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This Is Dedicated To The Birds...Videos or Photos...Please Post Them Here!
6/2/2011 1:00:00 AM
I am intrigued by Einstein....the African Grey Parrot. He's smarter than some of the people I know! Seriously....I'm just saying....hmmm! Anyway, I do love this video.

All birds are a whole lot smarter than we think they are. I had a cockatiel that a friend gave to me when I moved back to Texas from Oregon, and though I had never had a bird as a pet before, I discovered that she was a smart little thing. I was able to teach here several things...& consequently she taught me a lot about birds. I grew to love that little bird and when when she passed away I was really saddened by it.

Now if you feel like posting other types of animals, you can post those under my thread called "A Few of My Favorite Pictures and Videos"....cuz...there is where you will see the sweetest dogs ever! Yes, they are mine of course, but you may just have a favored picture of your own pet. Please post them there. Or if you don't have pets or animals to post there you can also post your favorite pics or videos or other items there.

This thread is for the pun intended! :-)


Cheryl "browse our current properties" "check out our real estate blog" "online bibles, books, music, more"
RE: This Is Dedicated To The Birds...Videos or Photos...Please Post Them Here!
6/2/2011 1:25:26 AM

Thank you for this forum Cheryl. I do love birds and we raised a lot of them. My brother had a business in exotic birds and we helped him to take care of them. I have had several species. Here are two that I loved very much:

Pete and Alex Friends

Pete was a Love Bird that I raised. He was so sweet and could say anything the other birds could. I have written a short story about him with pictures that I hope to publish this year.

The Mustached Parakeet, Alex, was my love and companion for many years. I had to sacrifice him when I moved from Alabama back to Kansas. He could detect my feelings so well and I was extremely depressed. I gave him to a friend of mine that I trusted with birds. I still miss him but knew that I could not take care of him any longer.

I love birds!


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RE: This Is Dedicated To The Birds...Videos or Photos...Please Post Them Here!
6/2/2011 1:49:51 AM
Hi Sara,

Thanks, those are beautiful birds! Pete and Alex were fortunate to be loved by you. Sorry that you had to give him up when you moved...that must have been terribly hard.

When I was young, my grandmother had a parrot. Unfortunately, she never learned how to socialize it very well and I was always afraid of it. I think grandma just didn't know how to teach it more. The cockatiel that I had wasn't socialized either, & when I acquired her she was already 3 years old. The person that had her hadn't even taken the time to show the bird how to sit on your finger without trying to bite your finger off. Well...I just couldn't have a bird that wouldn't sit on my finger, so I took up the task of training her. It wasn't long at all before I had her eating out of my hand without trying to snip my finger off. It took persistence on my part, but she (Beaky was her name) was just afraid. I remember those first few days of handling her, the little thing was just so frightened. I would talk to her real calmly and sweetly, and I might add...I wore leather gloves until she could sit on my hand without biting at my fingers. She really was a great little pet & she made me laugh at her antics.

Thanks for sharing your story & the beautiful picture.

Cheryl "browse our current properties" "check out our real estate blog" "online bibles, books, music, more"
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RE: This Is Dedicated To The Birds...Videos or Photos...Please Post Them Here!
6/2/2011 2:04:42 AM
Hi Cheryl,

I love birds too. I had a parakeet who loved to go in the car. I would say "do you want to go bye-bye" she had the sweetest little tweet. She would go get in her cage and be ready to go. She would tweet that sweet little tweet until I go the car going. I would take to she my mom, she got good at going around her house too.

Then I had my Loki who just passed away March 15, 2011 I miss her a lot, she was so much company. When I would leave the room, she would yell until I walked bad in the room. It was funny so many times she would be in the middle of a yell and quit, because I was back.

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RE: This Is Dedicated To The Birds...Videos or Photos...Please Post Them Here!
6/2/2011 2:57:06 PM
Have not been a big fan! But, I have to qualify that-I have so many beautiful birds that feed from my trees, I can watch for dreamy bits and stretches of time. They seem to know a lot about what's going on like when the storms are coming. And of course the pigeons-my house is one of the tallest on the block-so tag-I'm it!