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Luis Miguel Goitizolo

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9/28/2017 6:03:44 PM

Russia fires ballistic missile with HUGE warhead as Putin ratchets up WW3 threat

RUSSIA has successfully fired an intercontinental ballistic missile, Moscow's Defence Ministry has said.


The RS-12M Topol successfully hit its target at a range in Kazakhstan as tensions with North Korea's crackpot despot Kim Jong-un threaten to boil over.

The warhead test took place at the Kapustin Yar range in Russia’s southern Astrakhan Region.

It could be a warning shot to Kim Jong-un as the test comes just a day after his henchmen accused President Donald Trump of declaring war on North Korea.

Officials said the test data would be used to develop prospective means of breaching "enemy" missile defences for use in Russian ballistic missiles.


Russia have succesfully tested a ballistic missile'

Vladimir Putin GETTY

The ballistic missile could be a warning shot to North Korea

The RS-12M Topol successfully hit its target at a range in Kazakhstan

It will also test the advanced combat equipment of the Russian missiles.

A spokesman said: "A combat union of the Russian Strategic Missile Forces test launched an intercontinental ballistic missile Topol RS-12M from the Kapustin Yar state central range in the Astrakhan region.

"The goal of the launch was to test advanced ballistic missile warheads."

According to the ministry, data on the Topol launch will be used to develop advanced anti-missile defense penetration aids.

The test of the infamous Satan 2 thermonuclear missile could now be held in October, according to the TASS news agency.

North Korea propaganda video ‘attacks’ US military

Donald Trump GETTY

Trump is engaged in a ongoing war of words with Kim

It comes as the world teeters on the edge of World War 3 amid tensions between North Korea and the US.

The regime's top US relations official left the isolated nation to visit Russia to diffuse tensions on the world stage last week.

The North Korean official met with Alexander Matsegora, Russia’s highest representative to Pyongyang, where the two discussed the state of the isolated country’s peninsula.

Now she is set to call on her allies for more talks following months of provocations from the hermit kingdom.

Both Russia and China have called for calm amid fears Kim and President Trump could drag the world into a conflict on the peninsula.

Last week Russian Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov claimed he was confident neither the US or Pyongyang would launch a nuclear strike.

Mr Lavrov said: "The Americans are not going to attack North Korea.

"If the situation spirals out of control, in South Korea and North Korea, and Japan, Russia, and China, hundreds of thousands of innocent people will suffer.”

North Korea kim REUTERS

North Korea accused the US of declaring war

The White House was last night forced to deny that the US had declared war on North Korea by describing claims by the hermit kingdom as "absurd".

Sarah Huckabee Sanders, press secretary for the White House, conference came after Kim’s top aide Ri Yong Ho said said the international community should “remember that the US declared war on North Korea”.

During a very rare briefing to reporters at the UN Millenium Plaza hotel in New York, North Korea's foreign minister said the secretive state has the right to shoot down American bombers even if they are not in North Korean air space.

But Ms Sanders said the US was still seeking peaceful solutions.


"Choose a job you love and you will not have to work a day in your life" (Confucius)

Luis Miguel Goitizolo

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9/28/2017 11:23:26 PM

Entire Vanuatu Island of 11,000 Evacuated Over Fears of Major Volcanic Eruption

By Pam Wright |

3 hours ago

The rumbling of a volcano in the Pacific island chain of Vanuatu prompted officials Thursday to order the evacuation of an entire island that is home to approximately 11,000 people.

According to the Associated Press, a recent flurry of activity at the Manaro volcano on Ambae island raised fears that a major eruption was imminent, forcing the evacuation of the entire population. Most of the evacuees are being transported by boat or airlifted to other islands in the 80-island chain that stretches some 800 miles. The process should take about a week.

The volcano on the island located between Australia and Hawaii has been active since 2005, but an increase in activity, including rocks and gas spewing from the volcano, prompted authorities to raise the activity to Level 4 for the first time over the weekend, indicating a "moderate eruption" risk, the second highest level in Vanuatu's volcanic alert system.

“There’s ash, fire, stones and lava being thrown out from the mouth of the volcano,” Shadrack Welegtabit, the director of Vanuatu’s National Disaster Management Office, said Tuesday of the recent activity. “There’s a lot of activity going on.”

Welegtabit noted that it's impossible to say whether there will be a major eruption, but it was better to be cautious.

“With the seismic machine, we can measure what’s happening but we can’t really predict what the volcano will do next,” he said.

Australia's ABC News reports that the government of Vanuatu approved $2 million in funding to provide food, shelter and water for evacuees.

With the northern and southern areas of the island most at risk, villagers there have been moved to shelters in eastern and western regions.

"The priority now is shelter, water and food, and also looking at health," Augustine Garae, disaster management coordinator for the Vanuatu Red Cross, told ABC.

Vanuatu's Meteorology and Geohazards Department said people living within 4 miles of the volcano continue to be subjected to airborne rocks and volcanic gas. The agency added that acid rain could damage crops in the area of the volcano.

Vanuatu, which sits on the Pacific's Ring of Fire, is home to roughly 280,000 people. The island nation is frequently subjected to volcanic eruptions, earthquakes, tsunamis and hurricanes and is ranked by the United Nations University's Institute for Environment and Human Security as thecountry most at risk for natural disasters in the world.

Evacuations Ordered on Bali

Approximately 134,000 people fled their homes earlier this week and are in 500 shelters after another volcano threatened people living on the Indonesian island of Bali, the AP reports.

Mount Agung, in the northern region of the island that is home to 4.2 million, could erupt anytime, authorities say. The volcano has been at its highest alert level since Friday.

Volcanologists say recent activity suggests an eruption is more likely than not, but can't say when that might happen.

"I would definitely be following the advice to stay outside the exclusion zone," Heather Handley, an assistant Earth sciences professor at Sydney's Macquarie University, told AP. The increase in tremors suggests an eruption is "imminent," she added.


"Choose a job you love and you will not have to work a day in your life" (Confucius)

Luis Miguel Goitizolo

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9/29/2017 12:00:20 AM

Venezuelans are crossing into Colombia as crisis deepens

Exodus Venezuela
At 05:00 in the morning, a steady stream of Venezuelans heads into Colombia. Many have queued overnight, waiting patiently for the Simón Bolívar International bridge to open. Some 25,000 people cross the bridge into Colombia every day. It is a short walk between the two countries but with the political and economic crisis in Venezuela deepening, the two neighbours now seem worlds apart.

Venezuela is suffering from acute shortages of medicines, hospitals struggle to treat patients and staple goods have become scarce and unaffordable to many. Mothers cradle their babies, bringing them to the hospital in the town of Cúcuta, on the Colombian side of the border, to get them vaccinated.

Families push poorly relatives in wheelchairs. Others cross into Colombia with empty suitcases, filling them up with food and supplies they cannot get in Venezuela. Two women with a baby in a pushchair walk past the border guard, muttering: "What a humiliation." They are clearly embarrassed they have to do this.

Crossing the border for food

The local church in Cúcuta is feeding between 600 and 2,000 people a day in an open-air courtyard filled with plastic tables and chairs.
© unknown
The church in Cúcuta offers food to those in need.
Verónica Mendoza, 24, is five months pregnant. She is tucking in to a meal of rice, beans, potatoes and mince with her mother, Mariluz. The two women travel two hours every day from Venezuela to sell fruit at a market in Colombia. They cannot find work back home. They come here for their only proper meal of the day.

"Look at the weight I've lost," says Mariluz, grabbing her once fleshy arms and showing the loose skin. "I used to be healthy and strong. But we have to walk such a long way and work so hard."
© Unknown
Verónica Mendoza and her mother Mariluz rely on the food they are given at the church in Cúcuta.
Mariluz's case is not rare. Recent research [in Spanish] suggests that three-quarters of Venezuelans lost weight in the past year, an average of 9kg (20lb).

Living on the streets

The Colombian government recently introduced "border mobility cards" to allow Venezuelans to go back and forth across the border without the need for a passport. More than 700,000 people have applied for the scheme so far.

But some like Carlos Alberto Ledesma, a professional jazz musician from Caracas, want to stay in Colombia for good.
© unknown
Carlos Alberto Ledesma says he cannot make a living as a musician in Venezuela any more.
Mr Ledesma arrived in Cúcuta eight days ago. "I spent a year living on the streets," he says. "I stopped working in Venezuela because the bars aren't open, half of the musicians have gone."

Official figures put the number of Venezuelans who have left their homeland for Colombia because of the crisis at 300,000. But the actual number is thought to be much higher.

The influx is putting strain on communities in Colombia, which have lived through more than five decades of armed conflict between left-wing guerrilla groups, the armed forces and right-wing paramilitaries.

Luis Fernando Niño López is the secretary for victims, peace and post-conflict for the province of Norte de Santander, where Cúcuta is located. "At the moment, there's a pretty big flow but not everybody stays," he says of the Venezuelans arriving in the region. "But what's going to happen when they can't go back because [Venezuelan President Nicolás] Maduro closes the border or because armed groups that control the border won't let people go back?"

Sheltering Venezuelans

At a shelter run by the Scalabrini International Migration Network in the centre of Cúcuta, the growing scale of the problem is evident. Between January and June, 650 people came through its doors. In August alone, there were 850 people.

Mr Franklin Díaz, who runs the shelter, says those who come to the shelter are in urgent need of attention and more should be done to help them. "The action of the authorities is fundamental, they are the ones who manage the resources."

Many of those crossing into Colombia from Venezuela originally fled the armed conflict in Colombia.

Nereidis Ascanio is one of them. Her father was killed by paramilitaries so her family left for Venezuela when she was a child.
© unknown
Nereidis Ascanio's family fled Colombia when she was a child but now she is back and looking for work.
A single mother, her two little boys have Venezuelan nationality. She recently returned to Colombia and now lives in a little shack made out of wooden beams and a corrugated iron roof on the outskirts of Cúcuta. The tarpaulin walls do not even cover the entire shack.
© Unknown
Some Venezuelans have erected makeshift shacks on the outskirts of Cúcuta.
Ms Ascanio is desperate. "I need to find food for my kids," she says while she wipes away tears. "And I need to find a job that will allow me to look after my boys."

Getting stuck in Cúcuta

Other Colombians left for Venezuela when the oil industry started booming there in the 1980s. With oil prices now low and the economic crisis in Venezuela worsening, they too are returning in large numbers.

Many arrive in Colombia with great expectations of a new life. But Venezuela's triple-digit inflation means their savings in Venezuelan bolivares are worthless once converted into Colombian pesos, so many get stuck.

In the middle of the town is a roundabout with a large sculpture which reads "I love Cúcuta". Some people are curled up sleeping in the letters "c".

Jeferson José Gutierres is one of those sleeping rough along with his wife and their three children. He came here a month ago and cannot find work. But he says life in Cúcuta is still better than in Venezuela and he is not planning on going back while President Maduro is in power.

"I'll return when Maduro goes," he says. "He's a president who spends money while his people die of hunger."

"Choose a job you love and you will not have to work a day in your life" (Confucius)

Luis Miguel Goitizolo

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9/29/2017 9:50:04 AM

Popocatepetl volcano in Mexico explodes 9 times in last 24 hours of enhanced volcanic activity

The Popocatépetl volcano erupted 9 times during 6 hours 16 minutes continuously, sending incandescent fragments 1,000 meters around its crater and its flanks.
Some explosions during this long period of volcanic activity sent a plume of ash and gas rising 1,000 to 1,500 meters above the crater.

popocatepetl volcano eruption on September 27 and September 28 2017

popocatepetl volcano eruption on September 27 and September 28 2017. via OsvaCs Fotografía

The monitoring system also registered 61 low-intensity exhalations, three volcanotectonic events, and 53 minutes of episodes of exhalation trains.

popocatepetl volcano eruption on September 27 and September 28 2017. via OsvaCs Fotografía

popocatepetl volcano eruption on September 27 and September 28 2017. via OsvaCs Fotografía

From these 9 explosions, four occurred yesterday at 14:13, 16:54, 21:24 and 23:09 h, and the others today at 02:53, 03:05, 06:41, 09:39 and 09:45 h. Ashfalls have been reported in the area.

popocatepetl volcano eruption on September 27 and September 28 2017. via Webcamsdemexico

popocatepetl volcano eruption on September 27 and September 28 2017. via Webcamsdemexico

The volcano-tectonic seismic events were recorded, today at 02:02 (M2.1), 02:23 (M2.2) and 03:14 (M1.5).

popocatepetl volcano eruption on September 27 and September 28 2017. via Webcamsdemexico

9 explosions within last 24 hours at Popocatepetl volcano. via Cenapred

The Cenapred said the Popocatepetl volcano activity is within the normal parameters of activity for a Yellow phase 2 level of activity and therefore does not require a preventive evacuation.

The activity at the volcano has no direct relationship with the earthquake of magnitude 7.1, registered on September 19 with an epicenter in the state of Puebla.


"Choose a job you love and you will not have to work a day in your life" (Confucius)

Luis Miguel Goitizolo

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9/29/2017 10:22:33 AM

Mystery in Bali as thousands of birds fall from the sky probably asphyxiated by gases and vapors of Agung volcano

Officials in Bali cannot explain the death of thousands of birds at the Office of Public Works and Spatial Planning (PUPR) in Karangasem on the island of Bali.

Birds have most probably been asphyxiated by gases and vapors currently emanating out of the crater of Agung volcano.

thousand birds asphyxiated bali agung volcano, agung volcano asphyxiates thousands of birds bali, bali volcanic eruption kills thousands of birds
Thousands of birds fall dead from the sky in Bali. via Facebook

Indonesian officials are baffled by the sudden death of thousands of birds in the eastern part of the island Bali.

thousand birds asphyxiated bali agung volcano, agung volcano asphyxiates thousands of birds bali, bali volcanic eruption kills thousands of birds
Gases of Agung volcano have probably killed the birds of Bali. via Facebook

Officials don’t want to testify that these birds falling from the sky are more likely victims of the recent volcanic and seismic unrest of Agung volcano and answers to a frightened population that rain is most probably responsible for the mass die-off:

thousand birds asphyxiated bali agung volcano, agung volcano asphyxiates thousands of birds bali, bali volcanic eruption kills thousands of birds
Birds arcasses cover the ground under a tree in Karangasem on Bali. via Facebook

We do not know yet whether it is related or not, if the volcanic gases have already reached the region and the town. We are far from Gunung Agung. Poison gas exists in an volcanic ejecta. Maybe high levels of sulfur and carbonic acid in the air led to the apocalyptic bird mass die-off. But heavy rains may also be the culprit.’

thousand birds asphyxiated bali agung volcano, agung volcano asphyxiates thousands of birds bali, bali volcanic eruption kills thousands of birds
Mysterious bird mass die-off in Bali amid fears of Agung volcano eruption. Via Tribun Jabar

The unexplained mass die-of was reported by Amin Basri the gardener o September 25, 2017 after heavy rains. He reports he has never seen something like this in his whole life.

thousand birds asphyxiated bali agung volcano, agung volcano asphyxiates thousands of birds bali, bali volcanic eruption kills thousands of birds
What kill these birds on the island of Bali in Indonesia. Via Tribun Pecanbaru

Tens of thousands have been evacuated from the area around Mount Agung as hundreds of volcanic earthquakes have been recorded in a single day.

thousand birds asphyxiated bali agung volcano, agung volcano asphyxiates thousands of birds bali, bali volcanic eruption kills thousands of birds
If the Agung volcano really erupts, there will be much more dead birds falling from the sky. via The Guardian

The Bali volcano could erupt in a matter of hours if the seismic unrest continues.


"Choose a job you love and you will not have to work a day in your life" (Confucius)
