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Myrna Ferguson

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RE: Truth tellers
8/13/2012 7:37:17 PM
Speaking of the Jews, they are mentioned in this report

Benjamin Fulford 8-13-12…”Pentagon Informs Netanyahu There Will Be No Greater Khazarian Empire”

by kauilapele

[Thanks to WF for forwarding this over here. Also, I notice Jean Haines has been posting it regularly at her site. Here is the link to this article at her site. Also, she has added some pertinent comments from her end about the parts regarding "Message to the Jews".]

I'm not saying much right here but I believe the lady "Soong Mei-Ling" has been mentioned elsewhere as a key player in some of the world's next steps. At the moment, I do not recall which sites those were.


  • Now [the member countries of NATO] are seen as gangster controlled rogue states trying to start World War 3 in order to set up a cabal controlled “New World Order” totalitarian government.
  • ...the pentagon and the governments of China, India, Russia, Brazil and most other countries have made it very clear this is not going to happen.
  • ...the pentagon warned Netanyahu "If you try to send off a cruise missile we will blow it out of the water and then come for you."
  • The side of the financial industry that has long valued integrity, honesty and fair play has been stealthily preparing to purge the criminal fraudsters who turned their industry into a giant orgy of criminal looting.
  • The Neil Keenan (he is Irish) lawsuit, is one of the most important one of those because it reveals the true motives of the Kennedy (and countless other) assassinations and the systematic looting of the global collateral accounts by a tiny but powerful mafia group.
  • The Chinese know that time is on their side because as long as the cabal continues to chain the US economy to the one-eyed pyramid dollar the US will continue to lose its manufacturing base.
  • ...the Euro crisis has gone to the back burner as everybody takes their holidays but it will get far worse in the autumn.
  • ...according to some sources. The Euro was originally financed by bonds taken by George Bush Sr. from Soong Mei-Ling, the wife of Kuomintang leader Chiang Kai-Shek, according to an MI5 agent based in England.
  • Multiple sources in Asia also mention [her] as a key player in the current crisis... make the extraordinary claim she is still alive (that would make her 114 years...).
  • What is clear though is that the new regime taking over in China in November will be less influenced by the Western cabal than the outgoing regime was.
  • The incoming leadership group has already informed the White Dragon Society that it supports their proposal for the creation of a meritocratically staffed international economic planning agency.
  • In any case, as autumn approaches, the various interested parties need to stop digging up the past and fighting each other and focus instead on creating an ideal world.


Pentagon Informs Netanyahu There Will Be No Greater Khazarian Empire
by Benjamin Fulford 8-13-12 (also available here)

There was a time when the member countries of NATO could convince most of the world they were the “good guys” promoting democracy, human rights and economic development. Now, they are seen as gangster controlled rogue states trying to start World War 3 in order to set up a cabal controlled “New World Order” totalitarian government. Fortunately for us all, the pentagon and the governments of China, India, Russia, Brazil and most other countries have made it very clear this is not going to happen. That is why the horrifying mass murder being carried out in Syria by cabal mercenaries is not getting the intended results.

When Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu of Israel recently tried to stir the pot in the US, his activities, e-mails, phone calls etc. were all monitored after which an official from the pentagon warned Netanyahu “If you try to send off a cruise missile we will blow it out of the water and then come for you.” Oops. Then Egypt’s new government removed cabal proxies from the military and sent tanks to the Israeli border. Oops again.

Message to the Jews: You have been kicked out of over 100 countries in the past 2000 years so, you must stop pretending you were always just innocent victims. It is time to stop thinking in terms of “us” (Jews) and “them” (Goyim), and start behaving like a civilized people all from the same human race. The Jews are like a beautiful woman (the decent and honorable majority) with syphilis (the gangsters hiding in their midst). If the Jewish people do not remove the criminals from the top of their own leadership, they may once again suffer collective punishment for the actions of a tiny criminal minority. Fortunately, there are signs of just such an internal purge.

The side of the financial industry that has long valued integrity, honesty and fair play has been stealthily preparing to purge the criminal fraudsters who turned their industry into a giant orgy of criminal looting.

The Federal Reserve Board, the European Central Bank and the Bank for International Settlements are thus now facing an existential crisis. That is because multiple law-suits and criminal investigations are closing in from all sides.

The Neil Keenan (he is Irish) lawsuit, is one of the most important one of those because it reveals the true motives of the Kennedy (and countless other) assassinations and the systematic looting of the global collateral accounts by a tiny but powerful mafia group. Keenan has returned from a trip to Indonesia with a whole raft of documents revealing the true extent of the criminality of the bankster families that own the Federal Reserve Board. Work is now continuing to make sure a US court can be given clear jurisdiction on this case so that an un-corruptible judge can finally deliver justice.

Even if this lawsuit remains in limbo as various delaying tactics continue to be deployed, the writing is still on the wall for the cabal.

For one thing, the US government will have accumulated over $1 trillion in new debt in the fiscal period ending on September 30th and will be looking to borrow more for the new fiscal period. The Chinese will be changing two thirds of their top leaders in November and the US is also scheduled for regime change then so you can be sure there will be some very high stakes horse trading going on in October.

The Chinese know that time is on their side because as long as the cabal continues to chain the US economy to the one-eyed pyramid dollar the US will continue to lose its manufacturing base. The pentagon and the military industrial complex also know that the sooner they cut a deal, the better a deal they will get.

Mathematically speaking there are only two real choices. One is for the US to issue a devalued treasury dollar in exchange for a one-off debt write off. The other is to wait for US income levels to fall to Chinese levels.

Either of these two choices will make the US real economy once again competitive. The first will mean a sudden jolt as the economy returns to reality and all those Chinese knick knacks at Walmart suddenly become expensive. This will be followed by a quick boost in the real economy and manufacturing, led by exports and domestic demand. The other will mean unemployment and misery will steadily increase until enough people are willing to work for Chinese wages.

In Europe, meanwhile, the Euro crisis has gone to the back burner as everybody takes their holidays but it will get far worse in the autumn. Once again, there is no need for secret inside sources to see what is going on. The Europeans (especially the one living along the Mediterranean) have been spending more than they have earned for 30 years and creditors have come a calling. The Germans could not afford to bail out their irresponsible Southern cousins even if they wanted to. The people of Iceland showed the way with a sudden 15% drop in income (in other words back to what they earn doing real things like fishing) followed by a rapid recovery and the arrest of guilty bankers. This is what must happen in other countries if this crisis is to end.

There is also an old historical injustice at work here, according to some sources. The Euro was originally financed by bonds taken by George Bush Sr. from Soong Mei-Ling, the wife of Kuomintang leader Chiang Kai-Shek, according to an MI5 agent based in England. These bonds were put in a “trading program” to generate funds for the long term project to turn Europe into a fourth Reich, according to this agent, who specializes in studying Nazis. These funds were frozen 18 months ago by the BIS and that has been a principle cause of the Euro crisis, he says.

Multiple sources in Asia also mention Soong Mei-Ling as a key player in the current crisis and several (including senior Yakuza sources) make the extraordinary claim she is still alive (that would make her 114 years old but Wikipedia says she died in 2003).

What is clear though is that the new regime taking over in China in November will be less influenced by the Western cabal than the outgoing regime was.

The P2 fascist freemason lodge in Italy has bragged that they financed and supported communism. That gave them greater influence over the communist youth league faction of outgoing leader Hu Jintao than it will have over incoming “princeling” leader Xi Jinping.

The incoming leadership group has already informed the White Dragon Society that it supports their proposal for the creation of a meritocratically staffed international economic planning agency.

Also, negotiations between a White Dragon Society representative and a North Korean representative have now been set for later this month but the new regime of Kim Jong-Un has already made it clear they are ready to break out of the old cold-war “bad guy” role they have been forced to play.

In any case, as autumn approaches, the various interested parties need to stop digging up the past and fighting each other and focus instead on creating an ideal world.

Myrna Ferguson

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RE: Truth tellers
8/18/2012 9:03:39 PM
I love this post. Finally the truth in print about the way we were led to believe.

Redeeming Religion

2012 AUGUST 18
Posted by Steve Beckow

One of the sadder situations we’ll need to face in the upcoming period of truth and reconciliation is the dismal record of organized religion in dividing and controlling people. Our sources have been telling us for years what our religions have been doing in this regard and what awaits them after the truth becomes generally known.

Matthew Ward tells us that “religious dogmas were originated by early leaders of church and state to control the masses.” (1) He describes other ways religion has been used to divide us.

“In addition to controlling the masses through dogmatic teachings, religions have served the dark purpose of divisiveness to such an extent that it resulted in centuries of trauma and bloodshed. Witness the Crusades, wars between Catholics and Protestants, pogroms against Jews, executions of ‘blasphemous’ individuals who refused to ‘recant.’ (2)

According to the Arcturian Group, doctrines like original sin and politicized ideas of repentance have been devised to exert power over us.

“You are Divine beings in your real identity and therefore have infinite sources of ideas and ways of doing and being. The problem has been that you have not known this and most were not ready to know this until now. In your ignorance you have believed yourselves to be less than the lowest.

“Churches taught that you were worms in the dust until you performed certain rituals or believed certain doctrines. In your ignorance, you accepted this, freely giving your power to those who would then claim it for themselves, convincing you that only they knew what was best for you.

”This scenario is still happening, and there are still many who follow false and often ego-inspired teachings, believing that somehow only certain humans are able to know what is the truth.” (3)

Rather than helping us know who we are, the discovery of which is our assigned task in life, Matthew explains that religions have kept the truth from us.

“The truth is, religions were devised to keep you from knowing who you truly are, to keep you ignorant of the universal laws, and to create divisiveness within the populace. The truth is, peoples you call ‘natives of the land’ or ‘aboriginals’ are closely attuned to the universal consciousness whereas religious dogmas, especially in Western religions, were made through the centuries by church leaders to obliterate that natural attunement, control the masses and acquire wealth for themselves.” (4)

Some religions, like Catholicism, SaLuSa tells us, have tried to convince people that extraterrestrials are the Devil’s minions.

“The Galactic Federation has made contacts all over the world, and some countries respond more readily than others. Our major challenge is in those dominated by religious beliefs, particularly of the Catholic faith who believe that we are in league with the Devil.

“It was however helped by the announcement from the Vatican acknowledging that we do exist. In fact our representative has visited them on more than one occasion, and our hope was that it would improve their understanding of us as they were made aware of Ascension.” (5)

The truth about the higher-dimensional galactics is that they have a far firmer grasp of God and the spiritual verities than anyone on Third-Dimensional Earth. SaLuSa informs us:

“The members of the Galactic Federation are God loving and not God fearing. We have long accepted that God is All Love, and that we are all an aspect of that pure Light. With that in mind, religious teachings will have to be changed accordingly.

“It is a delicate situation as we must allow for free expression, but at the same time the truth must be laid before the people. You must be able to make an informed choice, and before the end of this cycle you will be in that position. Once you are aware, we see that as another step towards complete harmony between you all.”(6)

He explains to us that, though we’ve strayed from the truth, we’ll be given the help we need to recover our path.

“Where you have as you might say, gone astray do not worry about the consequences. Duality is for experiencing and spiritual growth, and having lost touch with God you have gone your own way and relied on your conscience to guide you. Unfortunately Man has always had a herd instinct and has usually followed the leader, and been led far from the Light and Truth.

“Now you have risen up again and thrown off the shackles of the dark Ones, and are returning to the Light. That has attracted the attention of those who guide you as you are now responsive to their presence and ‘hear’ their advice and respond to their promptings.” (7)

In fact, at some point, we can expect the masters of all religions to return and assist us to recover our knowledge of spiritual truth. (8) SaLuSa reassured us in 2008 that “the Masters will return to Earth to give you the truth. They will also tell you of what lies ahead, and how the choice is always yours as to which direction you go.” (9)

He reveals that, just as the truth about our star brothers and sisters will be revealed with Disclosure, so also religion will have to restore the truth of Spirit.

“The different religions will have to bring their teachings into line with the truth about your origin and the true purpose of life. They will however, continue to exist all of the time that they are needed, by those who are unable to accept changes.” (10)

The current generation, the Arcturian Group say, are ready to reverse religion’s faulty stewardship.

“You who are reading this are coming out from this umbrella of falseness. You are awakening to the truth of your identity and are now ready to take back the power you in your ignorance gave to the many (not all) loud and ego-driven voices of government, churches, media, etc. etc. Trust your intuition on all matters. If any teaching rings of separation and duality, then know it is of the old energy. You are one, and that is a never changing truth.” (11)

SaLuSa also predicts that the revelation of the truth will bring people together.

“As the truth is revealed it will … bring people together as far as their understanding of what God is, or is not. The truth will no longer be able stand side by side with that which is false, and you will find that many teachers have had their words changed to suit the ambitions of those who desired to control you. Indeed, they have also made additions to support their own interpretations.” (12)

The worst parts of religion will be discarded, Matthew tells us.

“It will not be quite like religions being ‘totally discarded and replaced by universal laws in the Golden Age.’ When the truths come forth…, people whose consciousness has risen beyond the constraints of third density will adhere to the spiritual aspects of their respective religions and the devised, controlling aspects will fall by the wayside.” (13)

SaLuSa tells us that a belief in God is the starting point for all understanding of anything profound in the universe. He describes the foundational beliefs of a new spirituality.

“The starting point is a belief in God whatever name you use and acceptance that God is All That Is, and is the fountain of Love and Light. Nothing can exist except that it has its existence within the energy of God, which is why you should respect all life forms.” (14)

“He/She is not [made] in the image of Man, or an individual as you would understand it. God is the very essence, the energy that everything has its existence within. God is Love and all powerful and is the Father/Mother of all life. We acknowledge the Source and give due gratitude for all that we have, the most precious being life itself.” (15)

It isn’t that one religious teaching is better than another, SaLuSa says: “No one teaching is really better than another, although some have a more accurate explanation for God.” (16) But the truth revealed will set our feet firmly on a productive path. “Once it is accepted that you are All One, and you remove religious differences and beliefs that are not aligned to the truth, you will blossom and find your true path.” (17)

So religion, which the cabal has manipulated along with all other domains of knowledge, is destined to get a good shake-out once the dark ones have been removed from power and the masters from our civilization and others have come among us. We can expect people to draw together when religions are no longer being used as tools to divide us. And the rise of more truthful accounts of the nature of reality and of God will cause our spirituality to blossom.


(1) Matthew’s Message, Mar. 1, 2012, at

(2) Loc. cit.

(3) The Arcturian Group, Aug. 16, 2011, at

(4) Matthew’s Message, Sept. 11, 2010.

(5) SaLuSa, Feb. 13, 2012, at

(6) SaLuSa, Feb. 8, 2012.

(7) SaLuSa, Aug. 17, 2012.

(8) See “The Masters Return,” at

(9) SaLuSa, Nov. 24, 2008.

(10) SaLuSa, Feb. 13, 2012.

(11) The Arcturian Group, Aug. 16, 2011.

(12) SaLuSa, Aug. 17, 2012.

(13) Matthew’s Message, Mar. 1, 2012.

(14) SaLuSa, July 25, 2011.

(15) SaLuSa, Aug. 17, 2012.

(16) Loc. cit.

(17) SaLuSa, May 18, 2012.

Myrna Ferguson

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RE: Truth tellers
8/22/2012 5:32:20 PM
I feel this is so important for all of us.

Heavenletter #4289 Come from Good Will, August 22, 2012

God said:

Come from love. Unless you are coming from love, don't say it. Unless you are coming from love, be quiet. Even in little things, in little things that seem insignificant, unless you're coming from love, don't do it, don't say it, don't think it.

Even when it comes to deleting an email, if you are feeling resentful, let go of the resentment before you delete. If you are feeling spiteful, let go of spite. If you cannot let go of antagonism in the little things, how are you are going to manage negativity in bigger things?

You can let go of negativity. You can. You really can. Here is where you learn humility. I will tell you that nothing is worth negativity. Nothing. Have an ace up your sleeve. The ace is good will. And if the ace up your sleeve is not yet good will, then don't play that card.

You have a magic card, and it is good will. And if you do not yet have this magic card of good will, go for it. You can go for it in baby steps. The thing is that you go for it.

Now I will tell you that there is no small negativity. There is negativity, or there is positivity. There is no scale when it comes to negativity, nor is there a scale when it comes to positivity. There are no gradations. Hard feelings are hard feelings. A tiny bite of venom is, nevertheless, venom.

If someone you thought was a friend lets you down in one way or another as friends sometimes do - let's say he sent you an email that annoys you and you resent the email, think twice before you delete his email rudely. Deleting is okay. You have to delete emails and even loving emails. You can't keep them all, yet you can delete without passion. Try it. Try it now. Pay attention. Delete with a blessing for the sender of it. Yes, even spam. .

This is so important what I am saying to you. When you feel peeved, when you resent that the sender of the email no longer seemingly considers you important, consider your good will as important. What someone else does is not so important. What you do and how you do it matters very much. I am talking to you right now and not to someone else.

I am not suggesting that you mask your negative feelings, I am saying that you remove them.

Unless you come from love, don't do it. Come from love, or don't do it. Remove the negativity. Bless the person rather than dismissing him or her. Will you do that? Will you do that for the sake of the world, for the sake of the person, for the sake of yourself, and for My sake? For God's sake, will you make an end to negativity? What are you doing by keeping it?

Let go of animosity. Let go of hurt feelings. Let go of anger. Whatever is not love, let go of it.

This is the meaning of turning the other cheek. Turn away from negativity. Turn toward positivity.

I cannot be clearer than I am. Do not allow yourself to hold on to negativity. Do not allow yourself to act from negativity. Do not allow yourself to justify negativity.

Remember how I value you. Remember that I reside within the one you perceive as other who has ignored or downplayed you. No longer are you to deride the heart of another. You will not say it's okay to relish deleting. Even if not spoken, what you think is communicated, and what you think falls back on you.

You are too wonderful to play with negativity. You are wonderful enough to drop it. Negativity is a hot potato, and no longer will you touch it, not even with a ten-foot pole.

Is it so hard to come back to Me?
Myrna Ferguson

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RE: Truth tellers
8/25/2012 3:03:59 PM
I hope this helps someone else as much as it helps me.

Heavenletter #4292 A Child of Mine, August 25, 2012

God said:

Judgment is opposed to love. That's the whole story of judgment. Until you go beyond judgment, you are no more than a gossip. "So and so did this. So and so did that. Can you believe it? How could he? How could he?" And so you cackle, and so you feel superior to the one who did whatever it was.

When Christ said that he who is without error should cast the first stone, no one could respond. He who is without flaw, let him cast the first stone. Let him stop and think that he is throwing a stone at a child of Mine.

The world is harder for some people than it is for others. In every case of judgment, the judger is forgetting about his responsibility to care for his neighbor.

Whatever someone has done, a bigger error yet, perhaps the biggest error of all, is judgment. Judgment comes from the wrong premise. Judgment's partner is a hardened heart. Judgment and unforgiveness are both hardened hearts.

When human beings judge, they have hardened their hearts. They made assumptions. They presumed an apparition, and they found it really really unforgivable.

An example might be a speeding driver cutting through red lights, a driver having no regard for other drivers, a careless driver you could only hold in low esteem until you, who were tut-tutting realized that the driver was rushing his young son to the emergency room of the hospital. The boy had had an accident. The father was saving his young son's life. Now that you know the circumstances, where is your judgment? You have compassion instead. You have compassion instead of anger. Once you understand, you have compassion instead of judgment. Under the same circumstances, you might well do the same. And you would want others to understand you rather than judge.

Understand rather than judge. This is not making excuses. You simply don't know what's going on. You don't know the whole story. In every case of judgment, you forsake another, and you are mistaken. When you are in error, would it serve you or anyone to start throwing stones at you?

Cast not a first stone because casting stones is opposite to loving. Casting stones is madness. Instead, cast away your judgment and its cousin anger. Is there anger without judgment? Can there be anger without judgment? Anger and judgment condemn.

There is no need for you to stand above another. If you must stand above, then stand above your lower self that seeks to depose another. Yes, beloveds, stand above yourself.

Judgment is not fair-minded. When was it ever? Judgment is overbearing. It is isolating. It is sacrificing another for your own comfort. Do you crave a pecking order? How about no pecking order. Join something else.

Christ's question was: Who are you to judge? Who are you to set yourself above another?

Better you lift another in your arms. Uplift another. If you must condemn, condemn your judgment, for your judgment does harm to the one you judge, and it does harm to you.

Neither Christ nor Buddha nor Mohammed nor Moses ever said: "Judge one another." Definitely not. Their message was to love one another. Judging is smallness, beloveds. Loving is Vastness. It takes a big heart to love under all circumstances. Not judging is a good way to rise to love. As a balloon rises, so will your heart of love. It is not possible to love and judge at the same time. If you must judge, judge everyone as worthy of being loved.

Myrna Ferguson

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RE: Truth tellers
8/29/2012 4:46:48 PM

Montague Keen 8-26-12…”Remember who you are and why you are on Earth at this time”…”Soon, one of the great control systems will fall” bbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbb

I would have to say that two of these Highlights stood out for me.

"It gives us great joy to see you come together, sharing knowledge and supporting each other, through the last stages of the Transition... Remember who you are and why you are on Earth at this time."

From this previous post (yesterday), seems like that lines right up. All of us are sharing knowledge, "gets", what the h is going on over there with that UFO up there in the Honduran sky, and so on.

So that's it. Oh, and there was this small bit.

"Soon, one of the great control systems will fall."

And there's that word, "Soon". But we are in the midst of sweeping changes here on the planet. Whether anyone likes it or not. Or knows it or not.

So enjoy this Monty.


Montague’s Message for Sunday, 26th August 2012

Veronica, my dear, the results of our efforts to prevent World War III are becoming more obvious every day. The Cabal has become quite desperate. People are speaking out and revealing what the Cabal has done to destroy and control humanity. Some can no longer cope with the guilt of what they were forced to do, when under the control of the Cabal. Many were put into situations where satanic abuse was made acceptable. They foolishly indulged, not knowing that it was all being recorded, and would be used against them to force these so-called 'respectable' people to obey the Cabal or be ruined by exposure. This formula has worked for generations and it continues to this day. They are made to believe that they belong to an "exclusive club". They make the sign of Lucifer to show that they are happy to belong to it. They see themselves as superior to the lesser, expendable, mortals.

Humanity cannot be lied to so easily, now. It is so good to see how many are awake to reality. They now see clearly when they are being lied to. The cleverest forgers and falsifiers are no longer safe from exposure and discovery as truth and light progress, regardless of the Cabal, which is now exposed for the first time, thus exposing the evil plot. Mankind is waking up to this great fraud and is beginning to see clearly those who have betrayed you and knowingly handed you over to your oppressors. They are guilty of falsifying your world's history and substituting a tissue of LIES that they have carefully guarded. The secret of this fraud is now being realised.

It is Ireland and the Irish people who have suffered most and continue to suffer to this day because of this fraud. The ancient Irish, who happily settled in other countries, and shared their great knowledge, have been wiped from your history books. In those times, man knew what he was capable of. People were fearless, confident in who they were. It took a lot for the Vatican to destroy and control the Irish people. Now that the truth is laid before them, they can see clearly what was done to them, and to all mankind, as a result. Everyone on the planet has suffered as a result of what was done then.

It is now time to right that wrong. It is amazing that this fraud could escape for so long without discovery. The propaganda, used in order to create a false impression of everything, was carefully planned and carried out. Do not look to those you were led to believe were your superiors, for guidance. It is up to each and every one of you to take responsibility. Seek the truth for yourself. You have been so badly treated and abused to gratify the greed of the Cabal.

You now have evidence of many bankers being arrested and forced to answer for their deeds, but it is not in your press or on your TV. Ask why this information is being kept from you. This is but one example of the control system that you have accepted until now. You deserve the truth. Take back your power. Together, you are unbeatable !

It gives us great joy to see you come together, sharing knowledge and supporting each other, through the last stages of the Transition. I wish we could share our plans, but it is important that we keep them secret for now. You have all come through so much, and some have been severely tested at times. You have stood firm, knowing that the truth will set you free. Everything will be put right in your world and peace restored. Humanity will live together in harmony, as in ancient times. What you have lived through will be seen as the Dark Ages.

Laughter creates wonderful energy. It is the greatest medicine. You will not find fear where there is laughter. A family which laughs together, stays together. You are all part of a great team. It does not matter which country you live in, you are all one in your efforts to remove the control of the Cabal forever. Many owe their lives to you, because you were brave enough to expose the Cabal's plans for the London Olympics. They could not carry out their plans to kill thousands of innocent people. This is how effective you are. You will succeed: never doubt that. Ignore the barriers that will undoubtedly be placed before you, to make you feel foolish for believing that the truth will triumph over evil. It takes a strong character to stand up for what he believes in, irrespective of the efforts of the Cabal to entrap him. Remember who you are and why you are on Earth at this time.

Soon, one of the great control systems will fall. Then, the whole house of cards will come tumbling down. Remember, my dear, when I first passed to Spirit, and I told you this, you doubted then, that this could possibly happen. Now, you know without doubt, it is only a matter of time before it will crumble. It will be consumed without trace and disappear from the face of the Earth; its reign of terror, over at last. It was responsible for much of what was evil and corrupt. Death and destruction were its building blocks and its greed knew no bounds. Only those who are still in an hypnotic state choose to remain ignorant of the truth, and soon, it will become obvious even to them. Now you will have to face the terrible truth of what was done to humanity, in order to keep you in a state of ignorance. You will be amazed when you see what your efforts bring about. The future is yours. Enjoy the adventure !

Things are moving fast and it is hard to keep up with everything. You can only do your best, as you always do, but I need you to take time to rest, also.

Be prepared, my love. Your adoring, Monty.


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