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Jim Allen

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RE: Do TV companies have any responsibilities to regular viewers?
9/11/2010 2:23:17 PM
That explains a lot about you Judy. Quite sad that you would thrust your personal responsibility to your children onto the state which wants to enslave us even more. Very sad indeed.
So I take it that you believe the state can control your kids or grandkids better than yourself or your children with children?

Yes Jim I do.

No parent or grandparent has enough knowledge to decide what is suitable viewing or reading for the next generation. When I told my parents that we had been taught how to make methyl_isocyanate in "A" level chemistry in order to experience "tasting smells", they were not shocked or furious that sixteen to eighteen year olds were being taught to make substances like this. It took the Bhopal disaster to show the dangers of this substance to the world. It is disgraceful that we were allowed to get our hands on knowledge like that.

My school was very fussy about any sexually explicit material being seen by young ladies. Matron searched our desks and school trunks to see if anybody had any dirty books and if they were caught the offender was expelled. Neither Matron nor any of the teachers knew that books in the school library like Seutonius' "Twelve Ceasars" or "The Kharma Sutra" were sexually explicit but they are not really suitable for school kids and there should be warnings about books like these that are available in most libraries.

We are not knowledgeable enought to act as censors.

May Wisdom and the knowledge you gained go with you,

Jim Allen III
Skype: JAllen3D
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Amanda Martin-Shaver

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RE: Do TV companies have any responsibilities to regular viewers?
9/11/2010 8:49:32 PM
Hi Roger,
I reckon you may have sparked off a good topic for discussion and one I think and hopefully will have us coming back again and again to add more to the discussion. I love nothing better than a good topic to put my two cents worth in.

I would like to see authors / screen writers actually tell us what their book, movie, tv series is about and whether it has violence, graphical, sexual content so parents could have better information whether to let their children watch. However this seems to be left up to the censorship to decide and I don't think they have much idea either (no children of their own?) If you went to buy a book and there was no description on the flyleaf what the book was about, would you purchase it? Why not the same with a movie.

I think as a whole we have given up many of our God given free will to authorities, e.g. Government, Child services and various others from lack of knowledge and information in our favour. Parents are not parenting and leaving this to their children - they are scared of kids tantrums, their threats to turn them into the Child Services, police....

It is a fact that we are becoming more 'dumbed down' in basic general knowledge, survival skills, innovation (utilizing tools on hand to make up for some store bought) and this has been especially noticeable with our children on downwards to grandchildren (I am talking about our age-group writing in this forum). I have no idea what American schools are being taught because I or my children never went here. But it seems obvious basic 'reading, writing and arithmetic was not on the agenda, because they cannot Read, Spell or add to save themselves. We see so much awful grammar that it makes me want to scream and they certainly must not know how to use the Spell checker either.

One of the first things I noticed like a 'bandaged head' was the young employees whom I had to deal with on the check out counters, down the aisles etc of various shops could not/did not know what they were selling or its functions should you ask questions. Most of these same age groups have no idea where in their own country other States are geographically so even though they have said to me they would love to travel to Australia (I am a New Zealander but I will forgive them, our accents are similar to the untrained ear)
they do not have much of a clue as to where in the world it is. Why would anyone want to travel to a country they have no idea where it is?

I have also seen more mothers working away from home with under school aged as well as school aged children and they have had to put them into Day Care because they will get assistance to pay for this service to go out to work but not this same assistance to stay home and parent their children! They have to give up their parenting to other people whom are only 'parents' by some license they have had to get in their particular State.
These Day Care Centers have many children of all ages and stages to look after, the children are not their own so the love they would get from their parents is not forthcoming.
Their parents when they get home from work and tired and stressed to deal with their children, home cooked meals are mostly quick out of a packet or fast food - nutrition is out the window and beverages are soda's.
Many of these parents cannot attend the classrooms to assist and be more 'hands on' with their children because they have to work to make ends meet, yet it would be in their best interests to be there more often.

However, saying this - I have also seen many of these same parents whom have felt the need to purchase all the latest gadgets being advertised. e.g. all the families members have a cell-phone, x-box, PS playstation, ipods, ipads, computers, several TVs for each room.. etc. These are not necessities and they cost lots of money to upgrade to the next 'blackberry'. They have not learned Priorities, which is learned from our parents and if these same parents have had to put their children in Daycare so they could go to work - we have a vicious circle from lack of knowledge.

OK now who is doing all this to our children? and why particularly addressed at children..
God the Father in heaven and Satan who lives on earth and is efficient at hiding that he does not exist.
Our kids are the most vulnerable, naturally curious so will try out various offers given them. They do not have the skills, knowledge, brain growth or experience to make an informed judgement, nor do many of their parents. We have been slowly brainwashed by all forms of media that 'times change' and we have to change with the times etc. What our grandparents use to do is a thing of the past....

The majority of people are not even aware that anything out of the ordinary is happening around them, they are oblivious and probably think we are mad when we try and inform them. They do not believe or understand that we are in a spiritual war, so are pulled along in ignorance.
However, Here's one of the conspiracies. There are some people in high standing whom are perfectly aware and use their station to bring about the New World changes, whereby they want new world government, money system and religion over the past centuries / decades and into our time now. - I do not know how they can possibly invisage this becoming a reality because we cannot agree with all the religions now so One world religion will never happen. The two others money system and government is already in place and just waiting to push us all over into the enclosure.

Bogdan Fiedur

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RE: Do TV companies have any responsibilities to regular viewers?
9/12/2010 2:58:35 AM
In addition to what I have said in my last post, here is info coming from spirit.

Compare what these two paragraphs are explaining and what is the prevelant message in the tv world today. The two paragraphs talk about light and lack of it. What one gets when accepts light and the vice-versa.

6. Receiving light is as simple as living a “good life.” Being kind, caring, honorable, trustworthy, truthful, helpful, joyful, generous, hopeful, compassionate, cheerful, optimistic, pleasant and having an open mind — the positive emotions and characteristics that make life meaningful and fulfilling — carry the high vibrations of light. At soul level you know this — think about your expressions “feeling lighthearted,” “the light of my life” and “seeing the light” that connote uplifted feelings or an Aha! moment.

7. Conversely, greed, ruthlessness, oppression, corruption, brutality, deception, betrayal of trust, unjustness, lack of forgiveness and lust for power emanate very low vibrations. Negative emotions that emit low vibrations include fear, guilt, remorse, self-doubt, jealousy, envy, bitterness and resentment, all of which create discomfort, discord and dissatisfaction. By far the most powerful of negative feelings is fear, a highly magnified energy attachment, and that is why time and again we have urged you never to fear anything. Not only do fearful individuals attract more circumstances to feel fearful about, but the energy of fear is the dark ones’ greatest tool — it feeds their ambitions and strengthens their domination over you. When you live steadfast in the light, there is nothing to fear! Nothing of dark nature can survive within the light!

If you want to read the entire article, it is here.
As Jill says in most of her posts, "Love is the answer"

Bogdan Fiedur
Des Young

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RE: Do TV companies have any responsibilities to regular viewers?
9/12/2010 12:20:37 PM
Yes, there should be some responsibility by those making the programs as well as those who allow the programs to be broadcast on thier TV networks.
RE: Do TV companies have any responsibilities to regular viewers?
9/12/2010 1:51:49 PM

Roger, you mean you start something then have to run off!!?? Just kidding with you friend. You will have some catching up to do though!

Judy, sometimes we get to watch some good Discovery programs but the package deal we have does not include it. It used to be Hallmark Channel and Biography would have some good British mysteries (which I love to watch) on but not much on a regular basis anymore. People seem more interesting in Haunted Houses (most of them fakes) and other material that does not interest me.

Our Public Broadcasting Service has some good cooking, sewing and art shows. One night a week they have Mystery but I am usually in bed by then. My son watches Primial Grill, Art shows, and Antique Road Show every chance he gets. He absolutely refuses to watch regular TV because of the ads. He gets his news from online radio.

When I worked at the library here close by the movies were graded as to content. I have not checked in long time so they may not be anymore. I was shocked to learn that at our local Children's Library, their main request for movies were the most violent, horror and torture movies. It would not be something I would want my children watching but parents these days are like Amanda described in her post. Both of them work, or it is a single parent trying to raise children and they are left here & there to be taken care of by who knows what. It seems as long as the child is entertained and 'out of the way' some don't care what they watch or read. Do very many children actually read anymore? It seems cellphones and ipods are part of the anatomy.

Well, that was a long answer to your "Do you get Discovery?" We have lots of movies and sets of Discovery movies available to watch.

Have a great day!




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