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RE: BULK REO's...Ever Heard of This? What The Heck Does That Mean? Find Out Here!
9/17/2010 2:15:03 AM
Foreclosures up, prices down, blood bath...
Enter the sharks.

Savvy investors live by the motto - "buy low, sell high".
Prices are low, they smell blood... they're buying.

I'm not talking about investors that buy a property or two.
I'm talking about hedge funds and large investor groups that buy in bulk...
millions of dollars at a time...
at a discount (of course).

Then there's the lenders...
lots of "nonperforming assets" on their books threatening their livelihood.

They're not set up to efficiently sell them off one at a time.
But they do like to off load them in bulk (like they used to do with mortgages).

Here's the good part - for you:
Become a matchmaker and collect a generous bounty ($25,000, $50,000 or more).

Want to know exactly how to...
* find the lenders,
* find the investors,
* make the deal,
* collect a fat bounty

Spend 90 minutes - not months or even hours - and you'll know how.
AND have all the tools and proven scripts you need.

But I need to warn you: this opportunity is because of a temporary market dislocation. I honestly don't know how long this golden goose will be laying eggs. But right now the omelettes are fabulous.

Bulk REO Secrets - right on point… right to the point… follow this bread crumb trail to huge, fast, easy profits…

Go here now:

You'll be glad you discovered this!

Cheryl Baxter "browse our current properties" "check out our real estate blog" "online bibles, books, music, more"
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RE: BULK REO's...Ever Heard of This? What The Heck Does That Mean? Find Out Here!
9/17/2010 6:07:53 AM
Avoiding the pitfalls of Bulk REO investing is something I can help you with. If you don't have money to waste on a program from a "Guru" about Bulk REO's, then check this out.

It's all inclusive, with everything you will need. It names the names and gives the details to get started now without being asked to go to the next level or purchase the gold or premium package. Don't you just get tired of all that? I know that I do and if you're like me, you just don't want to waste anymore time or money. The real deal, no hype!


Cheryl Baxter "browse our current properties" "check out our real estate blog" "online bibles, books, music, more"
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RE: BULK REO's...Ever Heard of This? What The Heck Does That Mean? Find Out Here!
9/26/2010 7:06:15 AM
This is all inclusive. Nothing held back. You will know exactly what to do and who to contact with this training. No more hype and expensive info. You get it all....everything you will need to know to have success in Bulk REO investing. There are 3 ways to profit from these bulk purchases. If you don't know what they are you can find out for yourself by clicking on the link provided here....and you won't have to spend thousands of dollars to get everything you will need. Direct connections with all the right people.

Never deal with daisy chains (those joker brokers who say they are direct with a lender or buyer...and then when you find out what they are actually doing, they may be 4 removed from the direct connection they say they have).

Don't walk...Run as fast as you can from these jokers! It could ruin your credibility dealing with them or partnering with them.

Do it the legitimate way without spending thousands. Very low cost to buy this and you will be glad you steered away from people like this...and now, you don't have to ever deal with them again!!! Why?...because in a short time you can be the one who knows the seller and the buyers.

YOU must become the one who is direct to both of these sources!

Feel free to contact me by email or call me (817-907-6713). You can do this! It's a matter of having the correct information and dealing with the right people from the start.

Cheryl Baxter "browse our current properties" "check out our real estate blog" "online bibles, books, music, more"
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RE: BULK REO's...Ever Heard of This? What The Heck Does That Mean? Find Out Here!
10/2/2010 5:23:32 PM
Right now I am in the process of talking directly with sellers and portfolio lenders who have a lot of Bulk REO inventory. Just a couple of days ago I had one of these institutions call me back and we are discussing what assets they have they need to get off their books.

How was I able to talk with them and know who to talk to? That's what BULK REO Secrets can help you find out. It's a simple process, yet without to correct information you are wasting your time.

You too can have access to the correct info and in no time be ready to take it upon yourself to do the same thing I am doing. This way you will not have to go through anyone but yourself, which saves you a lot of money that you could make in profits for yourself or your company.

Click on the link to see what I'm talking about:

Have a super weekend!

Cheryl Baxter
817-907-6713 "browse our current properties" "check out our real estate blog" "online bibles, books, music, more"
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RE: BULK REO's...Ever Heard of This? What The Heck Does That Mean? Find Out Here!
10/31/2010 7:51:50 AM

There's a simple way to find out all the info you need to talk to the right people about Bulk REO's, it's simpler than you think, need the correct information to help you do it and sound like you know what you're talking about. The "Gurus" would have you believe that you have to spend thousands to get the right training....& it's really not that at all! You have to spend thousands to buy into their program so that they make a nice fat profit.

Click the link above and find out for yourself that it's not the amount you spend that makes the training valuable. It's the quality of the training. What I recommend is getting trained for a fraction of what the "Gurus" charge. Personally, I was determined to find the info and I'm glad I didn't give an arm and a leg for it. I am sharing with you the very same info that I am using to contact portfolio lenders, and talk with those in charge of these assets.

Have a super weekend, and feel free to contact me with any questions you may have.


Cheryl "browse our current properties" "check out our real estate blog" "online bibles, books, music, more"

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