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RE: Truth tellers
4/26/2014 3:26:08 PM
Watch this one folks very important. These 2 gentlemen were at the Bundy ranch. They say there was Divine Intervention there...............

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RE: Truth tellers
4/28/2014 4:57:22 PM

There is more urgency in this post of Monty's then I have ever seen before.


Montague Keen Message 4-27-14

Veronica had sad news this morning. A lady who has been a very dear friend for 34 years is not well at all. This is very upsetting for her. Please send love and light to her friend.

The Cabal is becoming careless. Its activities are becoming more obvious to those of you who are awake. All that was masked and hidden from view, you must now research and act upon. I ensured that Veronica watched the YouTube video, BEHIND THE GREEN MASK by Rosa Koire, to ensure that she could see clearly what was being done to take control of Planet Earth. What they are doing they dress up in language that suggests that it is all for your benefit. They want to take everything from you and leave you helpless and hopeless.

Are you going to allow this to happen without standing up for your inalienable rights? Those who are SELLING you the Green Agenda are implementing Agenda 21. They are using all sorts of camouflage in order to fool you and confuse you, and lull you into a false sense of security.

You are intelligent beings of light who are now stepping into the light. You are refusing to behave like sheep which are easily led. They have hidden Agenda 21 in so many different guises in an attempt to fool you. You must understand that they will never, ever, do anything that would benefit you. They do not want you but they do want what you have !

They want control of your world, with just a few of you alive, to be their slaves. You do not have time to waste. You must remember that together, you are strong. Many of those in the ARMY are beginning to recognise that they are just killing machines, carrying out Agenda 21. Some of these soldiers are now refusing to kill again. This fact, alone, is a great step forward.

I implore you to keep up the meditations on the obelisks and ley lines. You are seeing the results, though some may not be fully aware of this as yet. You are releasing the Earth’s energies; restoring your planet to the light. Every effort, no matter how small, is important and necessary.

The 1st May, BELTAINE, is a day on which to redouble your efforts, as the Cabal will be using its energies against you. Simply return to them, what they are sending to you. I told you that 2014 is a most important year. The next few months are extremely important, so please put as much effort as possible into your meditations. Forget race or religion: you are the human race, struggling for your survival. Together, we will ensure that your planet will survive the attacks of the Cabal. It is important that you do not accept anything at face value, no matter how it is dressed up to fool you. It is not in the Cabal’s interest to help you in any way at all.

They entrap those whose mission it is to release humanity from bondage. I ask that you send love and light to one individual who is being manipulated and controlled at this time in order to try to prevent him completing his mission. Every method is being used against him: mind control, sleep deprivation, opiates in food, etc. He is going through a terrible ordeal and he needs your help to enable him to release himself from this trap.

Yet again, I remind you that nothing is as it seems. Keep this in mind and it will help you to see through the propaganda that is designed and used to entrap you. The advertising world is run by the Cabal and its purpose is to deceive you into believing that you cannot live without their products. The most heavily promoted products are the ones that will do you the most harm. Everything that would actually benefit you, is removed and controlled. They are systematically destroying your planet and many of you are assisting them. But no career is worth the destruction of all that is necessary for Man to survive. The bottom line is that you are killing your own race, and yourself as well. Can you look at your reflection in the mirror and say, “I never did anything that would endanger humanity or my planet”. You are living in treacherous times. You have everything to lose unless you take positive action. We, in Spirit, are doing our utmost to help you through this, but we need your input. Together, we can do it.

It takes courage to stand up for truth and justice and to refuse to be bought off by false promises or the prospect of an easy life. Refuse to poison your fellow man with flouride which is added to the water supply. Refuse all products that contain it. Check all foods for the poisons which have been added, often under several different names, in an attempt to confuse you. They change the names of additives which they know can cause illness and distress. Remember, there are no SIDE EFFECTS; in reality, there are only EFFECTS.

All factions of the Cabal are now fighting amongst themselves. They are fighting for their survival. This is when they will make mistakes, so please be observant at all times. There is no honour among thieves. Look behind the public facade and see the true picture. This infighting has taken them by surprise. They were not prepared.

All the stargates on your planet are heavily guarded by the most evil REPTILIANS. You need the help of very powerful psychics to remove them. But you can also use your minds to accomplish this. Your ley line work will disturb them, so direct your energies to the stargates and consciously free them. Remove the reptilians. Use the POWER OF LOVE to connect with the stargates, as the reptilians cannot survive in an atmosphere of love. It in only your fear and stress that makes them seem powerful.


What are you waiting for?

Wake up to the power of your minds: use them to restore peace, health and happiness to your world.

Many return to Earth with missions to fulfill. They are often lured off course, and this is confusing; for despite the change in their path, you still want to believe in them. However, there is nothing to say that they will not return to the honest path. They have FREE WILL. So check to see whether a person is on the right path or not.

Fear is a weapon of the Cabal. Some people become so fearful that they are too scared to go against the Cabal, or they become infatuated by material gain. Things change from day to day. Those within the Cabal are experts at controlling people and they have had many years of experience.

Concentrate on Rome, as the collapse of the Vatican will bring down all that is corrupt in your world. The face they show you, bears no resemblance to what is actually happening or to what they are planning. Do not be fooled by their carefully selected words which they hope will lure you into submission. For words is all they are. They have no substance and they are not to be trusted. One day soon, you will look back in wonder at what you have achieved by working together and acting as one. You will see that you were able to restore the Earth’s energies to humanity.

Be kind to yourself, my dear. We need you to keep your strength up.

I wish to thank all who support our work. We are a great team.

With my love, always. Your adoring, Monty.

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RE: Truth tellers
4/30/2014 4:18:28 PM
May the Light shine on the darkness.

Kevin Annett 4-29-14… “ITCCS Delegation and Dignitaries to accompany Rev. Kevin Annett to Rome and London to enforce Annulment Order against the Church of Rome and of England”

kevin_annett_galactic_connection_140318_snip_7ITCCS Delegation and Dignitaries to accompany Rev. Kevin Annett to Rome and London to enforce Annulment Order against the Church of Rome and of England

A Public Communique issued jointly by Rev. Kevin Annett and the ITCCS Executive

Tuesday, April 29, 2014 at 3 pm GMT

ITCCS Delegation and Dignitaries to accompany Rev. Kevin Annett to Rome and London to enforce Annulment Order against the Church of Rome and of England – Events set for “Jubilee Week” , June 30-July 7, 2014 – Decision prompted by “real and dire dangers” to Rev. Annett


Politicians, Common Law court jurists and sheriffs, and a documentary film team will accompany Rev. Kevin Annett to the Vatican and to London during a “Jubilee Week” set of actions from June 30 to July 6, 2014, to enforce the Easter Annulment Proclamation against the Church of Rome and of England.

This action was announced today as part of the Common Law trial against Pope Francis and others for global child trafficking and murder.

“We have learned that Reverend Annett faces very real and dire dangers because of his exposure of Vatican child sacrifice rituals. Kevin is far too vulnerable and valuable to be traveling on his own right now, since he is pivotal to our case and to the work of the Court” said George Dufort for the Public Information Agency of the International Common Law Court of Justice (ICLCJ).

“Against Kevin’s own wishes, we have insisted that a strong delegation accompany him when he enters England and Rome, and that this delegation help him enforce the Easter Proclamation that nullifies the authority of the Vatican and the British Crown. That will occur during the first week in July, during the Court’s summer adjournment.”

Recent evidence submitted by Kevin Annett to the proceedings against Pope Francis and others documents the murderous actions of a Jesuit-run child sacrificial cult known as the Ninth Circle. (see, April 10, 2014). Members of the Ninth Circle are apparently targeting Rev. Annett for elimination.

Reverend Annett is presently in consultation with ITCCS officials in Europe. Further updates will be posted soon.

Issued by ITCCS Central, Brussels

29 April, 2014

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RE: Truth tellers
5/1/2014 3:34:55 PM

Gordon Duff 4-26-14… “Israel – a Sanctuary for Nevada Gambling Boss?”

gordon_duff_vt_header_3I’m putting this one out there as I felt it gives some idea of the extent of criminal involvement in the whole “THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA” corporation operation. It has been very deep, and like the AIPAC/Israel lobby octopus splattered over the Capitol building photo in one of the recent VT articles, I’m sure it is quite an involved mission to remove it.

However, this piece also indicates that these people who have accepted money from Mr. Adelson may be in as much trouble as he is. And it also shows me that, despite much MSM indications to the contrary, the White Hats are doing the job to get these octopi out.


Israel – a Sanctuary for Nevada Gambling Boss?

Yesterday, federal officials took into custody the reputed partner of gambling boss Sheldon Adelson, the chief financial backer for the American-Israel Public Affairs Committee (AIPAC) and primary financier for America’s GOP or Republican Party.

Sources at the Department of Justice say Adelson is accused of laundering $364 million dollars, much of which went into the pockets of politicians in Washington “friendly” to Israel.

If Adelson is indicted, and sources in the Justice Department say this process is well underway, politicians around the US, all Republicans, will be required to return millions in what would then be not only illegal campaign contributions but clearly proof of ties between the GOP and organized crime.

Many of the politicians Adelson has supported on state government level have worked to suppress wages and workers’ rights, blocked regulations protecting consumers from mortgage and investment fraud and supported questionable gambling initiatives.

Adelson’s extremist politics have been a dark stain on the soul of America.

Sheldon Adelson Sources direct to the investigation tell us that a special grand jury is preparing an indictment against Adelson for a long list of offenses, including but not limited to money laundering, mail and wire fraud and conspiracy.

Adelson, one of the world’s wealthiest men, with massive holdings in Las Vegas and Macao, never turns away from controversy. Adelson enraged the veterans community in the United States when he told an AIPAC audience that he was ashamed of having served in the American military when he felt loyalty only to Israel.

Critical is Adelson’s virtual control of America’s pro-Israel Republican Party. The GOP had hopes of using Adelson cash to gain control of the United States Senate.

Analysts predict that were this to happen, America would not only move toward domestic collapse but there is a real possibility that regions of the US would seek to withdraw from the union, seeking an “autonomous zone.”

Adelson and his GOP “employees” have long stated the desire to use nuclear weapons in a preemptory attack on Iran and may well attack Russia and China as well. Though elected officials and, theoretically answerable for their positions, Adelson’s “gang” in Washington regularly promise to bring America to a full-scale war.

Our sources say that federal officials are presenting witness testimony to the grand jury that they believe ties Adelson directly to money laundering.

The case against “Shelly”

His partner in this endeavor is now in federal custody, said to be in witness protection, and prepared to testify at length to the grand jury. The initial story had been reported in an article in the Huffington Post last year.
Former CIA agent “Chip” Tatum spent many hours with a yet unnamed witness against Adelson. Stories include traveling the world in one of Adelson’s private jets on “business” that the government considers money laundering and racketeering. We are currently in negotiations with the US Attorney and US Marshals to gain limited access for additional interviews.

Will Shelly flee?

Sources in the US Department of Justice are concerned that Adelson, who has vast holdings in Macao and around the world, will flee the United States rather than face arrest. Justice officials say that Adelson’s arrest is only a matter of time.

However, Adelson though aged and no longer well, has a history of standing up to critics. Adelson also has absolutely no respect for the US government, an organization he has spent millions “buying.”

Sources close to Adelson have told this reporter that he is driven by a profound hatred of President Obama that blinds him to the consequences of his actions. Adelson, unlike the extremist Koch Brothers and Richard Mellon Scaife, wealthy autocrats that finance America’s ultra-right wing GOP, is a real self-made man.

Adelson started with nothing and built a fortune estimated between $50 and $100 billion. Adelson is a strong backer of, not just Israel, but Israel’s most extremist elements. His money doesn’t just buy political favors in the US but influences politics inside Israel as well.

In fact, groups in Israel opposed to his extremist views are working to prevent him from gaining control of Israel’s media, a project Adelson has been working on for some time.

Exposing “Gangster America”

During the last election, consultants working for the Federal Bureau of Investigation brought documentation that showed the GOP candidate, Mitt Romney, to be involved in money laundering. Photographs of Romney in Cuba were supplied including one with his mistress, Maria Perez Andropov.

In hours of tape recorded meetings, a massive plot under investigation by the Department of Justice was outlined. Ties between major US corporations including one huge retailer and drug cartels were documented.

Documents were presented showing Raoul Castro, current Cuban head of state, to provide safe haven for meetings between American officials involved in money laundering and their cartel counterparts.

Dates of visits, outlining flights from Toronto and Vera Cruz to Havana were listed. These interviews are all taped, all secure.

The Adelson case ties directly to the pattern. Those shown to be involved with the Mexican cartels are all prominent “friends of Israel.” All are members of the Republican Party.

What we saw then was a comprehensive case against Romney and other top GOP politicians. However, if what we now see plays out, it will be Adelson, 86 years old, self-made billionaire, who will be the only target.

It is true that Adelson is “the last man standing.” Adelson has virtually promised to spend “whatever it takes” to buy the next two America elections. Has this made Adelson the target? Has the extreme danger of war – which can be credited to extremist elements in the US tied to Adelson, men like Senators Ted Cruz and John McCain – put a “target on Shelly”?

It would take very little to imprison half of America’s government and certainly most of Wall Street. Their crimes are notorious. Most military contractors and oil companies engage in massive fraud as part of their daily business.

When we look at Adelson, Israel’s powerhouse in the US, when we look at the politicians who slavishly bow to his every whim, we wonder. Why does Obama only go after Adelson and never those who have sold their souls to him so openly?

Editing: Erica P. Wissinger

Flag of Helen Elias

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RE: Truth tellers
5/2/2014 2:48:20 PM
Monsanto’s Roundup Linked to Autism, Parkinson’s, and Cancer and Diabetes ETC., ETC., ETC.

You will understand the reason for these links after you read this email. (I originally composed this for my email list. You may use it to send to your email list, too, if you wish.)

Here are the links for federal government representatives for the US and Canada

US Senators - Federal
US Congress
1) Click any state
2) Click on Congressman's name
3) On the Menu, click on Contact
4) Click on Contact Information (each website is configured
differently so some of these instructions may not apply)
5) Proceed from there. Congressmen don't give an email
address but you can copy and paste this email into the
email system provided on each website. If you do find
an email address, by all means, send to it, too.

Canadian Members of Parliament link:

Canadian senators' phone, fax and email list:

Hello Everyone

This article speaks for itself. I have highlighted in yellow the main points that would interest most people ...if you don't have time to read it all.

The parts in Red and brown font are my comments.


Monsanto’s Roundup Linked to Autism, Parkinson’s, and Cancer

Glyphosate, the active ingredient in Roundup, is the most popular herbicide used worldwide. Monsanto asserts it is not toxic to humans, but here a new study proves otherwise.

Residue of Roundup are found in the main foods of the Western diet, composed primarily of sugar, corn, soy and wheat. Glyphosate inhibit necessary key enzymes in our bodies which create a toxic effect on beneficial insects, animals and people. These enzymes play crucial roles in biology, one of which is to detoxify xenobiotics, a chemical which is found in an organism but is not normally produced or expected to be present.

Stephanie Seneff , a Senior Research Scientist at the MIT Computer Science and Artificial Intelligence Laboratory who uncovered the results of this study, explains the documented effects of glyphosate and its ability to induce disease. And it also shows that glyphosate is the “textbook example” of the disruption of homeostasis (the imbalance of cell regulation which can lead to the cause of many diseases) by environmental toxin such as found with Roundup.

This new study shows that Roundup enhances the damaging effects of other food borne chemical residues and environmental toxins. Far-reaching health implications of this toxic chemical significantly impact the body due to its use in farming and other areas where food may grow. And what this new study has uncovered is the effects of Roundup are insidiously manifesting slowly over time as inflammation damages many different cellular systems throughout the body.

Consequences with most of the diseases and conditions associated with a Western diet include gastrointestinal disorders, obesity, diabetes, heart disease, depression, autism, infertility, cancer and Alzheimer’s disease all stem from even the smallest trace amounts of Roundup that is found in theses foods we eat. And the FDA allows trace amounts of glyphosate in the foods that we buy and eat.

When we take into account of the significant increase in Autism, something very profound emerges.
  • One in 150 kids were diagnosed on Autism Spectrum in 2007
  • One in 100 kids were diagnosed Autism Spectrum in 2009
  • One in 50 kids were diagnosed on Autism Spectrum in Mar. 2013.
  • The rate was 1 in 10,000 in 1970. <<<< (emphasis by helen)
{How long are we going to let Monsanto dump tons and tons of Roundup on the world EVERY YEAR without saying a word??!!! Is this what you want for your kids and grandkids??!! If not, start sending emails and/or snail letters to every gov't representative in your country ...and then do it all over again ...keep on doing it until Roundup is outlawed. Or shall we wait until every child born is born Autistic?? Evidence seems to indicate that Autism is caused by toxins such as those found in Roundup and in vaccines, et al.
Below is an example of a letter you can use or you can create your own. Copy and paste it into emails and send them to, not just your own gov't representative, but all reps. Below this article is some links where you can find email address of ALL representatives in Canada and the US. Imagine the damage you could do if you send just 5 or 10 emails per day. Is your family worth 10 - 20 minutes per day? Also send this to EVERYONE on your email list. ....helen}

Monsanto has argued that glyphosate is harmless to humans because we don’t have the shikimate pathway, which is necessary for amino acid biosynthesis. However, our gut bacteria do have this pathway. We depend upon them to supply us with essential amino acids (among many other things like Tryptophan, serotonin, melatonin, Tyrosine, dopamine, adrenaline and melanin. When these amino acids are out of balance, as have been found when amounts of Roundup are discovered in the blood of Autistic children, a direct correlation begins unfolding.

Some Biomarkers for Autism are:
  • Disrupted gut bacteria;
  • inflammatory bowel;
  • Low serum sulfate
  • Methionine deficiency
  • Serotonin and melatonin deficiency
  • Defective aromatase (CYP enzyme)
  • Zinc and iron deficiency
  • High serum nitrate and ammonia
  • Impaired immune function
  • Chronic low-­grade inflammation in the brain
Above we see two or more coexisting medical conditions or diseases that directly contribute to Autism: disrupted gut bacteria and impaired homeostasis of sulfur metabolites (especially sulfate). Two or more of these biomarkers found is almost certain that a child will have Autism. When we factor in that glyphosate is found in mother’s breast milk, there is no doubt of the directly correlation between Roundup and the diseases that are skyrocketing in our society now.

Interesting and quite concerning are the almost identical cofactors that were found to cause Autism, similarly which arose from the findings of Roundup found in people with cancer and a host of other diseases as well.
This new study has shown just how urgent the need is for Roundup to be removed from the marketplace before its allowed to continue to wreak even more havoc on the health of people around the world.


Related posts:
  1. Not Just Bees: Disappearence of Monarch Butterflies Linked To Monsanto’s Roundup Herbicide Not...
  2. Exposing Monsanto’s RoundUp and Glyphosate: Human Blood is Not ‘RoundUp Ready’ A new study published in Pesticide...
  3. EPA to American People: ‘Let Them Eat Monsanto’s Roundup Ready Cake’ The EPA, whose mission is...
  4. Sri Lanka First Country to Ban Monsanto’s Glyphosate Due to Study on Chronic Kidney Disease Sri Lanka has beome...
  5. EPA Raises Levels Of Monsanto’s Herbicide Allowed In Food ...
- See more at: Health Freedom Alliance » Monsanto’s Roundup Linked to Autism, Parkinson’s, and Cancer

End of article

Please consider emailing the email below or information about this to State
representatives and Provincial members, as well as Federal reps. I did not
include links for them but they are easy to find using Google.

If you think you are too busy to do this or if you don't see the importance of doing this, then you didn't get the message. Please read this entire email again and determine if your family is worth it. I believe that sending these emails may be more effective than a petition. And with the internet and emails there really is no excuse. Think don't have to write a letter on paper, buy a stamp and remember to mail it. You can send 5 or 10 emails in minutes which would have taken you hours to do by snail mail. Don't grumble. Be thankful that you have an opportunity to be a part of something this worthwhile.

Here are the links for federal government representatives for the US and Canada

US Senators - Federal
US Congress
1) Click any state
2) Click on Congressman's name
3) On the Menu, click on Contact
4) Click on Contact Information (each website is configured
differently so some of these instructions may not apply)
5) Proceed from there. Congressmen don't give an email
address but you can copy and paste this email into the
email system provided on each website. If you do find
an email address, by all means, send to it, too.

Canadian Members of Parliament link:

Canadian senators' phone, fax and email list:
Copy and paste the email below into another email and mail it to as many reps as possible. If you do just a few each day, it won't seem like such a big chore.

First copy and paste the email below into an email and mail it to yourself along with the links for your country's gov't will be easier to copy and paste from your email. If you don't understand about anything of this, please feel free to ask me anything. If you don't know how to copy and paste, for example, I will create step-by-step instructions for you. Write me at >>

Here's the sample of a letter you can use to send to all representatives in your country...
Dear Mr Representative < < < put his/her name here

Below is an article about a scientific study which shows how dangerous and destructive the glyphosate in Monsanto's Roundup is to humans, animals and beneficial insects. Please pay attention especially to the parts I have highlighted in yellow.

What will it take for you to act against Monsanto and Roundup? Your family eats Genetically Modified Foods (GMO's), do they not, or are we paying you so well that you can afford to buy organic produce? What will you do when Monsanto tries to have organic produce outlawed? Monsanto uses Roundup to produce those GMO foods and dumps tons and tons of it on the world EVERY YEAR!! Are you going to wait to act until every second one of your grandchildren is born with Autism? See the statistics on Autism in the article below. Do you realize the tremendous burden that is placed on a parent with an Autistic child ..not to mention a healthy normal child's life is ruined?

Or are you going to wait until people are dropping dead like flies of Cancer, Alzheimers, Diabetes, ETC.? Don't think it can't happen to you. Have a nice death ...compliments of Monsanto.

I am aware that politicians often consult with those they consider experts and these experts are often people from Multi-National Mega Companies. Isn't it time that you consulted with experts with alternative views, too, so that you can weigh the evidence properly? The Mega Companies have been lying to the government for years to further their own corrupt agenda and many of the old-time politicians know this but they, too, have been selling their souls to these satanic organizations. Shame on them!!

Everything Monsanto tells you is lies. They have proven over and over again that they cannot be trusted. For another side to the story of GMO's and Roundup, go to: Institute for Responsible Technology -

Other sites that are helpful for information regarding GMO's is and
Just do a Search for GMOs. Here's a recent article on Dr Mercola's site >>>
Large Pig Study Reveals Significant Inflammatory Response to Genetically Engineered Foods

{As an aside: If patents were not allowed on genetically modified animals and plants (and all living matter) we might not be needing this conversation. They even want to genetically modify people and patent us so they can own us pigs. How evil can they get?!! How long will it take before the government outlaws these patents? Remember this, it is us, not these mega companies who vote for you to work for us and we are paying you.}

Please read this article.....

Monsanto’s Roundup Linked to Autism, Parkinson’s, and Cancer

Glyphosate, the active ingredient in Roundup, is the most popular herbicide used worldwide. Monsanto asserts it is not toxic to humans, but here a new study proves otherwise.

Residue of Roundup are found in the main foods of the Western diet, composed primarily of sugar, corn, soy and wheat. Glyphosate inhibit necessary key enzymes in our bodies which create a toxic effect on beneficial insects, animals and people. These enzymes play crucial roles in biology, one of which is to detoxify xenobiotics, a chemical which is found in an organism but is not normally produced or expected to be present.

Stephanie Seneff , a Senior Research Scientist at the MIT Computer Science and Artificial Intelligence Laboratory who uncovered the results of this study, explains the documented effects of glyphosate and its ability to induce disease. And it also shows that glyphosate is the “textbook example” of the disruption of homeostasis (the imbalance of cell regulation which can lead to the cause of many diseases) by environmental toxin such as found with Roundup.

This new study shows that Roundup enhances the damaging effects of other food borne chemical residues and environmental toxins. Far-reaching health implications of this toxic chemical significantly impact the body due to its use in farming and other areas where food may grow. And what this new study has uncovered is the effects of Roundup are insidiously manifesting slowly over time as inflammation damages many different cellular systems throughout the body.

Consequences with most of the diseases and conditions associated with a Western diet include gastrointestinal disorders, obesity, diabetes, heart disease, depression, autism, infertility, cancer and Alzheimer’s disease all stem from even the smallest trace amounts of Roundup that is found in theses foods we eat. And the FDA allows trace amounts of glyphosate in the foods that we buy and eat.

When we take into account of the significant increase in Autism, something very profound emerges.
  • One in 150 kids were diagnosed on Autism Spectrum in 2007
  • One in 100 kids were diagnosed Autism Spectrum in 2009
  • One in 50 kids were diagnosed on Autism Spectrum in Mar. 2013.
  • The rate was 1 in 10,000 in 1970. <<<<
Monsanto has argued that glyphosate is harmless to humans because we don’t have the shikimate pathway, which is necessary for amino acid biosynthesis. However, our gut bacteria do have this pathway. We depend upon them to supply us with essential amino acids (among many other things like Tryptophan, serotonin, melatonin, Tyrosine, dopamine, adrenaline and melanin. When these amino acids are out of balance, as have been found when amounts of Roundup are discovered in the blood of Autistic children, a direct correlation begins unfolding.

Some Biomarkers for Autism are:
  • Disrupted gut bacteria;
  • inflammatory bowel;
  • Low serum sulfate
  • Methionine deficiency
  • Serotonin and melatonin deficiency
  • Defective aromatase (CYP enzyme)
  • Zinc and iron deficiency
  • High serum nitrate and ammonia
  • Impaired immune function
  • Chronic low-­grade inflammation in the brain
Above we see two or more coexisting medical conditions or diseases that directly contribute to Autism: disrupted gut bacteria and impaired homeostasis of sulfur metabolites (especially sulfate). Two or more of these biomarkers found is almost certain that a child will have Autism. When we factor in that glyphosate is found in mother’s breast milk, there is no doubt of the directly correlation between Roundup and the diseases that are skyrocketing in our society now.

Interesting and quite concerning are the almost identical cofactors that were found to cause Autism, similarly which arose from the findings of Roundup found in people with cancer and a host of other diseases as well.
This new study has shown just how urgent the need is for Roundup to be removed from the marketplace before its allowed to continue to wreak even more havoc on the health of people around the world.


Related posts:
  1. Not Just Bees: Disappearence of Monarch Butterflies Linked To Monsanto’s Roundup Herbicide Not...
  2. Exposing Monsanto’s RoundUp and Glyphosate: Human Blood is Not ‘RoundUp Ready’ A new study published in Pesticide...
  3. EPA to American People: ‘Let Them Eat Monsanto’s Roundup Ready Cake’ The EPA, whose mission is...
  4. Sri Lanka First Country to Ban Monsanto’s Glyphosate Due to Study on Chronic Kidney Disease Sri Lanka has beome...
  5. EPA Raises Levels Of Monsanto’s Herbicide Allowed In Food ...
- See more at:

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