The Copper Conspiracy Killing Us!
Monday, March 5, 2018 20:05

The Biggest NWO Conspiracy! Copper Depletion! from Truth Warriors on Vimeo.
In the beginning of the video you’ll see an Indian researcher who found some incredible information about what a lack of the good copper called Copper (I) in your body does to our health! Then you’ll see an interview I did with an inventor who came out with the only product in the world that works! He’s actually afraid for the safety of his family over his discovery at! Why? Because it destroys the plans of the new world order about making us all sick! He hasn’t been sick since he created the product! We’re going to use this product to wake up the planet. If you want to help me email me at or join my Newsletter. We’re going to start paying Truth Warriors soon and take this fight to the next level!
Who cares about the Federal Reserve and other conspiracies when you find out they’re literally taking 45 years off our life span and sometimes much more by making our blood more acidic or more alkaline than the perfect 7.0 pH level God intended.
Here’s a shocking microscope video where you can see the bacteria spirochetes found in everybody’s blood now! Are they spraying this in the chemtrails or putting it in our food and water? Watch what happens when the good bioavailable copper comes! All of a sudden you’ll see the spirochetes get ejected from their hiding spots inside the red blood cells. And the white blood cells gobble them up! Without the good copper in there, these spirochetes can hide inside our red blood cells and are completely hidden from the white blood cells. But when the bio available copper comes in, it tags the spirochetes and lights them up like a roman candle! Must see it for yourself!

Amazing Copper 1 Cure! from Truth Warriors on Vimeo.
They lie to us about everything. We know this. I just learned something amazing covered in this video and I thought I was pretty awake! It turns out all the vitamins out there contain Copper II or inorganic copper that is blue in color. Dr. George Brewer now has the research that proves that this inorganic copper builds up in our body and gives us Alzheimers and many other problems! It also makes us copper deficient because our body can’t use copper II or inorganic copper. Our body can only use bioavailable copper. Read about his study here.
I’ve researched diseases caused by deficiencies in bioavailable copper and there are a bunch. Here’s just a few: osteoporosis, osteoarthritis, rheumatoid arthritis,cardiovascular disease, colon cancer, cancer, dementia, heart disease, diabetes, lung disease, C.O.P.D., gastro-intenstional disease, eye disease, head ache, urogenital diseases, Blood Pressure / Hypertension, Hyper acidity, Anemia (Blood shortage), Gastro : entities, Rheumatism (Pain in joints/muscles), Dysentery, General Paralysis, Rectal Piodapse, Obesity, Constipation, Arthritis, Hostorthobics, Sinusitis, Diabetes, Tachycardia, Eye diseases, Giddiness, Ophthalmic Hemorrhage & Ophthalmic, Cough, (Reddish eye), Asthma, Irregular Menstruation, Bronchitis, Leukemia, Pulmonary Tuberculosis, Uterus Cancer, Meningitis, Breast cancer, Kidney stones, Laryngitis, Lyme disease and much more!
Taking this bad form of copper called Copper (II) found in EVERY vitamin changes your blood pH and causes all types of diseases because the bad copper stops the good bioavailable Copper called Copper (I) from getting to your cells! Your cells need the Copper (I) to operate and fight diseases! The medical system is telling us to take vitamins which have the BAD copper (II) in them! The vitamins are actually killing us by filling up our bodies with the bad copper (II) which our body can’t use and makes it so we become copper deficient!
The chart below shows the amount of lifespan that has already been taken away from the general population. Note that the blood pH was no longer neutral 500 years ago when the copper depletion/iron poisoning started on a mass scale.
7.00 Neutral; lifespan of 120 years, that God never changed
7.39 Alkaline in the late 1800′s severe alkalosis
7.40 lifespan of 75 years; set to 7.40 in 1900 until 1975;the “normal blood pH” – loss of 45 years of lifespan & youth
7.43 set up to this value in about 1980
7.45 according to official science alkalosis starts at this point
7.54 set up by 2006
7.55 45% die sustaining this pH; set up 2013/2014; final phase
7.65 80% die sustaining this pH
7.70 death within days or less upon reaching this pH
7.80 death within hours of reaching this pH
6.9 Acidic; higher concentration than what is required
6.85 lifespan decreases by ~40 years. (pH is estimated)
6.8 diabetes, acidosis, kidneys start shutting down, heart failure
6.79 death
If you want to be involved in spreading the word about bioavailable copper, I’m opening this up for all truth warriors so just email me at and get on my Newsletter so I can tell you when this is ready! Should be in about two weeks!