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Lisa Westberry

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Person Of The Week
Re: It's Time Again For The Feature Of The Week aka POTW (23rd Edition)!
12/28/2005 11:41:21 AM
Congradulations Bob, You really do allot for Adland and all you friends. Enjoy your week. Your Friend,
Re: It's Time Again For The Feature Of The Week aka POTW (23rd Edition)!
12/28/2005 1:24:34 PM
Alright!!! 8) They finally got your picture up! Now you can really enjoy your week of honor. Take care my friend! :-) John Blog’s Forums Gdw Amb Frm POTW Nomination’s Forum
Cheri Merz

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Re: It's Time Again For The Feature Of The Week aka POTW (23rd Edition)!
12/28/2005 1:42:23 PM
Bob, There you go with that irrepressible humor, followed closely by Michael! Just one of the many reasons you have so many friends here at Adland. Congratulations, mon ami. Cheri
Leon Horton

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Re: It's Time Again For The Feature Of The Week aka POTW (23rd Edition)!
12/28/2005 1:55:57 PM
Hi John, Thanks for all you do for the community here at AdlandPro to bring out the best of the best. The members have spoken and I think they were right with choosing Bob Needham as the POTW. I will also have to praise Bob's determination toward helping others. He saw the responses to a member in need and saw the vast majority of those who responded were not in a position to offer even a dollar to help the person. It was really sad to watch all of the members who had so little to give yet seemingly are online to receive in abundance. My belief is that you must give in order to receive... Malachi Chapter 3. Bob has the heart the size of Cannada! He has proven his honesty and integrity over the past 10 weeks of running his windfall thread. My hope is that many other members will become a part of the windfall thread and make it a huge success here at AdlandPro for more members to be able to take advantage of the offerings of others. To Bob: I must say that you are most certainly deserving of the honor of POTW! I hope you have a wonderful week and that you are placed in a level of prominence here at AdlandPro. You deserve all that you gain from this honor. May 2006 bring you all that you hope for. Peace and prosperity to you and Francine, Leon Horton
Re: It's Time Again For The Feature Of The Week aka POTW (23rd Edition)!
12/28/2005 2:01:55 PM
Hello Leon! I'm looking forward to the day when we can feature you here at the POTW forum. Thank you Buddy for your kindness. Take care my friend! 8) John Blog’s Forums Gdw Amb Frm POTW Nomination’s Forum

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