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BULK REO's...Ever Heard of This? What The Heck Does That Mean? Find Out Here!
9/3/2010 9:49:28 PM
Much info about the BULK REO's you're hearing about is available for free, and there's a program that has it all for 1/5 of the cost you're hearing about. If you think I'm joking...I'm not!

The key is "are you motivated" enough to find out. No matter how many programs you keep buying, there's no magic to it. It's a matter of taking action on the info. No effort, no results. Contact me if you're serious.

The 80/20 Rule applies here too! Truth is difficult to take sometimes, but you know what I'm saying is the truth. Maybe you've invested thousands of dollars on different "guru's" information. That's why I've decided to share this with you. Like I said..."If you're serious," contact me with break neck speed. It's something that can make a total difference in your life. You are the determining factor, just like I am in my business.

BULK REO's is an area where there are so many scammers and wannabe' need the correct infomation, but you don't have to pay an arm and a leg for it that the "guru" will charge you.

No amount of money you pay will do all of the work for you. Now, it's true you can hire a bunch of people to do it...but then how much money will you make if you're paying a bunch of other folks to do it all for you???

Are you serious? Only you can answer that question. There is a ton of info available, but will you lift a finger to find out what it is? "browse our current properties" "check out our real estate blog" "online bibles, books, music, more"
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RE: BULK REO's...Ever Heard of This? What The Heck Does That Mean? Find Out Here!
9/3/2010 10:28:17 PM

Hi Cheryl,

Pehaps you should post this for Stephen at

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RE: BULK REO's...Ever Heard of This? What The Heck Does That Mean? Find Out Here!
9/4/2010 12:03:55 AM
Thanks Roger....

I didn't even know about the forum thread you sent me to. I read every post and there was some good information posted there. I will contact Steven and also post on your thread since you asked me to do so.

See ya later!

Cheryl "browse our current properties" "check out our real estate blog" "online bibles, books, music, more"
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RE: BULK REO's...Ever Heard of This? What The Heck Does That Mean? Find Out Here!
9/4/2010 10:25:45 AM
Bulk REO's simply means Bank Owned Properties that have gone into foreclosure and have been taken over by the lender. These are known as toxic assets to the banks, they need to get these assets off their books and they will offer them at substantial discounts to investors who have the financial backing to purchase these toxic assets. These assets when sold off at huge discounts will eventually make their way back onto the market and the investor/or group that purchased them will make a very good profit on them by selling them for a lot more than they paid for them.

Believe it or not...there are many investors who are looking for these Bulk REO's to purchase and they have the finances or backing to do so. They don't necessarily have the connections with the people that have these assets to sell. This is where someone like my company can be very helpful to these investors by arranging the meeting between the seller and would be buyer.

There is more to it than this, as you must have several things in line in order for this transaction to close at a title company. There are a lot of scammers in this field because when there is a lot of money involved, there will be charlatans trying to go around the person putting the deal together....but that's where knowing the business and the pitfalls proves to be very helpful.

Like any other business there are pitfalls and there is a big learning curve, but these obstacles can be overcome with diligence and continual action. Assuming one has the right information and the application of the correct information, there is a great amount of money to be made in this area of real estate.

In these Bulk REO packages, there may be 20, 60, 100, 200 or how ever many properties the seller/bank decides to sell at a drastically reduced rate. It's up to the individual bank, but sometimes these assets are sold at 20, 30, 40 or 50 cents on the dollar of what would be considered the market value of the property. The bank will sell all of these together in a batch & this is called a 'tape' of properties. All this means is that the property addresses and pertinent info for all of these properties are put on some sort of spread sheet that is then sent to the potential buyer. They don't just give this info to anyone who asks...but this is the idea of what a tape is when talking about Bulk REO's purchases.

Until next time,
Cheryl Baxter "browse our current properties" "check out our real estate blog" "online bibles, books, music, more"
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RE: BULK REO's...Ever Heard of This? What The Heck Does That Mean? Find Out Here!
9/8/2010 4:57:58 AM
The BULK REO factor continued.....

For those of you who would like a few more pieces of information about BULK REO's, feel free to contact me directly through a pm here at Adlandpro. We can then arrange to talk on the phone if you are able to answer my questions.

I'm a serious investor and I only have time to work with serious investors. I love to have a fun time...but this is business. One thing I can't stress enough is that you must be professional when it comes to talking with these large asset managers and you must know the terminology. If you don't, they will know right away that you don't know what you are talking about and they won't give you the time of day.

That's where we can help. If you are serious, then I can point you in the right direction. There is some great information you will be able to access on your own that's totally free to access, but knowing where to find the information is essential and knowing how to read what you are looking at is also important.

If you are someone who wants everything done for you and you want to reap the huge rewards associated with Bulk REO purchases, then this probably isn't for you. This takes work and time invested to make the profits that are possible.

Are you an investor who has funding for BULK REO purchases but don't know how to find the product you're looking for? Do you want to invest in only certain states but aren't sure how to find the right person to talk to? If so, contact me and we will discuss the possibilities of us working together. No daisy chains...period! You must a direct buyer of BULK REO assets...
or you want to learn how to be. That's simple when you have the right info. I can help you with that. Go here now and find out more:

Did you know that there are 3 different ways to make money with this? Do you know what they are?

Until Next Time!

Thanks for dropping by,

Cheryl Baxter "browse our current properties" "check out our real estate blog" "online bibles, books, music, more"

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