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Leon Horton

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Person Of The Week
Re: It's Time Again For The Feature Of The Week aka POTW (23rd Edition)!
12/28/2005 2:07:19 PM
Hi John, Thanks for your vote of confidence. I have been nominated... much to my surprise, but I suppose the others were more popular and well liked. I will be here for a while and maybe that day will come. Who knows? I may make the list again one day. HAPPY NEWW YEAR!! Peace to you and yours, John, Leon
Winston Scoville

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Re: It's Time Again For The Feature Of The Week aka POTW (23rd Edition)!
12/28/2005 2:58:32 PM
Congratulations Bob. Lately, it seems like everytime I turn around, there you are! Well this explains it all! You are very deserving of the POTW.
Shelly Hargis

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Re: It's Time Again For The Feature Of The Week aka POTW (23rd Edition)!
12/28/2005 3:49:38 PM
Hi John. I am so Happy for Bob. He is such a Wonderful Person to know and he has a Great Sense of Humor, Like you said. His Windfall Program is Great! I Know he would Love to see More Players Joining in. CONGRATULATIONS BOB! You deserve this Honor. Your Wife has a Beautiful Voice by the Way. Thank You for sharing that with us. :) Your Friend, Shelly Hargis
Re: It's Time Again For The Feature Of The Week aka POTW (23rd Edition)!
12/28/2005 4:24:52 PM
WTG Bob, It's good to see a neighbor be recognized in this friendly community. You deserve the attention and I always enjoy reading your posts. Jack
Bob Needham

115 Posts
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Person Of The Week
Re: It's Time Again For The Feature Of The Week aka POTW (23rd Edition)!
12/28/2005 4:46:06 PM
WOW!!! It's so nice to hear feom all of you! You all make me feel so pleased to be part of this cyber home. Dave Young, I really got to spend more time with you. You are one of the funny guys here. Thanks for the warm wishes. Craftie, Thanks for visiting, I can always count on you to pop in and add a post. Lisa Lu/Lee, You have made me more money on the internet than anybody else, with your recommendation of 12DailyPro. I believe you were one of the very first to promote it. Now everybody is in it. Cheri, ahh mon amour, la belle Cheri, que est que Je faire sans toi? I have so enjoyed your Word Games, and the rapport we share. You are a gem! Leon, That is an amazing post. Thank you for such kind words! You too, will definitely have your day in the spotlight, because there is no one more deserving and "real" than you. I am proud to consider you my friend. Winston, I am so pleased to be getting to know you through Linda's forums. You are definitely my kinda guy! Shelly, You are an inspiration to me. You are always upbeat and resourceful, and I am happy we are friends. I am so pleased you were able to listen to Francine's song, she is thrilled you like it. Hi Jack, (I never tire of saying that!) Your contribution to any forums you post in are always thought provoking and worthwhile. Glad your with us. Thank you! This is quite a humbling exercise folks, and I appreciate all the kind words and wishes. Plus my invitation requests are snowballing! Bob

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