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NO Glen you are not OLD!!
6/30/2011 5:36:52 PM

NO! No! Glen, you really are not old. the numbers keep adding up, but the bottom line is to graciously be able to rise each new day with a huge statement "This is the day that the Lord (the creator of the UNIVERSE....) has made ...I will rejoice and be glad in it. A big deal really.

Hey, you might be the kind of a guy I will hire.... to manage my 2 sites, which I am passionate about. One esspecially... not MLM and not necessarily about the money....but boy does it make a positve statement on the #1 killer in america/and perhaps the world. If you are interested I can forward the web. Well Cheers for now and I will read on with your hints to e-mailing. I probably wouldn't do well with keeping track of ALL the sites you post to. .and thanks. Doreen

Life is good....much of the time excellent. Did you know?...the people who are crazy enough to think they can change the world..Are the ones that do. I;m in that crowd. Come and join me.
Roger Macdivitt .

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RE: Introduction to Email Marketing
6/30/2011 9:49:53 PM


I really wish that I had real time to spend at present to follow up all of the help that I am being offered and advice I'm getting from Adlanders.

"I have a dream" My dream is to see a place where the successful online marketers and those who are masters of online finance begin to share skills with others less gifted but no less committed to mutual benefit.

I have been working for several years now on a scheme where this will happen (The Glacial Movement) but it has a long way to go. It is quite difficult to share a skilled nurses knowledge with that of a master of networking.

I am determined that I will find a way but your help goes a long way to helping this other old 64 year old.


Kathleen Vanbeekom

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RE: Introduction to Email Marketing
6/30/2011 11:53:53 PM

Hi Glen and all,

I learned a lot from observing several of the most successful female marketers, even though it's still a majority mens' world, if you take a look at leaderboards...

Post to lots of safelists daily, and keep a schedule and stick to it. Also promote your safelists just like your promote your main businesses, gather your biz groups to join your safelists and all promote the same business heavily, if it's an MLM and if your safelists also have a downline income from upgrades, that can really supercharge your earnings. Some safelists also have a downline-mailer so getting other people to join those lists is really in your best interest if you get the ability to email them every few days.

Use the same subject-line in several safelists within a few minutes' time, I like to call that "carpet-bombing" or use the same subject-line all day, in bursts of several list-mails several times per day, it gets people's curiosity, at least it bugs them enough so they might click open one of your emails if they receive several of the same subject-line sent thru several safelists. Make sure it's a UNIQUE subject-line that you thought up yourself, not a company-written ad used by tons of people.

You're right about being unique, it's absolutely necessary to use unique subject-lines to get noticed in the daily pile of emails, even if lots of people are just mindlessly clicking for credits on hundreds of mails, we all DO sometimes notice the headlines that stick out and grab our attention.

Some of the safelist owners have said that subject-lines of around 35 characters are best.

Now they also say NOT to put URLs in our email ads because those messages could end up in peoples spam folders or not be sent at all. Safelists have a place to put in our URL, but they say not to put it in the body of the ad. Especially never put a lot of URLs in an ad, keep your focus on 1 business in your ad.

Safelist owners also say not to any use dollar-signs ($) and not more than one exclamation point (!) in the subject-line, and don't use the word "free" and never use all capital letters, all those can also set off the spam filters.

Within the body of the ad, don't use 6-digit or higher amounts, $1,000,000's will also set off spam filters. If your business has a potential 6-figure or higher income, just say that..."potential 6 figures"...or use the word "millions" but don't put a dollar sign on the end, even though I greatly enjoy talking about MILLION$! LOL.

One thing that works well for me, focus on 1 business, or not more than 2 main businesses, and only promote ONE in each email ad. When you promote the same biz over & over for several days, you'll see results, then stick with it for the longterm.

Also put your name at the end of email ads, because lots of people who join stuff say they saw a certain business lots of times without a name, and then decided to join thru an ad that has a name in it. You need to build up your name-recognition, and also if some safelists allow graphics, include your photo at the end. The human face really brings in more response than no photo, and more response than an icon or product image.

If you get notified of leads or signups, reply to them on the same day they became your lead and send them all your best ad sources after they join you, and offer advice.

Glen Palo

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RE: Introduction to Email Marketing
7/9/2011 10:57:58 PM
This is the second in a series of articles on "Writing Effective Emails to Improve Your Marketing Response Rates." I identified a need for these articles after noticing a significant decline in the quality of marketing emails sent to me from a number of opt-in mailing lists.

"Writing Effective Emails to Improve Your Marketing Response Rates." (Part 2)

Part 2 of "Writing Effective Emails" addresses the body of the email. Part 1 covered the subject line.

Classic ad copy follows the formula AIDA which stands for Attention – Interest – Desire – Action. Hopefully, your email subject line grabbed the reader's ATTENTION enough to create an INTEREST in opening the email.

At this point, I want to stop and briefly discuss the difference between email ad copy and ad copy typically written for sales and direct mail letters and online sales pages. It may be debatable, but I am convinced email ad copy should be short and to the point. Direct mail letters and online sales pages can run 5,000 words! I don't think many people want to read a 5,000 word email. I certainly don't!

Direct mail letters and online sales pages have the luxury of space. The space is used to insert "Johnson Boxes" to highlight the key message of the letter or sales page, insert testimonial boxes, add graphics as well as the text for conveying the sales message.

Continuing on… The email body should have several small paragraphs. The first section of the email should reinforce the interest created when the reader opened the email. This is done by very briefly describing how the key benefit (or several benefits) will fulfill the needs of the reader. How you fulfill the reader's needs is your offer. As I stated in an earlier article, the email text should fit above "the fold." In other words, the reader should not have to scroll the page to see the remaining part of the email or the credit line, if using a credit or list building email program.

The second part is to create DESIRE in the reader for your offer. The ad copy words used should create an emotional response in the reader. The words used can either create positive feelings (love or freedom) or negative as in the fear of loss (bonus offer ends on Friday). The ad copy should create enough DESIRE to cause the reader to take ACTION.

Leave no doubt as to what ACTION you want the reader to do such as GO TO your website, Click the link below or CLICK HERE NOW. There has been significant debate on the use of the words "click here" but I won't go into that here.

The key take away from the email is that the "EMAIL SHOULD PRE-SELL THE WEBSITE!"
+++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ Did you see this awesome online system? +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
RE: Introduction to Email Marketing
7/10/2011 3:37:09 AM

Looking forward to the read!


Life is good....much of the time excellent. Did you know?...the people who are crazy enough to think they can change the world..Are the ones that do. I;m in that crowd. Come and join me.

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