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Myrna Ferguson

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3/13/2012 10:02:55 PM
The feelings I had when I heard him, Oh I wonder what he is really going to do. Someone as loyal and honest as Dennis isn't just pushed aside he has a great job in store for him.

Yes, Dennis Kucinich will be missed. I think we are going to see a lot more of him so I wonder what his real job will be. I think it is going to do something wonderful in our new age. We will see, it is right around the corner.
Nesara now, please!!!

Luis Miguel Goitizolo

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3/13/2012 10:09:42 PM
You are so right, Pat. And note he is talking about Iran as a fact, not anymore a possiblity.

Congressman Dennis Kucinich WILL BE MISSED. He was one of the sane ones. Not the idiots who hold power in congress now. too bad his viewpoint of the iraq was was not shared by everyone.

"Choose a job you love and you will not have to work a day in your life" (Confucius)

Bogdan Fiedur

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3/13/2012 10:16:10 PM
To be frank, Bogdan, all this is nauseating. The worst is the cynicism the main plotters openly display. They seem to be so sure no one is realizing what their real intention is. To think how history repeats itself and almost no one seems to perceive anything wrong in these campaigns until it is too late. Something like Iraq and Afghanistan and soon Iran, though not so blatantly obvious. How longer will it take now until their real motivation is revealed? I should have known from the moment their most immediate objective was killing someone, however devilish that someone might be, that it could not be anything good; how wrong it all looks to me now that I know. If only they had used some other word like, for example, to stop Kony, I even now could have remained in the dark as to their true goals - for all your info. I guess "killing" has ceased to be such a reproachable action as it used to be and they no longer need to resort to any euphemisms to have their way.


Hi Miguel,

As I suspected initially, Kony is a America sponsored man, who now serves their another agenda. This article below confirms it.

Conned 2012: Joseph Kony Is A CIA Contractor

Saman Mohammadi at (Click Title for Original)

According to former European MP, journalist, and author Richard Cottrell, the Lord Resistance Army is backed by the CIA and Mossad.

The author of the blog aangirfan writes: "In Uganda, Joseph Kony is the leader of the Lord's Resistance Army, 'which is a US and Mossad-backed guerilla force.'" He quotes Richard Cottrell, a former European MP, journalist, and author of the book, "Gladio: NATO’s Dagger At The Heart of Europe," who wrote in an article in October 2011 called, "African ping pong: US plays both sides in Uganda":
"The Lord’s Resistance Army (LRA) rampaging around Uganda is nothing more than a US and Mossad-backed guerilla force.

Its task is to destabilize wide areas of Africa rich in minerals like Uganda, ex-French and Belgian Congo, and Sudan.

Joseph Kony, the self-appointed leader of the LRA, ex-choir boy, brilliantly flexible break dancer, the new US terrorist poster boy, has been on the CIA’s books for years."
Based on this analysis, the CIA is probably also involved in the million-dollar propaganda campaign to draw American people's attention towards Uganda, and Joseph Kony in particular, in order to secure public opinion in support of a U.S. and UN intervention in the country.
Another excerpt from Richard Cottrell's article:
"What is going on in Central Africa is a fine old game of ping pong, the new scramble for Africa, in which western intelligence (American CIA, British MI6, Belgian intelligence, Israeli Mossad) are playing both sides of the table.

The aim is to destabilize the entire region so effectively that most of it can be effectively controlled under the disguise of the usual humanitarian mission. The vast mineral reserves (copper, diamonds, gold, uranium, and oil, for starters) can then he handed on a plate to western exploiters.

This is a direct continuation of the CIA/MI6/Belgian/Mossad promotion of the Katanga breakaway state back in the 1960′s. The western powers encouraged their local stooge Moise Tschombe to pull out of the freshly independent ex-Belgian Congo.

The prime minister of the Congolese Republic, Patrice Lumumba, was murdered in 1961 with the complicity of US and Belgian Special Forces."
One of the CIA agents who was involved in the illegal assassination of the Congolese leader Patrice Lumumba was Frank Carlucci, who was the Secretary of Defense in the Reagan administration in the late 1980s. After leaving office, he became the chairman of the infamous Carlyle Group from 1992 to 2003, a company that is linked to the Bush and Bin Laden families, as well as other nasty people.

These people are not only raping and murdering Africa, but they're raping and murdering America and pretty much the whole planet. They don't have human empathy, they are motivated by greed and want to take total control over the populations and resources of Earth.

The satanic international banksters who control the CIA, MI6, and other Western intelligence agencies are raping, killing, and looting in Afghanistan, Uganda, Iraq, Libya, America, etc. etc. etc.

The Kony 2012 campaign is a well-funded propaganda facade to lure good-hearted Americans into backing another illegal U.S./UN intervention in a part of the world that has been raped by cynical conquerors since the dawn of time.

This campaign is not about saving the children of Uganda from a heartless and brutal monster, but about stripping the resources of Uganda and giving them to the biggest heartless and brutal monsters on the planet, who own the CIA, MI6, Mossad, and the entire Western intelligence-security machine.

The author of the blog aangirfan writes:
"Kony's job is to provide the USA with the perfect excuse to invade Uganda on the pretext of inciting another humanitarian mission.

Yoweri Museveni, the dictator of Uganda, is also a CIA asset.

The CIA and its friends are supporting both sides."
If you care about humanity, and the people and children of Uganda, then you must denounce the cynical Kony 2012 campaign, and inform your friends and family members that the real killers who are massacring children across the planet are in the CIA, U.S. Military, Mossad, MI6, NATO, and UN.

Luis Miguel Goitizolo

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3/13/2012 10:17:34 PM

Collapse Coming–Not Recovery

2012 MARCH 13
Posted by Paul Quistgard

Collapse Coming–Not Recovery

by: Greg Hunter as published in USAWATCHDOG


The way the latest unemployment numbers were reported by the mainstream media (MSM), you would think the Great Recession was over and the United States was solidly on the road to recovery. The Associated Press reported the numbers by the Bureau of Labor Statistics (BLS) with a story that said, “The United States added 227,000 jobs in February, the latest display of the breadth and strength of the economic recovery. The country has put together the most impressive three months of job growth since before the Great Recession. The unemployment rate stayed at 8.3 percent. It was the first time in six months it didn’t fall, and that was because a half-million Americans started looking for work.” (Click here for the complete AP story) I don’t see how the MSM can say this one number is “the latest display of the breadth and strength of the economic recovery.”

Cyclical and structural unemployment are gripping the nation. Certain jobs are gone forever or, at the very least, for a very long time. Maybe that’s why millions of people have given up even looking for work. reported, just a few weeks ago, millions have stopped looking for work, and the government has stopped counting them. The report said, “In the latest, much celebrated, unemployment report, the labor force participation rate had plummeted to 63.7%, the most rapid decline in U.S. history. That means that under President Obama nearly 5 million Americans have fled the workforce in hopeless despair. The trick is that when those 5 million are not counted as in the work force, they are not counted as unemployed either. They may desperately need and want jobs. They may be in poverty, as many undoubtedly are, with America suffering today more people in poverty than in the entire half century the Census Bureau has been counting poverty. But they are not even counted in that 8.3% unemployment rate that Obama and his media cheerleaders were so tirelessly celebrating last week.” (Click here for the complete report)

While we are on the subject of unemployment and poverty, the number of people on food stamps jumped to more than 46.5 million in December 2011! It is a new all-time record. How can the nation be in a true “recovery” with increasing numbers of Americans on the government dole?

According to economist John Williams of, the latest good news about job creation is distorted with what he calls “massive seasonal adjustments.” The latest report, last Friday, said, “With heavy warping of the seasonal-adjustment process from the effects of the extreme nature of the current downturn, the resulting employment gain and unemployment rate level remain of questionable quality and significance.” If unemployment were calculated the way BLS did it in 1994 or earlier, the true unemployment rate would top 22% according to Williams also says, “The outlook for the broad economy remains bleak, despite relatively upbeat February payroll data. Bank lending remains impaired, while household income has taken a new hit, as indicated in recent reporting. Separately . . . annual and monthly growth in the broad money supply appears to be stalling, again. That likely is a further indication of mounting difficulties in the systemic-solvency crisis.” (Click here to go to the home page).

“Mounting difficulties in the systemic-solvency crisis” means, in reality, it is more likely financial collapse is coming—not recovery. Maybe that’s why the Federal Reserve recently announced it is going to start another round of money printing because the economy is teetering on an abyss. reported just last week, “Federal Reserve officials are considering a new type of quantitative easing that will attempt to boost the economy without accelerating inflation, according to a report published Wednesday.” (Click here for the complete story) If the economy was in a real “recovery,” why would the Fed want to “boost the economy”? The Fed also announced at the end of January it would hold a key interest rate at 0% through 2014. If the “breadth and strength of the economic recovery” was so powerful, wouldn’t the Fed be hiking interest rates? Of course it would. The fact it is keeping them at zero for years and starting a new round of money printing is signaling the economy is in trouble, not in a so-called “recovery.”

Even near record low interest rates are not helping the morbid housing market to recover. According to the latest Case-Shiller report, home prices were down nearly 4% at the end of 2011. What kind of a recovery features near record low interest rates and falling home prices? Also, millions of empty houses are sitting on the books of the banks, and millions more are headed for foreclosure. Shouldn’t home inventory be shrinking in a real “recovery”? It is not, and that’s a fact!

Finally, if there really was a recovery, the government would not be hitting record deficits month after month. The deficit would shrink as the economy got better wouldn’t it? (Think Clinton era.) Instead, the Federal deficit is exploding! The Washington Times reported, just last week, “The federal government recorded its worst monthly deficit in history in February, according to a preliminary report Wednesday from the Congressional Budget Office that said the deficit in fiscal year 2012 is already more than half a trillion dollars. . . . The nonpartisan agency projected the government will run a deficit of $229 billion in February, the highest monthly figure ever.” (Click here for the complete report from the Washington Times) That means the government spent nearly $8 billion more than it took in each and every day of last month (29 days). This is not a sign of economic “strength” but of tremendous weakness.

You cannot print your way to prosperity, but it can pave the way to an economic collapse.

"Choose a job you love and you will not have to work a day in your life" (Confucius)

Luis Miguel Goitizolo

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3/13/2012 10:44:10 PM

So sorry Myrna and Bogdan, looks like my post came in between yours. Can you please wait for my replies a bit longer - maybe until tomorrow, I am afraid I must go out now.


"Choose a job you love and you will not have to work a day in your life" (Confucius)


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