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RE: Funny Signs on Businesses, Bill Boards, Etc...Laughter Is Great Medicine!
5/24/2011 6:44:38 PM
Hi Roger,

Thank you for coming by & encouraging Phil. I know he appreciates you & so do I.

Take care,

Cheryl "browse our current properties" "check out our real estate blog" "online bibles, books, music, more"
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RE: Funny Signs on Businesses, Bill Boards, Etc...Laughter Is Great Medicine!
5/24/2011 6:48:16 PM
Hi Again Phil,

You are precious in the sight of our LORD and He has placed his hand around you and lifted you up to the heights of his love. You are also loved by many of your friends here. I'm really glad to see you & that your faith is strong.

Blessings my dear friend!

Cheryl "browse our current properties" "check out our real estate blog" "online bibles, books, music, more"
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RE: Funny Signs on Businesses, Bill Boards, Etc...Laughter Is Great Medicine!
5/24/2011 10:15:44 PM

Hi Cheryl,

Thanks for the Wonderful Warm Words of Encouragement. I am truly Blessed to be surrounded by so many Caring, Warm-hearted, Christian, Friends such as yourself.

I can't help but be upbeat my Friend, because as you know, the Love of our Lord puts His Peace and His Love in our Hearts and a Smile on our faces. No matter how difficult our lives may seem at the moment, we must always remember that He will never allow us to suffer more than we can bear, and that He always will walk there beside of us.

Whenever I get to feeling that my burdens are getting too heavy for me to bear, I just remember that Old Jewish Proverb and I get down on my knees and...

"Ask God, not for a lighter burden, but for broader shoulders."

Yes, my Friend, He has richly Blessed me and He continues to do so each and every day of my life. If you'll click on the following Graphic, you'll hear a little bit of Inspiration that I listen to quite often to remind me that...

May God Bless You & Keep You My Dear Friend,


“There may be trouble all around, but I am calling you to a place of peace. Be still and know that I am God. Come to Me, and I will give you wisdom, strength, and grace for everything you face." Psalm 46:10
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RE: Funny Signs on Businesses, Bill Boards, Etc...Laughter Is Great Medicine!
5/27/2011 4:12:31 AM
Hi Phil,

Thanks for the video clip. That was a great reminder of just how blessed we are & how our LORD's provision for us is abundant and ongoing. We are rich in every way. Most of all in God's love and mercy. Also the fact that we are fortunate enough to be living where we do & have our daily needs met. In this, we are given responsibility and opportunity to share what God has blessed us with.

So thankful Phil, that we have a sweet fellowship in our precious Saviour and LORD!

Take care,
Cheryl "browse our current properties" "check out our real estate blog" "online bibles, books, music, more"
Flag of Cheryl Baxter

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RE: Funny Signs on Businesses, Bill Boards, Etc...Laughter Is Great Medicine!
5/27/2011 6:33:59 PM
Christian cartoons for a change !!
<< ����..looks like some things never change!!!

Little John the Baptist

"Therefore, whoever humbles himself like this child is the greatest in the kingdom of heaven.
And who ever welcomes a little child like this in my name welcomes me. "

Johnny's Mother looked out the window and noticed him "playing church" with their cat.

He had the cat sitting quietly and he was preaching to it. She smiled and went about her work. A while later she heard loud meowing and hissing and ran back To the open window to see Johnny baptizing the cat in a tub of water.

She called out, "Johnny, stop that! The cat is afraid of water!"

Johnny looked up at her and said, "He should have thought about that before he joined my church."

Send this to someone who needs a laugh today and remember: Knowing scripture can save your life - in more ways than one!

Have a great day,
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