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Luis Miguel Goitizolo

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5/30/2018 7:03:25 PM
A son helped plan a ‘fake robbery’ of his father’s guns, police say. He and his parents ended up dead.

Ruth Correa, 23, is charged in connection with the deaths of Matthew Lindquist and his parents of Griswold, Conn., following a botched “fake robbery.”

Matthew Lindquist was getting impatient waiting for the fake burglars to show up at his family home in Griswold, Conn., in the early-morning hours of Dec. 20.

“U almost here or what,” Lindquist, 21, wrote in a text message to the man running late, a little past midnight. “Don’t pull in any drive way just go up road and turn lights off.”

Lindquist and the man had a plan: The man was supposed to give him drugs in exchange for guns belonging to Lindquist’s father after his dad went to sleep, according to court records containing text messages between them. Lindquist would be in the house. The fake burglar would tie Lindquist to a chair to make the scene look authentic, according to the affidavit.

And when police arrived, he would tell them that “two black guys” were responsible for robbing his dad’s gun safe. It was bolted to the ground, so Lindquist asked the man via text, “Yo bro … Can you pick the lock??”

But nothing went according to plan.

By the end of the night, Lindquist would be dead, his parents would be dead, his house would be nearly burned to the ground, and the guns would be missing from the safe. For months, Lindquist’s body would be missing, too, leading police to suspect him as a person of interest. But then police interviewed Ruth Correa, the woman who was in the car with the man who allegedly promised Lindquist drugs in exchange for the guns on Dec. 20.

She was arrested May 12 after telling police everything that happened after they pulled up on Lindquist’s street. Her arrest affidavit, containing her interview with police, was unsealed Tuesday. Her attorney could not immediately be reached for comment. (The Washington Post is not identifying the man who allegedly plotted with Lindquist that night because he has not been charged.)

According to court documents, Correa and the man arrived just before 1 a.m. — later than Lindquist expected.

Lindquist hopped into the back seat of the car as it rolled up his street, its headlights off. He immediately asked the man whether he brought the drugs, Correa later told police. The man — whom Correa called her “brother” because they were raised together — said Lindquist wouldn’t be getting any drugs until he got what was promised: the guns.

They discussed the “fake robbery” plan further, Correa said.

But then, she said, Lindquist became “panicky and fidgety” as they got out of the car. He tried to run away, Correa said, so her brother chased him with a machete and hit him in the back of the head.

The man told Lindquist that he was “supposed to be his boy” but that now he could not trust him. He threatened to tie Lindquist up for real, with zip ties and duct tape over his mouth.

That’s when Lindquist started to “yell and freak out,” Correa said. She told police that her brother began stabbing him, and Correa said she also stabbed Lindquist in the chest “about 10 times.”

They continued into the house to get what her brother came for, Correa said, according to the affidavit, leaving Lindquist in the woods.

They knew the basement door would be unlocked because Lindquist had told them.

But they apparently didn’t anticipate running into his father.

Correa told police that her brother started hitting Kenneth Lindquist with a baseball bat, while she fought off the family dog with a golf club she had taken from the car.

When Janet Lindquist, Kenneth’s wife, came out of another room, aghast at the scene, Correa said she grabbed Janet by the hand, pulled her into a bedroom and told her “she did not have to see this.” She said she urged Janet to just give them the keys to the gun safe and they would go. Janet asked why this was happening.

“Ruth said she explained to her that the reason why this was happening was because her son had set her up,” the police affidavit states.

Correa’s brother had apparently already obtained the guns from the safe, Correa said, because he came into the room and pointed a rifle at Janet while Correa went snooping around the house for things to steal. She made three trips out to the car, she told police.

She returned to find her brother choking the woman to death when she tried to reach for a phone, Correa said. She said she saw Kenneth Lindquist in the hallway but didn’t know what had happened.

Before they left, she said, she poured flammable liquid all over the basement, and then her brother lit an exercise ball on fire. When they walked outside, she remembered hearing birds chirping. It was still dark when they got in Matthew Lindquist’s car and drove away with all the stolen property in the trunk, she said.

By the time the Connecticut State Police and the Griswold Fire Department arrived at the Lindquist home — about 5:45 a.m., according to court records — it was engulfed in flames, reduced to its wooden frame as the roaring fire ate through the walls. About the same time, roughly 40 miles away, police in Glastonbury, Conn., responded to a vehicle fire. The car was registered to Matthew Lindquist, and it didn’t take police long to realize the two fires were connected.

But Lindquist was nowhere to be found.

His parents were soon pulled from the rubble of their home. Informed of what happened, Matthew Lindquist’s older brother told police that he had just talked to his dad the previous night, and that Kenneth said they had been having problems with Matthew because he was abusing illegal and prescribed narcotics again. A neighbor also said that despite the drug issues, everything seemed to be going better for Matthew — until he lost his job earlier that week.

By Dec. 28, the Connecticut State Police considered Matthew Lindquist the main person of interest in the deaths of his parents, which the medical examiner ruled homicides. The police asked the public for help locating him.

The whole time, his body was lying in the woods 1,500 feet from his home. A dog walker found his remains there May 5.

Correa and her brother became targets of the investigation after police discovered the text messages on Lindquist’s phone in January. About the same time, an apartment security guard came forward to reveal that a woman named Ruth Correa told him a terrible story about how she and another man killed three family members while robbing their home before setting it on fire. Police interviewed her brother first.

Upon showing him a photo of Matthew Lindquist, the man paused, then he said he was not involved with “his business,” according to the police affidavit. He then contacted his lawyer, who, according to the Hartford Courant, “maintains he had nothing to do with this.”

Police arrested Correa on May 12, a day after her interview with police. She is charged with murder, first-degree arson, home invasion and first-degree robbery, and has not entered a plea. She is being held on $2.5 million bond.

Announcing the breakthrough in the case in a news release, the Connecticut State Police said “detectives anticipate additional arrests.”

(The Washington Post)

"Choose a job you love and you will not have to work a day in your life" (Confucius)

Luis Miguel Goitizolo

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5/30/2018 11:18:08 PM

Global Markets Descend Into Contagious Panic As Italy Implodes

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"Choose a job you love and you will not have to work a day in your life" (Confucius)

Luis Miguel Goitizolo

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5/30/2018 11:45:46 PM

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Am I self-sabotaging because the world’s going to end?

"Choose a job you love and you will not have to work a day in your life" (Confucius)

Luis Miguel Goitizolo

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5/31/2018 9:33:43 AM

Inadmissible Crimes Against Humanity - The Division at the Heart of the Israel/Palestine Conflict

Submitted by Galactic Free Press on

Julian Rose

For decades Palestinians have lived on the edge of annihilation, their homeland steadily annexed until just a slither of the original remains. It's a story that just won't go away, even for those thousands of miles away, who try to cover their ears and eyes from the shame which has befallen the ruthless oppressor of this now tiny peninsular of land and its battle weary people.

In 1975, I worked on a kibbutz called Rosh Hanikra, in Northern Israel. It's main income was derived from intensive commercial avocado pear production. There were maybe four hundred inhabitants. The social experiment known as kibbutziem grew up after World War Two, when thousands of European Jews,who had survived Hitler's pogroms, moved to Israel, with the intent of making it their new home.

The kibbutziem movement was developed as a series of agricultural land-based settlements, often established on very poor land which was gradually worked into productivity. At Rosh Hanikra we all ate together in a large dining hall and slept in small houses dotted around the central area. No one 'owned' the land or homes, the kibbutz was established as a collective, and those who remained part of the movement for the longest acquired certain privileges.

That is how it worked, and I was there as a volunteer for a brief period, my interest being directly connected to an exploration of alternative models of land settlement, with a view to the future of the UK country estate I had inherited on the death of my father some years earlier.

One day I left the kibbutz in order to visit a wise elder in Tel Aviv. In the course of our conversations about the land settlements, he told me something of great interest. He said that the word Israel, in the original Hebrew, means 'to strive with God' and that this has been covered-up by the extreme right wing Zionist element, who insist that Israel is the name of the country that had been Palestine up until the 1918 Balfour Declaration created the 'two state' position that – on paper – remains the reality today.

So perhaps Israel, I thought to myself, was never meant to be 'a place' at all, more a way of life – a commitment to 'work with God'. And if so, what did this mean in the light of the claim that this geographical area of land at the Eastern end of the Mediterranean - is the 'homeland' of the Jewish tribes?

This explanation by the wise elder stuck with me; it presented a whole new understanding of – and possibly for – the resolution of the seemingly intractable Palestine/ Israel crisis.

If, by definition, the sons and daughters of Israel have mistaken a 'material place' for a 'spiritual mission' this would indeed be a profoundly significant misunderstanding. One that, should it be admitted to, could change the course of history.

Three weeks ago I read this headline to a story written by the seasoned journalist Robert Fisk foreign correspondent of The Independent: “How long after the Gaza massacre are we going to continue pretending that the Palestinians are non-people?”

Fisk, who belongs to that rare community of journalists who seek to communicate the truth, exposes the horror of the Gaza front-line massacre of Palestinians who got too close to the security fence that separates Gaza from the Israel border. Sixty men, women – and one child – shot dead in just one day and two thousand four hundred wounded. Not one Israeli suffered even a wound, as Palestinian youths threw stones and launched burning kites against live rounds of ammunition; each round targetted to kill.

As this carnage raged on the Gaza border, Jared Kushnev, Donald Trump's son-in-law, was opening the new American Embassy in Jerusalem, amidst a smartly dressed entourage of Zionist evangelicals. Pronouncer's of the view that this event was a portent and precursor of the great apocalypse and subsequent return of the Saviour. A time when Jews will return to the 'homeland', and those who fail to convert to Zionism will meet a fiery fate in the underworld.

Those who gathered inside the new US Embassy in Jerusalem, believe that any amount of cold blooded murders are worth it, in order for Jerusalem to be recognised as the Jewish capital of Israel, to the complete exclusion of Palestinian claims to the same end.

“It's a great day for peace” declared Benjamin Netanyahu, as unarmed Palestinians were simultaneously being picked-off by the Israeli military on the Gaza border. And Donald Trump no doubt echoed this view, as it is ever more apparent that he walks in Netanyahu's shoes in every way, other than literally.

It's been seventy years now that Palestinians have been protesting their dispossession at the hands of those who refused to uphold the land resource split agreed in the Balfour Declaration; itself a compromised piece of legislation. Many Palestinians fled across the border to Lebanon during the vicious pogroms that flared-up in the post World War Two resettlement period. Some no doubt joined Hamas, which was formed to try and protect village communities against the ceaseless land grabs perpetuated by Israeli hard liners.

I remember the occasional missile flying over Rosh Hanikra kibbutz back in 1975, from the Lebanese side of the border – and how no one paid much attention - as any damage done on the Israeli side would be paid back five fold on the Lebanese side. It has been a desperately one sided struggle from the outset. Not surprisingly, when we know that the US Senate approves copious funds to bolster the military cause of the 'One Israel' fanatics.

After my work experience on the kibbutz, I journeyed to Jerusalem and then down into Arab Jordan. I remember gaining the distinct impression about the two cultures as, I travelled. The Israelis, being composed mostly of resettled Europeans and Americans, were culturally Westernised and mostly intellectual by disposition. Whereas the Jordanian Arabs, indigenous natives of the Middle East, were openly warm and naturally inclined to expressing emotion, by disposition.

My overriding impression was that the two cultures represent two parts of one whole; both having characteristics that – if put together – would be complementary and form a positive sense of balance. I believe that such a positive resolution would indeed have been the likely outcome if the hard-line Zionist faction had not gained a predominant position of control in Israeli politics from an early point in the history of the Country.

We are forced back into the observation that the Rothschild, Rockefeller, Soros dynasty, with its strong affiliation to The Project for the New American Century, The Trilateral Commission and the Bilderbergers, have maintained an as yet unbroken influence on the evolution of Israeli politics. Successfully establishing the old 'divide and conquer' technique to ensure that the tunnel vision hard-liners remain in the top seats of power.

This inflames the whole Middle East, as the game plan of this cabal has always been to destroy the indigenous sense of unity of this region and replace it with a form of military dictatorship, funded and directed by the advocates of a totalitarian New World Order, in which the 'elite-by-blood-line' remain permanently in the driving seat. A direct extension of the Third Reich, with its openly stated genocidal and eugenics ambitions.

The demographic position of Israel gives it important geopolitical influence over international trade routes using the Suez Canal, as well as to surrounding countries rich in natural resources, especially oil. Keeping the Country firmly locked into serving as an outpost for these, as well as closely related Western hegemonic interests, plays a significant role in the choice of Israel's leadership, and from where the financial support for this leadership comes.

As the Middle East crisis continues to be fanned by such die-hard despots, people are waking-up and beginning to see through the deception. The affect this is having is to trigger a clamp-down on any criticism of the Zionist cause. For it has suddenly become a weaponized subject, for which even the fundamental right to 'freedom of speech' must apparently be curtailed.

We have already witnessed a savage attack on the UK Labour Party and its leader Jeremy Corbyn, for supposedly harbouring anti-semitic sympathies; but in actuality, it is much more likely that certain individuals were simply telling some of the same truths as I attempt to convey in this article. The instigators of this attack were the British Association of Jews and Friends of Israel. The most astonishing aspect of it was a letter sent to Corbyn co signed by the leaders of these organisations, which demanded that he take action to weed-out the supposedly anti-semite trouble makers from his party.

Corbyn was informed that he must supply proof of his complying with this demand within a month, and only after considering this evidence would they decide whether or not to black list his party.

Here we witness all the same symptoms of authoritarian despotism that are behind Netanyahu's attempts to crush the Palestinian cause and the continued resistance which it so courageously maintains. Aside from the absurdly biased challenge on the British Labour Party, the instigators antagonistically assume the moral high ground that gives them the right to dictate the terms.

Donald Trump's deliberately provocative decision to move the US Embassy out of Tel Aviv and into Jerusalem, is an action carried out in order to cement continued far right support for Netanyahu's government and its policy of eradicating any and all opposition to a 'One State' Israel. We have thus arrived at an incendiary position of conflict which continues to drag neighbouring countries into the cauldron.

The Gaza killings have provoked the United Nations to call for an independent investigation into war crimes committed by Israeli troops. The only nations to vote against this proposal were the USA and Australia. But such investigations never seem to come to any definitive resolution, as the UN itself has strong links to the global power brokers, and is more 'a front' for temporarily defusing conflicts than a genuine arbitrator for justice.

I left Kibbutz Rosh Hanikra in the Summer of 1975 and returned to England to attend an important conference on organic farming methods. The conference was run by the Soil Association and its chairman was Lady Eve Balfour, the grand-daughter of Lord Arthur Balfour who established the 1918 declaration that divided Palestine into two. Although the two state system has – in principle - survived, it has been repeatedly violated by the establishment of illegal Israeli colonies on land appropriated from Arabs who had owned and lived on it for generations.

The seemingly intractable nature of this conflict seems to defy a positive and peaceful resolution. But such situations demand creative solutions – and even if one has to dig deep to find them – the effort must be made.

Could it be that the words of the wise elder I met in Tel Aviv back in 1975, might hold the key to unlocking the truth? Perhaps he was right, and that Israel is not actually a geographical place at all - but an aspiration – a ancient commitment to 'work with God'. And if this God is the same deity as He who gave birth to the dazzling Universe, then Israel would indeed be a name that many a wise being would cherish and hold in honour. A name that would be the harbinger of peace and reconciliation instead of war and division. A message of deep meaning not just to the Middle East, but to all inhabitants of planet Earth.

Let us meditate on that. Hold that conclusion in our minds and hearts, and thereby play our role in resolving this tragic conflict.


The author is an early pioneer of organic farming, an international activist, writer and social entrepreneur. He is President of The International Coalition to Protect the Polish Countryside and is the author of two acclaimed titles 'Changing Course for Life' and 'In Defence of life' both of which are available via his website . His third book 'Beyond the Mechanistic Mind' will be out shortly.


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Luis Miguel Goitizolo

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5/31/2018 10:32:44 AM
Pornography is a ‘root cause’ of school shootings, Republican congresswoman says

Eleven schools since Columbine High School in 1999 have had mass shootings. Accounts by witnesses and survivors are eerily similar.
Game company Valve was set to release "Active Shooter" on its online platform Steam.

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