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RE: Forum Informum - Feedback for Business and Pleasure
9/4/2010 12:43:26 AM

Just wanted to let you know that I read your post here and Roger suggested that I give you some info that may be just the thing for you. You can follow the link that I've pasted here and go to my forum thread to read more about an excellent way to make money. Don't know whether it's for you or not...but if you're interested I will be happy to give you the info that I have you may want for yourself. Follow the link that I've placed here:

Thanks Roger for guiding me here to see Stephen's post. Yes, I will post the info here for him to access at my forum. I don't want to post the body of the text here since it's a different topic than what your thread is about, but for Stephen and anyone else who is curious and searching to find a way to make some serious money I invite you to follow Roger's advice and see the info that I started a thread about in my forum: "Just to Let You Know" related to BULK REO's, you can go find out what that means and feel free to contact me with any questions.

Thank you for your comment. However, I have a full plate right now trying to launch my web site and don't have any room nor time to take on any more money making opportunitys but thank you for your offer.

Warmest regards,


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RE: Forum Informum - Feedback for Business and Pleasure
9/4/2010 7:23:40 AM

That's confusing Stephen.

It looked like you were asking for suggestions.


RE: Forum Informum - Feedback for Business and Pleasure
9/4/2010 2:45:25 PM

Roger, that would be confusing. Must have just been an ad. You are always so willing to help.

I suppose there are those who 'cry wolf'.

Have a great weekend!


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RE: Forum Informum - Feedback for Business and Pleasure
9/4/2010 10:23:16 PM

Read through this entire forum after being sent here at the suggestion of Bogdan. Much is off subject but I made it to the last page.

My question is this, why does the system allow "squaters" to post threads on my forums. They are blantant ads. The title of the forum and description are clear and percise to the reader. I spend time everyday cleaning out forums.

Just because my forums have readers, are noticed by many does not give people privilage to post this same stuff all over the place.

Here is what I have tried

>personal message---may I help you find places to advertise

please don't put threads on my forum unless you are willing to invite readers

>cut and paste letter asking them to cease and here's some ideas where to advertise

>leave the thread for a day or two and then just delete.

I have seen lovely forums whose owners do not remove the trash threads and it ruins the quality of the forum. To each his own, it is their forum and can allow what they want. Some of the problem is language barriers and some is not understanding the system.

Could the system not allow threads by anyone but the owner?

Thank you Bogdan, you have always been a good listener and provided help for our best interest.

Flag of Roger Macdivitt .

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RE: Forum Informum - Feedback for Business and Pleasure
9/4/2010 11:11:00 PM

Read through this entire forum after being sent here at the suggestion of Bogdan. Much is off subject but I made it to the last page.

My question is this, why does the system allow "squaters" to post threads on my forums. They are blantant ads. The title of the forum and description are clear and percise to the reader. I spend time everyday cleaning out forums.

Just because my forums have readers, are noticed by many does not give people privilage to post this same stuff all over the place.

Here is what I have tried

>personal message---may I help you find places to advertise

please don't put threads on my forum unless you are willing to invite readers

>cut and paste letter asking them to cease and here's some ideas where to advertise

>leave the thread for a day or two and then just delete.

I have seen lovely forums whose owners do not remove the trash threads and it ruins the quality of the forum. To each his own, it is their forum and can allow what they want. Some of the problem is language barriers and some is not understanding the system.

Could the system not allow threads by anyone but the owner?

Thank you Bogdan, you have always been a good listener and provided help for our best interest.

I agree with much of what you say.

Sometimes I have been able to start a forum thread when the owner obviously didn't know how.



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