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RE: Funny Signs on Businesses, Bill Boards, Etc...Laughter Is Great Medicine!
1/14/2011 3:05:28 PM

Cheryl, good to see back a few minutes. Yes, sometimes we just need some laughter to brighten things up a bit. I needed a SAFE place to post and when this sign showed up, here is where I came.

It is hard to keep warm in this old house during these really cold times but now that I finally got the wick put in our newer kerosene heater, the kitchen is much warmer. Ever tried to replace one of those things?? It is a real pain!! We have two, an old one and a new one - both are almost impossible to do and the guys around here will not even attempt to tackle them!! I have decided the manufactures think no one will ever go to the trouble to replace a wick, they will simply buy a new heater.

You don't have time to read all this stuff - go back to work friend.

Love you,


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RE: Funny Signs on Businesses, Bill Boards, Etc...Laughter Is Great Medicine!
1/15/2011 9:37:52 PM
Hi Sara,

I'm always happy to see you in any of my forums and anywhere you post. It makes me feel great to have you think of my forum as a SAFE place. I know what you mean...there are some place that are comforting and I'm glad you think of this one that way. I do keep busy though I'm glad I can bounce back into Adland anytime and post....because I do miss being here.

I just received this YouTube clip this morning from one of my friends and I thought it was so cute. Hope you have time to view it and maybe I'll post it in one of your forums too.

Sorry it's so cold in your's been really cold here though yesterday it's warmed back up again. My heater seems to either be too warm or not warn enough & since I would rather be cold than hot, I find myself wearing 3 layers and taking off a layer when I need to cool down + I think this is better to lower the heating bill.

That's great that you figured out how to replace a wick in your kerosene heaters. You're probably right about the manufacturers thinking no one will do that. Way to go!

Cheryl "browse our current properties" "check out our real estate blog" "online bibles, books, music, more"
Flag of Roger Macdivitt .

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RE: Funny Signs on Businesses, Bill Boards, Etc...Laughter Is Great Medicine!
1/15/2011 10:06:12 PM


My wife is very unwell at present and your video really cheered her vup.

We had a great chuckle.

Thank you.

RE: Funny Signs on Businesses, Bill Boards, Etc...Laughter Is Great Medicine!
1/16/2011 12:22:02 AM

Thank you Cheryl, see you in a year or two maybe!!



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RE: Funny Signs on Businesses, Bill Boards, Etc...Laughter Is Great Medicine!
1/20/2011 5:57:53 AM
Hi Roger,

So sorry to hear that your wife is ill....but I'm glad this cheered her up. This is a great little video isn't it! What a smart little doggie....and I'm sure it took awhile to teach him all those great tricks.

Tell your wife she is in my thoughts and prayers.

Take care,

Cheryl "browse our current properties" "check out our real estate blog" "online bibles, books, music, more"

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