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Roger Macdivitt .

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RE: Beauty is in the eye of the beholder
10/3/2010 5:09:02 PM
From seeing and reading all these different forms of glass (utilitarian forms, dinner plates, drinking glass & bottles, windows to art forms, sculptures, stained glass, pure art, blown glass) glass is a very diverse medium to work with. From what I can tell, it is a also very HOT media to work in.

P.S. I agree with Luis,
The Rene Lalique piece (translucent woman with shawl) that Roger poster is absolutely exquisite, worthy of Master Status.


Thank you.

I may well do a feature especially about Lalique

Thank you for your examples of carnival and art glass.


Roger Macdivitt .

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RE: Beauty is in the eye of the beholder
10/3/2010 8:03:30 PM
I am astounded at the beauty of this master piece, worthy of the world's greatest artists. I will try to lean more about this Rene Lalique, its author.Thanks Roger for sharing.

Hi Miguel

Lalique is generally accepted in UK as the greatist glass designer ever. The problem is that there are so many designers who tried to plagurise his work and a lot suceeded. Some fakes are very good indeed. Many collectors have been conned into believing that they posess the genuine thing but the original is unmistakeable once you have seen it. I often walk around Chelsea and Knigsdbridge doing a sales job. That is where the real experts hang out and I will ask one of the gallery owners to recommend a web site next time I go up there.

Hi Judy,

Anyone can do worse than ask my wife. She really knows her stuff, however, this is a site to trust.

Remember though that Andy is a business man so if selling you need be sharp. He's fair but needs a profit.


Roger Macdivitt .

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RE: Beauty is in the eye of the beholder
10/3/2010 9:35:06 PM


I look forward to seeing them.


Roger Macdivitt .

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RE: Beauty is in the eye of the beholder
10/3/2010 9:40:33 PM

More beauty

Almeric Walter

1870- 1959

Almeric Walter was born in Sèvres in 1870 and is famous for his work in pâte-de-verre glass. His father and grandfather were painters of ceramic and Almeric grew up with a firm foundation in traditional artistic skills and methods. He received a lengthy training at the Manufacture Nationale de Sèvres which provided him with a solid understanding of model and mould making, painting, and enameling. At the same time French Decorative Arts were experiencing a creative rebirth as such masters as Gallé and Daum were transforming the techniques, forms, and decorations of art glass. Additionally, artists and craftsmen were exposed to the art of ancient and foreign cultures, prompting experimentation and emulation of the new forms. Pioneer Henry Cros was inspired by Egyptian glass and Greek sculpture to attempt to create a polychromatic sculpture material using crushed glass. Cros was given a government grant in 1891 to finance his experiments at a studio in Sévres, at the same time that Walter was a student nearby.

Roger Macdivitt .

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RE: Beauty is in the eye of the beholder
10/3/2010 9:48:41 PM


