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Mr. D

840 Posts
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Person Of The Week
RE: Vote for the 293RD POTW
8/31/2011 11:02:59 AM
Good Morning to all of you and thank you for Voting. What can I say, I like doing Logo Designs and playing my guitar. After 56 years, I have found the Love Of My Life. What a wonderful feeling to be in-love and to be loved. That is all for today. Enjoy life, be happy, and remember that there is only one of you and you are great.....

RE: Vote for the 293RD POTW
8/31/2011 9:25:59 PM
Hello evereyone,

I voted for Mark but did not see an increase in his number of votes after my vote.

Good luck to all.
God Bless Everyone
Beryl Payton

2592 Posts
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RE: Vote for the 293RD POTW
9/2/2011 4:27:32 AM
Hi Barry,

Congratulations Mark on becoming the 293rd POTW.

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Venerina Conti

1305 Posts
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RE: Vote for the 293RD POTW
9/4/2011 3:37:07 PM
So, I'm away from ADP for quite a while, many years in fact. I come back and discover weeks later that I have been nominated for the POTW.

Whilst, I would like to thank (from the bottom of my heart) whoever nominated me, for their beautiful display of loving kindness, I would also like to mention that I have already been a POTW and that it's not fare on others who haven't.

Also, my Internet time is limited during inter "work" activities. I have 2 jobs, I do voluntary work and I research and write articles to warn people against the evils of the big corporations. So, I would hate to see anyone offended because I haven't logged in at the right time to the right forum or because I haven't seen the right message at the right time to get me to the right forum.

God Bless you all and thank you for your immense consideration,
Much love, peace and health to you



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