep on reading more.
Here is Monty, I just think these posts are the best. Ireland being a key for the world is so interesting to me.

Montague Keen 9-23-12…”Ireland Will Play a Huge Part in Restoring Truth”

by kauilapele

For quite some time, now, I have been "getting" that Ireland plays a very significant and important role in mankind's awakening. Monty validates that.

Three of the 11 packets of Hawaiian salt seeds went to Ireland. And those three who distributed it according to their Higher Guidance, have helped to set rolling a ball of Light that cannot be stopped, or extinguished. Ireland is a Key. Perhaps "the" Key. Whatever "Key" it is, it is.

And thank you all in Ireland who carry this ball of Light for all of us!

"Much is being put in place to bring this about. You will not have long to wait. Both sides of life are working together as one. It is a joint operation. We are almost there. The timing is right. We have waited a long time to bring this about. We needed certain people to be in place so that there can be a smooth transition.
"Ireland will play a huge part in restoring truth. All will be revealed as the Holy Land of the Aryan people – the people of the Light. Their light will shine brightly once more as they travel to the four corners of the Earth, as they did in days gone by, to share their light with others. Ireland is ready to give up her secrets that were so brutally hidden or destroyed by those who took control. The Irish, everywhere, will embrace the truth. All nations will come together in friendship, never again to declare war or suppress others for greed or control. The Irish people must hope that Mr Kenny will not abandon the innocent children that he defended not long ago, as he is feted by those who abused and crushed them mercilessly. You have come a long way in this year of 2012. There are just the final stages to get through, and now that you are open and wiser, you can see the end result is within your grasp."


  • The Dark Ones are fighting for their existence. They will fight anyone who shines a light on them.
  • All attempts to start World War III with Iran have failed. The people of Iran have no desire to fight a war with anyone.
  • Who on Earth, will believe there is going to be an "alien invasion!"
  • The Cabal has been planning this invasion, – "Project Bluebeam" – for years. It was just a matter of time before they wheeled it out.
  • It will be fun, learning your true history. This, alone, will make an enormous difference. History should be based on fact, not fiction.
  • When the darkness is completely lifted you will see and experience life as never before. It will become a joyous experience.
  • Much is being put in place to bring this about. You will not have long to wait.
  • We are almost there. The timing is right.
  • Ireland will play a huge part in restoring truth... There are just the final stages to get through, and now that you are open and wiser, you can see the end result is within your grasp.


Montague’s Message for Sunday, 23rd September 2012

The 23rd of September, the anniversary of the day you became my bride. Our happiness was such that we thought we would go on forever. We are going on forever, but not quite in the way we imagined. Now, I assist in what is your work on Earth and must be seen as such. There will be times when you will not be able to write with me; people will understand this. I did warn you that it would not be easy, that there would be blockages along the way. Your determination to succeed is commendable. This is your divine path. I can only assist. There are many others on this side of life, shining a light on what must be done. Please ensure that you are grounded at all times. Your attack, last Sunday, in daylight, and with others around you, should act as a warning to always be on guard. The Dark Ones are fighting for their existence. They will fight anyone who shines a light on them. You need rest. You cannot carry this on your shoulders alone. I am happy to see that everything is becoming clearer. You never suspected your connection to certain places during your many lives on Planet Earth.

All attempts to start World War III with Iran have failed. The people of Iran have no desire to fight a war with anyone. It is only the few who want war. It is time for the killing to stop. There will be no room for the warmongers when humanity returns to the Light. As the majority raise their vibration, they see clearly the manipulation of the few and they reject it. They are no longer willing to be conned into accepting false "reasons" why there must be war. The slaughter of innocents will not be accepted, no matter what reason is given. You know that the same "reasons" have been trotted out over the centuries; the same old formula over and over again. But it just will not work anymore. The soul-less few will have to think again.

Who on Earth, will believe there is going to be an "alien invasion!" Who would want to invade a prison planet, other than to free humanity from the slavery inflicted on it by the Cabal. You should welcome them with open arms as your saviours should they "invade". The Cabal has been planning this invasion, – "Project Bluebeam" – for years. It was just a matter of time before they wheeled it out. They have the technology prepared and ready for action. But people are wiser now and are no longer ready to be fooled by the false propaganda and hysteria that worked in the past. The light of truth shines brightly in your world and it gets brighter each day. The Great Awakening is happening. It cannot be stopped. 2012 is your year to realise who you are and what you are capable of, once the shackles are removed. You will be free to enjoy life on a planet of peace and harmony. It is no longer a dream; it is happening. Your courage and willingness to explore the truth has brought this about. There is no going back.

It will be fun, learning your true history. This, alone, will make an enormous difference. History should be based on fact, not fiction. The few responsible for creating the fiction will be exposed for the frauds that they are. It will upset some, that they were totally taken in by the fraud, and truly believed it. They are not alone: so many accepted it or had it forced on them by the sword. Sadly, those who resisted it were put to death. The wish to survive forced many to accept the false doctrine. Unfortunately, they then passed it on from generation to generation. This is how it survived. When the darkness is completely lifted you will see and experience life as never before. It will become a joyous experience. The darkness cannot and will not survive in the light. You, on the other hand, will become the Beings of Light that you are.

Much is being put in place to bring this about. You will not have long to wait. Both sides of life are working together as one. It is a joint operation. We are almost there. The timing is right. We have waited a long time to bring this about. We needed certain people to be in place so that there can be a smooth transition.

Ireland will play a huge part in restoring truth. All will be revealed as the Holy Land of the Aryan people – the people of the Light. Their light will shine brightly once more as they travel to the four corners of the Earth, as they did in days gone by, to share their light with others. Ireland is ready to give up her secrets that were so brutally hidden or destroyed by those who took control. The Irish, everywhere, will embrace the truth. All nations will come together in friendship, never again to declare war or suppress others for greed or control. The Irish people must hope that Mr Kenny will not abandon the innocent children that he defended not long ago, as he is feted by those who abused and crushed them mercilessly. You have come a long way in this year of 2012. There are just the final stages to get through, and now that you are open and wiser, you can see the end result is within your grasp.

My dear wife has much resting on her shoulders. Please understand, if occasionally, she has to be elsewhere, working on your behalf. She will be able to explain, one day, and you will know the truth of our collaboration. Veronica and I have been together in many lives, so working together comes naturally to us.

My dear, try to keep calm and grounded. Others will help you. You know what must be done. Trust that all the necessary help will be provided. I, and others, will be at your side at all times.

Forever, your adoring, Monty.


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