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Luis Miguel Goitizolo

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2/14/2017 4:05:43 PM

China blames US, South Korea for North Korea missile launch


WATCHTrump, Japanese leader denounce North Korea missile test

China, facing criticism that it is not doing enough to pressure North Korea to drop its nuclear program, said Monday that the root cause of North Korean missile launches is Pyongyang's friction with the United States and South Korea.

North Korea fired a banned ballistic missile on Sunday, its first test since U.S. President Donald Trump took office. The missile, launched as Trump hosted Japanese Prime Minister Shinzo Abe in Florida, is believed to have flown about 500 kilometers (300 miles) before splashing down in international waters.

Foreign Ministry spokesman Geng Shuang said China opposed the launch, which violated U.N.Security Council resolutions that call for an end to North Korea's nuclear and missile tests.

China is North Korea's largest source of trade and aid, and Trump has complained that Beijing is not doing enough to pressure Pyongyang. Beijing counters that its influence is overstated and suggests that Washington's refusal to talk directly to North Korea is impeding progress toward a solution.

"The root cause of the (North Korean) nuclear missile issue is its differences with the U.S. and South Korea," Geng told reporters at a regular briefing.

Geng said China, a permanent member of the U.N. Security Council, has been "completely and comprehensively" implementing Security Council resolutions on the nuclear issue. He said Beijing "has been striving for a settlement of the Korean Peninsula issue by proactively engaging in mediation and promoting peace talks."

Although generally dismissive of sanctions, Beijing has signed on to successive rounds under the U.N. Security Council, and last month banned more items from being exported to North Korea, including plutonium and dual-use technologies that could aid its nuclear program.

Geng urged all sides to refrain from provocative action and said China would continue participating in Security Council discussions in a constructive and responsible way.

Beijing appears concerned that the U.S. and South Korea will speed up the planned deployment of an advanced missile defense system in South Korea designed to counter a missile attack from the North following the latest launch. Beijing objects to the system because it would possibly be able to observe Chinese military movements.

Shi Yuanhua, a Korean studies professor at Shanghai's Fudan University, said that from Pyongyang's perspective, it was a good time to launch a missile because the new U.S. administration hadn't decided what approach to take with North Korea, and Beijing was at odds with Washington and Seoul over the anti-missile system.

"Whether or not to abandon nuclear weapons concerns North Korea's core national interests and there is no way for China to get it to change its stance with a few words of persuasion, and it can't solve the problem by applying a ban on exports," Shi said.

"The key for solving the problem lies in the hands of the U.S. If the U.S. is willing to sit and talk with North Korea, China will be happy to promote it," he added.

A Communist Party newspaper said in an editorial Monday that the timing of Sunday's launch, a day after the end of China's 15-day Lunar New Year period, suggests Beijing's participation in U.N. Security Council sanctions is having a "positive effect." Last year, North Korea launched a long-range rocket on the eve of China's most important holiday, in a snub to its chief ally.


Associated Press researcher Yu Bing contributed to this report.


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Luis Miguel Goitizolo

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2/14/2017 4:18:25 PM

Trump sanctions Venezuela vice president on drug trafficking


The Associated Press

FILE - In this Feb. 1, 2017 photo, Venezuela's Vice President Tareck El Aissami, right, is saluted by Boilivarian Army officer upon his arrival for a military parade at Fort Tiuna in Caracas, Venezuela. The administration of President Donald Trump is slapping sanctions on El Aissami and accusing him of playing a major role in international drug trafficking. That’s according to individuals briefed on the U.S. government’s plans who requested anonymity to disclose the move ahead of a formal announcement. (AP Photo/Fernando Llano)

The Trump administration imposed sanctions against Venezuelan Vice President Tareck El Aissami on Monday, accusing him of playing a major role in international drug trafficking.

The executive decree, the result of a years-long investigation, is bound to ratchet up tensions between the new Republican administration and the United States' harshest critic in Latin America. El Aissami is the most senior Venezuelan official to ever be targeted by the U.S.

The U.S. Treasury Department also sanctioned Samark Lopez, a wealthy Venezuelan businessman the U.S. described as El Aissami's primary front man laundering proceeds through a network of companies in several nations. As part of the action, 13 companies owned or controlled by Lopez, including five in Florida, will be blocked and both men will be barred from entering the United States. Several real estate holdings in the Miami area tied to Lopez and worth tens of millions of dollars were also blocked.

There was no immediate reaction from the Venezuelan government or El Aissami, who has long denied any criminal ties. Lopez released a statement calling the actions baseless and "politically motivated."

The U.S. Justice Department said there were no pending criminal charges against the two men.

The sanctions came a week after a bipartisan group of 34 U.S. lawmakers sent a letter to Trump urging him to step up pressure on Venezuela's socialist government by thoroughly investigating El Aissami and immediately sanctioning top officials responsible for corruption and human rights abuses, including ones mentioned in an Associated Press investigation on corruption in food distribution and sales.

In the wake of President Nicolas Maduro's bloody crackdown on anti-government protests in 2014, the U.S. Congress passed legislation authorizing the U.S. president to freeze the assets and ban visas for anyone accused of carrying out acts of violence or violating the human rights of those opposing Venezuela's government. But Monday's sanctions were imposed under rules passed during the Clinton administration allowing the U.S. to go after the assets of anyone designated a drug kingpin.

El Aissami, 42, has been the target of U.S. law enforcement investigation for years, stemming from his days as interior minister when dozens of fraudulent Venezuelan passports ended up in the hands of people from the Middle East, including alleged members of Hezbollah.

Venezuela's top convicted drug trafficker, Walid Makled, before being sent back from Colombia in 2011, said he paid bribes through El Aissami's brother to officials so they would turn a blind eye to cocaine shipments that have proliferated from Venezuelan ports and airports during the past two decades of socialist rule.

The action Monday made no mention of any ties to Hezbollah but said El Aissami had worked with drug traffickers in Mexico and Colombia to oversee multiple U.S.-bound cocaine shipments from Venezuela of over 1,000 kilograms.

El Aissami was named vice president last month as Maduro struggles to hold together a loose coalition of civilian leftist and military supporters whose loyalty to the revolution started by the late Hugo Chavez has frayed amid triple-digit inflation and severe food shortages. Recent polls say more than 80 percent of Venezuelans want Maduro gone.

The son of Syrian and Lebanese Druze immigrants, El Aissami is feared by many in the opposition for his association with Venezuela's intelligence services from his long run as interior minister under Chavez. Since El Aissami became vice president, Maduro has handed him control of an "anti-coup commando unit" to go after officials and opponents suspected of treason.

A former Obama administration official said the decision to sanction El Aissami was held up last year, at the insistence of the State Department, for fear it could interfere in a Vatican-backed attempt at dialogue between the government and opposition as well as efforts to win the release of a U.S. citizen, Joshua Holt, jailed for months on what are seen as trumped-up weapons charges.

"This was an overdue step to ratchet up pressure on the Venezuelan regime and signal that top officials will suffer consequences if they continue to engage in massive corruption, abuse human rights and dismantle democracy," said Mark Feierstein, who served as Obama's top national security adviser on Latin America.

The talks between the opposition and Venezuela have since collapsed. The opposition blames Maduro's administration, saying it didn't follow through on a pledge to free dozens of political prisoners or set a date for regional elections after the government suspended a recall referendum against the president in October.

"The sanctions in and of themselves will not bring about a democratic transition," Feierstein said. "That will require the Venezuelan opposition to remobilize its followers and U.S. diplomatic efforts to marshal governments in the region to isolate Maduro."

Tensions between the U.S. and Venezuela have been on the rise for years. The countries haven't exchanged ambassadors since 2010.

But Trump mentioned the country only briefly during the campaign and it wasn't clear if he signed off on the designation. Senior administration officials would only say anyone who had a need or desire to know was consulted.

Amid uncertainty on whether Trump would break from the Obama administration's policy of relative restraint, Maduro had been holding back his normal fiery rhetoric. After blasting Trump as a "bandit" and "mental patient" during the campaign, Maduro has remained quiet since.

"He won't be worse than Obama, that's the only thing I dare to say," Maduro said last month in an appeal to supporters to withhold judgment on Trump.

Maduro made no mention of the U.S. decision at an event Monday night alongside a visiting Chinese delegation.

In the wake of a travel ban against top Venezuelan officials in 2014, Maduro ordered the U.S. to slash staffing at its embassy in Caracas, accusing diplomats of conspiring to overthrow his government.

Lopez, who was known to shuttle between the U.S. and Venezuela on a privately owned Gulfstream 200 jet that was also blocked by Monday's actions, controls a network of companies spanning Venezuela, the British Virgin Islands and Panama that did business with the Venezuelan government in the food, logistics and oil industries, the Treasury Department said.

He was also listed as recently as 2012 as a major shareholder in Intercontinental Bank, a U.S. financial institution with a single branch in Miami, although that wasn't among the assets designated by Monday's action. Several of the U.S. companies list as their address a $2.4 million Miami condo in the trendy Brickell neighborhood with three pools and wraparound ocean views.

In his statement, Lopez said he would seek all legal remedies, saying he is not a government official and is being targeted only because of his relationship to El Aissami.

"The listing is unjustified in targeting a legitimate businessman," said the statement on a new English-language website that portrays Lopez as an entrepreneur and philanthropist committed to Venezuela's development.


Associated Press writer Joshua Goodman reported this story in Bogota, Colombia, and AP writer Josh Lederman reported in Washington.


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Luis Miguel Goitizolo

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2/14/2017 4:58:38 PM
Cell Phone

National Security Advisor Flynn fired after just one month in office, supposedly for 'speaking with Russian ambassador to US'

Fired by one American commander-in-chief for insubordination, Michael Flynn has now delivered his resignation to another.

President Donald Trump had been weighing the fate of his national security adviser, a hard-charging, feather-ruffling retired lieutenant general who just three weeks into the new administration put himself in the center of a controversy. Flynn resigned late Monday.

At issue was Flynn's contact with Moscow's ambassador to Washington. Flynn and the Russian appear to have discussed U.S. sanctions on Russia late last year, raising questions about whether he was freelancing on foreign policy while President Barack Obama was still in office and whether he misled Trump officials about the calls.

The uncertainty about his future had deepened Monday when the White House issued a statement saying that Trump is "evaluating the situation" surrounding Flynn. In his resignation letter, Flynn said he held numerous calls with the Russian ambassador to the U.S. during the transition and gave "incomplete information" about those discussions to Vice President Mike Pence.

Comment: Wow, is that an impeachable offense in the US these days?

The center of a storm is a familiar place for Flynn. His military career ended when Obama dismissed him as head of the Defense Intelligence Agency in 2014. Flynn has said he was pushed out for holding tougher views than Obama about Islamic extremism. But a former senior U.S. official said the firing was for insubordination, after Flynn failed to follow guidance from superiors.

Comment: It's far more likely that the real reason he was fired is to be found in the conflict among the US elite over how to deal with Iran.

Out of government, he disappeared into the murky world of mid-level defense contractors and international influence peddlers. In December 2015, he appeared at a Moscow banquet headlined by Russian President Vladimir Putin. In 2016, Flynn, a lifelong if apolitical Democrat, became a trusted and eager confidant of Trump, joining anti-Hillary Clinton campaign chants of "Lock Her Up" and tweeting that "Fear of Muslims is RATIONAL."

Comment: He's a loose cannon. US leaders are not supposed to explicitly state what they have spent the last 16 years trying to get everyone to believe about Muslims.

As national security adviser, Flynn required no Senate confirmation vote or extreme vetting of his record.

The Washington Post and other U.S. newspapers, citing current and former U.S. officials, reported last week that Flynn made explicit references to U.S. sanctions on Russia in conversations with Putin's ambassador, Sergey Kislyak. One of the calls took place on Dec. 29, the day Obama announced new penalties against Russia's top intelligence agencies over allegations they meddled in the election with the objective of helping Trump win.

Comment: Everyone is talking about those retarded sanctions. Clearly, this is not the issue.

While it's not unusual for incoming administrations to have discussions with foreign governments before taking office, the repeated contacts just as the U.S. was pulling the trigger on sanctions suggests Trump's team might have helped shape Russia's response. They also contradicted denials about such sanctions discussions by several Trump administration officials, including the vice president. Some Democratic lawmakers want a congressional investigation.

For days, Trump had been publicly and unusually quiet on the matter. While his aides declared the president has confidence in Flynn, Trump privately told associates he was troubled by the situation, according to a person who spoke with him recently.

Comment: Yeah, whatever. Trump knows the sanctions are a.) insane and b.) backfiring anyway.

Flynn's sparkling military resume had included key assignments at home and abroad, and high praise from superiors.

The son of an Army veteran of World War II and the Korean War, Flynn was commissioned as a second lieutenant in May 1981. He started in intelligence and eventually rose to senior positions, including intelligence chief for U.S. Central Command.

Ian McCulloh, a Johns Hopkins data science specialist, became a Flynn admirer while working as an Army lieutenant colonel in Afghanistan in 2009. At the time, Flynn ran intelligence for the U.S.-led international coalition in Kabul and was pushing for more creative approaches to targeting Taliban networks, including use of data mining and social network analysis, according to McCulloh.

"He was pushing for us to think out of the box and try to leverage technology better and innovate," McCulloh said, crediting Flynn for improving the effectiveness of U.S. targeting. "A lot of people didn't like it because it was different."

Comment: "Different", right. On the basis of this, Flynn is a picture-perfect product of the US imperial system.

After leaving the military, Flynn plunged into civilian life and moved to capitalize on his military and intelligence connections and experience.

He opened his own consulting firm, Flynn Intelligence Group, assembling a crew of former armed forces veterans with expertise in cyber, logistics and surveillance. One "team" member was lobbyist Robert Kelley.

Kelley proved a central player in the Flynn Group's decision to help a Turkish businessman tied to Turkey's government. At the same time that Flynn was advising Trump on national security matters, Kelley was lobbying legislators on behalf of businessman Ekim Alptekin's firm between mid-September and December last year, lobbying documents show.

Comment: Again, par for the course in Washington, DC.

It was an odd match. Flynn stirred controversy with dire warnings about Islam, calling it a "political ideology" that "definitely hides behind being a religion." But his alarms apparently didn't extend to Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan's government as it cracked down on dissent and jailed thousands of opponents after a failed coup last summer.

Source: Associated Press

POTUS Trump Names Lt. General Joseph Keith Kellogg, Jr. as Acting National Security Advisor-Accepts Resignation of Lt. General Michael Flynn

Comment: Flynn's worldview is indistinguishable from anyone else's in the 'US intel community'. Differences here were over methods and minor strategic considerations. But they all want the same thing: US world domination in perpetuity.

See also: Iran hawks have taken the White House: Flynn's anti-Iran, anti-Islam worldview is pure NeoCon

Updates: RFE/RL provides more details on Flynn's resignation:
Flynn was a loyal Trump supporter throughout Trump's improbable campaign last year, but his ties to Russia caused concern among other senior Trump advisers.

Senior Russian lawmakers reacted swiftly, casting Flynn as a casualty in a campaign to undermine any efforts by Trump to mend badly strained relations with Moscow.
In a resignation letter issued late on February 13, Flynn said he gave Pence and others "incomplete information" about the phone calls.

The White House named retired General Keith Kellogg to replace Flynn as acting security adviser. He is also among three people the White House said Trump is considering naming to the post permanently. The other two are former CIA Director David Petraeus and Vice Admiral Robert Harward.
The Associated Press and Reuters news agencies both reported late on February 13 that the U.S. Justice Department had warned the White House that Flynn could be in a compromised position as a result of the contradictions between the public depictions of the calls and what intelligence officials knew to be true based on recordings of the conversations, which were picked up as part of the routine monitoring of foreign officials' communications in the United States.
Democrats are not backing down, calling on the House Oversight Committee to launch an investigation into Flynn's "ties with Russia." Schumer wants an independent investigation into Flynn's discussions with Kislyak. Representative Eliot Engel, ranking member of the House Committee on Foreign Affairs said, "far too many questions remain unanswered about this administration's ties to Russia." Considering that Flynn doesn't seem to be any less of a war monger than others, the degree to which he is being smeared is remarkable:
The Washington Post reported that former Acting Attorney General Sally Yates and a national security official told White House counsel Donald McGahn that Flynn was possibly vulnerable to Russian blackmail attempts.
Michael Maloof, a former senior security policy analyst for the US Secretary of Defense, told RT the development appears to be a huge gain for US mainstream media and the Democrats.

"I think this is a victory for mainstream media and for the Democrats. They don't like this administration and they're going to do everything they can to chip away its credibility, and this is just the beginning," Maloof told RT on Tuesday.

Flynn's resignation itself "was a crescendo of noise from the mainstream media, and it distracted the White House from trying to get its job done," Maloof said, adding, "The basic issue is - could Flynn, who was private citizen, be even talking to Russian ambassador about sanctions being lifted?

"That comes under what we call Logan Act, a 1799 law that has never been prosecuted, and it's crazy," the former Pentagon official added, referring to a law that outlaws negotiations between unauthorized citizens and foreign states in a dispute with the US. Violations under the Logan Act - last amended in 1994 - are still considered a felony and are punishable by a fine or imprisonment.
Even the Neocons, who share Flynn's views on Iran, are ecstatic. Witness, arch idiot neocon David Frum, who has been on a Twitter frenzy:

Tonight’s resignation reminds both why patriots should cherish a free & independent press - and why Donald Trump so fears & hates it

And if there is one thing that President Trump cannot abide, it is undisclosed payments to important Americans by influence-seeking Russians

This is shaping up as the best season of “The Americans” yet

It took heroic & unprecedented act by 9 officials to remove Russian-compromised person from highest office. Complacency is irresponsible

The question of Russian money flows into the Trump Organization is becoming more interesting by the hour

Seriously, Republican congress members: you do not want to be covering for accusations of Russian penetration of US govt.

Russian politicians see this move as part of coordinated effort to ensure Trump cannot follow through with his plan to mend ties with Russia. Again, from RFE/RL:
Aleksei Pushkov, chairman of the Information Policy Committee in the upper house of parliament, tweeted that "it was not Flynn who was targeted but relations with Russia."

"Driving Flynn out was the first act. Now the target is Trump himself," Pushkov said in a separate tweet.

Konstantin Kosachyov, chairman of the Foreign Affairs Committee in the upper house -- the Federation Council --said on Facebook that firing a national security adviser for his contacts with Russia is "not even paranoia but something immeasurably worse."

"Either Trump has not gained the requisite independence and is being...backed into a corner, or Russophobia has already infected the new administration as well, from top to bottom," Kosachyov said.

Russian President Vladimir Putin's spokesman, Dmitry Peskov, declined to comment on Flynn's exit.

"It is the Americans' internal affair. It is the internal affair of President Trump's administration. It is none of our business," Peskov told reporters on February 14.

When asked on February 13 about the Flynn-Kislyak phone calls, Peskov said in an apparent reference to discussions of sanctions: "We have already said that they did not take place."
More Russian responses from RT:
Leonid Slutskiy, the head of State Duma Committee for International Relations, said he has reasons to believe that Trump's former adviser resigned due to external pressure.

"Under these circumstances, my conclusion is that the real target in this scheme is Russian-American relations and the general trust in the new administration," Slutskiy said.

"This situation is a negative signal for arranging Russian-American dialogue. It is obvious that Flynn had to submit his resignation under certain pressure. But President Trump accepted it. The chosen pretext was Flynn's contact with the Russian ambassador, even though this is normal diplomatic practice," he noted.
"Hawks in Washington see even simple willingness for dialogue with the Russians as a thought crime (in the words of the immortal G. Orwell). To drive a national security adviser into resignation for his contacts with the Russian ambassador (a common diplomatic practice) is more than paranoia, it is something immeasurably worse," Kosachev wrote on his Facebook page on Tuesday.

"It is either Trump has not achieved the sought-after independence and he is being persistently and successfully driven into a corner, or the new administration has been hit by Russophobia, from top to bottom."

Senator Aleksei Pushkov ... "Flynn was purged not because of some blunder, but because of an ongoing aggressive campaign. The newspapers are calling for 'Russians out!' This is paranoid and this is a witch hunt," he wrote.
Some context, from Thierry Meyssan:
The CIA has refused Robin Townley the level of defence accreditation required to have a seat on the National Security Council (NSC).

Robin Townley had been appointed chief assistant to the National Security Advisor, General Michael Flynn. He should have held the office of the NSC Director for Africa but he found himself left with no other option than to resign.The Agency's decision is a "quid pro quo" to President Trump's Memorandum which effectively put an end to the Director of the CIA having a permanent seat on the NSC.
The Saker's response is similar to the Russian officials and to Meyssan's take on Flynn (it's somewhat, but only time will tell whether that's justified or not):
Now let's immediately get one thing out of the way: Flynn was hardly a saint or a perfect wise man who would single handedly saved the world. That he was not. However, what Flynn was is the cornerstone of Trump's national security policy. For one thing, Flynn dared the unthinkable: he dared to declare that the bloated US intelligence community had to be reformed. Flynn also tried to subordinate the CIA and the Joint Chiefs to the President via the National Security Council. Put differently, Flynn tried to wrestle the ultimate power and authority from the CIA and the Pentagon and subordinate them back to the White House. Flynn also wanted to work with Russia. Not because he was a Russia lover, the notion of a Director of the DIA as a Putin-fan is ridiculous, but Flynn was rational, he understood that Russia was no threat to the USA or to Europe and that Russia had the West had common interests. That is another absolutely unforgivable crimethink in Washington DC.

...It took the 'deep state' only weeks to castrate Trump and to make him bow to the powers that be. Those who would have stood behind Trump will now feel that he will not stand behind them and they will all move back away from him. The Neocons will feel elated by the elimination of their worst enemy and emboldened by this victory they will push on, doubling-down over and over and over again.
I am quite sure that nobody today is celebrating in the Kremlin. Putin, Lavrov and the others surely understand exactly what happened. It is as if Khodorkovsy would have succeeded in breaking Putin in 2003. In fact, I have to credit Russian analysts who for several weeks already have been comparing Trump to Yanukovich, who also was elected by a majority of the people and who failed to show the resolve needed to stop the 'color revolution' started against him. But if Trump is the new Yanukovich, will the US become the next Ukraine?
Trump's Neocon opposition is not going to give up any time soon. The only thing that will stop the nonsense is some well-executed arrests and trials of well-placed individuals. Will Trump turn out to be a Yanukovich?


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Luis Miguel Goitizolo

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2/14/2017 5:26:02 PM

Time to lock her up: Killary losing veneer of being 'too big to jail'

© Reuters
While US mainstream media is rife with rumors about Hillary Clinton's possible political comeback, Wall Street analyst Charles Ortel and Haitian-born journalist Dady Chery told Sputnik that the two-time presidential candidate may very soon find herself in a heap of legal trouble.

It appears that Hillary Clinton has no intention to leave the stage for the time being, and rumors continue to circulate about Hillary's comeback as the Democrats' "heavy artillery" or the Big Apple's next mayor.

"I'm certain Trump will screw up enough that by the fall of '18, Hillary's numbers will be way up again," former Pennsylvania governor and DNC chair Ed Rendell told

For her part, Clinton, who sustained a resounding defeat in the 2016 presidential election, never misses a chance to criticize or mock President Donald Trump.

​"3-0," Hillary tweeted last Thursday, in an apparent reference to the ruling by the San Francisco-based 9th Circuit Court of Appeals to uphold Judge James Robart's decision to suspend Trump's executive order on immigration.

"The score appeared to allude to the unanimous 3-0 decision handed down by the appeals court," Daniel Halper of New York Postremarked Friday.

However, it seems that Clinton's past could get in the way of her return to big politics.

Alleged Fraud: It's too Big to Remain Swept Under the Rug

Charles K. Ortel, a US writer and Wall Street investor analyst, who uncovered General Electric stock being overvalued before market crash in 2008, highlights that the story of The Clinton Foundation's financial manipulation is too big to remain swept under the rug.

Presenting a scrupulous analysis of the Foundation's financial activities on his website, the analyst calls attention to the fact that since the late 1990s the Clinton Foundation has de facto capitalized on the most burning humanitarian issues, by collecting millions of dollars and providing little if any information on how the money was actually spent.

"Since 23 October 1997, when the Clinton Foundation was organized, public filings suggest that approximately $2 billion may have been received in the form of contributions and grants," Ortel told Sputnik.

"That said, there has never been a validly performed and legally compliant independent audit of any part of the Clinton Foundation for any period (part or full year) of operation. This means that no outsider has ever been able to ensure that all incoming donations landed in Clinton Foundation bank accounts. Given their loose (I might argue non-existent) financial controls, the international spread of their operations, and extreme volatility in foreign exchange rates, the potential for monies to leak out (diverted revenues, fake expenses) is substantial," the analyst stressed.

"For example, the largest Clinton Foundation donor, a multilateral entity based in Switzerland called UNITAID claims that it sent around $650 million towards the Clinton Foundation starting late in 2006. Year-by year, close review of UNITAID claims made concerning their donations differ significantly with reports issued for similar years by the Clinton Foundation," Ortel elaborated.

Former President Bill Clinton stands on stage with his wife, Democratic presidential candidate Hillary Clinton.
"In addition to financial irregularities that are evident following analysis of Clinton filings and those of significant donors such as UNITAID (others to investigate and compare include Gates Foundation, Robert Wood Johnson Foundation, Rockefeller Foundation, Children's Investment Fund Foundation (there are at least two — one in UK and a separate one in the US), and declarations by governments such as Australia, Norway, Canada, UK, Sweden, Ireland, and others.), one needs to look carefully at private gains that may have been created through operation of the Clinton 'charities.' A place to start is examining the 'Commitments to Action' declared by participants in the Clinton Global Initiative — here, it seems that many 'donors' derived benefits and that these benefits were substantial in financial terms," the analyst said.

In addition, the Foundation's collaboration with foreign sponsors during Hillary Clinton's term as a US Secretary of State had repeatedly raised concerns of alleged conflict of interest.

"The Clinton Foundation (including its various entities) has never truthfully disclosed on state forms (see requirements in New York and California, for example) the exact amounts and stated purposes of donations from numerous foreign governments," Ortel noted.

Who Will Launch an Investigation Into the Clinton Foundation's Alleged Fraud?

The question then arises why an all-out investigation into the alleged fraud has yet to be initiated by US authorities.

Dady Chery, News Junkie Post Co-Editor in Chief and editor who authored "We Have Dared to Be Free: Haiti's Struggle Against Occupation" believes that sooner or later the Clinton Foundation's operators will be held accountable for their misdeeds.

In her previous interviews with Sputnik Chery shed light on the Clintons' cashing in on the Haitian earthquake of 2010.

"I don't think the Trump administration wants any accusation of persecuting its political opponents," Chery told Sputnik on Monday, "This is probably why, during his confirmation hearings, former Senator and now Attorney General, Jeff Sessions said he would bow out of any Hillary Clinton investigations."

"This does not mean that Hillary Clinton will get a pass," she specified, "It just means that in the US, it is probably the Congress that will spearhead the investigation."

"Representative Jason Chaffetz, the Chairman of the House Committee on Oversight and Government Reform, has promised that the investigations would continue. I certainly hope that the fate of the USAID funds for Haiti's reconstruction, for example, will be investigated, and all those found guilty of misappropriation will be punished," Chery stressed.

Victor Farah and her daughter sit in the ruins of their home destroyed by Hurricane Matthew in Les Cayes, Haiti, Thursday, Oct. 6, 2016. Two days after the storm rampaged across the country's remote southwestern peninsula, authorities and aid workers still lack a clear picture of what they fear is the country's biggest disaster in years.
However, it's not only up to the US Congress or President Trump to expedite the process: for their part, the Foundation's foreign sponsors might raise the issue of the misappropriation of funds.

"One thing to consider is that while the Clintons may be able to manipulate America's bitterly divided political landscape and opaque regulatory system, they and their 'foundations' are subject to foreign laws, and vulnerable, in my view, should investigations expand and prosecutions result in foreign jurisdictions," Ortel told Sputnik.

"As a guess," he added, "foreign governments until now have been reluctant to examine vexing questions surrounding how Clinton entities could take and spend donations without organizing, operating, and reporting lawfully, because the IRS and other US regulators have not yet acted."

However, it is up to foreign donors "to decide what they may wish to do to recover donations made to Clinton charities, if they conclude, as I see just from evidence in the public domain that this is certainly not charity," Ortel noted.

What's Behind Hillary Clinton's Renewed Political Activity?

Meanwhile, some generous foreign sponsors have turned their back of the Clinton Foundation by slashing their donations to the charity after Hillary Clinton lost the 2016 presidential race.

"A cynic might suggest that the Clintons were able to garner much of their current wealth by catering to those who sought to benefit (or escape prosecution) under a Hillary Clinton Administration," Ortel said commenting on the matter.

"The Clintons, until recently, had a long record of rewarding political supporters and of punishing political enemies. When they left the White House in January 2001, they were 'dead-broke' by their own admission — now they are said to be multi-millionaires," he explained.

And this is the cause of Hillary Clinton's renewed political activity, according to the analyst.

"Unless a member of the Clinton family is rumored to be seeking elected office, their ability to attract more wealth and income arguably ebbs — so, it seems natural they might float plans whether for Hillary or even for Chelsea to seek political office," Ortel assumed.

In apparent attempt to gain political capital, Hillary Clinton has openly endorsed protest movements against Trump's policies.

I stand with the people gathered across the country tonight defending our values & our Constitution. This is not who we are.

​"I stand with the people gathered across the country tonight defending our values & our Constitution. This is not who we are," Clinton tweeted on January 29 commenting on protests against Trump's executive order on immigration.

Politico's Kenneth Vogel noted in his November op-ed that powerful liberal magnates, including George Soros, were up in arms about Trump's rise. Observers believe that these sponsors could have been behind the protests.

Is Hillary Clinton Involved in Anti-Trump Protests?

Is it possible that the Clintons are also involved in these activities?

"[George] Soros' influence has been on the decline since Hillary Clinton lost the presidential election," Chery responded, "So far, by financing various protests and legal challenges against Trump through his various foundations Soros has managed to control the news agenda and draw attention away from the changes by the new administration."

"[Soros] is not used to losing, but he might as well start to like it, because he'll probably not win much else," Chery believes.

Ortel shares a similar stance.

"I suspect that like-minded associates of the Clintons and of Soros are deeply involved in coordinating resistance to the Trump Administration," he said.

"Here, I think they will fail and caution them that there are also strict rules on the books that should be enforced assiduously against 'charities' that are in fact political advocacy organizations. Two that spring to mind are Media Matters and Center for American Progress but there are many others funded by Soros and his allies that offer tax deductions to fund partisan political activity — this is forbidden according to existing laws. The question now is how the new Administration will exercise discretion to investigate and then to prosecute the worst offenders," Ortel told Sputnik.

Both experts don't believe that the Clintons will manage to win this political battle.

"It's hard to believe that the Democratic Party, or anybody for that matter, would bet on her again for any political office. She had everything going for her, and she still lost. Besides, she will probably soon be in a heap of legal trouble," Chery suggested.

Ortel is also highly skeptical about Hillary Clinton's chances: "I am not a political expert, but I struggle to find examples where a supposed front-runner for the US presidency has lost twice, so badly."

However, it seems that the Clintons may find themselves in a deep trouble if the Foundation's alleged fraud is confirmed: "In other cases that are far smaller in financial terms, and in my view, less serious, operators of charity frauds have suffered lengthy jail terms, and crippling financial penalties," Ortel said.

In Hillary Clinton's own words: "There should be no individual too big to jail."

"There should be no bank too big to fail and no individual too big to jail." —Hillary

Comment: Beyond the fraudulent use of the Clinton Foundation there is the Clinton Death List which, when including her key role in disastrous NATO interventions, makes her and Bill's fraudulent 'charity' look like a children's birthday party.

For a review of Clinton's foreign policy, see: A comprehensive look at Hillary Clinton's disastrous and destructive foreign policy resumé
You remember those years, don't you? The "surge" in Afghanistan; the winding down of the Iraq occupation; the huge increase in drone strikes in Pakistan and Afghanistan, killing hundreds of civilians and terrorizing whole regions; the total failure of the Obama administration to end U.S. client state Israel's illegal settlements on the West Bank and indeed a general deterioration in high-level U.S.-Israeli relations; various U.S. interventions during the "Arab Spring;" the U.S./NATO assault on Libya that destroyed that modern state, etc.? Hillary was a key player in all these events. It's all in her record, for all to see.


"Choose a job you love and you will not have to work a day in your life" (Confucius)

Luis Miguel Goitizolo

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2/14/2017 5:53:01 PM
Russian drone shows extent of the damage to Palmyra’s Roman amphitheater

Russian defense ministry drone footage reveals damage caused by the Islamic State to UNESCO sites in the Syrian city of Palmyra. (Reuters)

MOSCOW — The Russian Ministry of Defense on Monday released new video footage shot from a drone showing the partial destruction of the ancient Roman amphitheater in Palmyra, and warned that the Islamic State was mustering explosives to continue the destruction of the ancient city. The footage also showed the destruction of the city's tetrapylon, an arrangement of 16 columns marking the city’s main crossroads.

The city has become an important symbolic prize for Russia, which has justified its 16-month deployment in the Syrian civil war as a fight against an existential terrorist threat that it has likened to Nazism in World War II. But Russian air power has largely focused on other enemies of Syrian President Bashar al-Assad, helping him regain control over territory and key cities from other rebel groups of varying ideology.

Control over Palmyra has passed back and forth during Syria’s six-year-old civil war. Fighters from the Islamic State first captured the city in 2015. In March 2016, the city was retaken by Syrian forces backed by Russian air power and special forces.

In a dramatic publicity stunt, the Russian government flew in the Mariinsky Orchestra under the direction of Valery Gergiev and cellist Sergei Roldugin (a friend of Vladimir Putin’s) to play a three-piece concert of Bach, Prokofiev and Russian composer Rodion Shchedrin in the ancient amphitheater. The concert took place just six weeks after the city was retaken. The sound of outgoing artillery was still audible as the orchestra set up to play.

Then, with Russian and Syrian forces focused on Aleppo, the Islamic State retook control of Palmyra in mid-December. The video released by the Russian Ministry of Defense contrasts footage taken before and after the Islamic State's most recent offensive.

The Russian Ministry of Defense also said that Islamic State fighters were planning to destroy more monuments before abandoning the city, claiming it was a response to an expected offensive by the Syrian army. “This shows ISIS’s intentions to deliver explosives in order to totally destroy the remaining ancient architectural monuments before their retreat,” it said in a caption accompanying the video, using a common acronym for the Islamic State.

No visual evidence was given to support that claim.

The footage of the destruction provides a clearer image than that found in the satellite footage released last month.

As my colleagues Louisa Loveluck and Missy Ryan previously reported, Syrian state officials last month announced that they had seen satellite footage from December showing the destruction of the central part of the Roman amphitheater, the proscenium, where the Islamic State had previously held mass executions.

Irina Bokova, head of UNESCO, condemned the latest demolitions as a “war crime.”

The ancient city is one of the Middle East’s most famous Roman sites. “Once a major stop for ­cross-desert caravans, the 3rd century limestone and dolomite city was ruled by the legendary Queen Zenobia and stood as a testament to the area’s ­cosmopolitan history,” they wrote.

The footage released by the Russian military, and previously cited by the Syrian government, also showed the destruction of the tetrapylon, an arrangement of 16 columns marking the intersection of the two main boulevards in the city. Most of the columns were modern replicas, but one was original, erected in the 3rd century A.D.

The destruction of Palmyra began soon after it was seized by the Islamic State in May 2015. The extremists destroyed the Monumental Arch of Palmyra, most of the Temple of Bel and the Temple of Baalshamin.

(The Washington Post)

"Choose a job you love and you will not have to work a day in your life" (Confucius)


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