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Myrna Ferguson

16559 Posts
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RE: Truth tellers
9/10/2012 2:22:46 PM
Hi Helen,
Maybe this one will help you to understand some things. There is an interview with Stephen Cook, which I think it very good. Nancy expands a lot more then I can ever can. I hope is helpful to you.
Some of the pictures would not copy and paste, but can be seen in the interview..

Nancy Detweiler – The Bible’s ‘Missing Bits’, Church Control and Adopting As a Single Mum – The Light Agenda

Presented by Stephen Cook

If you felt our churches and religious leaders had been withholding the truth from us, then you are going to want to tune in when Nancy Detweiler appears on The Light Agenda Tonight.
If you have family and friends who are churchgoers or with whom you are having difficulty informing them of our true metaphysical existence and what lies ahead with Ascension, this is an episode that I would highly recommend you share with them. Nancy is a gentle, articulate and erudite soul who could help bring them into a better understanding of the path you are currently walking.
Nancy has been at the forefront of bridging the gap between the traditional teachings of the church and the metaphysical meanings of The Bible for over 30 years – having grown up in a ‘dedicated Christian’ family and having attended two seminaries; graduating from the second as Minister. She also has first-hand knowledge of how the Ascended Masters and the Galactics are working hand in hand – and always have done.
If you didn’t already know it, you’ll hear how the (male) leaders of the Roman Catholic Church removed whole sections of The Bible during the 15th century- sections which covered the important topics of both reincarnation and astrology. They have since kept this knowledge from us and thus controlled us, as they forbade their followers – and those of other western religions – to know, or even talk about, the exact nature of our true selves, our true story and our true history.

Nancy, the single mum and her adopted daughter, Julia
Nancy’s vast knowledge, research and reading of the scriptures and her analysis of both their context and content and her personal experiences have given her an articulated, intelligent insider’s view few of us will ever have the understanding or the time to reach. It’s what has made her website - – and her The Way of Love – popular with churchgoers, other ministers, missionaries in Africa and India and with those who seek the truth of our Earthly, spiritual and Galactic history.
Nancy Detweiler has been a proud rebel and a trailblazer almost from the day she was born. At the age of three she began wondering where her ‘real’ mother was – even though she loved and adored her mother, her father, her two sisters and her younger brother.
You’ll learn about her decision at 14 to eschew the Baptist Church she grew up in and seek to undertake foreign missions. You’ll hear how she eventually returned to the church and attended a Baptist seminary for two years before again becoming frustrated with church teachings.
You’ll discover how she buried herself in a career in social work and government jobs before, having not met a man she loved, fulfilled a lifetime vow and adopted a child – at the age of 31 and unmarried. That story will delight you.
You’ll hear about her ‘dark night of the soul’, which lasted for six years; how she struggled to make ends meet as a single mum and how she lived out her life as an eternal student as she studied and gained several degrees and a Masters in Counselling Education. You’ll also hear how she returned to the church – this time, studying at a Presbyterian seminary for four years before, after an internship as a Minister, graduating with her own parish.
And how she again became so frustrated with the church again that she left – for good! This time to follow a path set for her by both Jesus and St Germain, who told her that her mission was to “bridge the gap” between the traditional, controlling Church and the metaphysical truth.
Nancy also went on to write two books, A New Age Christian: My Spiritual Journey and Where Are You God? A Metaphysical Interpretation of Job. You’ll find out what role a man named Charles Fillmore and his teachings and research have played in her ‘crusade’ to seek and explain the truth in The Bible.

Nancy, Hugging Julia, at her Wedding to John.

Nancy, second from right, carrying placards for NESARA
And she developed a new form of astrology – the Astrological Soul Map – which she used to decipher her clients’ soul contracts. They were so accurate, she says, they would make her cry.
We also find out why it took her until she was 49 to get married – and how much impact her husband John had on her life – even after he passed.
And you will also hear how she protested for NESARA as an active member of the NESARA Action team and also moved into political campaigning for Dennis Kucinich’s 2003-2004 Presidential campaign – a man she says is an angel of peace; even today.
You’ll also find out that she knows her home planet is Venus and that her Twin Flame is named Uriel- not to be confused with the Archangel Uriel.
I should add that it has taken me several weeks to bring Nancy on to the show, as she lives alone – and in silence – and she had to warm up her voice (with its mesmerisingly lilting southern accent) especially to come on the show. So you are in for a rare treat!
PLUS: You’ll find out why a song from the movie and stage show The King and I means so much to Nancy – and her daughter.

Helen Elias

1370 Posts
Invite Me as a Friend
RE: Truth tellers
9/10/2012 6:50:41 PM

Hello Myrna

I am not looking to understand the New Age and/or any other religion. I have entertained various religions and their meanings, even Hinduism and Buddhism to a small degree and I did it mainly because I was questioning if I had the right one because I cannot see how they can all be right. When I say, "I entertained ..." them, I mean I considered their teaching a little but I did not study them. That would take a lifetime, I'm sure. I just wanted to be sure I had the truth so I questioned all of them and more recently Islam which I have studied the most except for the Bible, of course. I find Islam to be a religion of total fear, lies, cruelty and deceit.

I am more interested in where you are coming from especially as to what would make you leave the Bible teachings. I can understand a person leaving the church and all its trappings but I do not understand why anyone would go with New Age when they once had the truth which is Christ Jesus. I see the New Age religion as a deception from Satan. He is the great deceiver. He is a liar and the father of lies. Just be sure of what you believe because his deceit comes with pretty wrappings ...such as what you see in the New Age religion.

The church, including many of the Protestant and Catholic churches, have been controlling the masses that follow them with guilt trips and fear tactics. On this point, you and I can probably agree. However, that is not what God intended for us. We are to live without guilt and fear once we have been reborn from above (or born again). This is when we experience the 'freedom' about which the Bible speaks, "..., the truth shall make you free and you shall be free indeed". It may take a while for us to learn that but we will if we persevere. Also Jesus has a special blessing for those who persevere to the end.

It is because of the guilt and fear perpetuated by the various churches that I recommend the book by Bob George called "Classic Christianity". The title may sound 'heavy' but the book is very easy to read and it is also enjoyable. It does not lay guilt trips but helps to understand the truth which the Church has been keeping from us but has been in the Bible all along.

A lot of people don't like to read anything so they depend on their pastor's teachings from the Bible ...but now with the internet, they can have the Bible read to them online.

Did you come out of the Catholic church? A lot of Catholics seem leaving the church and are going to the New Age religion. I don't blame them for leaving the Catholic church (or even the Protestant churches) but I don't understand the going to the New Age religion which is an even worse religion and has no basis except for what the various leaders appear to be making up as they go along. Religion is a man-made philosophy or phenomena while the Bible is a God-made relationship for us with Himself. Be careful of what you believe.

I am not looking for any other truth. I have the truth and His name is Jesus. So I will not likely be listening to the interview that is over an hour long, knowing that it holds nothing for me but I thank you for your concern. I do wonder how they think 500 pages of the Bible are missing but I don't want to listen through an hour of stuff and find they might not even say how they know this and how it happened. It may be very convenient to believe that these pages are missing. Even if it is true, the Bible we have must contain enough truth for us. Anything else we need to know, we will learn in the hereafter. Many, over the centuries, have tried to destroy the Bible but could not. Do you think anyone can keep God's word from us? It is not possible to keep the truth from us if God wants us to have it ...and He does.

A word about Nesara ... I understand Nesara to contain many great ideas on how to change the government and is thought to provide us with an almost Utopian life. From what I have heard about it, which is very little actually, it is something we should want and we do. I wish I could say it will happen but I just don't believe it will. I don't even believe it is truth. I believe we are living in the 'latter days' talked about in the Bible and what I see there is not pretty for the most part until the end of the tribulation when Jesus will rule on the earth for 1000 years. That will be more like Utopia, I would think, but whether that will be with Nesara or not, well, let me say I doubt it.

I leave you ...and everything, in God's hands. May God richly bless you and keep you safe in every way. Just remember these words should you ever need them, "Whosoever calls upon the name of the Lord shall be saved."


Hi Helen,
Maybe this one will help you to understand some things. There is an interview with Stephen Cook, which I think it very good. Nancy expands a lot more then I can ever can. I hope is helpful to you.
Some of the pictures would not copy and paste, but can be seen in the interview..

Nancy Detweiler – The Bible’s ‘Missing Bits’, Church Control and Adopting As a Single Mum – The Light Agenda

Presented by Stephen Cook

If you felt our churches and religious leaders had been withholding the truth from us, then you are going to want to tune in when Nancy Detweiler appears on The Light Agenda Tonight.
If you have family and friends who are churchgoers or with whom you are having difficulty informing them of our true metaphysical existence and what lies ahead with Ascension, this is an episode that I would highly recommend you share with them. Nancy is a gentle, articulate and erudite soul who could help bring them into a better understanding of the path you are currently walking.
Nancy has been at the forefront of bridging the gap between the traditional teachings of the church and the metaphysical meanings of The Bible for over 30 years – having grown up in a ‘dedicated Christian’ family and having attended two seminaries; graduating from the second as Minister. She also has first-hand knowledge of how the Ascended Masters and the Galactics are working hand in hand – and always have done.
If you didn’t already know it, you’ll hear how the (male) leaders of the Roman Catholic Church removed whole sections of The Bible during the 15th century- sections which covered the important topics of both reincarnation and astrology. They have since kept this knowledge from us and thus controlled us, as they forbade their followers – and those of other western religions – to know, or even talk about, the exact nature of our true selves, our true story and our true history.

Nancy, the single mum and her adopted daughter, Julia
Nancy’s vast knowledge, research and reading of the scriptures and her analysis of both their context and content and her personal experiences have given her an articulated, intelligent insider’s view few of us will ever have the understanding or the time to reach. It’s what has made her website - – and her The Way of Love – popular with churchgoers, other ministers, missionaries in Africa and India and with those who seek the truth of our Earthly, spiritual and Galactic history.
Nancy Detweiler has been a proud rebel and a trailblazer almost from the day she was born. At the age of three she began wondering where her ‘real’ mother was – even though she loved and adored her mother, her father, her two sisters and her younger brother.
You’ll learn about her decision at 14 to eschew the Baptist Church she grew up in and seek to undertake foreign missions. You’ll hear how she eventually returned to the church and attended a Baptist seminary for two years before again becoming frustrated with church teachings.
You’ll discover how she buried herself in a career in social work and government jobs before, having not met a man she loved, fulfilled a lifetime vow and adopted a child – at the age of 31 and unmarried. That story will delight you.
You’ll hear about her ‘dark night of the soul’, which lasted for six years; how she struggled to make ends meet as a single mum and how she lived out her life as an eternal student as she studied and gained several degrees and a Masters in Counselling Education. You’ll also hear how she returned to the church – this time, studying at a Presbyterian seminary for four years before, after an internship as a Minister, graduating with her own parish.
And how she again became so frustrated with the church again that she left – for good! This time to follow a path set for her by both Jesus and St Germain, who told her that her mission was to “bridge the gap” between the traditional, controlling Church and the metaphysical truth.
Nancy also went on to write two books, A New Age Christian: My Spiritual Journey and Where Are You God? A Metaphysical Interpretation of Job. You’ll find out what role a man named Charles Fillmore and his teachings and research have played in her ‘crusade’ to seek and explain the truth in The Bible.

Nancy, Hugging Julia, at her Wedding to John.

Nancy, second from right, carrying placards for NESARA
And she developed a new form of astrology – the Astrological Soul Map – which she used to decipher her clients’ soul contracts. They were so accurate, she says, they would make her cry.
We also find out why it took her until she was 49 to get married – and how much impact her husband John had on her life – even after he passed.
And you will also hear how she protested for NESARA as an active member of the NESARA Action team and also moved into political campaigning for Dennis Kucinich’s 2003-2004 Presidential campaign – a man she says is an angel of peace; even today.
You’ll also find out that she knows her home planet is Venus and that her Twin Flame is named Uriel- not to be confused with the Archangel Uriel.
I should add that it has taken me several weeks to bring Nancy on to the show, as she lives alone – and in silence – and she had to warm up her voice (with its mesmerisingly lilting southern accent) especially to come on the show. So you are in for a rare treat!
PLUS: You’ll find out why a song from the movie and stage show The King and I means so much to Nancy – and her daughter.

Spend $4 and get back $10 every time you spend. Contact me (Helen) at this email »»»
Myrna Ferguson

16559 Posts
Invite Me as a Friend
Top 25 Poster
Person Of The Week
RE: Truth tellers
9/11/2012 3:13:59 PM

There's an essence among us,

Sent here from above,

And it longs to embrace us

With infinite love.

But to feel this great gift

You have to know how to be the definitive "I AM"

The good news is it's easy to BE the definitive "I AM" . . . you do it every day, all day. It is whatever you declare behind the statement, "I am." What have you already been today? Happy? Tired? Stoked? Depressed?

To be in God's heart and endlessly embraced by divinity you must pay attention to the words that follow your "I am," because they reveal the YOU you are creating today. I always recommend creating statements that begin with "I AM" and end with "Now." And always, always emphasize with confidence and power.

Want a few ideas for powerful I AM statements? Try some of these out this week:

. . . generating and emanating happy healing love energy now. . . . shifting into joy now. shining brightly now. . . .remaining neutral, detached, forgiving, and loving--striving to maintain divine indifference now. . . . appreciating what is and being excited about what is coming now. . . . choosing to take the higher ground and finding the positive in everything now. . . . living in higher love now. . . . knowing all is well with my soul now. . . . attracting positive experiences now. . . . basking in the glory of the divine at all times now. .embracing life now. . . . loving and appreciating me now. . . . seeing only beauty and feeling only love now. . . . loving what is now. . . . loving more now. . . . loving all now. . . . glowing with Divine Love now. . . . touching hearts and healing hearts now. . . . choosing to live magnificently now. . . . radiating positive, life-giving, love-focused energy at all times now. Celebrating who I Am now. . . . loving, honoring, and respecting myself now. . . . valuing, appreciating, and rewarding myself now. . . . energizing and vitalizing myself now. . . . anticipating all impending events with enthusiasm and expectation of good now. . . choosing to be in joy now. . . . being heart centered and soul focused now. . . . being here now. . . attracting only goodness now. . . uplifting people and places wherever I am now. . .knowing wonderful things are happening and wonderful days are ahead now. . . . knowing all is well and there is plenty now. . . . rejoicing because everything I need is on its way to me and I am ready now. . . . keeping my self in a state of positive expectation now. . . . feeling passionate and enthusiastic about living now. . . . standing fully in my light now. . .blessing and sending love to all now. . . . giving generously and receiving freely now. . . . rejoicing because I have money on hand and more money coming in for my use now.


This is a Universe of intelligence. It is responsive and creative. It supports

me always by forming my life from what's contained in my consciousness.

It does this relentlessly, whether I like it or not and whether I remember it

or not.

Because I have the ability to choose what and how to think, because I am

the only thinker in my mind, I have the power to decide what goes into my

consciousness. And I do this deliberately. There's nothing to fight here. I'm

done believing in the ideas of good and evil, right doing and wrong doing. In

the east, the saying is: "Neti, neti." "Not this, not that." I'm through with

swinging between the pairs of opposites. I find that there's a perfect balance

within my own mind - a perfected ability to choose that which serves not just

temporary desire, but the long term, long range, seven generation desire of my

deepest self. That which truly creates the best for me, creates the best for all

people everywhere. I don't have to fight old ideas or beliefs, I don't have to

reform my character, and I don't have to live up to expectations of any kind.

My purpose in this life is to simply live in authentic ways, in harmony with the

Infinite Spirit within me.

God knows how to bring this about in me and in my life. I don't have to know

how. What is mine to do: to say yes to it. And today, I say yes, without doubt or

hesitation, without holding back. I thank God for this ability, and I let the Law

work in its perfect and loving way. And it's good. And so it is.

© 2003 - 2012 Angela Peregoff | All rights reserved. Please feel free to copy and share these copyrighted

Helen Elias

1370 Posts
Invite Me as a Friend
RE: Truth tellers
9/11/2012 5:25:08 PM

Hello again

Just a couple more comments ....

This stuff all sounds so nice and loving, etc and I am all for love and goodness but the love and goodness you create yourself does not save you. In the Bible, God calls Himself "I AM" so for me to call myself I AM is making myself my own God. This kind of thinking is what the New Age religion is all about. It gives you enough truth in order to deceive you and steers you from knowing the real truth which is Christ Jesus, Him crucified and risen again, in Whom we have forgiveness by His death through His shed blood which takes away and cleanses us of all sin and in Whom we are saved by His life (Romans 5:10) when we invite Him to live in us.

I like some of the "I am" statements (not I AM as God called Himself and later what Jesus called Himself). If each of these "I am..." statements were followed with "in the name of Jesus" or "in Jesus' name" it would give them power, not your own power but His power.

God bless you muchly.



There's an essence among us,

Sent here from above,

And it longs to embrace us

With infinite love.

But to feel this great gift

You have to know how to be the definitive "I AM"

The good news is it's easy to BE the definitive "I AM" . . . you do it every day, all day. It is whatever you declare behind the statement, "I am." What have you already been today? Happy? Tired? Stoked? Depressed?

To be in God's heart and endlessly embraced by divinity you must pay attention to the words that follow your "I am," because they reveal the YOU you are creating today. I always recommend creating statements that begin with "I AM" and end with "Now." And always, always emphasize with confidence and power.

Want a few ideas for powerful I AM statements? Try some of these out this week:

. . . generating and emanating happy healing love energy now. . . . shifting into joy now. shining brightly now. . . .remaining neutral, detached, forgiving, and loving--striving to maintain divine indifference now. . . . appreciating what is and being excited about what is coming now. . . . choosing to take the higher ground and finding the positive in everything now. . . . living in higher love now. . . . knowing all is well with my soul now. . . . attracting positive experiences now. . . . basking in the glory of the divine at all times now. .embracing life now. . . . loving and appreciating me now. . . . seeing only beauty and feeling only love now. . . . loving what is now. . . . loving more now. . . . loving all now. . . . glowing with Divine Love now. . . . touching hearts and healing hearts now. . . . choosing to live magnificently now. . . . radiating positive, life-giving, love-focused energy at all times now. Celebrating who I Am now. . . . loving, honoring, and respecting myself now. . . . valuing, appreciating, and rewarding myself now. . . . energizing and vitalizing myself now. . . . anticipating all impending events with enthusiasm and expectation of good now. . . choosing to be in joy now. . . . being heart centered and soul focused now. . . . being here now. . . attracting only goodness now. . . uplifting people and places wherever I am now. . .knowing wonderful things are happening and wonderful days are ahead now. . . . knowing all is well and there is plenty now. . . . rejoicing because everything I need is on its way to me and I am ready now. . . . keeping my self in a state of positive expectation now. . . . feeling passionate and enthusiastic about living now. . . . standing fully in my light now. . .blessing and sending love to all now. . . . giving generously and receiving freely now. . . . rejoicing because I have money on hand and more money coming in for my use now.


This is a Universe of intelligence. It is responsive and creative. It supports

me always by forming my life from what's contained in my consciousness.

It does this relentlessly, whether I like it or not and whether I remember it

or not.

Because I have the ability to choose what and how to think, because I am

the only thinker in my mind, I have the power to decide what goes into my

consciousness. And I do this deliberately. There's nothing to fight here. I'm

done believing in the ideas of good and evil, right doing and wrong doing. In

the east, the saying is: "Neti, neti." "Not this, not that." I'm through with

swinging between the pairs of opposites. I find that there's a perfect balance

within my own mind - a perfected ability to choose that which serves not just

temporary desire, but the long term, long range, seven generation desire of my

deepest self. That which truly creates the best for me, creates the best for all

people everywhere. I don't have to fight old ideas or beliefs, I don't have to

reform my character, and I don't have to live up to expectations of any kind.

My purpose in this life is to simply live in authentic ways, in harmony with the

Infinite Spirit within me.

God knows how to bring this about in me and in my life. I don't have to know

how. What is mine to do: to say yes to it. And today, I say yes, without doubt or

hesitation, without holding back. I thank God for this ability, and I let the Law

work in its perfect and loving way. And it's good. And so it is.

© 2003 - 2012 Angela Peregoff | All rights reserved. Please feel free to copy and share these copyrighted

Spend $4 and get back $10 every time you spend. Contact me (Helen) at this email »»»
Myrna Ferguson

16559 Posts
Invite Me as a Friend
Top 25 Poster
Person Of The Week
RE: Truth tellers
9/11/2012 11:09:41 PM
More truth coming out all the time.


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