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Luis Miguel Goitizolo

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RE: Truth tellers
7/30/2012 1:28:17 AM
Hi Helen,

I agree with you and Myrna that finding the truth is essential here
. However, I have found the truth to be, in cases like this, most frequently midway between two extremes, with it only rarely at one of them or even slightly leaning to it. On the other hand, I woud not like you think I favor either Democrats or Republicans. In fact, I don't like much politicians or for that matter, politics; and I definitely don't like any sort of radicalism. After all, who among us can claim to be the owner of the truth?

This said, I chose a couple of uncommon names in the list of donors to Super PACs to find out whether or not they are Republicans. The names were Jerry Perenchio and Kelcy L Warren. I chose them because common names would have been difficult to google without getting hundreds of misleading results. As it turned out, the data provided by Bernie Sanders were correct and
yes, they are Republicans. Then I turned to other only too natural question, actually I googles it too: Have Democrats ever given money to Super PACs?

The first thing I found was the Democrats cannot raise
by far the kind of money the Republicans can. We are talking about millionairs, not billionaires. But I found signs that they were worried and trying to counteract the Republicans if possible by other means than giving that kind of money to Super PACs. There is an interesting page that describes the talks they held here. Another page here shows not all are villains in this race.

Now as to your question: Why should he not publish a list of names from his own party? This can be easily answered: you don't accuse your own family in a case like this. You may retort that this being the case, you would not accuse anyone at all whether in your family or not. My point is, he may have left the door open for Republicans to make their own research and then accuse Democrats on the same account. This way he will be bringing the Republicans to the public eye for what they are and at the same time making a cleaning of his own house without incurring anything that can smell of treason inside his party; if at all, of indiscretion or clumsiness.




Hello Miquel

Thank you for your explanation.

Whether Bernie Sanders is a Democrat does matter especially since he tells who gave money but did not say who received that money.

I will assume then that he is a Democrat. If so, I will also assume that the money given to super PACs in the article were all Republicans and they are recipients of this money.

I have to wonder then, why he did not include in that list all the rich movie stars who have contributed large amounts of money to the Democrats. For example, I understand Bill Meyer contributed 1 million dollars. How much did others give to the Democrats, like Ella FitzGerald et al?

If Bernie had simply put a list out there of who was contributing to whom in a non-partisan way, then whether he is Democrat or not wouldn't matter. But he didn't do that.

This is just another example of why the political parties should be outlawed. Bernie Sanders may have wanted to include Democrats on his list but because he's a Democrat he would have been restricted... by his party! As an independent he would have been free to put on his list anyone he wished.

If there were no political parties, it would be a lot harder for mega corporations to buy off every representative. The USA should have taken Ralph Nadar while they had the chance.


"Choose a job you love and you will not have to work a day in your life" (Confucius)

Myrna Ferguson

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RE: Truth tellers
7/30/2012 7:22:02 PM
Montague Keen 7-29-2012.. The month of August will expose a lot..........Ireland has magnificent portals that need to be energized once more. by kauilapele

I had another title up there at first, but then realized, and strongly felt, that Ireland had to be a part of it. Funny that today while at Java for coffee, a young red-haired boy (maybe 3-4 years old) was running back and forth in the sand, along the rock wall, just enjoying himself there. So here now is this Monty, reminding us of the importance of Ireland to our world, both in the history (the correct history, not what most of our schools have taught), and the energetics of planet Earth.

I know many who read this blog will be part of the energizing process, when Monty says, "Ireland has magnificent portals that need to be energised once more."

Just like the red-hair energized little boy today, we can bring our Higher Energy to wherever we are, and continue to help uplift this beautiful Planet Earth.

And check out this video to see who was playing at Java on the Rock, along with the little red hair boy. (best viewed in full screen)

"Every day, exciting information is brought to your attention that completes the picture. You were surprised to learn that when the Irish people, who are the ARYAN RACE, followed the Sun to Egypt and made the link that is obvious to researchers; that on their return to Ireland, having wandered in the desert trying to get back to Ireland, they had difficulties. So some settled in what is now known as IRAN. You will find some in ancient Germany and Austria but only in ancient times. Many in Iran have the same DNA as the Irish...

"For 2000 years, you have been lied to and abused. Now the truth is flooding in from all directions, exposing the corruption. They can no longer hide. We are pleased to see Ireland lead the way, yet again. First, to expose the Vatican; and now, they have arrested the top bankers. Ireland is finding her feet, taking control, leading the way. Come together — you will restore the Light without bloodshed or violence of any sort. Just dogged determination to see justice for all humanity.

"We are delighted to see that the Irish are waking up, at last. When they understand the importance of that beautiful Spiritual Country and realise the Sacred Energy that was deliberately blocked by the Vatican, then the whole world will live in peace and harmony. Ireland has magnificent portals that need to be energised once more. You have come a long way in the awakening process. Now, you will experience the joy and satisfaction of knowing that you had a hand in bringing about the Transition that transforms your world from a prison planet to a paradise on Earth. Well done everyone!"


  • many from all over your world are connecting with you at this most auspicious time... together, you would restore your planet to the light of truth and justice.
  • 2012 is the year that the Transformation must, and will, happen.
  • The Cabal will not go easily... Some... may... try to embrace the Light, but most will be defiant to the end.
  • They may still attempt their fake alien invasion, but... there will be several friendly, large cloaked ships over the larger venues, preventing any shenanigans...
  • Every day, exciting information is brought to your attention that completes the picture.
  • Be prepared to face the truth, no matter how shocking it may be.
  • We are pleased to see Ireland lead the way, yet again. First, to expose the Vatican; and now, they have arrested the top bankers.
  • For the London Olympics, the Cabal has used Satanic Ritual. Innocent people believe that the whole spectacle was to do with sport. They need to understand that sport was used to create Dark Energy.
  • ...wrong information was taught. It is up to each and every one of you, not to just accept what you are told. Find out for yourselves.
  • Everything in your world will have to be cleansed... We have taken everything into consideration. We are prepared.
  • The month of August will expose a lot. It will decide the future of your planet. Do not fall for the stunts that the Cabal will try pull off. You have nothing to fear, so be strong and true to yourselves.
  • We are delighted to see that the Irish are waking up, at last... Ireland has magnificent portals that need to be energised once more.


Montague’s Message for Sunday, 29th July 2012

It is exciting, my dear, that so many from all over your world are connecting with you at this most auspicious time. This is as it was planned before you returned to Earth; that together, you would restore your planet to the light of truth and justice. You chose to enter different countries and races, knowing without doubt, that one day you would all come together, recognise each other, and work together to awaken those who are lost in the control system, frightened to think for themselves.

2012 is the year that the Transformation must, and will, happen. You will overcome the obstacles which the Cabal will put in your way. Look at them as stepping stones. The Cabal will not go easily. They like their way of life, in control of planet Earth. Some of them may even try to embrace the Light, but most will be defiant to the end.

They still see themselves as superior to the rest of you, but nothing could be further from the truth. Many of them are now gathered in London, believing that they will achieve their hearts' desire — a New World Order, with one government for all and the removal of all humans who are not required by them. This is most certainly not going to happen. They may still attempt their FAKE ALIEN INVASION, but as you were told, there will be several friendly, large cloaked ships over the larger venues, preventing any shenanigans regarding alien invasion scenarios. The Spirit World and your friends from other planets will not allow this to happen. We have given you this information over the last few years, so it did not come as a surprise to hear the government's claim that there may be an alien invasion; despite having insisted, over the years, that aliens did not exist! Surely people cannot believe what they say on this matter.

Every day, exciting information is brought to your attention that completes the picture. You were surprised to learn that when the Irish people, who are the ARYAN RACE, followed the Sun to Egypt and made the link that is obvious to researchers; that on their return to Ireland, having wandered in the desert trying to get back to Ireland, they had difficulties. So some settled in what is now known as IRAN. You will find some in ancient Germany and Austria but only in ancient times. Many in Iran have the same DNA as the Irish.

You rightly ask why was all this hidden from you? It was done to control you — to keep you ignorant of your true history. Research for yourselves. The answers are there. It is time to forget all that you were taught. Start again with a clear mind, as children. Disregard those who have lied to you, such as your religions and the education systems. To them, the truth is whatever they chose at any particular moment. Be prepared to face the truth, no matter how shocking it may be. We have been preparing you for this for many years. Be excited, because you are about to achieve what you came on Earth to achieve.

For 2000 years, you have been lied to and abused. Now the truth is flooding in from all directions, exposing the corruption. They can no longer hide. We are pleased to see Ireland lead the way, yet again. First, to expose the Vatican; and now, they have arrested the top bankers. Ireland is finding her feet, taking control, leading the way. Come together — you will restore the Light without bloodshed or violence of any sort. Just dogged determination to see justice for all humanity.

For the London Olympics, the Cabal has used Satanic Ritual. Innocent people believe that the whole spectacle was to do with sport. They need to understand that sport was used to create Dark Energy. Members of the Cabal are already trying to do deals, by promising to allow the truth to be told. They are asking you to disregard their crimes against humanity: but this, only humanity can decide. They do not attempt to apologise for their crimes since they do not have a conscience or any empathy with those they have used and abused. They are responsible for so much that was designed to keep mankind under control. They encouraged the drug companies to develop drugs that people became dependent on; others had heinous "side effects" that destroyed their lives. They made patients of people. They use vaccinations to cull them. Who do you trust these days, because wrong information was taught. It is up to each and every one of you, not to just accept what you are told. Find out for yourselves.

Everything in your world will have to be cleansed. The contamination of your soil, water, and air, will be our first priorities. You and I talked of this when I first passed to Spirit and I was getting over the shock of seeing what had been done to the planet. My dear, you know that all the great minds of the past are prepared and ready to advise on how to restore planet Earth. We have taken everything into consideration. We are prepared.

All it took was a few determined creatures to take over your world. Now, think how easy it will be for the 99% to take control. Many have given thought and energy to researching how to ensure that there is justice for all and that no one group of people will rule. The month of August will expose a lot. It will decide the future of your planet. Do not fall for the stunts that the Cabal will try pull off. You have nothing to fear, so be strong and true to yourselves.

We are delighted to see that the Irish are waking up, at last. When they understand the importance of that beautiful Spiritual Country and realise the Sacred Energy that was deliberately blocked by the Vatican, then the whole world will live in peace and harmony. Ireland has magnificent portals that need to be energised once more. You have come a long way in the awakening process. Now, you will experience the joy and satisfaction of knowing that you had a hand in bringing about the Transition that transforms your world from a prison planet to a paradise on Earth. Well done everyone!

Exciting times, my love. Forever your adoring, Monty.

Myrna Ferguson

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RE: Truth tellers
8/1/2012 1:18:45 PM
Posted by Anthony Morrison

Saul: Your Awakening Will Allow You to Interact Fully With All of Creation

As channeled by John Smallman – July 22, 2012

We are all one – there is no separation. Your human perception of individuality is caused by the severely limited state of consciousness that you experience, and this makes it extremely difficult for you to perceive very much at all.

As individuals, you engage in apparently separate disciplines, areas of interest, of study, of entertainment, of activity, etc. which further emphasize your sense of separation and hide from you the all-encompassing oneness that is your original and eternal state of existence.

Your awakening will remove those severe limitations, allowing you to interact fully with all of creation and to offer all your diverse skills and talents to enhance God’s ongoing creative enterprise, in which all participate gloriously and harmoniously.

Because of your presently limited state of consciousness, you have only a very slight awareness of your skills and talents as you use them to earn your living or to entertain yourselves, but you are all extremely talented and creative beings, and this will become apparent and will delight you when the illusion dissolves and you are once more able to access the infinite knowledge of the divine realms.To fully partner with God in your creative endeavors is, and always has been, your destiny, and you are shortly to engage with it.

Your destiny is your natural state, the state in which God created you as eternal beings always at one with Him. You have never left it; it just seems that you have, and your present ongoing life experience is a distraction – an extremely powerful and enticing one – with which you engage continuously through your bodies and all their senses.

Yes, your bodies are powerful, distracting attention-grabbers, and that includes your thought processes and emotions; and it is very difficult for you to withdraw your focus from them for very long because they always seem to have needs requiring your attention – food, drink, exercise, sleep, entertainment, worry, competing, winning, etc.

Meditation, quiet relaxation, feeling the earth, the trees, enjoying the beauty of a view or the sunset can help you reach a “non-ordinary” state of consciousness, where the pressures of living in a body can be greatly reduced to the extent that you can become momentarily unaware of it. When that happens, you experience a sense of sublime peace. Most of you have at some time had an experience like this, and you never forget it.

For some it is very intense, for others just an extremely peaceful release from the stress of daily living, but it is unforgettable. It is a veiled glimpse of Reality that you would love to experience more frequently and easily, and yet it seems to elude you no matter how hard you try to re-experience it.

And of course the trick is not to try, and that too is very difficult. Once experienced, you cannot help yearning for it and looking for it whenever you think that you are close to that inner place in which it occurred.

But of course a non-ordinary state of consciousness is really an extremely ordinary state! It is just that because of the distractions of the illusion it is very rarely experienced. The illusion is an all-encompassing environment that demands your constant attention.

The thing is that you do not have to respond to those demands. It is incumbent on you to be aware of them, but then you must decide whether or not to comply with them. That is what free will is all about.

Far too frequently your ego succeeds in convincing you that as you live in this world it would be foolish, even insane, not to cooperate with it fully – you need to earn your living, sort out your relationships, attend to your children, keep your body in good shape, take out health insurance, not make yourself look a total idiot by trying to be honest in a dishonest world – and its reasoning seems so reasonable.

But, deep within yourselves you sense that something about this reasoning is seriously amiss — and you are correct.

Everyone experiences dissatisfaction with human existence, and yet you often reason that that is the human condition. But that does not ease your dissatisfaction. You may bury it as you actively work very hard at playing out the hand that you have been dealt.

Nevertheless, deep within you there is a sense of anxiety, a sense that you are missing out on something, that there must “please God!” be more to life than this endless struggle to survive. Others do not seem to suffer from this angst, so you dare not discuss it with anyone, and you just soldier on.

That inner yearning is your divine wake-up call. It is not a psychotic threat to your sanity. But because you all experience life as separated, individual, you cannot see how others feel, and you worry that you are horribly different from all those basically normal people you see all around you.

And when you see someone trapped in some sort of addiction, or homeless on the streets, it confirms for you that the world is a very dangerous place and that you must conform or sink. So you keep your angst to yourselves, as a closely guarded secret

Yes, some of you may enter psychotherapy in the hope of achieving some kind of relief, but you are also aware of people who have spent years in therapy with no obviously beneficial results – they just keep changing therapists – unless they are lucky enough to find someone who is open to deeper discussions of their issues and who will look at them from a spiritual standpoint.

So that angst, that dissatisfaction, is your intuition attempting to make contact with you by distracting you from the distractions of the illusion. It feels like an inner conflict between “shoulds,” as part of you feels honor bound to do them and part of you wants freedom from doing them. It is very confusing for you.

Keep reminding yourselves that these feelings are to encourage you to spend time quietly, alone, without distractions (phone, TV, children, spouses), when you make a point of not focusing on the anxieties and worries of daily life (it can help to play some soothing music quietly in the background), and just let go!

Maybe you will weep, maybe you will laugh, or maybe nothing will apparently occur, but by allowing yourself that time, and by thus honoring yourself, even if only for five minutes during the day, you will strengthen your self-esteem, your God-given right to be yourself (after all, who else can you be?), and in those minutes your heart will open to accept the constantly offered gift of God’s Love for you – and you will feel it as a moment of peace or of self-validation.

You owe yourself that personal, private space every day, because it is where you can find the peace and the stillness you need to strengthen your ability to hold the Light and allow it to burn ever more brightly within you. You are all bright jewels, piercing through the gloom and despondency of the illusion, and showing the way towards awakening.

This is your duty and your joy as the divine way-showers that you are, and by making time for yourselves daily, you will experience that joy and know you are on your path doing precisely what you incarnated to do.

Others may well try to dissuade you from offering love, compassion, and honesty indiscriminately in every situation. But you know, deep within yourselves, that this is your path, and that just by living it and demonstrating it you are changing the whole world!

With so very much love, Saul.

Myrna Ferguson

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RE: Truth tellers
8/1/2012 8:50:47 PM

Nancy Tate – Wake Up Call – Hatonn – 1 August 2012

I am here today to tell you of a coming event. It is one that will ring through the world as a wake up call that will send a message through so many people that the world will be changed forever. It will be the first time that this planet has experienced this kind of energy. It will represent the total and complete collapse of the present day society on earth.
It will not be an instant changeover into the coming way of life on earth, but it will create such a sudden change in mind and heart that there will be an unmistakable change in the way that the people look at their world and what they will begin to do about the realization that they have been lied to at least on one level.
It is time for this grand awakening to begin. There are so many people on this planet who are on the verge of realizing who they are and what they are capable of doing. As this event wallows through the societal images of what is and what is not, the people will see the truth in stages of the reality of what haws been hidden for so long. It will take many people longer than a minute; most people will take a while to be able to comprehend how their idea of life here is not in keeping with what is actual fact.
Once the people begin to awaken to the truth of what they see in this event, then they will have no choice but to take down the veils that have been influencing their lives for so long. They will know that as soon as the others in this world go on from what has been shown to them, they will respond in a way that will not only be life-changing, but it will also be a huge change for the world they live in. It will be a gradual change but it will be in such a way that represents what they can comprehend at this time.
For those of you who know what is to come and have seen in your own hearts and lives what it can mean to you, we will continue to give you the support that you desire for your steadfastness in bringing the truth the world. For those who listen to, and recognize the truths of action in the ones who are tuned in now, it will be a grand opening to their new way of being. It will fill their lives with such joy and peace that they will know that their lives will never be the same again. They will rejoice from that point onward that they are being gifted with such a beautiful inner vision of what is in store for all of mankind, and all life on this great planet.
This one who receives my information, Nancy, received some from her inner self the other day about her lifetimes in the area where she now resides. She realized that she was a native of the land and that she addressed whom we call Gaia, as Mamousa. That was the known name of this feminine energy of the planet by her tribe. That was a name given to her tribe by the Lord of Names at the original time of her ancestors on earth. It stands for originality and harmony. That is what this earth is all about.
The reason for the evolution of this earth is to bring about original creation and harmony in doing so. That is what is to come in the next evolutionary process that will embrace this land. Know that you are all part of this process and that as this comes into being across the planet, it will be a grand and glorious journey that will lead to more and more, unending experiences of the love, peace, joy and harmony in the originality that comes from the freedom of expression, from the self-empowerment that is within.
I leave this message now with the peace joy and love that is expressed in every moment of the present and coming times. Be prepared for lots of change and a glorious new awakening of those who reside on earth. It has been quite a trip, and now it is in its final steps of the journey to get you to the place of the freedom to express in your own ways. Take it to the limits and beyond, and you will be in eternal bliss.
Thank you dear Hatonn,
Love, Nancy Tate
Myrna Ferguson

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RE: Truth tellers
8/1/2012 10:14:09 PM
NIGHTLIGHT NEWSLETTER August 2012 August is...
Les Green 5:11pm Aug 1

August 2012

August is for the most part a positive month. There is in general a gathering and a coming together of people and friends. New understandings, healing and growth present themselves. There is also greater bonding and new wisdom available around the two great psychological poles of our mother and father. They are the two great splits in our soul-mind we intended to bring together when we came into this life. This is accomplished by healing ourselves and helping them. We have come to heal their wounds, not inherit them and try to hide them by compensation. As we help them instead of seeking independence, being a victim or staying in sacrifice, what shows up are our gifts, grace, shining purpose and golden destiny. As our destiny grows we reach mastery and a golden life with our partner and family. But what is even more important this month is that our intention grows and we are not caught in this world but go beyond it to Heaven on earth. As our intention gets stronger all the temptations of this world that lead to suffering begin to be seen as distractions that keeps us from ‘the Garden’, a world made of love. To achieve this place of consciousness is to help all humanity. The desire to waken from the dream and all of its sufferings burgeons and unfolds. A new stronger intention to reach the light develops. Heaven’s great unfailing power is behind us and we will sooner or later succeed. The energy this month helps it to be sooner.

There is more travel this month, along with gatherings of friends and family, plus greater communication with family both present and farther away.

In August there is a new understanding about faith. If you lose faith with those around you, they will be faithless and fail you. 'A Course in Miracles' speaks about this: “What situation can you be in without faith, and remain faithful to your brother?”

In other words, their failure is our lack of faith in them. We could choose love instead of fear and put the power of our mind behind them. This is not being naïve about others and denying our instinct but trusting them, ourselves and the situation to bring a positive outcome.

Another line paraphrased from the 'Course' is: If they show not the Christ to you, you showed not the Christ to them.

August is all about healing our shadows. This is what we have judged, split off, and projected out on others and the world. Shadows are the self-concepts we hate about ourselves that others act out, bringing suffering to us. Yet they began within us, otherwise we wouldn’t project on others; we would simply see that they need help. To not heal our shadows is to make our ego strong and righteous and to live a life of revenge.

People and situations we haven’t been able to forgive are our shadows. Shadows set up invisible walls and ceilings that keep us in conflict, in feelings of deadness, out of success and partnership. We use shadows when we are afraid of intimacy, success and the next step. We scapegoat and demonize others as if they are the problem, forgetting they represent our past, our guilt and the script we continue to write out of fear of our destiny and our desire to hold onto some idol in this world. This keeps us locked in the merry-go-round of the world and its suffering that blocks our purpose of helping those who act out our shadows in the world while healing the ones within. Our shadows also keep us locked in the world and obstruct our view of the Garden and its possibility in our lives. It reinforces the biggest mistake in life that something outside is the source of our happiness. This keeps us forever complaining and trying to control the outside world. One simple forgiveness exercise I learned from 'A Course of Miracles' is to look at the shadow person and choose healing with these words: “I won’t condemn myself for this.” For anything that we see or perceive in this world is a belief about ourselves. So not condemning ourselves frees both us and those outside us. It is our beliefs that chain and constrict the world.

The first week in August centers around the theme Inspiration. Guidance, heart opening ideas, and answers abound that sets up a beautiful flow in our lives.

The second week, made ready by the first, leads to Revelation. This has the effect of our being able to receive messages that free us and all of humanity with their truth. It can also open eternal Knowledge that liberates us bringing happiness and harmlessness to this world.

The third week built on the first two allows us Higher Perception, so we can see the world with new eyes and experience joy so much more.

The fourth week of August awakens us to the Healer within. As we heal we naturally share this deliverance and happiness with those around us. The last days of August and first days of September bring Growth to us and those around us. As a result our goals and prospects are furthered.

This promises to be a month we can build on as we head for the light. This saves us and brings deliverance to the world.

May this month bring you blessings of grace, health and happy relationships!

Chuck Spezzano
Miesbach, Germany

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