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Carla Carey

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RE: A list of Symptoms for toxic mold
6/14/2011 2:41:01 PM
HI ! I am learning a lot of things about natural cures and this really helps ! I am in a company that is launching here in the States that has a product that helps a lot of things and one is getting toxins out of us. If anyone wants the information please let me know. It is backed by scientific research.
I need to check into this more Bill..thanks for this information!
Glad to make your acquaintance! Carla Carey
RE: A list of Symptoms for toxic mold
6/14/2011 3:39:59 PM
Hi Carla.. It is good to see you again.. Yes,, there is a lot to be learned about the health effects of toxic mold and the natural ways of dealing with this and other environmental illnesses.. I plan to start a thread here where people can market products that have been proven to help those who suffer. I am going to ask that these products be tried and true by the ones representing them.. Personal experience makes the best testimonial and this will be all I accept on this forum.. I have to develop this forum a lot more and gain a meaningful membership before I can even think about marketing here so,, I will restrict my discussions to non marketing topics and concentrate more on the advocacy part.
May a smile follow you to sleep each night and,,,,,be there waiting,,,,,when you awaken Sincerely, Billdaddy
RE: A list of Symptoms for toxic mold
6/14/2011 3:55:31 PM
Hi Karen.
I am happy to see you join our discussion and I welcome you to this group.. Usually,, people have about 8 of these symptoms if they have a mold related illness . Many of us have a lot more though.. I personally had around 32 or 34 at one time and over 60 Dr's that I had never connected any of them to mold., This is a real problem as you can imagine. I plan to open more discussions on this and other topics as we get more members. Mold is a very complex matter and there are lots of ways of dealing with it. The basic protocol for treatment involves 3 basic steps though. First and fore most you must remove yourself from the contamination. Then you will have to undergo a complete change in diet that will help you with detoxing. These 2 steps will come before a regimen of anti fungals and other supplements that will nourish your body and rebuild the immune system. I will cover all phases of mold related illness as we progress in this group. That is,, if we progress.. It has been a very slow start but I hope things will pick up.. You can help by sharing this link with your friends and family Karen. These are very important topics and affect nearly everyone so I am anxious to increase the awareness about mold related illness. Thanks for stopping By Karen. I hope you will come back soon.
May a smile follow you to sleep each night and,,,,,be there waiting,,,,,when you awaken Sincerely, Billdaddy
RE: A list of Symptoms for toxic mold
6/14/2011 4:05:39 PM
Hi Myrna.
This is very good information. Thank you for sharing it with us.. There is a lot of research now that connects toxic mold to cancer as well as heart disease and other major illnesses. I have been researching this for over 5 years now and I have found some really disturbing facts. The science is real and it is sound but ther3 is a lot of opposition to the truth these days. There is the drug industry,, the medical community, the insurance industry and the govt all with a vested interest in suppressing the truth about mold. Back in the days of the bible , the health effects from and the ways of dealing with mold were common knowledge. ( leviticus chap 14 ) Something has changed this knowledge into one of the greatest mysteries of modern medicine and I believe it was money that caused that change. I hope to explore this in detail as we move forward with this group. Thank you kindly for sharing that with us Myrna.. I really do appreciate it.
May a smile follow you to sleep each night and,,,,,be there waiting,,,,,when you awaken Sincerely, Billdaddy
Karen Gigikos

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RE: A list of Symptoms for toxic mold
6/16/2011 3:51:04 AM
Hi Bill
I was just listen to a DR on the internet who said that most of our disease are caused from our thyroid. what do you think? he said you can check by your tongue. if it is swelling up and has teeth marks on the side of the tongue. even when the test come back from the DR this will not show up. you have to look for other things.and most the time it is your Thyroid.
karen gigikos / black belt grannyHobbies

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