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Jim Allen

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RE: And Who Can You Trust to Tell the Truth?... George Soros?
8/23/2011 7:20:11 PM
So you think you like Ron Paul, hunh? Well you should become familiar with the term NeoLiberal and their Reeducation campaign. After reading the following and following the links, I think you may rethink your position on Ron Paul or not. Who knows you could be a Liberal Progressive at heart and this does not bode well. If we are to rid ourselves of the Progressive Neoliberal President we now have.

I am posting from the third page of the blog post but you will be able to read all pages if you choose.

As I see many of my compatriots fawning over Ron Paul, I do suggest you delve into history and know what you are buying when you buy into the Paul Campaign.

Ron Paul and the Neoliberal Reeducation Campaign

And right here is where Paul and his neolibs, in the style of his neolib predecessors, begin going off the rails.


Disturbingly, the history of Neoliberalism is replete with charges of anti-Semitism.

While this is a charge in today's political dialogue that has been thrown repeatedly at Paul and his neolib followers (more of which shortly), it has reared its ugly head with earlier neolibs long before Paul was on the political scene. It is a charge that appears to be inevitable when the core premise of non-interventionism is that some dark force somewhere is pushing America into an unconstitutional interventionist war.

All too often that dark force for the Neoliberals turns out to be the scapegoat of hard-leftists everywhere in the world: the Jews.

A story from history.

Before Pearl Harbor, as the war in America over going to war in Europe raged, the once fierce opposition by the American people to taking on Hitler and the Nazis began to change as Hitler's relentless march through Europe picked up speed. This opposition also began to change in Hollywood, and soon a small raft of anti-Hitler, anti-Nazi films began to appear. These includedConfessions of a Nazi Spy starring Edward G. Robinson (1939), Alfred Hitchcock's 1940 Foreign Correspondent and, hilariously, Charlie Chaplin's The Great Dictator(1940).

Neolibs were furious.

Senator Gerald Nye, the liberal Republican non-interventionist, took to the radio airwaves in August 1941to accuse Hollywood studios of serving as "gigantic engines of propaganda… to influence public sentiment in the direction of participation by the United States in the present European war." The speech, take note, was mostly written for Nye by one John T. Flynn, a former editor of the progressive New Republicmagazine. (We'll come back to Mr. Flynn in moment.)

Nye also did something else in that radio address written by John Flynn. One by one he read out the names of the heads of these Hollywood studios -- names which, as he used particularly scathing or sarcastic tones to pronounce them -- were unmistakably taken by his audience to be Jewish names. Said Nye in the speech written by Flynn:

"….There is Harry and Jack Cohn, of Columbia Pictures. There is Louis B. Mayer, of Metro-Goldwyn-Mayer…. There is Barney Balaban and Adolph Zukor, of Paramount…. There is Joseph Schenck and Darryl Zanuck, of Twentieth Century Fox…. There is Murray Silverstone, of United Artists, and the great Sam Goldwyn, of Samuel Goldwyn, Inc. There are the three Warner brothers, Arthur Loew, Nicholas Schenck, Sam Katz, and David Bernstein, of Loew's, Inc…. [Hollywood] swarms with refugees ... [and] British actors [as well as] directors ... from Russia, Hungary, Germany, and the Balkan countries…..susceptible to… national and racial emotions."

Meaning, of course, the men responsible for these films were Jews.

Literally before the day was out Nye had a resolution on the Senate floor demanding an investigation of Hollywood studios. In little over a month -- September 9, 1941 -- the liberal Democrat non-interventionist Senator Wheeler had ginned up that Senate investigation and it was opened for business. Harry Warner, one of the legendary Warner Brothers -- and yes, but of course, a Jew -- was dragged before a United States Senate subcommittee to explain himself. So too was the Jewish Nicholas Schenck of Loew's made to appear. And the great filmmaker Darryl Zanuck, then a vice-president at Twentieth Century Fox -- who was not Jewish. The witnesses against the three? That would include Senator Nye himself -- and John T. Flynn.

It was a headlining investigation that had as its unmistakable context an investigation into the Jewish influence in Hollywood. This, mind you, a full eight years after Hitler opened his first concentration camp at Dachau, the war already underway.

Fortunately, Americans increasingly aware of Hitler's lethal anti-Jewish obsessions, protested the hearing. The Republican New York Herald Tribune thundered at what it called an "inquisition." The Chicago Sentinel, an American Jewish newspaper, fingered the investigation for what it was. Senator Nye, said the angrySentinel, was using "the tactics of the demagogue -- and the German demagogue at that." In the end, the investigation withered. By December Pearl Harbor had changed everything. (And, notably, Senator Taft never involved himself with this. Taft's friendship and support from the Ohio Jewish community was the stuff of Ohio political legend.)

What does this old history have to do with what might be called the dark side of the Paul campaign?

In his book The Revolution: A Manifesto, Congressman Paul includes at the end a section called "A Reading List for a Free and Prosperous America." And on that recommended reading list? Here's the entry, in full:

Flynn, John T. As We Go Marching. Garden City, N.Y.: Doubleday, 1944. Flynn, an accomplished journalist, analyzes fascism in Italy and Germany and concludes by considering the state of America in his day.

That's right. Congressman Paul is recommending the writings of a man who, in his day, was seen as a driving force behind the anti-Semitic liberal Republican Senator Nye and the Senate investigation into Jewish influence in Hollywood.

Take a look at this CNN video, featuring Congressman Paul, Texas Democrat Congresswoman Sheila Jackson Lee and Ben Stein, the conservative Renaissance Man (actor, author, lawyer, economist who is, it should be noted, a senior editor of and regular contributor to The American Spectator). The discussion, about Umar Farouk Abdulmutallab (the so-called "Underwear bomber" accused of trying to blow up a plane over Detroit) quickly draws a charge of anti-Semitism from Stein, which causes Paul to erupt and demand an apology, which was not forthcoming.

Ben Stein (and it should perhaps be noted here that while we share writing chores at The American Spectator we have never met) has a reputation as not only a very smart man but a very good, kind, and decent man. For him to sit on a national TV show and suddenly blurt out the anti-Semitism charge would be decidedly out of character -- unless of course Stein, who is Jewish, is aware of the background noise out there that Paul has within his orbit those who arouse concern for anti-Semitism.

Stein is not alone. This issue of a connection between Paul or those around him and anti-Semitism has been hotly discussed by all manner of well-respected conservatives. From David Horowitz (here) to Commentary's John Podhoretz to Andrew Walden at The American Thinker to Bill Kristol's Weekly Standard to (in defense of Paul) National Review's John Derbyshire.

The too-cute-by-half cleverness in this current argument over the newest appearance of anti-Semitism as an anchor of Neoliberal philosophy is the use of the term "neoconservative" as a euphemism for "Jew."

This comes in part because those who identified themselves with the term early-on, conservative intellectuals like Norman Podhoretz, Irving Kristol and son Bill Kristol, were or are themselves Jewish. This was discussed at length back in 2003 by Georgetown Government Professor Robert Lieber. Lieber describedthe accusation that, in essence, "the Jews" -- aka the "neocons" (or "the Israel Lobby")-- are running American foreign policy as "pure myth."

There's no need to expand on the obvious. But suffice to say, when a Paul supporter like Newark Star Ledgercolumnist Paul Mulshine repeatedly zeroes in on conservative talk radio host Mark Levin, always dismissing the Jewish Mr. Levin as a neocon this or a neocon that, to these Protestant ears, fairly or unfairly Mulshine seems to be conjuring the ghosts of Ron Paul's favorite, John T. Flynn. Levin, for example, is targeted by Mulshine for "neocon nuttiness." The topic of Flynn's "Jews in Hollywood" speech written by Flynn and delivered by Gerald Nye that launched an anti-Jewish Senate witch hunt? "Our Madness Increases As Our Emergency Shrinks." And who caused that increasing madness? That's right: Jews. Jewish madness with Harry Warner and Darryl Zanuck yesterday, neocon nuttiness with Mark Levin today. The circle game goes round and round.

In historical fact, self-identified "neoconservatives" hold beliefs that are both straightforward and have nothing whatsoever to do with being Jewish.

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May Wisdom and the knowledge you gained go with you,

Jim Allen III
Skype: JAllen3D
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Jim Allen

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RE: And Who Can You Trust to Tell the Truth?... George Soros?
8/24/2011 3:29:43 PM
Well Hell, this messenger has been dismissed from another forum for voicing a different opinion than theirs. It is amazing how the people in this community cannot handle a discussion when someone is not agreeing with them. They start their discussion with a snide crude remark, the same as I am accused of and yet cannot handle the ensuing opposition of their view. Especially when they are factually wrong on so many things.

It is my fault as I feel people change over time especially when the position they hold is so obviously wrong and the only reason for support of many of them is because they are getting PAID and are afraid to stand on their own two feet. They have forgotten what it was like to walk without a crutch and fear giving it up.

For instance:

Their guy zerObama gutted Medicare by $600 Billion dollars and counting, schedules it for termination in 10-20 years.... and.... they trash

Paul Ryan's plan when it puts that money back and adjusts the program for survival instead of termination as their guy zerObama's will do if Obummacare is allowed to proceed.

They are products of a dumbed down and ignorant society of Americana on the public dole. Deserved or not they have been misled, lied to and brainwashed into thinking the way they do with government handouts. They are being paid for their support of this administrations policies. Self enrichment at its worst, on the backs of others.

They are part of the 50% that DO NOT PAY TAXES! Many never have paid taxes. So they don't want to pay their fair share when it comes to sharing the load the mantra of their savior zerObama.

Something I have learned during my many discussions with informed folks, you cannot discount news from sources you dislike, if you cannot dispute or disprove the facts they share. Shooting the messenger never works. At some point communication must be had to find common ground to agree upon, share intel to see the true enemy in our midst.

We are purposely being played against one another and the sooner we see this and work together the sooner we save liberty and freedom.

May Wisdom and the knowledge you gained go with you,

Jim Allen III
Skype: JAllen3D
Everything You Need For Online Success

Jim Allen

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RE: And Who Can You Trust to Tell the Truth?... George Soros?
8/24/2011 6:25:55 PM
Ted is gone to politician heaven, and Scott Brown a Republican took his seat and Boehner didn't promise JOBS, zerObama did.

Ask zerObama WHERE ARE THE JOBS! While he is vacationing in Martha's Vineyard at a cost of $50K per week just for the estate. Not including his 400 person army that travels with him. That those of us that Pay Taxes pay for.

May Wisdom and the knowledge you gained go with you,

Jim Allen III
Skype: JAllen3D
Everything You Need For Online Success

Jim Allen

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RE: And Who Can You Trust to Tell the Truth?... George Soros?
8/25/2011 3:27:53 AM

Was he telling us?

Michael Jackson warning people to wake up from NWO Conspiracy !!!

May Wisdom and the knowledge you gained go with you,

Jim Allen III
Skype: JAllen3D
Everything You Need For Online Success

Jim Allen

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RE: And Who Can You Trust to Tell the Truth?... George Soros?
8/26/2011 12:44:04 PM
And you thought the "Oracle of Omaha" was just a kindly old man... Nope he is a dyed in the wool "Progressive Liberal" out to re-elect a ZERO!

Buffett to Host $35K Obama Seminar

Thursday, 25 Aug 2011 12:03 PM

By Caroline Rawls

Billionaire Warren Buffett will host an “economic forum” fundraiser for President Barack Obama in New York City next month with VIP tickets topping out at $35,800 a head, reports the New York Post.

The Berkshire Hathaway CEO will be joined by former White House economic adviser Austan Goolsbee to host the event. The location is set for Sept. 30 at the Four Seasons in Manhattan, the Post reports. Tickets start at $10,000 a plate.

For that hefty price, "guests get an hour of 'Q&A moderated by one of President Obama’s closest economic advisers, Austan Goolsbee,' " the Post says.

VIP ticket-holders get a “private reception for about 20 minutes prior to the dinner.”

Buffet, the invites say, will go to all the tables to greet guests accompanied by Goolsbee," the paper reports.

On tap for discussion is Buffet's recent announcement that the wealthy should pay higher taxes.

One invitee told the Post: “Nothing like advocating tax equality when you are charging $35,800 a ticket.”

Read more on Buffett to Host $35K Obama Seminar
Important: Do You Support Pres. Obama's Re-Election? Vote Here Now!

May Wisdom and the knowledge you gained go with you,

Jim Allen III
Skype: JAllen3D
Everything You Need For Online Success


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