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Luis Miguel Goitizolo

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3/17/2012 5:14:03 PM
Hi Miguel,

I think this belongs here. Things are really coming to ahead. This is mind blogging.

The video below tells about the real purpose of the chemtrails and how they relate to Morgellons Disease

the video shows the morgs in action in the body----Summary on the real purpose of chemtrails

Myrna, all this is both fascinating and scary. Recently I became aquainted with this "morgellons disease" but only to a certain extent, yet it was enough to leave me shocked since apart from becoming for the first time specifically aware of it, I realized that I myself had very probably been suffering from it for the last several years given the symptoms I had been experiencing. At the moment, however, I thought this disease, if a disease at all, was not intentionally induced but just acquired by chance through intoxication from the increasing atmospheric contamination. In other words, I was aware of who ultimately were to blame for it but not to the extent that I am now that I can tie the knots thanks to this information.

So yes, this is mind blogging, and it definitely belongs here.

Thank you,


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Luis Miguel Goitizolo

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3/17/2012 5:25:26 PM
Friends, this is also most scary information affecting our health and only comes to confirm what I have been suspecting for long.

WHO Chief: The End of Modern Medicine is Coming

What would the world look like if an injury from a minor infection could kill you? Where bacterial illnesses like strep had no treatment? Where the risk of infection made it too dangerous for simple, routine surgeries such as hip replacements? Where the risk of infection would be great enough to render chemotherapy useless?

According to Margaret Chan, the director general of the World Health Organization, this could soon be reality. At a meeting with infection disease experts in Copenhagen, she stated simply that every antibiotic in the arsenal of modern medicine may soon become useless due to the rise of antibiotic resistant diseases. The Independent quoted her explaining the ramifications:

“A post-antibiotic era means, in effect, an end to modern medicine as we know it. Things as common as strep throat or a child’s scratched knee could once again kill.”

She continued: “Antimicrobial resistance is on the rise in Europe, and elsewhere in the world. We are losing our first-line antimicrobials.

“Replacement treatments are more costly, more toxic, need much longer durations of treatment, and may require treatment in intensive care units.

“For patients infected with some drug-resistant pathogens, mortality has been shown to increase by around 50 per cent.

“Some sophisticated interventions, like hip replacements, organ transplants, cancer chemotherapy, and care of preterm infants, would become far more difficult or even too dangerous to undertake.”

Around the world, more and more pathogens are spreading which don’t respond to any known antibiotic drugs. In India, there has been a recent outbreak of drug-resistant TB. And in the US, the CDC warns that a new strain of gonorrhea is on the rise – and it is resistant to most forms of antibiotics. The agency warns that it’s only a matter of time before we start seeing outbreaks of untreatable STIs. (And the fact that sex education in the US rarely warns teens how to adequately protect themselves from STIs probably won’t help.)

So why is this happening? There are a couple of troubling reasons – the first that Chan points to is the heavy use of antibiotics in livestock. In the US, a full 80% of the country’s antibiotics go to farm animals, not human beings. And the FDA has done little to discourage this. The only solution here is to go vegetarian/vegan, or start paying more for organic (not “natural”) meat, eggs, and dairy that have never been exposed to antibiotics.

The other reason is just depressing: there’s no money to be made, apparently, in developing new antibiotics. Chan says:

“In terms of new replacement antibiotics, the pipeline is virtually dry. The cupboard is nearly bare.

“From an industry perspective, why invest considerable sums of money to develop a new antimicrobial when irrational use will accelerate its ineffectiveness before the investment can be recouped?”

She called for measures to tackle the threat by doctors prescribing antibiotics appropriately, patients following their treatment and restrictions on the use of antibiotics in animals.

But she said attention was “still sporadic” and actions “inadequate”.

“At a time of multiple calamities in the world, we cannot allow the loss of essential antimicrobials, essential cures for many millions of people, to become the next global crisis,” she said.

Related Stories:

Antibiotics Don’t Work Against Superbugs

This News Could Kill You: FDA & Antibiotics

Update: FDA Restricts Some Antibiotics in Livestock

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Photo credit: Psyberartist

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"Choose a job you love and you will not have to work a day in your life" (Confucius)

Bogdan Fiedur

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3/17/2012 5:39:39 PM
Hi Miguel,

It took only on hour for this article to appear after my last entry here in regards to George Clooney activism.

Some months ago I saw live interview with Clooney standing in front of White House and talking about Sudan. I could sense that he didn't know what he was talking about. This seasoned actor and star was stumbling and talking in circles.

George Clooney Asks ‘Humanitarian’ Warmongers to Save Sudan

Aaron Dykes
March 17, 2012

We are dealing with the era of war in the name of peace. The Responsibility to Protect Doctrine (discussed below) is a deliberate call for preemptive war. This issue has been carefully crafted by the very individuals most responsible for the war in Libya, which helped put al Qaeda in power there and resulted in a black genocide and ethnic cleansing. It is time we woke up to the agenda hiding behind certain specifically-arranged “humanitarian” crises.
Samantha Power, Obama Aide, Urged Action in Libya

Libyan Rebels Accused of “Ethnic Cleansing,” Black Genocide

Al Qaeda Planting Its Flag In Libya?

Actor George Clooney lends his famous face to spotlight the crisis in Sudan, adding another front to the “humanitarian” calls for intervention in Africa, coinciding with the KONY 2012 social experiment to deploy troops to Uganda. Clooney just finished staging an arrest at the Sudanese embassy.

Looking behind this tear-jerking propaganda, it is extremely significant that Clooney’s running mate in this Sudanese mission is John Prendergast, not only a “human rights activist” as head of the NGO Enough Project, but a former member of the National Security Council and State Department. He was second to now UN Ambassador Susan Rice, a bedfellow of current National Security Council ‘humanitarian’ Samantha Power and a member of the International Crisis Group, headed by George Soros and Zbigniew Brzezinski.

That pedigree should raise eyebrows from any thinking person. If you think the very SAME groups waging wars across the globe will be the saviors of these victims, think again.

George Clooney Asks Humanitarian Warmongers to Save Sudan Soros ICG Samantha Power Angelina Jolie KONY

In this video, Sudanese in the Nuba Mountains are supposedly holding signs in English demanding justice at the International Criminal Court and asking the West for a “No Fly Zone.” These signs are clearly manufactured, as they mirror buzz words chosen because they are part of an agenda long crafted by the likes of George Soros, Samantha Power and others. Fellow traveler John Prendergast makes specific mention of the “Responsibility to Protect,” this doctrine is again branded to feed a call for another preemptive war in the name of humanity.

Via Esquire: For her Cube portrait, Samantha Power and John Prendergast, founder of the Enough Project, gathered five genocide survivors: Perouz Kalousdian, a 99-year-old survivor of the Armenian genocide; Bernard Gotfryd, a Holocaust survivor; Sophy Yem, who survived Pol Pot’s “killing fields”; Jacqueline Murekatete, who narrowly survived the Rwandan genocide; and Motasim Adam, who escaped the ongoing genocide in Darfur. The green bracelets, which say, “Not on Our Watch,” represent the growing strength worldwide of the movement to eliminate genocide.

We have previously exposed this agenda, patently brought to life by these very groups. See Secrets KONY 2012 is Desperate to Hide for further information on the agenda behind these causes, sympathetic in appearance but designed to open up AFRICOM military action while legitimizing the ICC world government organ.

Luis Miguel Goitizolo

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3/17/2012 9:11:22 PM

Hi Miguel,

This paragraph below is the key of this whole article. Again I will play evil advocate and suggest that Clooney the same way as Angelina Jolie they both work for Soros. His arrest from yesterday is a rehearsed scenario to fool public and bring attention to his fake mission. It is just a PR stunt. As atrocities might be true, Cloonie's role is to create public perception that America has to be involved in another place of Africa where Chinese have influence.

China has been a huge investor in Sudan, particularly in oil, and Clooney suggested China could be a key player. He asked the Senate to persuade the Chinese to help with the Sudan dispute.

Yes Bogdan, actually I considered adding an intro to this article saying that I hoped the atrocities perpetrated in Sudan would not be a pretext to invade the country in U.S fashion later on, yet on the spur of the moment I omitted it. Things are getting so fast-paced in the entire world these days that where I used to post one or two articles a day now I have to choose among at least eight or ten to then post three or four every day. The result, in the end, is I find it difficult to keep abreast of all the world's developments.

In this case, it is significant that I did not post this article on my main thread "Is the New Age Really Coming?" as I do with those that contain rather positive info but on this, which denotes I regarded it at least as a disquieting one.

As usual, I appreciate your feedback.


"Choose a job you love and you will not have to work a day in your life" (Confucius)

Luis Miguel Goitizolo

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3/17/2012 9:29:20 PM
Again, Bogdan, this article comes just in time to illustrate us on the real motivations of people apparently sympathetic with the poor and disenfranchised of this world. What a bunch of crooks they are!

Hi Miguel,

It took only on hour for this article to appear after my last entry here in regards to George Clooney activism.

Some months ago I saw live interview with Clooney standing in front of White House and talking about Sudan. I could sense that he didn't know what he was talking about. This seasoned actor and star was stumbling and talking in circles.

George Clooney Asks ‘Humanitarian’ Warmongers to Save Sudan

Aaron Dykes
March 17, 2012

We are dealing with the era of war in the name of peace. The Responsibility to Protect Doctrine (discussed below) is a deliberate call for preemptive war. This issue has been carefully crafted by the very individuals most responsible for the war in Libya, which helped put al Qaeda in power there and resulted in a black genocide and ethnic cleansing. It is time we woke up to the agenda hiding behind certain specifically-arranged “humanitarian” crises.
Samantha Power, Obama Aide, Urged Action in Libya

Libyan Rebels Accused of “Ethnic Cleansing,” Black Genocide

Al Qaeda Planting Its Flag In Libya?

Actor George Clooney lends his famous face to spotlight the crisis in Sudan, adding another front to the “humanitarian” calls for intervention in Africa, coinciding with the KONY 2012 social experiment to deploy troops to Uganda. Clooney just finished staging an arrest at the Sudanese embassy.

Looking behind this tear-jerking propaganda, it is extremely significant that Clooney’s running mate in this Sudanese mission is John Prendergast, not only a “human rights activist” as head of the NGO Enough Project, but a former member of the National Security Council and State Department. He was second to now UN Ambassador Susan Rice, a bedfellow of current National Security Council ‘humanitarian’ Samantha Power and a member of the International Crisis Group, headed by George Soros and Zbigniew Brzezinski.

That pedigree should raise eyebrows from any thinking person. If you think the very SAME groups waging wars across the globe will be the saviors of these victims, think again.

George Clooney Asks Humanitarian Warmongers to Save Sudan Soros ICG Samantha Power Angelina Jolie KONY

In this video, Sudanese in the Nuba Mountains are supposedly holding signs in English demanding justice at the International Criminal Court and asking the West for a “No Fly Zone.” These signs are clearly manufactured, as they mirror buzz words chosen because they are part of an agenda long crafted by the likes of George Soros, Samantha Power and others. Fellow traveler John Prendergast makes specific mention of the “Responsibility to Protect,” this doctrine is again branded to feed a call for another preemptive war in the name of humanity.

Via Esquire: For her Cube portrait, Samantha Power and John Prendergast, founder of the Enough Project, gathered five genocide survivors: Perouz Kalousdian, a 99-year-old survivor of the Armenian genocide; Bernard Gotfryd, a Holocaust survivor; Sophy Yem, who survived Pol Pot’s “killing fields”; Jacqueline Murekatete, who narrowly survived the Rwandan genocide; and Motasim Adam, who escaped the ongoing genocide in Darfur. The green bracelets, which say, “Not on Our Watch,” represent the growing strength worldwide of the movement to eliminate genocide.

We have previously exposed this agenda, patently brought to life by these very groups. See Secrets KONY 2012 is Desperate to Hide for further information on the agenda behind these causes, sympathetic in appearance but designed to open up AFRICOM military action while legitimizing the ICC world government organ.

"Choose a job you love and you will not have to work a day in your life" (Confucius)


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