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Luis Miguel Goitizolo

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2/1/2018 12:07:31 AM

Russia Reports 'Biblical Bombshell' as River Turns Blood Red, Experts Searching for Cause (VIDEO)

By , Christian Post Reporter |

Molchanka river in Russia's Tyumen region in January 2018.

A Russian-government owned news agency has reported that the Molchanka River in Russia's Tyumen region has turned a blood red color, describing it as a "biblical bombshell," with experts investigating the possible reason.

TASS news agency reported Tuesday on photos and videos on social media that have been documenting the strange pigmentation of the river that runs between the villages of Novotarmansky and Molchanovo, with local administration officials alerted as well.

"Rosprirodnadzor has carried out water intake, it was sent for examination to the Center for Epidemiology. An examination will last for three days," spokeswoman Galina Yevseeva of the Tyumen administration said, referring to the Federal Service for Supervision of Natural Resources.

"So far we have no assumptions what it could be, we have never dealt with this before so we are waiting for the results of the test," she added.

The Tyumen-Vodokanal company, which maintains the water supply and sanitation for the town, has argued that the incident should not affect the water supply for residents.

The Siberian Times published several other photos of the river among the snow-covered banks on Wednesday, and said that Tyumen residents have been complaining that authorities have been slow to respond to health risk concerns.

"The River Molchanka turned red, or red-orange about a week ago," said Novotarmansky village resident Maria Parashchenko.

Parashchenko added that the color "doesn't seem to change in hue or intensity."

Another resident who wasn't named warned that "this could be very serious."

Regional official Irina Miteva has sought to alleviate fears, however, by sharing that no trace of sewage discharges has been found as of yet.

"Extra water samples were taken," Miteva said.

"Laboratory results will be ready by the end of this week."

It is not the first time rivers colored blood-red have startled Russian residents. ABC News reported on a similar story in September 2016, when photos on social media documented the discolored Daldykan River near the city of Norilsk, inside the Arctic Circle.

A giant metals plant leak was suggested by authorities as the possible cause for the red color of the river at the time.

In another such incident in Texas in August 2011, some residents talked about possible connections to the End Times as described in the Bible.

Paul Begley of Community Gospel Baptist Church in Knox commented on the blood-like color of the OC Fisher Reservoir in San Angelo State Park, saying at the time: "I'm not saying that this Texas lake is these scriptures in Revelation, but what I am saying is the Bible prophecies are slowly fulfilling themselves in the midst of an End Time revelation — that we need to be right, we need to be saved, we need to be born again and ready to meet the coming King."

Watch a video of the blood red Molchanka River below:


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Luis Miguel Goitizolo

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2/1/2018 12:22:19 AM

Deadly M6.1 earthquake hits Hindu Kush, Afghanistan
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A strong earthquake registered by the USGS as M6.1 hit Hindu Kush region, northern Afghanistan at 07:07 UTC on January 31, 2018. The agency is reporting a depth of 191.2 km (118.7 miles). EMSCis reporting M6.1 at a depth of 189 km (117 miles).

According to the USGS, the epicenter was located 3.2 km (2.0 miles) NE of Ghurayd Gharamē, 35.7 km (22.2 miles) S of Jurm (population 12 106), 66.1 km (41.1 miles) WSW of Ashkāsham (population 12 120), 67.0 km (41.6 miles) SSE of Fayzabad (population 44 421), Afghanistan and 74.1 km (46.1 miles) WSW of Ishqoshim (population 26 000), Tajikistan.

There are 1 020 000 people living within 100 km (62 miles) and 14 000 within 10 km (6.2 miles).

188 000 people are estimated to have felt light and 113 954 000 weak shaking.

Hindu Kush, Afghanistan earthquake January 31, 2018 - ShakeMapThe USGS issued a green alert for shaking-related fatalities and economic losses. There is a low likelihood of casualties and damage.

Overall, the population in this region resides in structures that are vulnerable to earthquake shaking, though resistant structures exist. The predominant vulnerable building types are adobe block and unreinforced brick with mud and timber post construction.

Recent earthquakes in this area have caused secondary hazards such as landslides and liquefaction that might have contributed to losses.


According to local media reports, one minor girl died while nine individuals were injured as a house collapsed in Hub area of Balochistan, Pakistan. A school building has also collapsed in Peshawar and several children are feared to be injured, The Nation reports.

The officials also dispatched teams in Balochistan and nearby Khyber Pakhtunkhwa province to assess reports of damage. However, a Pakistan's National Disaster Management Authority did not expect serious losses.

At least three people were injured in Afghanistan.

Estimated population exposure to earthquake shaking

Hindu Kush, Afghanistan earthquake January 31, 2018 - Estimated population exposureHindu Kush, Afghanistan earthquake January 31, 2018 - Estimated population exposure table

Selected cities exposed

Hindu Kush, Afghanistan earthquake January 31, 2018 - Selected cities exposed

Regional seismicity

Hindu Kush, Afghanistan earthquake January 31, 2018 - Regional seismicity

Seismotectonics of the Himalaya and vicinity

Himalaya region and vicinity tectonic summary

Seismicity in the Himalaya dominantly results from the continental collision of the India and Eurasia plates, which are converging at a relative rate of 40-50 mm/yr. Northward underthrusting of India beneath Eurasia generates numerous earthquakes and consequently makes this area one of the most seismically hazardous regions on Earth. The surface expression of the plate boundary is marked by the foothills of the north-south trending Sulaiman Range in the west, the Indo-Burmese Arc in the east and the east-west trending Himalaya Front in the north of India.

The India-Eurasia plate boundary is a diffuse boundary, which in the region near the north of India, lies within the limits of the Indus-Tsangpo (also called the Yarlung-Zangbo) Suture to the north and the Main Frontal Thrust to the south. The Indus-Tsangpo Suture Zone is located roughly 200 km north of the Himalaya Front and is defined by an exposed ophiolite chain along its southern margin. The narrow (<200km) Himalaya Front includes numerous east-west trending, parallel structures. This region has the highest rates of seismicity and largest earthquakes in the Himalaya region, caused mainly by movement on thrust faults. Examples of significant earthquakes, in this densely populated region, caused by reverse slip movement include the 1934 M8.1 Bihar, the 1905 M7.5 Kangra and the 2005 M7.6 Kashmir earthquakes. The latter two resulted in the highest death tolls for Himalaya earthquakes seen to date, together killing over 100,000 people and leaving millions homeless. The largest instrumentally recorded Himalaya earthquake occurred on 15th August 1950 in Assam, eastern India. This M8.6 right-lateral, strike-slip, earthquake was widely felt over a broad area of central Asia, causing extensive damage to villages in the epicentral region.

The Tibetan Plateau is situated north of the Himalaya, stretching approximately 1000km north-south and 2500km east-west, and is geologically and tectonically complex with several sutures which are hundreds of kilometer-long and generally trend east-west. The Tibetan Plateau is cut by a number of large (>1000km) east-west trending, left-lateral, strike-slip faults, including the long Kunlun, Haiyuan, and the Altyn Tagh. Right-lateral, strike-slip faults (comparable in size to the left-lateral faults), in this region include the Karakorum, Red River, and Sagaing. Secondary north-south trending normal faults also cut the Tibetan Plateau. Thrust faults are found towards the north and south of the Tibetan Plateau. Collectively, these faults accommodate crustal shortening associated with the ongoing collision of the India and Eurasia plates, with thrust faults accommodating north south compression, and normal and strike-slip accommodating east-west extension.

Along the western margin of the Tibetan Plateau, in the vicinity of south-eastern Afghanistan and western Pakistan, the India plate translates obliquely relative to the Eurasia plate, resulting in a complex fold-and-thrust belt known as the Sulaiman Range. Faulting in this region includes strike-slip, reverse-slip and oblique-slip motion and often results in shallow, destructive earthquakes. The active, left-lateral, strike-slip Chaman fault is the fastest moving fault in the region. In 1505, a segment of the Chaman fault near Kabul, Afghanistan, ruptured causing widespread destruction. In the same region the more recent 30 May 1935, M7.6 Quetta earthquake, which occurred in the Sulaiman Range in Pakistan, killed between 30,000 and 60,000 people.

On the north-western side of the Tibetan Plateau, beneath the Pamir-Hindu Kush Mountains of northern Afghanistan, earthquakes occur at depths as great as 200 km as a result of remnant lithospheric subduction. The curved arc of deep earthquakes found in the Hindu Kush Pamir region indicates the presence of a lithospheric body at depth, thought to be remnants of a subducting slab. Cross-sections through the Hindu Kush region suggest a near vertical northerly-dipping subducting slab, whereas cross-sections through the nearby Pamir region to the east indicate a much shallower dipping, southerly subducting slab. Some models suggest the presence of two subduction zones; with the Indian plate being subducted beneath the Hindu Kush region and the Eurasian plate being subducted beneath the Pamir region. However, other models suggest that just one of the two plates is being subducted and that the slab has become contorted and overturned in places.

Shallow crustal earthquakes also occur in this region near the Main Pamir Thrust and other active Quaternary faults. The Main Pamir Thrust, north of the Pamir Mountains, is an active shortening structure. The northern portion of the Main Pamir Thrust produces many shallow earthquakes, whereas its western and eastern borders display a combination of thrust and strike-slip mechanisms. On the 18 February 1911, the M7.4 Sarez earthquake ruptured in the Central Pamir Mountains, killing numerous people and triggering a landside, which blocked the Murghab River.

Further north, the Tian Shan is a seismically active intra-continental mountain belt, which extends 2500 km in an ENE-WNW orientation north of the Tarim Basin. This belt is defined by numerous east-west trending thrust faults, creating a compressional basin and range landscape. It is generally thought that regional stresses associated with the collision of the India and Eurasia plates are responsible for faulting in the region. The region has had three major earthquakes (>M7.6) at the start of the 20th Century, including the 1902 Atushi earthquake, which killed an estimated 5,000 people. The range is cut through in the west by the 700-km-long, northwest-southeast striking, Talas-Ferghana active right-lateral, strike-slip fault system. Though the system has produced no major earthquakes in the last 250 years, paleo-seismic studies indicate that it has the potential to produce M7.0+ earthquakes and it is thought to represent a significant hazard.

The northern portion of the Tibetan Plateau itself is largely dominated by the motion on three large left-lateral, strike-slip fault systems; the Altyn Tagh, Kunlun and Haiyuan. The Altyn Tagh fault is the longest of these strike slip faults and it is thought to accommodate a significant portion of plate convergence. However, this system has not experienced significant historical earthquakes, though paleoseismic studies show evidence of prehistoric M7.0-8.0 events. Thrust faults link with the Altyn Tagh at its eastern and western termini. The Kunlun Fault, south of the Altyn Tagh, is seismically active, producing large earthquakes such as the 8th November 1997, M7.6 Manyi earthquake and the 14th November 2001, M7.8 Kokoxili earthquake. The Haiyuan Fault, in the far north-east, generated the 16 December 1920, M7.8 earthquake that killed approximately 200,000 people and the 22 May 1927 M7.6 earthquake that killed 40,912.

The Longmen Shan thrust belt, along the eastern margin of the Tibetan Plateau, is an important structural feature and forms a transitional zone between the complexly deformed Songpan-Garze Fold Belt and the relatively undeformed Sichuan Basin. On 12 May 2008, the thrust belt produced the reverse slip, M7.9 Wenchuan earthquake, killing over 87,000 people and causing billions of US dollars in damages and landslides which dammed several rivers and lakes.

Southeast of the Tibetan Plateau are the right-lateral, strike-slip Red River and the left-lateral, strike-slip Xiangshuihe-Xiaojiang fault systems. The Red River Fault experienced large scale, left-lateral ductile shear during the Tertiary period before changing to its present day right-lateral slip rate of approximately 5 mm/yr. This fault has produced several earthquakes >M6.0 including the 4 January 1970, M7.5 earthquake in Tonghai which killed over 10,000 people. Since the start of the 20th century, the Xiangshuihe-Xiaojiang Fault system has generated several M7.0+ earthquakes including the M7.5 Luhuo earthquake which ruptured on the 22 April 1973. Some studies suggest that due to the high slip rate on this fault, future large earthquakes are highly possible along the 65km stretch between Daofu and Qianning and the 135km stretch that runs through Kangding.

Shallow earthquakes within the Indo-Burmese Arc, predominantly occur on a combination of strike-slip and reverse faults, including the Sagaing, Kabaw and Dauki faults. Between 1930 and 1956, six M7.0+ earthquakes occurred near the right-lateral Sagaing Fault, resulting in severe damage in Myanmar including the generation of landslides, liquefaction and the loss of 610 lives. Deep earthquakes (200km) have also been known to occur in this region, these are thought to be due to the subduction of the eastwards dipping, India plate, though whether subduction is currently active is debated. Within the pre-instrumental period, the large Shillong earthquake occurred on the 12 June 1897, causing widespread destruction. (USGS)

Featured image credit: USGS


"Choose a job you love and you will not have to work a day in your life" (Confucius)

Luis Miguel Goitizolo

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2/1/2018 10:22:38 AM

US Missile Interceptor Test Fails in Hawaii, Pentagon Refuses to Say What Went Wrong

January 31, 2018 at 9:32 pm

(ANTIWAR.COM) — US officials have confirmed that a test of the advanced SM-3 Block IIA missile defense system in Hawaii on Wednesday has failed, proving unable to intercept test intermediate-range missiles out of the air.

Failures are not uncommon given the difficulty of intercepting missiles in mid-air. This failure, however, comes with the Pentagon unusually tight-lipped, admitting only that the test took place and refusing to say what went wrong. Other administration officials confirmed the failure but had no further details.

The second straight failure of the system is particularly embarrassing as the US has been working hard to try to sell more such defensive systems abroad. That’s a tough sell for costly systems that have proven little success.

Even the success rate of such tests by the Pentagon is misleadingly high, as the interceptors are given all flight data on the targeted missiles, something they wouldn’t have in a real-life situation, making a square interception much harder.

By Jason Ditz / Republished with permission / ANTIWAR.COM

"Choose a job you love and you will not have to work a day in your life" (Confucius)

Luis Miguel Goitizolo

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2/1/2018 11:19:11 AM

First snow in 50 years hits southern Morocco, exceptional snowfall paralyzes the country

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Following unprecedented road conditions across Morocco on January 20, 2018, when 5 000 km (3 100 miles) of roads were closed due to what authorities described as 'exceptional' snowfall, heavy snow arrived to the country's southern regions on January 29, for the first time in 50 years.

To address the unprecedented road conditions earlier this month, the Moroccan Ministry of Equipment, Transport, and Logistics mobilized 117 snow plows, acknowledging that the blockages disproportionally affected rural areas and promising huge investment in rural roads. The minister also made a public reminder that, before getting behind the wheel, Moroccans can use the application “MaRoute” to access the most recent information about the state of the roads across the country, the Morocco World Newsreported.

As if that wasn't enough, an unusually heavy snowfall started affecting Morocco's southern regions on January 29, after several decades of extremely dry weather. The snowfall is currently affecting Ouarzazate (gateway to the Sahara Desert), Taroudant and even Zagora, which hasn't experienced snowfall since 1968.

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First snow in Zagora since 1968 - January 29, 2018. Credit: 04 TV

Head of communications at the National Meteorological Directorate blamed the cold weather and southern snow on the influence of a very low pressure area, adding that similar weather (cold, snow and rainfall) should be expected across the country at least until Thursday, February 1.

Low pressure area over Morocco on January 29, 2018. Credit: NASA Terra/MODIS

From 06:00 local time January 28 to 06:00, January 29, Ouarzazate's city center recorded between 1 and 5 cm (0.39 - 1.96 inches) of snow, while Amzri and Imdrasse (surroundings) saw between 22 and 30 cm (8.66 - 11.8 inches) and between 10 and 20 cm (3.93 - 7.87 inches), respectively. Minimum temperatures in this region are expected between -4 and 1 °C (24.8 - 33.8 °F) and maximum between 5 and 9 °C (41 - 48.2 °F).

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Luis Miguel Goitizolo

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2/1/2018 5:38:02 PM

Panic Grips U.S. Financial Markets As The Dow Falls 362 Points – Worst Drop In More Than A Year

It isn’t going to be a surprise when U.S. stock prices fall 50, 60 or 70 percent from where they are today. The only real surprise is that it took this long for it to happen. Even after falling 362 points on Tuesday, the Dow Jones industrial average is still ridiculously high. In fact, the only two times in our entire history when stocks have been this overvalued were right before the stock market crash of 1929 and right before the dotcom bubble burst. Not even before the financial crisis of 2008 were stock valuations as absurd as they are right now.

At one point on Tuesday, the Dow had declined by more than 400 points, and we have not seen this sort of panic in the stock market in a very long time. In fact, we have to go all the way back to June 24, 2016 to find the last time that the Dow fell by at least this much. The Dow has dropped by triple digits on back to back days for the first time since last April, and a lot of analysts are wondering what is coming next.

Of course most in the financial community have been waiting for some sort of a decline, because even mainstream analysts are openly admitting that what we have been witnessing is “not sustainable”

“We’ve had a unilateral move higher [in stocks] to start things off and people are realizing this is not sustainable,” said Art Hogan, chief market strategist at B. Riley FBR. “You’re also seeing some cracks in the global story with interest rates rising.”

But where will things go from here?

Some believe that this is just a bump in the road and that the markets still have room to grow. But others are warning that this “is not the time to take on more risk”

Howard Marks warned investors about investing more funds in the stock market at its current level.

“We are living in a low return world, characterized by significant uncertainty,” Marks said on CNBC’s “Halftime Report” Tuesday. “This is not the time to take on more risk. Things have been going awful well for almost 10 years. That’s not the time to turn up the wick.”

And then there are the bears such as John Hussman that are warning that we are on the precipice of one of the worst stock market crashes in American history…

I expect the S&P 500 to lose approximately two-thirds of its value over the completion of this cycle. My impression is that future generations will look back on this moment and say “… and this is where they completely lost their minds.”

I agree with John Hussman’s assessment. Stock prices would need to decline by at least 50 percent from current levels in order for stock valuations to get back to their long-term averages.

And even though it may take a while, stock prices always return to their long-term averages.

Nothing about the long-term outlook has changed. I have been warning about a devastating stock market crash for a very long time, and I will continue to warn my readers about one. Because whether it happens next week, next month or next year, the reality of the matter is that all throughout our history stocks have always crashed after stock valuations have soared to these kinds of irrational levels.

On a personal note, I want to apologize for not writing very much this month. I just returned from a very long campaign trip, and our hard work on the campaign trail has prevented me from getting much work done.

The good news is that the campaign is going incredibly well. We are far ahead of where we thought we would be at this point, and with less than four months to go the race is incredibly close.

On Sunday, the very first debate was held in Coeur d’Alene, and all of the candidates were there. To say that the fireworks were flying would be a major understatement. If you have not seen the debate yet, you can watch it on YouTube right here.

The overwhelming consensus was that we were the hands down winner of this six-way debate. Here are some of the comments that were made by people that were watching the debate online as it was happening…

-“Michael was leaps and bounds set apart from the herd of politicians on that panel”

-“Michael has been more knowledgeable, pro-active and touched more people with his conservative message than everyone else up there combined”

-“Michael outshines them all! It is not about the money! it is about the power of people and the deplorables are WIDE AWAKE these days and we want the the right leaders in Congress to support our President!!!!”

-“Michael Snyder was the hands down Winner!! Great Job!!”

-“Michael Snyder was full of fervor and he spoke from the spirit! He is not an established candidate, he’s a true statesman!”

There were dozens more like that, but I think that you get the point. It was exceedingly difficult to get all of the candidates to agree to come to this event, because there were some that were afraid that this sort of thing might happen, and now it will be even harder to get all of them to come out for similar events in the future.

The bad news is that a couple of my opponents are better funded than we are, and we need to close that gap. Thanks to a tremendous surge in interest in our campaign, we desperately need to print up more campaign materials. If you would like to help us print up more signs, more brochures and more mailers, you can contribute onlineright here

May 15th is right around the corner, and if we all pull together we can win this race. We need more people praying, more people volunteering, and more peopledonating. This is our opportunity to take our government back, and if you believe in our positive conservative message, I truly hope that you will join our team.


"Choose a job you love and you will not have to work a day in your life" (Confucius)


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