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Michael Caron

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RE: Stuff to make you think
3/22/2011 9:54:23 PM
As I anticipate, they did not appear. The point that I was trying to point out is that evolution is perhaps the reason that human embroys have tails. Plus, Achaeologists have uncovered artifacts of various sized fish bones in the middle of all the deserts on Earth, proving that The Great Flood depicted in the bible really did occur. Perhaps, rather than being an unneccasary part of the human body, it is perhaps a part of the body that will develop as more and more Sunamies occur. (Boy, did I spell that wrong.) I believe that somewhere in the bible there is a passage that says, "What was, will be again."

Michael J. Caron (Mike) TRUTH IN ADVERTISING!! Friends First. Business Later.
Roger Macdivitt .

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RE: Stuff to make you think
3/23/2011 12:06:22 AM

Mike this is fascinating.

Evolution is amazing and to me there is no conflict with my faith.

Although christians vary in their opinions about bible books and whether they were all written with God's guidance there is no doubt that books have been left out, that things have been wrongly translated and that Kings, Popes and elders have played their part in putting over the truth as they wanted it shown.

I watched a program about the universe a few days ago. Astonishing facts and figures. yes, one of your atoms would once have been a tree, maybe several times Another might have been part of a moon millions of miles away etc. We learn more and more and when we do we find more questions.

The more we understand our universe the more we find out how complex it is and that there seems to be a definite start and finish, no matter the timescale, however, HUMAN INTELLIGENCE and above all CONCIOUSNESS cannot be explained yet by scientists AND THAT IS WHERE GOD COMES IN. I believe that God is different to different people and that HE/SHE/IT can be what it wishes to be. I believe that my christian beliefs are based upon God's scheme but I'm not arrogant enough to think that I'm the only one who's got it right.

There has to be a greater intelligence, if it is God to people that's fine, if it's Mother nature, that's fine too but I believe that there is something.

Sermon over.

Just ponder on this Mike. Is God a woman and what would life have been like with a tail?


Myrna Ferguson

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RE: Stuff to make you think
3/23/2011 12:44:50 AM
Hi Roger,

I like this forum, it is very interesting and does make you think, which is good.

Isn't God spirit? I don't think it matters if God is he/she or whatever. Because God is LOVE and that is what matters.

Michael Caron

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RE: Stuff to make you think
3/23/2011 4:20:54 AM
Hi Roger,
We are all made in GOD'S image. We have all used that term throughout our lives, but have we ever contemplated what it mean's? We thing of an image as something tangible that we can see. When I look in the mirror I see an image of what I look like, you see an image of what your look like, and Myrna sees an image of what she looks like. She than says, "Thank GOD I don't look like those two." Our conception of the word image is taken entirely out of context. Is GOD male or female? This question has been asked since the beginning of time. The correct answer is neither and both. This sounds like a contradiction in terms, however both answers are correct. GOD is OmniPotent meaning above all else. The essence of being is in itself the true meaning of who, (Not what) GOD is. GOD is the only singular being in the entire Universe. Everything else is paired off, Male, Female, right, left, North, South, and so on. The image surrounds us every day, every minute, every second and every milisecond. Although we are flesh and bone, this flesh and bone will cease to exist one day, however our life will never be distinquished because we know it as our soul, or the Light Within. As you mentioned, a molecule here or there determines what we are born as, however each one of us, whether we are human, animal, plant, or any other form of life, started as a piece of our Supreme creator who the majority of us know as GOD. We are light, we are Love, we are many complex components of energy that all came from one, single source.
It does not matter if Archaeoligists found artifacts dating back to 9,000 years before the bible or if Adam and Eve were Homo Sapiens or Neandethal. We are alive because our creator chose to use HIS light in a very positive way.

Are Miracles Real? Very real. As many of you will recall, I once recounted a story of when I first arrived in Indianapolis, I tried countless times to call Shirley, however she had an unlisted number. Finally, I called my ex wife (wife at that time) During our conversation she asked if she heard traffic in the background. I told her that she did. She recounted by saying that I would do the world a big favor by stepping out into it. I wasn't able to find work, I was living in a homeless shelter and I felt pretty much useless. I walked to the curb, tears in my eyes, and I know that I stepped off the curb into traffic. The next thing that I recalled was talking on the phone with Shirley. When I asked how long we had been talking and what had I told her she said that we had been talking for fifteen minutes and I told her everything. She asked if I had been praying to GOD and I told her that HE did not have time for me. She told me that HE did and also that HE had a job waiting for me. Shortly thereafter I had a job.
Although our creator is energy and Light, HE is also Loving and caring and above all else, REAL.
Michael J. Caron (Mike) TRUTH IN ADVERTISING!! Friends First. Business Later.
Roger Macdivitt .

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RE: Stuff to make you think
3/23/2011 8:46:30 AM

A lovely pair of answers.

Myrna, how could I forget. I meant to add about God and love which was a supremely important. Thank you for your reply and your understanding.


Another wonderful answer, your reply just reinforces how wonderful and complex God's world is. I love Adland, there are real people here a tribute to friendship.



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