Interesting info, Jim and Michael. Amazingly, if George Soros owns that many shares in Time-Warner, he also has a large hand in potential internet SPAM... BECAUSE a few months ago, AT&T imposed very strict non-spam rules that shut down service to lots of safelists and caused chaos in the internet advertising industry for weeks during March of this year... SO a lot of popular high-traffic safelists changed their service over to Time-Warner which has looser rules. So, in a way, George Soros is encouraging consistent money-making ability to every internet marketer who sends out potentially spammy ads thru all the safelists that are hosted with Time-Warner. He truly DOES have his hand in EVERYONE's pocket, that's a LOT of power. (AT&T's rules will stop email service of safelists that have just a few spam complaints monthly, if just a few emails are sent containing URLs in the body of the email, even if those are sent thru a double-opt-in safelist. That IS a little too strict, AT&T lost a ton of business awhile ago because of that. Internet marketing is a constant daily churn of big money for email hosts.)