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RE: It's Time to Congratulate Mary Evelyn Simpson, Winner of the 289TH POTW
8/6/2011 7:18:20 PM

Congratulations..........My Friend.

May God bless you, with all "His Riches".

Always..........Your 'Well-Wisher'........!

Friendly Yours,


RE: It's Time to Congratulate Mary Evelyn Simpson, Winner of the 289TH POTW
8/6/2011 7:25:25 PM

Thank you so much Gani, your comments are greatly appreciated. :) Hope your day was wonderful.


Congratulations..........My Friend.

May God bless you, with all "His Riches".

Always..........Your 'Well-Wisher'........!

Friendly Yours,


Kathleen Vanbeekom

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RE: It's Time to Congratulate Mary Evelyn Simpson, Winner of the 289TH POTW
8/6/2011 9:59:34 PM

Congratulations, Mary Evelyn!

No contest, LOL! It was also good to see you posting a lot more often within the last year.

Have a great reign, you are truly the "Queen" of this place, whether you want the title or not. You can easily sweep any contest here and you've helped a lot of other people win POTW since last autumn :)

You would have received one more vote, but our friend from Puerto Rico replied to me last week saying he was banned from this forum :(

Have a great PARTY OF THE YOU!

Frank Lefebre

737 Posts
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RE: It's Time to Congratulate Mary Evelyn Simpson, Winner of the 289TH POTW
8/7/2011 4:37:38 PM
Yo Da Wo - man!
Get On Fire To Retire!
RE: It's Time to Congratulate Mary Evelyn Simpson, Winner of the 289TH POTW
8/7/2011 9:56:22 PM

Hi there Kathleen, thank you so much for your kind words. I really appreciate them and I appreciate you as a friend.

That makes at least two more votes I would have gotten. My good friend Suzi Hall voted but it didn't change the count, even though she and Sam have separate computers and separate accounts, and after she told me, I even sent Barry a PM but it was too late by the time he answered with a solution so her vote would count.

You know the banning of people from forums has gotten to the ridiculous stage hasn't it?

Have an awesome week. :)


Congratulations, Mary Evelyn!

No contest, LOL! It was also good to see you posting a lot more often within the last year.

Have a great reign, you are truly the "Queen" of this place, whether you want the title or not. You can easily sweep any contest here and you've helped a lot of other people win POTW since last autumn :)

You would have received one more vote, but our friend from Puerto Rico replied to me last week saying he was banned from this forum :(

Have a great PARTY OF THE YOU!


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