
Bogdan Fiedur

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What you think of yourself is much more important ....
3/21/2005 9:41:57 AM
"What you think of yourself is much more important than what others think of you." – Lucius Annaeus Seneca, Playwright and Philosopher
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Nick Mys

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Re: What you think of yourself is much more important ....
3/21/2005 10:01:10 AM
Yes, I agree with Lucius Annaeus Seneca
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Amalia Sotiriadou

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Re: What you think of yourself is much more important ....
3/21/2005 10:29:58 AM
Yes, and this works on many levels. It's not only the image you reflect depending on how you think of yourself, it's also the effect your own perception of yourself has upon you. For instance, if you believe in yourself, you are more likely to make confident decisions. Each correct decision reinforces your own self-worth. It also reinforces the way others perceive you, i.e.: as a decisive, worthy individual. Negative self-perception can be quite destructive. For 10 years I worked as the personnel manager of a large company, and had to evaluate thousands of applicants for jobs. I can vouch from personal experience that it wasn't alwaways the best qualified on paper that got the job - rather, the one that beamed with self-confidence and the assurance of self-worth. Amalia
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Mark Wade

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Re: What you think of yourself is much more important ....
3/21/2005 10:33:24 AM
Good Morning Bogdan, This is a cool post/quote. I have opportunities almost every day to discuss this same thing with friends. Something I heard a long time ago applies to this, in my mind anyways... "Those who judge don't matter and those that matter don't judge." If you're feeling good about yourself, what others think just isn't really important. Right On! Have a wonderful day, Mark
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Thea Westra

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Re: What you think of yourself is much more important ....
3/21/2005 11:39:28 AM
A couple of related quotes from Thea: "Be yourself and think for yourself; and while your conclusions may not be infallible, they will be nearer right than the conclusions forced upon you." ~ Elbert Hubbard ~ "Doubt whom you will, but never yourself." ~ Christian Bovee ~ "I think the reward for conformity is that everyone likes you except yourself." ~ Rita Mae Brown ~ Thank you Bogdan. Love from Thea
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