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Luis Miguel Goitizolo

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9/30/2017 9:36:35 AM



The man who prophesied that doomsday would take place on September 23, then rescheduled it for October, is now predicting that 1 billion people will be wiped off the planet when the rapture hits.

David Meade, a Catholic and self-proclaimed “researcher,” predicted that a celestial event, which supposedly took place Saturday, would be a harbinger of the end of the world. The actual apocalypse begins October 15, he wrote on his website earlier this week, marking a seven-year period of tribulation followed by a millennium of peace.

Now, speaking to Britain’s Sun newspaper, Meade says the catastrophic seven years will include nuclear warfare, a mystery planet—Planet X or Nibiru—crossing or colliding with Earth and 1 billion people being “removed from the Earth.”

There will be "nuclear exchanges between the U.S., Britain and our enemies—Russia, China, Iran and North Korea,” Meade told the publication.

An asteroid named Wormwood is also expected to hit Earth, causing worldwide electrical grid failures, Meade said, the result of which will be looting and violence.

And the mystery 10th planet, Nibiru, will be visible in the first year of the tribulation. "Planet X appears during the first year of the tribulation, to my best knowledge,” he said.

The harbinger of doom that Meade says appeared in the sky on September 23 was the moon appearing under the constellation of Virgo. Meade believes it is a direct reference to a passage in the Book of Revelation, the biblical text prophesying the apocalypse.

NASA has repeatedly denied the existence of a 10th planet, including as recently as September 20.

“Various people are ‘predicting’ that world will end Sept. 23 when another planet collides with Earth. The planet in question, Nibiru, doesn't exist, so there will be no collision,” the official NASA website stated.


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Luis Miguel Goitizolo

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9/30/2017 10:09:44 AM

"Choose a job you love and you will not have to work a day in your life" (Confucius)

Luis Miguel Goitizolo

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9/30/2017 10:27:19 AM

Israel Is Going to War in Syria to Fight Iran

Jonathan Spyer

Israeli officials aren't shying from confronting Tehran's forces — since no one else will.

JERUSALEM – Israeli officials believe that Iran is winning its bid for dominance in the Middle East, and they are mobilizing to counter the regional realignment that threatens to follow. The focus of Israel’s military and diplomatic campaign is Syria. Israeli jets have struck Hezbollah and Syrian regime facilities and convoys dozens of times during Syria’s civil war, with the goal of preventing the transfer of weapons systems from Iran to Hezbollah. In an apparent broadening of the scope of this air campaign, on Sept. 7 Israeli jets struck a Syrian weapons facility near Masyaf responsible for the production of chemical weapons and the storing of surface-to-surface missiles.

The strike came after a round of diplomacy in which Israeli officials concluded that their concerns regarding the developing situation in Syria were not being addressed with sufficient seriousness in either the United States or Russia. A senior delegation led by Mossad chief Yossi Cohen visited Washington in late August, reportedly to express Israel’s dissatisfaction with the emerging U.S.-Russian understanding on Syria. Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu visited Russian President Vladimir Putin in Sochi to raise similar concerns with Moscow.

In both cases, the Israelis were disappointed with the response. Their overriding concern in Syria is the free reign that all the major players there seem willing to afford Iran and its various proxies in the country. And as long as nobody else addresses that concern in satisfactory, Israel is determined to continue addressing it on its own.

Iranian forces now maintain a presence close to or adjoining the Israeli-controlled portion of the Golan Heights and the Quneitra Crossing that separates it from the Syrian-controlled portion of the territory. Israel has throughout the Syrian war noted a desire on the part of the Iranians and their Hezbollah clients to establish this area as a second line of active confrontation against the Jewish state, in addition to south Lebanon.

“Syria,” of course, hardly exists today. The regime is in the hands of its Iranian and Russian masters, and half of the country remains outside its control. But the Iran-led bloc and its clearly stated intention to eventually destroy Israel certainly do exist, and the de facto buffer against them may be disappearing. Hezbollah Secretary-General Hassan Nasrallah recently declared “victory” in the Syrian war, adding that what remained was “scattered battles.”

With the prospect of pro-Iranian forces reaching Bukamal on the Syrian-Iraqi border, this opens up the possibility of the much-reported Iranian “land corridor” stretching uninterrupted from Iran itself to a few kilometers from the Israeli-controlled Golan. Earlier this month, Israel shot down an Iranian drone over the Golan Heights. It was the latest evidence of Iran’s activities on the border. Syrian opposition reports have noted an Iranian presence in Tal Al-Sha’ar area, Tal Al-Ahmar, and Division 90 headquarters, all in the vicinity of the border. Pro-Iran forces, meanwhile, are open in their ambitions. Hezbollah al-Nujaba, an Iraqi Shiite force supported by Iran, has formed a “Golan Liberation” unit and declared itself “ready to take action to liberate the Golan.” Senior figures from the Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corps and the Basij have been photographed in areas close to the border.

Israel has so far thwarted these ambitions in two ways. First, it has launched attacks to frustrate and interdict attempts to build a paramilitary infrastructure in the area. Most famously, the killing of Jihad Mughniyeh, son of Hezbollah military chief Imad Mughniyeh, in a targeted strike at Mazraat Amal in the Quneitra area in January 2015 was part of this effort. Five other Hezbollah members and a general of the Iranian Revolutionary Guards, Mohammad Allahdadi, were also killed in the strike.

Second, Israel has developed pragmatic working relations with the local rebel groups who at the moment still control the greater part of the border, such as the Fursan al-Joulan group. This cooperation focuses on treating wounded fighters and civilians, and providing humanitarian aid and financial assistance. There has also probably been assistance in the field of intelligence, though no evidence has yet emerged of direct provision of weapons or direct engagement of Israeli forces on the rebels’ behalf.

On July 9, a ceasefire agreement directly brokered by the United States and Russia for southwest Syria was announced. It posits the establishment of a de-escalation zone in Syria’s southwest, in the area of the Quneitra and Daraa provinces. The details of the de-escalation zone are still being negotiated. But Israel has been deeply concerned that it could seriously complicate the de facto Israeli safeguards in place against Iranian infiltration of the border. If the fighting ends, physical resistance to encroachment will become more complicated and sponsorship of rebels potentially no longer relevant. As of now, Russian attempts to assure Israel that the terms of the ceasefire adequately address its concerns in this regard have evidently failed to persuade. The latest media reports on the negotiations for the zone suggest that the United States has reached an agreement with Moscow that pro-Iranian militias will be kept 25 miles from the border.

Reuters, that in a future war between Israel and Hezbollah the latter may be able to make use of an Iranian naval port, bases for Iran’s air and ground forces, and “tens of thousands of Shiite militiamen being brought in from various countries.”" data-reactid="48" style="margin: 0px 0px 1em;">But the issue goes beyond arrangements at the southwestern edge of Syria. Israel is concerned by Iran’s overarching regional ambitions. Recent comments by Nasrallah, the Hezbollah leader, that a future war with Israel might involve additional pro-Iranian militia forces to the Lebanese groups have been well noted in Jerusalem. Israeli Intelligence Minister Yisrael Katz recently told a security conference in Herzliya, as reported by Reuters, that in a future war between Israel and Hezbollah the latter may be able to make use of an Iranian naval port, bases for Iran’s air and ground forces, and “tens of thousands of Shiite militiamen being brought in from various countries.”

A recent report in the London-based Al-Quds al-Arabi described Iranian plans to thin out the Sunni Arab population between Damascus and the border with Lebanon, expelling Sunni residents and replacing them with pro-government Shiites from elsewhere in the country or outside it. Israeli strategic culture tends to emphasize addressing immediate threats, but these potential demographic developments are also being watched closely in Jerusalem.

This all forms a larger picture in which Israel sees a major shift underway in the regional balance of power, to the benefit of the Iran-led regional bloc. Anyone who has received briefings from senior Israeli security officials in recent years has become familiar with a conception of the region as divided into four broad blocs: Iran and its (mainly Shiite) allies; a loose group of countries opposed to Iran that includes the Arab autocracies of the Gulf (excluding Qatar), along with Egypt, Jordan, and Israel itself; an alliance of conservative Sunni Islamist forces, such as Turkey, Qatar, Hamas, the Muslim Brotherhood, and Sunni Arab rebels in Syria; and finally the regional networks of Sunni Salafi jihadism, most notably the Islamic State and al Qaeda.

There are problems with this picture, and it contains simplifications. Most notably, the line between the conservative Sunni Islamists and the Salafis has always been blurred. There is an additional blurred line, in which authoritarian rulers such as Egyptian President Abdel Fattah al-Sisi have some sympathy for Syrian President Bashar al-Assad. Nevertheless, the picture was a serviceable one, adhering to many of the clear realities of the Middle East over the last decade and a half.

But the tectonic plates of this picture are now shifting, most notably to the clear detriment of the two camps associated with Sunni political Islam. The period of Arab unrest in 2010, during which Islamist and Salafi forces seemed briefly ascendant, is now a spent force — its beneficiaries in retreat and in some cases eclipsed by Sunni autocrats and pro-Iranian forces. Hamas is seeking to rebuild its relations with Iran. Former Egyptian President Mohamed Morsi languishes in jail. Islamists in Tunisia are a minority element in the government, and Qatar is under attack from Saudi Arabia and the United Arab Emirates because of its stances in recent years. And the Syrian Sunni Arab rebels, once the great cause of this group, are now stranded — fighting for survival and without hope of victory against the Assad regime. The Salafis, too, are in eclipse, at least as political contenders.

Looked at from Israel, this process is a mixed bag. Sunni Islamists are hostile to Israel, of course, and for the most part, their failure to assemble a lasting power bloc is welcomed in Jerusalem. Senior Israeli security officials describe, for example, Sisi’s 2013 coup deposing the Muslim Brotherhood as a species of “miracle.” In Syria, however, the insurgent efforts of the Sunni Islamists had at least the benefit of distracting the attentions of the more formidable enemy — the Iran-led regional bloc. For five years, Israel was largely able to sit by while Sunni and Shiite political Islam were in a death’s embrace just north and east of the border. Russian and Iranian intervention, however, appears to have tipped the balance against the Sunni rebels, threatening to bring the long chapter of active civil war in Syria to a close.

From an Israeli point of view, we are back to the pre-2010 Middle East, when Israel and pro-western Sunni powers understood they were in a direct faceoff with the Iranians and their allies. But in 2017, there is the additional complicating factor of a direct Russian physical presence in the Levant, in alliance or at least in cooperation with Israel’s enemies.

U.S. President Donald Trump’s administration, which remains exclusively focused on the war against the Islamic State, has done little to assuage Israeli concerns. Trump and those around him, of course, share the Israeli assessment regarding the challenge of Iranian regional ambitions. The impression, however, is that the administration may well not be sufficiently focused or concerned to actually take measures necessary to halt the Iranian advance — both military and political — in Syria, Iraq, or Lebanon.

Where does this leave Israel?

First, Israel’s diplomatic avenues to the international power brokers in Syria remain open. When it comes to Washington, Israel’s task is to locate or induce a more coherent American strategy to counter advance of the Iranians in the Levant. Its goal when it comes to Moscow is to ensure sufficient leeway from Putin, who has no ideological animus against Israel and no special sympathy for Tehran, so that Israel can take the measures it deems necessary to halt or deter the Iranians and their proxies.

Second, Israel will continue to rely on its military defenses, which remain without peer in the region. And as shown in Masyaf, they can be employed to halt and deter provocative actions by the Iran-led bloc where necessary. Nevertheless, as seen from Jerusalem, the shifting regional tectonic plates are producing a new situation in which the Iran-led alliance is once again directly facing Israel, consequently raising the possibility of direct confrontation. Masyaf was not the first shot in the fight between Israel and its proxies in the Levant — and it is unlikely to be the last.

Photo credit: JALAA MAREY/AFP/Getty Images

(Yahoo News)

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Luis Miguel Goitizolo

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9/30/2017 10:56:24 AM

ISIS Releases Recording Said to Be of Its Leader

The ISIS leader Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi has long eluded Western forces, despite a $25 million bounty on his head.

By BARBARA MARCOLINI and CHRIS CIRILLO on Publish DateJuly 11, 2017. Photo by Agence France-Presse — Getty Images. Watch in Times Video »

The Islamic State issued on Thursday what appears to be the first recording in nearly a year of its reclusive leader, Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi, a move that seems intended to silence rumors of his death and to galvanize his pummeled troops.

The 46-minute audio recording would be the first time since last November that supporters of the jihadist group have heard the voice of their self-proclaimed caliph.

Since then, the group has lost significant territory, including Mosul, Iraq, which had been the largest city under its control, and much of the group’s capital, Raqqa, Syria.

In the recording, Mr. Baghdadi praised his foot soldiers for waging a tenacious battle in Mosul.

“They fulfilled their promise and their responsibility, and they did not give up except over their skulls and body parts,” he said. “Thus they were excused, after nearly a year of fighting and confrontation.”

He also accused the American-backed troops they faced of using scorched-earth tactics. “They burned the people, trees, and everything on the ground,” he said, according to a translation provided by the SITE Intelligence Group.

But instead of pondering those losses, Mr. Baghdadi, 46, emphasized the threat the West still faces from the Islamic State, making indirect references to recent attacks on the Underground in London, in the heart of Barcelona and in Russia.

“Now the Americans, the Russians and the Europeans are living in terror in their countries, fearing the strikes of the mujahedeen,” he said.

The recording, which was widely disseminated to Islamic State supporters in their chat rooms on the messaging app Telegram, begins with the voice of a narrator who introduces Mr. Baghdadi and adds, “May Allah protect him.”

That phrase is used to refer to people who are still living and is intended to signal that Mr. Baghdadi is not dead, contrary to reports over the summer. The recording also cites current events, including the growing nuclear threat from North Korea, suggesting that it was recorded in recent weeks.

In June, the Russian military said it might have killed Mr. Baghdadi in a strike on Islamic State leaders in May near Raqqa. In July, a British-based monitoring organization, the Syrian Observatory for Human Rights, said senior Islamic State commanders had confirmed that Mr. Baghdadi had been killed in Deir al-Zour Province.

Neither report could be independently confirmed, and United States officials immediately cast doubt on their credibility.

Despite the doubts cast on those reports, rumors of Baghdadi’s death continued to swirl. More important than the content of the audio is the fact that it served as a “proof-of-life message,” said Seamus Hughes, the deputy director of George Washington University’s Program on Extremism.

The Islamic State has been steadily losing territory since 2015.

This year, it lost the city of Mosul, where it controlled a population of approximately one million people; the nearby town of Tal Afar, Iraq; and part of Raqqa.

Despite these setbacks, the group continues to be a fierce and nimble foe. The battle for Mosul, which President Barack Obama’s administration had hoped to conclude before he left office in January, grew into a bloody nine-month slog, with entire neighborhoods obliterated in an effort to kill the remaining fighters. It came at a steep price to Iraq’s military, which lost more than 700 troops in the battle.

Even as the group has lost territory in one part of its caliphate, it has retaken areas that were declared liberated and pushed into new parts of the world.

In recent weeks, new Islamic State checkpoints have emerged in Libya, and the group continues to hold parts of the city of Marawi, in the Philippines, despite a four-month-long siege by the country’s military.

The Islamic State staged a counterassault this week on Ramadi, Iraq, a town liberated by the Iraqis in 2015. In neighboring Syria on Thursday, the group’s fighters assaulted a position south of the city of Deir al-Zour, putting a dent in recent gains by the government.

The group has also continued to remotely guide and inspire its sympathizers to carry out both small-scale and devastating attacks in Europe, with cells of people who had never traveled to Syria behind some of the worst violence, including in Britain and Spain.

Sounding a defiant tone, Mr. Baghdadi ridiculed the coalition forces who are battling the group with American help, saying they “wouldn’t stand one hour of fighting without Crusader air support.”

Mr. Baghdadi ended his speech by vowing to continue fighting, including calling for attacks on “disbeliever media centers.”

Although the recording’s authenticity could not be immediately confirmed, the voice on the tape sounds the same as that of other recordings of Mr. Baghdadi. The Islamic State has not misrepresented a recording of its leader in the past, and the Pentagon said it had “no reason to believe tape is not authentic.”

Eric Schmitt contributed reporting from Washington, Nour Youssef from Cairo and an employee of The New York Times from Damascus, Syria, and Mosul, Iraq.

(The New York Times)

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Luis Miguel Goitizolo

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9/30/2017 4:29:29 PM

Joe Raedle / Staff / Getty Images

Puerto Ricans are living climate change right now. Here’s how they describe it.

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