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Luis Miguel Goitizolo

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1/31/2018 10:20:13 AM

Russia Just Officially Accused the US of Meddling in Its Upcoming Election

January 30, 2018 at 7:06 am

(ANTIMEDIA) Moscow — The Kremlin said Monday that a soon-to-be-released report by the U.S. Treasury Department — one that could lead to sanctions against Putin-linked oligarchs — is a “direct and obvious” attempt by the U.S. government to meddle in Russia’s upcoming presidential election.

The report, expected as early as Monday, will detail the closeness of President Vladimir Putin to a list of Russian business and political figures. While not directly calling for sanctions against these individuals, the report will lay out how sanctions could be applied.

Whatever the outcome, Kremlin spokesperson Dmitry Peskov told reporters in a conference call Monday that the Treasury Department report represented an attempt by the U.S. the sway the Russian political process.

“We do think this is a direct and obvious attempt timed to coincide with the elections in order to influence them,” Peskov said. “We do not agree with this and are convinced that there will be no influence.”

As of now, Peskov said “the publication of this list” of Russian oligarchs “on its own doesn’t mean anything” and that this “isn’t the start of a new sanctions wave. He added that Moscow will react to U.S. actions as they come and with Russian businesses in mind:

“These actions will of course be analysed in Moscow so that our interests and the interests of our companies will in any case be maintained to the maximum.”

Russia’s upcoming presidential election is set to be held March 18, and Putin is widely expected to retain his power. Peskov told reporters Monday that he didn’t see much standing in the Russian leader’s way:

It’s unlikely that at this stage there is someone who is serious competition. Putin proved his undeniable leadership on multiple occasions and continues to do that.”

News that the U.S. was producing a list of Putin-linked oligarchs has reportedly caused a flurry of activity in the Russian business and banking worlds. Sources told Bloomberg that some individuals were performing stress-tests to see how U.S. sanctions could harm their fortunes. Others are simply liquidating their holdings.

Sources within Russia’s business elite told Reuters that the threat of being named a Putin ally has caused some in the wealthiest circles to distance themselves from the president. In the U.S., Russian business-types have reportedly approached former Treasury and State Department officials for help in staying off the list entirely.

Creative Commons / Anti-Media

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Luis Miguel Goitizolo

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1/31/2018 10:42:32 AM
You want fake news? Watch the State of the Union.

Opinion | What if the American public, not President Trump, defined the State of the Union address?

State of the Union addresses have become Washington kabuki theater at its worst. Everything is for show — the staged applause, the invited guests in the gallery, the self-congratulations, the empty promises. The insincerity on all sides oozes from the chamber. Worst of all may be the chin-stroking pundits who pretend this is significant.

They will intone — if President Trump makes it through the prepared remarks without foaming at the mouth about the Russia investigation — that he was “presidential.” If he could only be like that all the time, they earnestly proclaim. Yes, if Trump were not Trump and spoke others’ words that he likely doesn’t entirely grasp (quick, have him explain what the trade deficit really is), we’d all be better off. But he doesn’t, and we’re not.

Forgotten will be Monday’s events – the reports of a raving Trump calling the wife of acting FBI director Andrew McCabe a “loser;” of the president being irate over the Department of Justice’s attempt to prevent the release of a memo damaging to national security; and of him being determined to fire McCabe, who was told about former FBI director James B. Comey’s conversations with the president, making him a witness to alleged obstruction. Rather than point out that those revelations confirm Trump is temperamentally unfit for the job, and is uninterested in anything other than protecting his own hide, he’ll be patted on the head for reading off a teleprompter.

The usual play-acting associated with the State of the Union address is bad enough, but with this president it is hard to imagine how it could provide any insight into his thinking. There are two Trumps. The first one can get through a speech in the House chamber or at Davos by sticking to a script written by mainstream conservatives. The second has no interest in policy, no idea how to achieve it, no comprehension of American institutions, and no ability to lead the free world. In other words, we get either an entirely artificial and unrepresentative articulation of his presidency, or a raving, ignorant, race-baiter. The two have nothing to do with one another.

In this respect, we should stop paying attention to the prepared speeches (goodness knows our international allies must have at this point), and focus on his tweets — the exact opposite of what his apologists urge. The authentic Trump voice — a tangle of prejudices, resentments and urban myths — won’t be heard in his remarks tonight.

The insistence on taking the phony Trump seriously goes beyond his dogged defenders, the ones who decree that character and the Constitution must take a back seat to lowering the top marginal tax rate. Month after month, and now year after year, some members of the mainstream media have kept up the pretense that Trump is a normal president who absorbs material, rationally considers data and propounds policies calibrated to deliver on desired means. Is it some journalistic sin to point out that, for a year, the emperor has had no clothes?

What is the point, really, in dissecting promises of bipartisanship, when in a day or an hour he’ll create another juvenile slur to hurl at Senate Minority Leader Charles E. Schumer (D-N.Y.)? What service is the media providing when it notes the president is using less confrontational language about immigration than he does when he speaks his mind (fewer brown and black immigrants from “****hole” countries, please)?

There is pomp and tradition, sure. But there is also misleading or deceiving the public by insisting his words are authentic and portend a pivot, a new day, a fresh start, an about-face, or whatever for this president.

We see one saving grace in the State of the Union, though. As with all hypocrisy, it is the compliment vice pays to virtue. A president is supposed to sound generous, sober, high-minded, inclusive and responsible. He is supposed to show fidelity to the rule of law, celebrate our civil liberties and admire democracies around the world. He is supposed to embody our most noble ideas, not our worst biases. So, for a night, the puppeteers around Trump will have him channel the qualities and sentiments we all wished he possessed. It will be an inadvertent admission of Trump’s unfitness. All he can do is fake it at this point.

At least we will know there are people around Trump who understand what a president should sound like. If only they had the decency to quit their jobs and decry a president who lacks virtually every public virtue.

(The Washington Post)

"Choose a job you love and you will not have to work a day in your life" (Confucius)

Luis Miguel Goitizolo

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1/31/2018 10:57:45 AM

The US Empire Has up to 1,000 Military Bases in 80 Countries

January 30, 2018 at 11:00 am

(ANTIMEDIA) On the weekend of Martin Luther King Jr. Day, Baltimore University hosted more than 200 activists in the peace, environment, and social justice movements to launch a new initiative known as the Coalition Against US Foreign Military Bases, the Nation reported.

In a series of panels that lasted over two days, the conference attendees highlighted the horrors of American foreign policy despite the fact Martin Luther King warned against these horrors over 50 years ago, a fitting reminder to heed the warnings of Dr. King.

According to the panel, the U.S. has over 800 formal military bases in 80 countries, “a number that could exceed 1,000 if you count troops stationed at embassies and missions and so-called ‘lily-pond’ bases, with some 138,000 soldiers stationed around the globe,” the Nation notes.

According to David Vine, author of Base Nation: How U.S. Military Bases Overseas Harm America and the World, maintaining bases and troops overseas cost $85 to $100 billion in 2014, while the total for bases and troops in war zones was between $160 billion and $200 billion.

The Nation also highlighted Vine’s claim that only some 11 other countries have bases in foreign countries, around 70 altogether. Russia is believed to have at least 26 bases in nine countries. They are mainly in former Soviet states, as well as Syria and Vietnam. The U.K., France, and Turkey have around four to ten bases each, and a handful of global bases are occupied by India, China, Japan, South Korea, Germany, Italy, and the Netherlands. This might all change in the years to come, however, as China may be looking to build bases of its own in the Middle East.

Once the U.S. establishes itself militarily in a nation, it rarely leaves. Consider that after the defeat of Germany in World War II, the U.S. never left the country. It has maintained its bases there ever since. Germany’s Ramstein base is now the “hub” for America’s global drone assassination program throughout the Middle East.

The British spy agency, the Government Communications Headquarters (GCHQ), has been using a base in North Yorkshire called Menwith Hill to assist with America’s targeted killings in the Middle East, using an unknown number of employees.

This is but one example of how American bases overseas can be used to commit mass suffering in the Middle East, and the effects of these bases on the local populations are far too many to document.

For example, in Okinawa, Japan, the U.S. was suspected of housing and burying Agent Orange at its unpopular base in Futenma. Protests are not uncommon, with a specific sit-in protest lasting more than 5,000 consecutive days, as reported by the Japan Times at the end of last year. Rapes, theft, assaults, and murders committed by U.S. personnel there are all rather common.

The most famous incident involved the rape of a 12-year-old girl by three U.S. servicemen in 1995. The Okinawans have been protesting the U.S. military presence ever since, but the U.S. refuses to budge (with the exception of its proposal to relocate the base to a separate location, which is yet to appease the locals’ concerns).

“U.S. bases in Korea and Japan are vehicles of the Cold-War threat of China. Bases are not the spoils of the past war as some believe; they are the purpose of the war,” Satoko Oka Norimatsu, editor of the Asia-PacificJournal: Japan Focus and author of Resistant Islands: Okinawa Confronts Japan and the United States, toldAnti-Media. Norimatsu also said resisting the U.S. base presence and its plans to relocate is important for Okinawa because “U.S. bases concentrated in Okinawa are a form of colonial oppression by Japan that’s continuing for over four centuries.”

“Some people in Okinawa believe that if Japan as a whole wants to maintain the U.S.-Japan military alliance, it should be Japan who carries these bases and not Okinawa,” she added.

Okinawa is just one instance of anti-U.S. sentiment brought on by its unwelcome military presence. In Okinawa, the U.S. reportedly takes up about one-fifth of Okinawan land. In 2004, Gangnam Style singer Psy released a song that was heavily critical of the U.S. military after an incident caused by a military vehicle that killed two young Korean girls. According to CNN:

“CNN was able to translate the lyrics as saying, ‘Kill those f–ing Yankees who have been torturing Iraqi captives and those who ordered them to torture,’ and going on to say, ‘Kill them all slowly and painfully,’ as well as ‘daughters, mothers, daughters-in-law and fathers.’”

It may be for this reason that the Nation, one of the few outlets to document this issue over the past few years, is highlighting the movement to bring an end to this disastrous and unnecessary foreign policy, which at its heart turns local populations against the U.S. across the globe.

Creative Commons / Anti-Media

"Choose a job you love and you will not have to work a day in your life" (Confucius)

Luis Miguel Goitizolo

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1/31/2018 4:19:17 PM

Multiple Motives Exist As Reason For Turkish Invasion Of Syria

"Choose a job you love and you will not have to work a day in your life" (Confucius)

Luis Miguel Goitizolo

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1/31/2018 4:45:13 PM
Russia's Putin: U.S. 'oligarch list' is an unfriendly act

MOSCOW (Reuters) - President Vladimir Putin said on Tuesday the release of a U.S. list of Russian businessmen close to the Kremlin was an unfriendly act, but Moscow did not currently plan to retaliate.

The U.S. Treasury Department named major Russian businessmen in a so-called "oligarchs' list" which was released earlier on Tuesday.

The list, drawn up as part of a sanctions package signed into law in August last year, does not mean those included will be subject to sanctions, but it casts a potential shadow of sanctions risk over a wide circle of wealthy Russians.

"It is, of course, an unfriendly act. It will complicate the difficult situation Russian-American relations are already in, and of course harm international relations as a whole," Putin said.

Speaking at meeting with election campaign officials in Moscow, Putin said it was "stupid" to treat Russian in the same way as North Korea and Iran, while also asking Moscow to help broker a peace deal on the Korean peninsula.

But the Russian leader said he still wanted to improve ties with the United States and would refrain from any immediate retaliation.

"We were waiting for this list, and I will not hide it, were ready to take retaliatory steps, serious ones, which would have reduced our relations to zero," Putin said.

"For now, we will refrain from these steps. But we will carefully watch how the situation develops."

(Reporting by Darya Korsunskaya; Writing by Jack Stubbs; Editing by Christian Lowe)


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