By Aaron Kesel
Here Are The Elements MSM Misses That Proves It
Late last night, U.S. President Donald Trump announced that he would be holding back on disclosure of documents pertaining to the assassination of President John F. Kennedy under the pretense of “National Security,” delaying the release of over 3oo files while releasing 2,800, Dallas News reported.
What could be the reasoning behind holding back over a total of 300 files from being released to the general public to finally tell the truth about who assassinated John F. Kennedy and, more importantly, who paid to have it done?
If you want to see the released 2,800 files and download them and look yourself you can do so byclicking here. If you want more pieces of the puzzle to who killed JFK, keep reading. This will be a wild ride.
To start, the truth was never going to come out because an entire volume on Lee-Harvey Oswald went missing weeks ago right before the CIA was mandated to release the files, as TFTP reported.
It’s quite clear by now that there was much more than a single gunman from analysis of the gunshots from the Dallas Police Audio Tape alone, (SYNCED TO JFK’s MURDER BELOW). But even without that audio released in 2013, experts have said that it is nearly impossible to aim a bolt action sniper rifle, shoot, and then cock it back and shoot again simultaneously one after another and still be accurate, let alone fire three or four consecutive shots and still hit your target, The Telegraph reported.
Adding in multiple shooters to the narrative completely explains the magic bullet that hit Kennedy and John Connally (driver) somehow in the hip, reported. Why? Because it wasn’t a magic bullet, it was several bullets.

In fact, E. Howard Hunt, a CIA agent who was convicted of being the lead Watergate burglar and was a main component in helping the subterfuge of Guatemala and the eventual death of Che Guevara, statedin his deathbed confession that he was a part of a hit squad that killed JFK. So a man known to do the CIA’s dirty deeds at the time confesses to killing a president of the United States, yet that’s ignored and called “conspiracy theory” by the mainstream press. Oh and a fun fact: the CIA are the ones who first came up with the word “conspiracy theorist” to discredit those who didn’t believe the Warren Commission report by controlling the narrative according to an internal memo.

The CIA in the last batch of JFK files over the summer revealed that E. Howard Hunt was fingered as being responsible for JFK’s death in a 1978 “tabloid piece.”
In August, 1978, Victor Marchetti published an article about the assassination of John F. Kennedy in the Liberty Lobby newspaper, Spotlight. In the article, Marchetti argued that the House Special Committee on Assassinations (HSCA) had obtained a 1966 CIA memo that revealed E. Howard Hunt, Frank Sturgis and Gerry Patrick Hemming had been involved in the plot to kill Kennedy. Marchetti’s article also included a story that Marita Lorenz had provided information on this plot. Later that month, Joseph Trento and Jacquie Powers wrote similar stories for the Sunday News Journal.
The paper was then sued for libel by Hunt but he lost the case. Subsequently on Feb. 6, 1985, a jury in Miami concluded that the CIA was involved in the assassination of President John F. Kennedy, Spotlightreported.
Hunt later came clean and claimed on his deathbed that the plot to kill JFK was codenamed “The Big Event.”

Speaking in a History Channel documentary years ago, former CIA Samuel Halpern, claimed that the threat against JFK’s life stemmed from Kennedy’s frustration with the CIA, which he believed was becoming a “state within a state.” Halpern was involved in the investigation of the assassination of John F. Kennedy.
The documentary also discusses Operation Northwoods, a proposed false flag operation against Fidel Castro, planned by the U.S. joint chiefs of staff and CIA.
According to ABC News, “the plans reportedly included the possible assassination of Cuban émigrés, sinking boats of Cuban refugees on the high seas, hijacking planes, blowing up a U.S. ship, and even orchestrating violent terrorism in U.S. cities.” All to manipulate the American people into supporting a war against Cuba.

Who killed JFK?
Kennedy also criticized the CIA’s original Bay Of Pigs (Operation Pluto/Zapata) and ultimately caused it to fail because of his decision to cut the operation’s military force down for the mission.
The CIA‘s “Bay of Pigs” plan to overthrow Cuba’s communist government had been in the works before John F. Kennedy moved into the White House. After weeks of discussion with his national security advisors, President Dwight D. Eisenhower approved the CIA’s plan to oust Castro. The operation suggested opening a radio station on Swan Island in the Caribbean to broadcast anti-Castro programming to Cuba, supplying anti-Castro resistance groups within Cuba and training a paramilitary force for the eventual infiltration of the country. Eisenhower signed the deal stating that he knew of “no better plan” to oust the Cuban Communists and eliminate Castro.
While he was still running for the presidency, Kennedy learned about the plan on July 23, 1960, when CIA Director Allen Dulles visited Kennedy at his family’s home at Hyannis Port on Cape Cod to brief the then-candidate about the anti-Castro operation. But a few weeks later the plan changed. The CIA abandoned the idea of infiltrating the island in favor of an invasion, complete with air support, to drive Castro from power. Eisenhower approved a budget of $13 million for the operation but stipulated that no U.S. military personnel could be part of the combat force.
Somehow, the plan leaked to the press and on January 10, 1961, the New York Times ran a front-page story under the headline, “U.S. HELPS TRAIN AN ANTI-CASTRO FORCE AT SECRET GUATEMALAN BASE.”
On March 11, 1961, Kennedy invited CIA Director Allen Dulles and Richard Bissell, the CIA’s chief of operations to the White House. JFK wanted to know, in detail, the plans for the invasion of Cuba. Dulles and Bissell explained that after U.S. aircraft had run a bombing mission over the Bay of Pigs area, Cubans recruited from exile living in Miami would take the beach by storm. The CIA expected that the invasion would inspire anti-Castro Cubans to rise up and overthrow the dictator.
Kennedy didn’t like the idea of beginning the attack with air strikes. “Too spectacular,” he said. “It sounds like D-Day. You have to reduce the noise level of this thing.”
Many of the approximately 1,500 CIA-trained Cuban exiles believed that they were the first wave of Cuban freedom fighters who would liberate their homeland from Castro. They were convinced that as they stormed ashore, they would be supported overhead by the U.S. Air Force, and as they advanced into Cuba the U.S. Marines would be right behind them. The exiles were absurdly mistaken; they held the beach for three days and then ran out of ammunition, and over 1,000 of the resistance troops known as Brigade 2506 were captured.
On April 14, 1961, just three days before the invasion, Kennedy called Bissell to ask how many planes he would use in the operation. Bissell told the president that the CIA planned to use all sixteen of their B-26s. “Well, I don’t want it on that scale,” Kennedy replied. “I want it minimal.” Kennedy cut the planes used down to eight and the operation ultimately failed.
CIA Deputy Director Charles Cabell was fired by Kennedy. Cabell’s brother was the Mayor of Dallas, Texas at the time of his assassination (more on that later.)
CIA director Allen Dulles was also fired and replaced by John A. McCone after the second attempt was proposed to overthrow the Cuban government under Operation Northwoods.
As David Talbot wrote in his book The Devil’s Chessboard: Allen Dulles, the CIA, and the Rise of America’s Secret Government and The Daily Beast reported, did CIA Director Allen Dulles order a hit on JFK?
The next fact surrounding JFK’s assassination is that George H.W. Bush Sr. was present during the day of JFK’s assassination, but he vehemently denies that he was there despite photographic evidence that looks exactly like him. There is also an FBI memo and another document that mentions an agent, George W. Bush, receiving intel on anti-Castro Cubans but Bush denies again that the person mentioned in the report was him. While another picture shows a young Bush as a security detail for John F. Kennedy outside the funeral of Philip Graham, a reporter at the time. Then yet another document, an FBI memo, fails to account for where Bush Senior actually was that day.

George Bush Sr.’s oil company was called Zapata Offshore Co. Dulles, Bush and the mayor of Dallas Earle Cabell all knew each other. Zapata sound familiar? It was the original name for the Bay Of Pigs operation. Was Bush involved in the Bay Of Pigs invasion? Why was his company name used as the mission name is it just a coincidence? We will never know because the documents were destroyed.
In 1981, all Securities and Exchange Commission filings for Zapata Off-Shore between 1960 and 1966 were destroyed. In other words, the year Bush became vice president, important records detailing his years at his drilling company disappeared. In 1969, Zapata bought the United Fruit Company of Boston, another company with strong CIA connections. Bush later became CIA director in 1976.
Another man, Clay Shaw, was involved with the intelligence community. Shaw was in charge of the International Trade Mart. It wasn’t known then, but this was another CIA front, along with the United Fruit Company. The Shaw trial, which was sabotaged from the start, did not have enough evidence to find Clay Shaw guilty of conspiracy charges. He was released on March 1, 1969 and died of lung cancer in 1974. The Oliver Stone film JFKdoes an incredible job summarizing the trial of Shaw.
Bush was CIA, Dulles once led the CIA before being fired by Kennedy, and Cabell was a CIA asset in the 1950s, while his brother, Charles Cabell was a high-ranking CIA official until 1962 when Kennedy fired him as well.
Dulles also headed the Warren Commission investigation into Kennedy’s assassination. Despite being fired by Kennedy, Dulles was appointed by President Lyndon B. Johnson.
JFK’s son John F. Kennedy, Jr founded a magazine oddly titled George which many speculate is insinuating for people to look closer at his father’s death and that Kennedy Jr. was trying to tell the world that George H.W. Bush was involved in the murder.

Bush even laughed at the assassination of JFK at President Gerald Ford’s funeral. What’s so funny George?

Former CIA agent E. Howard Hunt names names in his confession. Hunt said that CIA operatives Cord Meyer (whose wife was apparently having an affair with JFK), David Morales and William Harvey a CIA agent were involved as gunmen. Hunt also said then-Vice President Lyndon B. Johnson and William Harvey hired Frank Sturgis, Bernard Barker and French Corsican gunmen.
Was Lee Harvey Oswald CIA?
Now back to Oswald. Was he just a patsy, or was he a part of this hit squad? There is a mysterious attempted call that has been ignored by the mainstream media. “The Raleigh Call” happened just hours before his death. Lee Harvey Oswald tried to call John Hurt, a former military counterintelligence agent in Raleigh, North Carolina, from the Dallas jail on the evening of Nov. 23, 1963. “For years, this significant information was ignored by assassination investigators and concealed from the public,” Dr. Grover Proctor said.
Oswald himself had significant military ties and intelligence serving in the Marines — where his nickname was “Osvaldovich.” He even allegedly had a CIA 201 employee file.
“We don’t know what happened, but we do know Oswald had intelligence connections. Everywhere you look with him, there are the fingerprints of intelligence,” Senator Richard Schweiker said.
Further, a document titled the “Central Intelligence Report On The Assassination Of John Kennedy” allegedly sent from then-CIA director McCone to then-Chief U.S. Secret Service James Rowley mentions Oswald’s ties to the Office Of Naval Intelligence. Although there are some who are calling the document a forgery, prior information proves Oswald’s connection to intelligence services. There is also another very similar (but very real) memorandum which shares some hallmarks with the “McCone-Rowley” memo titled “Warren Commission Exhibit 1026; Secret Service memorandum, dated March 19, 1964, re “Secret Service Report on the Assassination of President.”

Another fun fact about Oswald was that someone may have planted a counterfeit ID card in his wallet.
A former FBI Agent, Don Adams, even says that “thousands of national archives prove that John F. Kennedy wasn’t assassinated by Oswald,” adding that the “the Warren Commission was a fraud.” He also adds another suspects name who he said previously threatened to kill Kennedy; that man was Joseph Adams Milteer. Finally, the nail in the coffin that this was a sophisticated conspired plot, not just a lone wolf, was a Miami intelligence audio recording from November 9th, 1963. The recording shows Milteer talking to an informant where he relays there is a “threat to kill President Kennedy” by a group of men mere weeks before the shooting occurred.

Another theory behind JFK’s assassination is that it was a Cuban government hit job as payback for the failed Bay Of Pigs invasion a few years prior; but believing that theory would require ignoring all other factual evidence, testimony, and documents provided in this article.
Whatever the truth may be behind the killing of potentially the greatest president the U.S. has ever had, Trump has delayed it despite the fact that the CIA was mandated to disclose the redacted pages behind JFK’s death. Whether Oswald was a patsy or compliant in the assassination will also never be known, but as this article illustrates what is now known is that this was a sophisticated plot of several individuals, not just Oswald, which aligns with the story of CIA Agent E. Howard Hunt, that there was a hit squad there that fateful day that murdered President John F. Kennedy in cold blood.
Here’s a song to demonstrate a number of anomalies that don’t make sense in JFK’s killing including deaths of witnesses, which should trouble everyone since the mysterious deaths of witnesses includingDorothy Kilgallen would have to be carried out by a powerful force that in itself proves the cover-up is way more messy than the crime.

In my opinion based on everything above, JFK’s death is a clear intelligence agency hitjob; it’s absolutely impossible it was just Oswald who murdered Kennedy 53 years ago in Dallas. The theory of a lone gunman killing JFK is about as plausible as the CIA’s own director William Colby drowning himself in his own lake canoeing at night, something that his friend Senator John DeCamp said was out of character for the man who, like JFK, challenged the agency. If you are further interested in the truth behind JFK’s death follow the JFK2017 website here.
Aaron Kesel writes for Activist Post and is Director of Content for Coinivore. Follow Aaron at Twitterand Steemit.
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