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Luis Miguel Goitizolo

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2/13/2017 9:17:54 AM

5 Signs We’re Living In An Orwellian Police State (Now More Than Ever)

"Choose a job you love and you will not have to work a day in your life" (Confucius)

Luis Miguel Goitizolo

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2/13/2017 9:48:58 AM

This is a clear sign that the fight between water protectors and law enforcement is far from over.

Since April of 2016, “water protectors” who oppose the construction of the four-state Dakota Access Pipeline (DAPL) have been camped out near Cannon Ball, ND. Even throughout the harsh winter, they’ve remained on the plains, as they maintain the belief that the land which the DAPL passes through rightfully belongs to the tribe due to an 1851 treaty. Activists also believe that its development may potentially contaminate the Missouri river and uproot sacred burial ground.

Throughout the summer and fall, thousands of people from across the nation and around the world flocked to North Dakota to stand in solidarity with the Standing Rock Sioux tribe. This list includes well-known actors and actresses, such as Chris Hemsworth, Mark Ruffalo, and Shailene Woodley. Until early December, tensions at the protest camps and nearby on the front lines only continued to increase. Mass arrests occurred, and many protestors were maced, hosed down with water canons in sub-freezing temperatures, and tased. Some were even shot with rubber bullets.

A dramatic change took place over the first weekend in December of 2016, when over 2,000 veterans arrived at the Standing Rock protest camps. The men and women explained that they felt what was being done to the indigenous peoples was an injustice and that they were willing to put their lives on the line for a cause they felt is worthy. On December 4th, the U.S. Army Corps denied an easement to the parent company of the DAPL, Energy Transfer Partners. The victory was celebrated by activists present and elsewhere. However, a statement by the company soon made it clear that the oil company had no intention of re-routing the pipeline. This news inspired hundreds of “water protectors” to remain behind, despite the plummeting temperatures and impending winter storms.

Since the easement was denied, the world has heard little of the protestors or the DAPL. Once again, that changed just days after Donald Trump became the new President of the United States. The business tycoon-turned-politician signed an executive order that will allow the corporation to finish drilling across the Missouri river. The lack of regard for the environment or the indigenous people has once again inspired veterans to return to North Dakota.

Reportedly, dozens if not hundreds of brave men and women are making plans to venture to the Sacred Stone camp to serve as human shields for those who are striving to preserve the Missouri River and its resources for future generations. Reportedly, they are hopeful that their presence makes it harder for police and government officials to try and remove hundreds of protesters who remain camped near the construction site.

Elizabeth Williams, a 34-year-old air force veteran, who arrived at Standing Rock last Friday, told The Guardian:

“We are prepared to put our bodies between Native elders and a privatized military force. We’ve stood in the face of fire before. We feel a responsibility to use the skills we have.”

Credit: Indianz.Com

When veterans camped out at the site in December, many put their skills to use by performing a wide range of service, such as cleaning up the camp, volunteering in the kitchen, assisting as medical support, and protecting those on the front lines from police. They’re prepared to do the same again.

“This is a humanitarian issue,” said Matthew Crane, a US navy veteran. “We’re not going to stand by and let anybody get hurt.”

For many veterans, the process of protecting those who are protesting something that affects all citizens has been deemed to be a “healing” process. This is because many regret their involvement in the Iraq war. Luker, a Vietnam vet from Boston, confirmed this when he said:

This is the right war, right side. Finally, it’s the US military coming on to Sioux land to help, for the first time in history, instead of coming on to Sioux land to kill natives.”

32-year-old marine corps vet Jake Pogue added that he returned to North Dakota because he’s worried about police escalating tactics. He explained:

“We’re not coming as fighters, but as protectors. Our role in that situation would be to simply form a barrier between water protectors and the police force and try to take some of that abuse for them.”

In December, the arrival of the veterans proved to be a game-changer. It remains to be seen whether or not their presence on the front lines will inspire a resolution to the ongoing conflict.

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Veterans Return To Standing Rock To Act As Human Shields Against Police) is free and open source. You have permission to republish this article under a Creative Commons license with attribution to the author and

"Choose a job you love and you will not have to work a day in your life" (Confucius)

Luis Miguel Goitizolo

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2/13/2017 10:13:12 AM



Langley, Virginia | A major explosion occurred last night at the headquarters of the Central Intelligence Agency, igniting a fire which almost completely destroyed an annex of the building and led to the discovery of a suspected drug lab.

The detonation took place around 11:30 pm last night. The powerful blast was heard for miles around the complex and sent plumes of black smoke into the air.

The firefighters of the Langley City Fire-Rescue were rapidly mobilized on the site, where they fought the fire for almost six hours before they were finally able to extinguish the flames.

While inspecting the building to secure the area, they found large quantities of chemicals and over-the-counter medications that are used to make meth and fentanyl.

The firefighters transmitted the information to the Fairfax County Sheriff’s Office (FCSO), which dispatched dozens of deputies and investigators on the scene.

After conducting a search of the western wing of the George Bush Center for Intelligence, they found more than 2 tons of pure pseudoephedrine, as well as large quantities of acetone, iodine crystals, battery acid, drain cleaner, lantern fuel and antifreeze.

“The various chemicals found on the scene are either used to produce methamphetamine or fentanyl, and we also found a lot of drugs,” said FCSO spokesman, Jared Matters. “We also found large quantities of these two drugs in a nearby storage room that was spared by the fire.”

The Fairfax County Sheriff’s Office confirmed it had opened an investigation to determine if the site was an illegal drug lab and if the fire was caused by an illegal activity.


More than 5 tons of drugs and 45 tons of chemicals were seized in the building which some deputies have described as an “industrial-scale drug lab”.

This is not the first time that the CIA is accused of manufacturing and trafficking illegal drugs.

While the CIA was sponsoring a Secret War in Laos from 1961 to 1975, it was accused of trafficking in opium. The CIA made its own internal inquiries of its staff and clients in Laos concerning the drug trade and admitted that small amounts of opium had been smuggled via their contract aircraft.

Several local, state, and federal investigations have also taken place concerning the alleged use of the Mena Intermountain Municipal Airport as a CIA drop point in large scale cocaine trafficking beginning in the early 1980s.

This is the first time, however, that drugs are seized on an official CIA installation, and the incident could have some very serious consequences for the organization which is already at odds with the new American President.

Neither the White House or the CIA, have officially reacted yet, but many analysts expect Donald Trump to use this investigation as a pretext to cut the agency’s funding.


"Choose a job you love and you will not have to work a day in your life" (Confucius)

Luis Miguel Goitizolo

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2/13/2017 10:38:57 AM
Hundreds Of Whales Are Currently Stranded On A Beach In New Zealand

After 100 whales were helped back into the ocean, a further 240 arrived and became stranded.

Credit: Tim Cuff, New Zealand Herald

After 300 pilot whales were found dead on a New Zealand beach, with a further 140 found struggling for survival on the coast on Friday, a further 240 arrived the following day, making the situation even worse. Magazine writer and editor Cheree Morrison stumbled across the scene as she took a pre-dawn trip to capture the sunrise, accompanied by a photographer and guide. She described the scene before her, claiming that it was the sounds of soft sighs and cries that first struck her before she ventured closer and saw the full extent of what has been described as one of the worst whale strandings in the nation’s history. She said,

“You could hear the sounds of splashing, of blowholes being cleared, of sighing. The young ones were the worst. Crying is the only way to describe it.”

The scene, which was found on Friday on Farewell Spit at the tip of the South Island, very quickly attracted many local people as the daylight hours crept in, with hundreds of farmers, tourists, and teenagers urgently racing to keep the surviving 140 whales alive. For hundreds of yards along the beach, there were adult and baby whale carcasses that were three or even four deep in some places. Morrison waded into the water in her denim jeans, doing whatever she could to try to maneuver the whales that were still breathing, so that they were more upright which would help them breathe easier. She claimed,

“I walked away crying my eyes out. We knew there were limited things we could do.”

Credit: Tim Cuff, New Zealand Herald

She quickly alerted the authorities and volunteers soon arrived in wetsuits, equipped with buckets. The volunteer rescue group, called Project Jonah, said that a total of 416 whales had been stranded. As the tide came in, the volunteers managed to refloat around 50 of the surviving whales, whilst another 80 or 90 remained beached. Following their initial attempts, the volunteers proceeded to form a human chain in the water in order to try and stop the whales from swimming back to the shore and becoming stranded again. They continued to refloat as many of the surviving whales as they could. The Department of Conservation claimed that around 500 volunteers had joined conservation workers on the beach to try to save the whales. As their efforts continued, they tried to keep the surviving stranded whales damp and cool by covering them with blankets and dousing them with buckets of water from the sea.

According to reports, whale strandings occur most years in this area, but the scale of the recent event has come as a shock. One crucial reason as to why the strandings happen so often in this area is due to the shape of the coast. Farewell Spit is a sliver of sand which arches in a hook shape into the Tasman Sea. It seems to confuse whales, which make it a site of frequent mass strandings. There are also many different theories as to why whales get stranded, including chasing prey too far inshore or trying to protect a sick member of the group, which results in a big group getting stuck. The shape of the coastline then makes it difficult for whales to navigate away from it once they have gotten too close.

With the arrival of the additional stranded whales on Saturday morning, more than 300 of the 400 whales have died. Medics and members of the public are currently working tirelessly to keep the remaining whales alive. Whilst they are waiting for the next high tide in daylight on Sunday to move the survivors back out to sea, conservation workers have said that many of the surviving whales would probably be in bad shape, and are likely to deteriorate the longer than they remain stranded, making it incredibly crucial to get them back out into the ocean as soon as possible.

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Hundreds Of Whales Are Currently Stranded On A Beach In New Zealand) is free and open source. You have permission to republish this article under a Creative Commons license with attribution to the author and

"Choose a job you love and you will not have to work a day in your life" (Confucius)

Luis Miguel Goitizolo

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2/13/2017 2:45:01 PM

Nearly 200K evacuated around California dam amid flood warning

WATCH Damage to nation's tallest dam forces thousands to evacuate

Officials in northern California ordered nearly 200,000 people to evacuate to safer ground Sunday as the country's tallest dam threatened to release uncontrolled floodwaters downstream.

Motorists jammed highways as thousands of residents fled the area downstream from the Oroville Dam, about 150 miles northeast of San Francisco, after authorities warned that the emergency spillway could fail, the National Weather Service said.

Hundreds of cars lined Highway 99, creating a bumper-to-bumper traffic jam as people headed north, The Associated Press said.

Raj Gill, who manages a Shell gas station in the region, was torn between evacuating and staying open to serve the steady stream of customers who passed through his establishment.

"You can't even move," he told the AP. "I'm trying to get out of here, too. I'm worried about the flooding. I've seen the pictures; that's a lot of water."

Lake Oroville, one of California's largest manmade lakes, has swelled after a month of heavy rains. On Saturday water began topping the emergency spillway on the 770-foot-tall dam, the nation's tallest, causing erosion damage that could lead to a surge of water being released, officials said.

The lake is about 75 miles north of Sacramento and about 25 miles southeast of Chico. The dam is the tallest in the United States, according to the Los Angeles Times.

Officials from California's Department of Water Resources said they planned to use helicopters to drop rocks to fill in the gouge in the spillway.

Residents of Oroville, Gridley, Live Oak, Marysville, Wheatland, Yuba City, Plumas Lake, and Olivehurst were all ordered to evacuate immediately, authorities said.

Butte County Sheriff Kory Honea said officials made the decision to nearly double the volume of water being released from the dam to stop erosion at the top of the auxiliary spillway.

"Hopefully, that will release pressure on the emergency spillway and they’ll find a repair to prevent a complete failure," Honea said Sunday. "[The] situation is dynamic and could change anytime."

The lake had been lowered to 2 feet below the top of the emergency spillway due to the increased volume of water being released through the dam's main spillway, Oroville mayor Linda Dahlmeier told ABC News.

The lake level is being lowered at a rate of about 4 inches per hour, the mayor said, adding that the erosion area has stopped progressing and stabilized.

California Gov. Jerry Brown issued an emergency order in response to the situation.

"The state is directing all necessary personnel and resources to deal with this very serious situation,” Brown said in a statement Sunday.

Moreover, the state's National Guard said it would provide eight helicopters to assist in reconstructing the emergency spillway.

The helicopters, along with two airplanes, will also be available today for search and rescue near the Oroville Dam, California National Guard Adjunct General David Baldwin said at a news conference Sunday.

He added that the California National Guard would be ready to deploy if needed.

The Mercury News, a newspaper based out of the San Jose area, reported that three environmental groups — the Friends of the River, the Sierra Club and the South Yuba Citizens League — filed a motion with the federal government in 2005, as part of Oroville Dam’s relicensing process, urging federal officials to bolster the dam's emergency spillway.

Within that motion, the groups warned that the dam did not meet modern safety standards, the Mercury News reported.

The Federal Energy Regulatory Commission rejected their request, the paper said.


"Choose a job you love and you will not have to work a day in your life" (Confucius)


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