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Karen Gigikos

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RE: Vote for the 253rd POTW
10/19/2010 2:44:15 AM
Sorry this has happened but what do you think all the people that are looking at this forum. right now think. may be they say I am glad I don't get in to those forums.are there rules to be POTW has every one that is up for votes met all the rules. I my self don't do much any more on the forums because no one comes to see your forums any more.And I think most of us have to agree on this. WHY. there is one forum going good right now and that is Jills. she has some things on there that are interesting.there is suppose to be lots of people in this company I have not seen many.I did vote Sara I voted for the same person you did. I trust you need to look her up and see what she has done here on adland, course that is none of my business. it seems like the same people win all the time. So that don't make people want to stay on the forums either.Or even try.
karen gigikos / black belt grannyHobbies
RE: Vote for the 253rd POTW
10/19/2010 8:06:13 PM

Things sure haven't changed when it comes to posting opinions or even a true happening. It is still the case of some can and some can't. And then people wonder why no one is reading and responding to their forums.

As long as this double standard, that applies more strictly to some than to others continues, I don't think things are going to change for the better, especially when you have the tattle tales we have here, that harp on every little thing. Anyone that follows this community on a regular basis can see it plain as day and will know what I am talking about. A lot of you have lost any credibilty you may have ever had.

If anyone who read my post or anyone who would like to read my post, will send me an email to I will send them the proof of what I said and also a copy of the post. This is an old email address I seldom use anymore.

Also in case you've not noticed, there is another drama going on . A power struggle of sorts. I wonder which one will win this one. Very interesting. :)

Bill Brown

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RE: Vote for the 253rd POTW
10/20/2010 1:06:28 AM
Hi All,

Over the weekend I was thinking of better ways to block spam and deal with it on community.
Since this topic has been addressed recently in this forum, I'm bringing it here first.

Here are some of the ideas how to deal with it.

First here is what you can do with spammer with your existing tools.

In regards to forums.

1. You can create forum with attribute "restricted". This forum will not allow anybody to start new threads in your forum.

2. You can delete a thread which has been started in your forum with the button which is provided on the thread level.

3. You can ban any member from your forum by clicking red button "Ban this user" button on the post level made by the user. This user can't see your forums or participate in them any more.

4. You can delete each post which was made by spammer by clicking delete button on the level of the post.

In regards to PMs

When a spammer sends you a message you can block that person permanently from sending further messages, there is a red button in the view of the message.

In all new posts (forums and pms), nobody can send a post more often than 1 minute. There is delay to stop mass spammers from quickly spamming large number of members.

In regards to profile comments

1. You can disable comments permanently by going to this link. and selecting
Disable commenting on your profile.

2. You can delete any comment by clicking red cross next to the comment.

Here are couple of new ides to address some of the problems. .

It appears that commenting on profiles is most annoying and it is being done by new members who join only for the sake of spamming or promoting known Nigerian scams.

I believe that if we don't allow anybody during first week of their being here to put notes on the profile comments, this will eliminate 95% of problems.

The other problem appears to be that Nigerian scammers post PMs.

This could be eliminated by providing a limitation for new users who are here to send only 3 messages per day.

First the scammer wouldn't be able to post many messages and probably discouraged by this limitation, and if not somebody would report them early enough before they do more damage.

Let me know what do you think about those suggestions.

Bogdan Fiedur

1 minute wait will not deter the spammer you need to set it to 5 minutes at least, - it takes 5 minutes for someone to create a worthwhile post any way.

Make it that someone can only post in the comments if they are on that persons friends list. that will stop comment spamming by the oldies as well, its not just the newbies that are doing it.
The same goes for the send me a spam ad link in our profiles oh so sorry i mean the send me a message links. They can only use it if they are on each others friends list.

urls should be blanked out in friends invitations you can blank out swear words so you can blank out urls. other sites do it so adlandpro must be able to.

Jim Allen

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RE: Vote for the 253rd POTW
10/20/2010 12:53:29 PM
1 minute wait will not deter the spammer you need to set it to 5 minutes at least, - it takes 5 minutes for someone to create a worthwhile post any way.

Make it that someone can only post in the comments if they are on that persons friends list. that will stop comment spamming by the oldies as well, its not just the newbies that are doing it.
The same goes for the send me a spam ad link in our profiles oh so sorry i mean the send me a message links. They can only use it if they are on each others friends list.

urls should be blanked out in friends invitations you can blank out swear words so you can blank out urls. other sites do it so adlandpro must be able to.

This is not the answer.

Placing more restrictions on those of us that use this forum/community properly because of the few. Just because a few of us are too lazy to use the delete button and the ban button.

In the real world this has not worked and will not work here. I often come in here to post in ad threads and a five minute wait is unreasonable. There is already a minute delay between posts in case you haven't noticed.

The results of real world situations where restrictions are placed on the many due to the few that deem it necessary to disregard etiquette and the rules. Never solves the core issue. It just makes our lives more tedious.

Apply the rules already in place, use the tools available to you already. Quit this PC Crap. You cannot legislate peace and parity with radicals on either side. There will always be lawless and ruleless people, so apply the rules that are already on the books and enforce them.

Do not make my life harder because some don't wish to offend a spammer. Come on, this is ludicrous to be saying, "please put more rules on me because I don't want to hit the delete key." Sheesh!


PS: What many call Spam is a service folks pay for here and we agreed to, when we became members.

May Wisdom and the knowledge you gained go with you,

Jim Allen III
Skype: JAllen3D
Everything You Need For Online Success

Pauline Raina

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RE: Vote for the 253rd POTW
10/20/2010 4:50:27 PM

Hi Barry,

I have voted for the 'advertiser of the week' :) as I don't know 'the person' any of them are :) all I see is ads at their profiles and their forums have 2 to a max of 7 posts with little or no interaction on their part that tells me anything about the person they of the week ? huh huh !!!!!

