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Glen Palo

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RE: Introduction to Email Marketing
6/26/2011 9:09:34 PM
Over the next few weeks I will post my articles on email marketing (about 2,000 words). But first, I thought I would start with some email marketing "secrets" which are really just tips and common sense.

1. Shorter emails are better than longer ones. How long should
an email be? Short enough so that the reader does not have to
scroll down the page past the "fold." Even shorter if you are using
a credit emailer where the reader can click a link to your website.

2. Email text should be no wider than 60 characters. This is
about half the screen width. I use a 60 character 'map' like


Why do I say to make text no wider than 60 characters? It
makes the ad copy look cleaner and focused. It also adds
a lot of white space to your email which makes the reader
focus on the major points of your email.

3. Most marketing email these days are sent using a credit
mailer program where the reader earns credits for reading
emails. Your objective is to get the reader to click the

4. Use strong, attention-grabbing, subject headlines. You
want the reader to open your email, not hit the delete
button. Keep records of headlines you have used to figure
out which ones work best. I am currently testing "red butt
monkey marketing" to see what response rates I get.

5. Use short sentences. Or bulletized phrases. Answer the
reader's question "What Is In It For Me" (WIIFM).

6. And finally, add your complete name to the signature
block. People want to do business with people not some
anonymous stranger.

7. Forget the hype. No one is going to believe you can
create $121,493 in the first week.

8. And don't try to sell me the secret backdoor code to
google ads and a #1 listing. Google has a staff of PHD
holders and experts creating new algorithms and code
constantly. Google is not making billions because they
are stupid.

+++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ Did you see this awesome online system? +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
Roger Macdivitt .

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RE: Introduction to Email Marketing
6/26/2011 10:29:54 PM

I shall follow this with interest.


Glen Palo

116 Posts
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RE: Introduction to Email Marketing
6/29/2011 11:35:46 PM
Here we go! The first part of my series on writing effective emails.

"Writing Effective Emails to Improve Your Marketing Response Rates" (Part 1)

Writing effective emails starts with the subject line. Your subject line determines whether the reader opens it immediately, sets it aside for later or simply trashes it.

Subject lines must be believable. For example, I received an email with this subject line, "Glen, $500k In 72 Hours With This Method!" From my perspective as the reader, the subject line is not believable even if it were true! I've never imagined making half a million dollars in 3 days unless it were the lottery.

An important concept that is obviously lost on most marketers sending emails is that they are not writing from the reader's perspective. It is not what their email will do for them, but what it will do for me, the reader! I have seen too many emails with the subject line stating "Join my downline and make money." Sounds good for the sender, it is the sender's downline. In other words, do not use the words "I," "me," "my," "mine" or other words that refer to the sender. Use words referring to the reader such as "you," "your" or "yours."

You have 3 basic choices for writing subject lines. Your first choice is to arouse curiosity in the reader. Secondly, make an announcement, or, finally, tell how the reader benefits from opening and reading your email. Examples of each are:

1. Curiosity - "Are You Ready to Handle More Website Traffic?"
2. Announcement - "Marketers Traffic Vault Gives New Members 10,000 Ad Credits!"
3. Benefit - "Discover the Rapid Mass Traffic Clustering Strategy that Will Increase Your Affiliate Sales."

Another important concept is the subject line should reflect the email content. Deceptive ads may cause the reader to open the email, but probably not finish reading the email. What reader wants to do business with someone who demonstrates so little ethics or regard for the reader? The marketer just branded himself as unethical or even scamster.

Finally, personalize the subject line by using the reader's name.
+++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ Did you see this awesome online system? +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
Roger Macdivitt .

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RE: Introduction to Email Marketing
6/30/2011 6:39:57 AM

Hi Glen,

Great info.

I will try to get some more folk here.

Always check whose visiting rather than the number of posts.

I have found before that info Forums often get few posts but lots of newbies read and don't post.

You are offering useful stuff here and it's apreciated.


RE: Introduction to Email Marketing
6/30/2011 5:21:39 PM

Hi Roger....I loved your note to Glen!! I absolutely know where you are coming from. I will continue on to reading what Glen has to suggest for us who are "OLD Now". Mind you I suspect the help will be the same, young/middle/or old!! There is so much beautiful energy in those of us who are in the upper numbers of AGING. In many ways quite a delightful place.....Hey Roger, has helped these aging arterios of mine, to the point where my Doc has decreased BP meds. where I am not taking any. My B.P is a good # and so steady ( I am a retired emerg RN) Any way cheers Roger...lets hope Glen can help us guys.

Life is good....much of the time excellent. Did you know?...the people who are crazy enough to think they can change the world..Are the ones that do. I;m in that crowd. Come and join me.

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