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Luis Miguel Goitizolo

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2/10/2017 4:00:59 PM

Ohio Woman Allegedly Raped 4-Year-Old Boy and Posted Footage Online

Chris Harris

Ohio Woman Allegedly Raped 4-Year-Old Boy and Posted Footage Online

A 20-year-old Ohio woman allegedly videotaped herself performing a sex act on a 4-year-old boy and later posted the footage online, PEOPLE confirms.

According to court records, India Kirksey has been charged with felony rape. Jail records indicate she is being held on $350,000 bond.

Kirksey has yet to enter a plea and it was unclear Thursday if she had retained legal counsel.

The case files have been temporarily sealed given the sensitive nature of the allegations and the age of the victim.

According to police in Ohio’s Hamilton County, detectives began investigating Kirksey soon after receiving a tip from someone in Texas who claimed to have seen the alleged video.

WCPO reports that the footage was posted to Periscope, a live streaming app, earlier this year. reports that Kirksey allegedly confessed to performing oral sex on the child under questioning.

PEOPLE could not reach Kirksey’s family for comment, but WCPO reports that a relative is asking the public to reserve judgement, claiming Kirksey has special needs.

(Yahoo News)

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Luis Miguel Goitizolo

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2/10/2017 4:31:02 PM

Why The Melted Fuel Under Fukushima Could Poison Our Planet With Nuclear Radiation For 1000s Of Years

Nuclear Danger Sign - Public Domain
Six years ago, an absolutely devastating tsunami caused a triple meltdown at Japan’s Fukushima nuclear power facility. It was the worst environmental disaster in all of human history, and even though six years have passed since that time, nobody knows where the three melted cores are. Just recently, authorities believe that they spotted some melted fuel underneath reactor 2, but even from a distance the level of nuclear radiation that was detected was being described as “unimaginable”. Essentially what we are talking about are three enormous “dirty bombs” that are continuously emitting tremendous amounts of nuclear radiation into the air, water and soil. Some of the radioactive elements that are being released have half-lives that are measured in tens of thousands of years, and so the poisonous effect of these “dirty bombs” could potentially be with us for generation after generation.

Personally, I don’t know why the big mainstream news outlets in the U.S. are almost entirely ignoring Fukushima these days. Fox News did a story on the “unimaginable” radiation at Fukushima just a few days ago, but that was about it.

To me, it is certainly newsworthy that nuclear radiation inside reactor 2 at Fukushima is at the highest level ever recorded

Radiation levels inside a damaged reactor at Japan’s Fukushima nuclear plant have hit a record high, and are the worst since the plant suffered a triple meltdown nearly six years ago. The latest readings now pose a serious challenge as officials prepare to dismantle the stricken facility.

Radiation levels inside the containment vessel of reactor No. 2 at Fukushima has reached 530 sieverts per hour—a figure described by experts as “unimaginable.”

Previously, the highest level of radiation measured at Fukushima was 73 sieverts per hour, and just a small fraction of that amount would be fatal to most humans

Needless to say, this plant is not fit for human life. Just one dose of a single sievert is enough to cause radiation sickness and nausea. Exposure to four to five sieverts would kill about half of those exposed to it within a month, while a single dose of 10 sieverts is enough to kill a person within weeks.

At 530 sieverts per hour, the radiation is so intense that even robots can only last for a couple of hours in that environment. The Japanese hope to eventually remove the melted fuel from these reactors someday, but first they have to figure out if it is even possible.

And the truth is that the level of radiation in reactor 2 may actually be far higher than 530 sieverts per hour. That is because the recent reading was taken “some distance from the melted fuel”

The 530 sievert reading was recorded some distance from the melted fuel, so in reality it could be 10 times higher than recorded, said Hideyuki Ban, co-director of Citizens’ Nuclear Information Center.

Experts are also warning that the levels of radiation may be much higher than 530 sieverts per hour in reactors 1 and 3. Nobody knows, because the melted fuel in those reactors has not even been located yet.

Even though so much time has gone by, there is still very much an urgency to this crisis. In a newly published article, Mike Adams of Natural News explained why this is the case

In effect, Fukushima has become the world’s largest dirty bomb, and the remaining fuel rods could explode (achieve criticality) at any moment. Even right now, the radiation is so intense that robots built to explore the wreckage can only survive for a few hours before their circuits are destroyed. Thus, there’s almost no scenario in which Japan, Tepco or anybody in the world figures out how to clean up the wreckage, reclaim the melting fuel rods and reestablish control over the nuclear reactions that are still ongoing.

You can’t even successfully build a containment vessel on top of it all because the melting nuclear fuel has already burned a massive hole in the floor and is melting its way into the ground water.

What most people don’t understand is that the melted nuclear fuel under Fukushima is going to be with us for a very, very long time. Some of the fuel rods contained plutonium-239, and plutonium-239 has a half-life of approximately 24,000 years

Do they think a one-meter hole magically appears in nuclear containment vessels due to random chance? No, it’s melting fuel rods, you morons. And some of that fuel is MOX fuel, which contains plutonium-239 that boasts a half life of 24,000 years. So sometime in the year 26000 A.D. the Fukushima nightmare will be HALF as toxic as it is right now. What a wonderful, progressive future to look forward to, eh?

Plutonium-239 is one of the most dangerous substances known to humanity. As nuclear expert Steven C. Jones once explained, it would not take much plutonium-239 to kill every man, woman and child on the entire planet…

To give one an example of how lethal radiation is, one pound of plutonium evenly distributed into everyone’s lungs would kill every man, woman and child on Earth. There are literally “tons” of radioactive plutonium (among other radioactive elements) that have been released into the air and ocean environments since March 11th. Another critical fact to remember is that radioactive plutonium, for example, remains lethal (killing life) for thousands years as it has a half-life of 24,000 years. Some other radioactive elements such as uranium have a half-life of 4.47 billion years.

And remember, more radioactive material is being released from Fukushima every single day. The following comes from an interview with Kevin Kamps, the radioactive waste monitor at Beyond Nuclear…

There are claims that “it’s all contained, don’t worry about it.” It is indisputable that there is a daily flow of radioactively contaminated groundwater into the ocean. The figures something like 80,000 gallons per day of relatively low-level radioactive waste water. Then you’ve got those storage tanks – we’re talking 800,000 tons of highly radioactive water stored in tanks. Every day they pour a hundred tons of water on each of these three melted down cores. Sometimes they lose those tanks. They leak, they overflow – it is an ongoing catastrophe.

Are you starting to understand how serious this is?

Once nuclear material escapes from Fukushima, it literally gets distributed all over the planet.

That means that it is getting into our air, our water and our food supply.

And I find it extremely interesting that the EPA was moving to dramatically raise the “safe limits” on radioactivity in our drinking water right at the end of the Obama administration. The following comes from a Public Employees for Environmental Responsibility press release dated December 22, 2016

“Following Japan’s Fukushima meltdown in 2011, EPA’s claims that no radioactivity could reach the U.S. at levels of concern were contradicted by its own rainwater measurements showingcontamination from Fukushima throughout the U.S. well above Safe Drinking Water Act limits. In reaction, EPA prepared new limits 1000s of times higher than even the Fukushima rainwater because ‘EPA experienced major difficulties conveying to the public that the detected levels…were not of immediate concern for public health.’”

Why in the world would the EPA do that?

Here are some more of the details

The documents obtained by PEER revealed that the EPA plans to raise maximum allowable limits of iodine-131, cobalt-60 and calcium-45 to more than 10,000 times the levels allowed under the Safe Drinking Water Act. Others would be hundreds or thousands of times higher under the new guidelines.

The agency’s justification for withholding the new proposed limits from the public until after the proposal had been adopted was that it wanted to “avoid confusion.”

Radioactive material is also getting into our food supply. If you love to eat fish this next item may be a bummer, because it is being reported that radiation from Fukushima was recently found in salmon off the coast of Oregon…

Fish contaminated by radiation from the Fukushima nuclear plant in Japan have been detected 6,000 miles away of the US west coast.

Salmon carrying traces of caesium 134 particles – the so-called fingerprint of the Fukushima – were found by researchers in the seas off Oregon.

One we eat something that has been contaminated, radioactive material will often migrate to key organs in our body, and once it is there it can poison us indefinitely. In a previous article I included a quote from author Helen Caldicott, the author of “Crisis Without End: The Medical and Ecological Consequences of the Fukushima Nuclear Catastrophe“. I am including the quote once again in this article because it is absolutely imperative that we all understand the danger that we are facing…

Internal radiation, on the other hand, emanates from radioactive elements which enter the body by inhalation, ingestion, or skin absorption. Hazardous radionuclides such as iodine-131, caesium 137, and other isotopes currently being released in the sea and air around Fukushima bio-concentrate at each step of various food chains (for example into algae, crustaceans, small fish, bigger fish, then humans; or soil, grass, cow’s meat and milk, then humans).After they enter the body, these elements – called internal emitters – migrate to specific organs such as the thyroid, liver, bone, and brain, where they continuously irradiate small volumes of cells with high doses of alpha, beta and/or gamma radiation, and over many years, can induce uncontrolled cell replication – that is, cancer. Further, many of the nuclides remain radioactive in the environment for generations, and ultimately will cause increased incidences of cancer and genetic diseases over time.

The amount of cesium-137 that has been released at Fukushima is equivalent to hundreds of Hiroshima bombs.

But because we can’t see, touch, taste or hear the danger, to many people it may not seem real.

Nuclear radiation is a silent killer, and unless a miracle happens the consequences of the Fukushima nuclear disaster will be felt for generations to come.

(The Economic Collapse)

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Luis Miguel Goitizolo

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2/11/2017 9:55:40 AM

Hundreds of thousands rally in Iran against Trump, chant 'Death to America': TV

FILE PHOTO: Iran's national flags are seen on a square in Tehran, Iran February 10, 2012. REUTERS/Morteza Nikoubazl/File Photo

Parisa Hafezi

Hundreds of thousands of Iranians rallied on Friday to swear allegiance to their clerical leaders and reject U.S. President Donald Trump's warning that he had put the Islamic Republic "on notice", state TV reported.

On the anniversary of Iran's 1979 Islamic Revolution that toppled the U.S.-backed Shah Mohammad Reza Pahlavi, marchers including hundreds of military personnel and policemen streamed towards Tehran's Azadi (Freedom) Square for the main event.

They carried "Death to America" banners and effigies of Trump while a military police band played traditional Iranian revolutionary songs.

State TV showed footage of people stepping on Trump's picture in a central Tehran street. Marchers carried the Iranian flag and banners saying: "Thanks Mr Trump for showing the real face of America."

"America and Trump cannot do a damn thing. We are ready to sacrifice our lives for our leader", a young man told state TV, in a reference to Supreme Leader Ayatollah Ali Khamenei.

Last week, Trump put Iran "on notice" after a Jan. 29 Iranian missile test and imposed fresh sanctions on individuals and entities. Iran said it will not halt its missile program.

Leading religious and political figures, including President Hassan Rouhani, had urged Iranians to join the rally on Friday to "show their unbreakable ties with the Supreme Leader and the Islamic Republic".

Tehran and Washington cut diplomatic ties shortly after the revolution, when hardline students stormed the U.S. embassy in Tehran and took 52 Americans hostage for 444 days.

Among Iranian officials attending the ceremony was Qasem Soleimani, who heads Iran's Quds Force and is in charge of foreign operations of the elite Revolutionary Guards Corps.

Iran said it had smashed an underground cell linked to Islamic State in recent days that it said wanted to "sabotage and carry out devilish acts" at the rallies.


"Some inexperienced figures in the region and America are threatening Iran ... They should know the language of threats has never worked with Iran," Rouhani told the crowd at Azadi Square. "We are not seeking tension but we are united before bullying and any threat."

The rallies bristled with anti-U.S. and anti-Israeli sentiment. Some protesters carried pictures of Trump, Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu and British Prime Minister Theresa May with the caption "Death to the Devil Triangle".

"This turnout of people is a strong response to false remarks by the new leaders of America," Rouhani told state TV, which said millions had turned out at rallies across Iran.

Many Iranians on social media such as Twitter and Facebook used the hashtag #LoveBeyondFlags to urge an end to burning of U.S. flags, a regular feature of these anniversary events.

They also thanked Americans for opposing Trump's executive order banning travelers from seven mainly Muslim countries - including Iran - from entry to the United States. The travel ban is being challenged in U.S. courts.

Some marchers in the crowds carried banners that read: "Thanks to American people for supporting Muslims".

Both U.S.-based social media sites are blocked by the government in Iran but many Iranians get around the restrictions to use them. Iranian officials, including Khamenei, have Twitter and Facebook accounts despite the ban.

Trump has criticized a nuclear deal reached between Iran, the United States and other major powers in 2015 aimed at curbing the country's nuclear work. Most of the sanctions imposed on Iran were lifted last year under the deal.

Rouhani defended the deal, which his hardline rivals oppose as a concession to pressure from Washington. He said it protected the Islamic Republic’s rights to nuclear power, ending Iran's political isolation and crippling economic sanctions.

(Writing by Parisa Hafezi; Editing by Tom Heneghan)


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Luis Miguel Goitizolo

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2/11/2017 10:14:33 AM
Fri Feb 10, 2017 | 11:00pm EST
Hundreds of immigrants arrested in 'routine' U.S. enforcement surge

U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) officers detain a suspect as they conduct a targeted enforcement operation in Los Angeles, California, U.S. on February 7, 2017. Courtesy Charles Reed/U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement viaREUTERS

By Sharon Bernstein and Kristina Cooke

U.S. federal immigration agents arrested hundreds of undocumented immigrants in at least four states this week in what officials on Friday called routine enforcement actions.

Reports of immigration sweeps this week sparked concern among immigration advocates and families, coming on the heels of President Donald Trump's executive order barring refugees and immigrants from seven majority-Muslim nations. That order is currently on hold.

"The fear coursing through immigrant homes and the native-born Americans who love immigrants as friends and family is palpable," Ali Noorani, executive director of the National Immigration Forum, said in a statement. "Reports of raids in immigrant communities are a grave concern."

The enforcement actions took place in Atlanta, New York, Chicago, Los Angeles and surrounding areas, said David Marin, director of enforcement and removal for the Los Angeles field office of U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement.

Only five of 161 people arrested in Southern California would not have been enforcement priorities under the Obama administration, he said.

The agency did not release a total number of detainees. The Atlanta office, which covers three states, arrested 200 people, Bryan Cox, a spokesman for the office, said. The 161 arrests in the Los Angeles area were made in a region that included seven highly populated counties, Marin said.

Marin called the five-day operation an "enforcement surge."

In a conference call with reporters, he said that such actions were routine, pointing to one last summer in Los Angeles under former President Barack Obama.

"The rash of these recent reports about ICE checkpoints and random sweeps, that’s all false and that’s dangerous and irresponsible," Marin said. "Reports like that create a panic.”

He said that of the people arrested in Southern California, only 10 did not have criminal records. Of those, five had prior deportation orders.

Michael Kagan, a professor of immigration law at the University of Nevada at Las Vegas, said immigration advocates are concerned that the arrests could signal the beginning of more aggressive enforcement and increased deportations under Trump.

"It sounds as if the majority are people who would have been priorities under Obama as well," Kagan said in a telephone interview. "But the others may indicate the first edge of a new wave of arrests and deportations."

Trump recently broadened the categories of people who could be targeted for immigration enforcement to anyone who had been charged with a crime, removing an Obama-era exception for people convicted of traffic misdemeanors, Kagan said.

(Reporting by Sharon Bernstein in Sacramento, Calif., and Kristina Cooke in San Francisco; Writing by Sharon Bernstein; Editing by Peter Henderson and Leslie Adler)


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Luis Miguel Goitizolo

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2/11/2017 11:03:48 AM

Biggest blizzard of the year hits northeast US: 5 feet of snow in parts of Montana, 14 inches in Boston and New York City

Winterstorm Niko is anticipated to bring a foot or more of snow to densely populated areas of the Northeast, including New York City and Boston, causing closures of schools, highways and airports.

Meanwhile the final numbers are in and Montana’s recent winter storm is one for the record books. More than five feet of snow fell along the Rocky Mountain Front, breaking long-standing snowfall records at a few locations.

Winter storm warnings have been issued by the National Weather Service for large portions of the Northeast, stretching from Pennsylvania to coastal Maine on Thursday morning.

From a summer to surprising blizzard conditions in a day in New York. Via Twitter

NWS predicts that Boston and New York City will get eight to 14 inches of heavy snow accumulation.

History snowfall in Montana in February 2017. via

White-out conditions are expected as areas are predicted to receive two to four inches of snow an hour during the storm’s peak, which NWS says will begin between 5am and 8am Thursday morning, right in time for the morning commute.

In some places, 64″ of snow fell during the 4-day period beginning February 3 and ending February 7, smashing the previous 4-day extreme of 43″ set back in November 1990. via

A blizzard warning has been issued for Cape Cod, Martha’s Vineyard and Nantucket in Massachusetts, as well as eastern and central Long Island in New York.

More than 2,500 flights scheduled for Thursday were canceled as of Wednesday afternoon.

Many flights have been cancelled in New York and Boston on February 9, 2017 because of heavy blizzard conditions. via Twitter

New York City Mayor Bill De Blasio announced that schools would be closed Thursday, along with after-school activities. Schools in Philadelphia, Boston and Connecticut, among other areas, will also be closed Thursday morning.

Tons of snow accumulated on cars and houses in Montana. Roofs have collapsed. via

Officials in Boston have advised motorists to avoid the roads Thursday, as icy conditions on Wednesday morning already caught MassDOT and state officials off guard, leading to one of the worst morning commutes in recent memory:

The storm comes as a surprise to residents in the Northeast, who have been experiencing warmer weather than usual, with Philadelphia and New York seeing temperatures of 60 degrees on Wednesday.

Meteorologists say it is the biggest blizzard this year to hit the US northeast. via

Meanwhile in Montana, St. Mary (Glacier County) reported a total of 64″ of snow during the 4-day period beginning February 3 and ending February 7. This smashes the previous 4-day extreme of 43″ set back in November 1990.

Stay home and enjoy this extreme weather day-off. via

The National Weather Service in Great Falls says Babb reported an unofficial total of 60″, and the most snow ever reported over a 4-day period prior to this storm was 24″ back in 1954.

This biggest blizzard of the year is going to be a big punch! That’s for sure!


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