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Luis Miguel Goitizolo

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2/6/2017 12:22:38 AM

Forget Trump – Military Industrial Complex Takes Charge, Blasts Skies With Chemtrails

"Choose a job you love and you will not have to work a day in your life" (Confucius)

Luis Miguel Goitizolo

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2/6/2017 10:22:08 AM



Posters accusing Pope Francis of attacking conservative Catholics appeared around Rome this weekend and were swiftly covered up by city authorities.

The posters, put up during the night between Friday and Saturday by mystery activists, featured a picture of a stern-faced pope and the slogan: "Where's your mercy?"

The text accused Francis of several interventions targeting conservatives, including what the posters called "the beheading of the Knights of Malta."

Pope Francis holds a candle as he arrives to lead the Feast of the Presentation of the Lord mass in Saint Peter's Basilica at the Vatican February 2.ALESSANDRO BIANCHI/REUTERS

The posters appeared several hours before the Vatican announced the name of the pope's personal delegate to the troubled order, a move that side-lined conservative Cardinal Raymond Leo Burke, who had been its chaplain since 2014 and is a frequent critic of the pope.

In a letter released by the Vatican on Saturday, Francis told Archbishop Angelo Becciu that he would be the "exclusive spokesman" for the pope at the Order until elections are held for a new Grand Master in several months..

The posters were even more mysterious because sections of the text were written in the working class dialect Romanesco, spoken only in the Rome area.

City authorities pasted white paper over them with the message "illegal advertising," as they had been put up without authorization or the payment of a tax.

The Vatican had no comment. But Father Antonio Spadaro, a Jesuit who is close to the pope, said in a tweet that they were a sign that Francis was doing a good job and therefore irritating many people.


"Choose a job you love and you will not have to work a day in your life" (Confucius)

Luis Miguel Goitizolo

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2/6/2017 10:51:59 AM

Hundreds of Isis suspects arrested during anti-terror crackdown in Turkey
400 terror suspects arrested across the country as security forces conduct series of coordinated raids

Turkish anti-terrorism police break a door during an operation to arrest people over alleged links to Isis in Adiyaman, southeastern Turkey, during which more than 400 suspects were detained AP/Mahir Alan/Dha-Depo

Turkish police have arrested 400 suspected Isis terrorists in a series of raids as part of a crackdown on terror across the country.

At least 60 suspects were detained in the capital Ankara, while 150 were arrested in Sanliurfa province near the Syrian border along with scores of others across the country during the past week, as security forces carried out the raids.

The arrests come a month after an Isis member carried out a terror attack at a nightclub in Istanbul, killing 39 people and injuring dozens more, in what was the first Isis-claimed atrocity to take place in Turkey.

Dozens of people were previously detained in connection with the attack, which Isis had cited as revenge for Turkish military involvement in Syria.Police detained the suspected attacker, Abdulgadir Masharipov, on 16 January. Authorities reported he confessed to the massacre.

Following the attack on the Reina nightclub, Turkish President Erdogan said his country was determined to destroy the source of threats against it, saying the country would "fight to the end" against the terror groups and would "never give ground to such dirty games.”

In addition to the latest arrests, Turkey says at least 780 people, including 350 foreigners, remain in detention — some of whom have been convicted — over suspected links to the
jihadist group.

Despite various claims by that Isis is facing imminent defeat, the terror organisation appears to still be capable of fighting on multiple fronts, holding west Mosul in Iraq with a population of 750,000, ands having recaptured Palmyra in Syria in mid-December.


"Choose a job you love and you will not have to work a day in your life" (Confucius)

Luis Miguel Goitizolo

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2/6/2017 2:23:43 PM



'Love your neighbor as yourself – pray to support Muslims'

Published: 2 days ago. Updated: 02/05/2017 at 6:02 PM

author-imageLEO HOHMANN

A protest rally against President Trump’s so-called ‘Muslim ban’ Friday, Feb. 3, 2017, at JFK Airport in New York.

A national coalition with ties to George Soros was behind a national day of “solidarity” with Muslims Friday that included rallies at airports and prayer vigils at mosques.

The National Partnership for New Americans sponsored a “day of action” to protest Donald Trump’s 90-day moratorium on travel from seven countries – Iran, Iraq, Libya, Somalia, Syria, Sudan and Yemen – which the groups are calling “unconstitutional” and a “Muslim ban.”

The NPNA was funded with a $200,000 grant from Soros’ Open Society Foundations in 2011.

Friday’s action is to be followed up by another on Feb. 22 when the NPNA coalition plans to flood congressional offices with protesters at the district level, sending an army of advocates for immigrants and refugees.

But Friday’s event was no ordinary protest. Many non-Muslims entered mosques and joined Muslims in the Jummah prayer, which is the most heavily attended prayer of the week at mosques around the world and widely referred to as the “Friday call to prayer.”

Some of the secular and ostensibly Christian activists posted on social media that they felt “inspired” to join in the prayers to Allah.

@PaxChristi_Int Grateful and inspired to pray today with Masjid Muhammad Mosque, Washington DC

At some mosques, such as the Islamic Society of Western Maryland in Hagerstown, visitors observed Islamic gender rules.

This was reported by the Hagerstown Herald Mail:

“We are extremely grateful and appreciative for this show of concern,” Faruq Post, the society’s resident scholar, told the men, women and children, who were asked to segregate by gender. Most women covered their heads with scarves.

Fr. Tony Pizzo, pastor of St. Rita Catholic Church, stood inside a mosque in Chicago and said “We are here to pray with you and pray for you.” The Council of Islamic Organizations of Greater Chicago tweeted its appreciation for the priest’s solidarity:

"We are here to pray with you and pray for you." Father Tony Pizzo, St. Rita Catholic Church

Church World Services, one of nine volunteer agencies that contracts with the U.S. State Department to resettle refugees in dozens of U.S. cities and towns, tweeted a picture of what appeared to be an Episcopal priest inside a mosque, saying true Christians “know that the narrative going around about Islam isn’t true.”The NPNA coalition includes a large swath of the interfaith movement in America – a blend of Christian, Muslim and Jewish groups – teaming up with immigrant rights activists.

"Christian brothers and sisters know that the narrative going around about Islam isn't true. Love is greater than fear."

Allying themselves in this project with Muslim groups such as CAIR and the Council of Muslim Organizations are various Christian organizations such as Church World Services, the Lutheran Immigration and Refugee Service, World Relief and others involved in the resettlement of refugees in the United States. These volunteer agencies, also called VOLAGs, are paid $2,050 for every refugee they resettle in America, with more than half of that fee flowing into their coffers and the balance going to the refugee.

The role of inter-faithism and Christian compromise in the resettlement of thousands of Muslim refugees into U.S. cities is just one of the disturbing elements exposed in the brand-new investigative work “Stealth Invasion: Muslim Conquest through Immigration and Resettlement Jihad,” which former Rep. Michele Bachmann is calling the “must read book of 2017.”

These groups present themselves as charitable advocates for the downtrodden when in fact the vast majority of their budgets are funded by federal grants, not donations by church members.

“It’s not charity if you are taking other people’s money by force, through public tax dollars, and using it to do what you consider to be the Lord’s work,” says Ann Corcoran, who follows the refugee industry and blogs at Refugee Resettlement Watch.

The six religious organizations involved in the resettlement of refugees also sign a contract that forbids them from sharing their Christian or Jewish faith with the refugees.

The NPNA is using the Twitter hashtag #WeAreAllAmerica and #MuslimBan, encouraging people to show up at mosques and airports with signs that say “We Are All America.”

The day of action and mosque attendance was planned Monday during a conference call led by Chicago community organizer Josh Hoyt.

Hoyt’s talent for community organizing is such that in September 2011 he joined a team of Americans in a new group spun off from ACORN that traveled to Cairo, Egypt, to help teach Muslim Brotherhood activists how to better agitate during the Arab Spring uprising in that country.

Joshua Hoyt

Hoyt’s ACORN spinoff, called Organizers Forum, announced at the time it was involved in “exciting changes” to bring the Muslim Brotherhood to power:

“Our fall 2011 International Dialogue will be located in Egypt where we will meet with labor and community organizers and other activists in Cairo. There are exciting changes and developments that are currently taking place in Egypt with elections coming soon to determine leadership transitions in what has been an autocratic regime, now challenged by the Muslim Brotherhood and succession and democracy issues.”

Hoyt, as director of the Illinois Coalition of Immigrant and Refugee Rights, is going all out to stop President Trump’s reforms of the refugee resettlement program.

“They will whine about refugees but when you look at this list and know what they are planning, it is open borders they are really pushing for—illegals, legal immigrants, it is all the same to them,” wrote Corcoran. “In fact, on the call they said they would link their national policy agenda to emotions by using individual refugee sob stories. Refugees as pawns for their radical political agenda?”

As of Friday there were 14 states and the District of Columbia listed as hosting rallies in support of Muslims. Cities on the list included Chicago, New York, Nashville, Los Angeles, Miami, Greensboro, North Carolina; Fairfax and Alexandria, Virginia; Reading, Pennsylvania; Billings, Montana; Bloomfield Hills, Michigan; Silver Spring and Hagerstown, Maryland; and Boise, Idaho.

The Oregon-Idaho Methodist Conference tweeted a photo of a boy prostrating on a prayer rug in a mosque with the words “Prayer IS action.”

One of the participating mosques that welcomed non-Muslim supporters to join it for Friday prayers was the Islamic Society of Western Maryland in Hagerstown. This mosque was identified as having connections to radical Islamic elements in the undercover investigative book “Muslim Mafia: Inside the Secret Underworld That’s Conspiring to Islamize America” by David Gaubatz and Paul Sperry.

The FBI was investigating this predominantly Pakistani mosque for suspicious activity in 2004 and the imam immediately brought in a CAIR lawyer Shama Farooq to help coach him on how to answer the investigators’ questions.

Below is an excerpt from the book:

Finally, she advised, “You are not required to tell the which Islamic centers you attend, how many times a day you pray, who you give charity to, and which organizations you are associated with.”

“Definitely,” she stressed, “do not address any questions relating to terrorism or violence and their place in Islam.”

That was step number one. Then Farooq and Ahmed went to lunch the day of the scheduled interview with the FBI—September 1, 2004—to review her ground rules, the secret CAIR memo details. They agreed she would sit in on the meeting.

Following lunch, they went back to his office and continued to “discuss strategies,” including introducing her to the agents only as “a sister in Islam,” while not identifying her position with CAIR up front. And she again specifically advised Ahmed not to answer any questions regarding information he may know about terrorism and violence.

The agents arrived at Ahmed’s office on time, and over the course of their interview, Farooq stepped in to stop Ahmed from answering several questions she felt could “incriminate” him, even though she was not his attorney.

As a result, Ahmed withheld critical information from the FBI.

The role of inter-faithism and Christian compromise in the resettlement of thousands of Muslim refugees into U.S. cities is just one of the disturbing elements exposed in the brand-new investigative work “Stealth Invasion: Muslim Conquest through Immigration and Resettlement Jihad,” which former Rep. Michele Bachmann is calling the “must read book of 2017.”


"Choose a job you love and you will not have to work a day in your life" (Confucius)

Luis Miguel Goitizolo

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2/6/2017 4:19:56 PM



The Islamic State militant group (ISIS) is capitalizing on the desperation of refugees, attempting to buy their allegiance to bolster its own ranks, according to a new report released Monday.

According to London-based anti-extremism think tank Quilliam, ISIS is engaging in efforts to recruit refugees in humanitarian camps, on migration routes to Europe, and in Turkey, Jordan and Lebanon, where millions of Syrians have fled the near six-year conflict.

The extremist group is openly offering financial incentives—up to $2,000, to new recruits in refugee camps in both Lebanon and Jordan, the report says.

A young Syrian refugee walks in an alley at an unofficial refugee camp in the village of Deir Zannoun in Lebanon's Bekaa valley, January 31. A new report outlines the efforts of extremist groups to capitalize on the desperation of refugees.JOSEPH EID/AFP/GETTY

On the treacherous Eastern Mediterranean route from Syria to the European Union’s borders, mostly via Turkey, the group offers free passage to those who are open to joining the group—an attractive proposition when trips facilitated by smugglers can cost as much as $600. ISIS then offers recruits $1,000 for joining.

The militant group views refugees entering Europe as valuable assets as it seeks to conduct attacks across the continent. It has also attempted to disguise its membersas part of the refugee wave.

The report also notes that “Children and young people who are recruited and trafficked by ISIS are an important resource, as they allow the group to convey a sense of future for itself as a state.”

ISIS has been successful in reaching out to young and disillusioned men and women in Europe. The militant group makes use of young recruits in its propaganda, describing them as the “cubs of the caliphate,” referring to its self-declared state in Iraq and Syria. ISIS has used youths in violent videos showing the purported beheadings, executions and suicide bomb explosions.

Read more: Why Young Syrians Are Joining ISIS

Young asylum seekers who face a bleak future and may have fled without their parents are more prone to being radicalized by ISIS, the report adds.

As young people join ISIS after fleeing Iraq and Syria to neighboring countries, desperate youths are joining militant groups in other war-torn countries, such as the Taliban in Afghanistan, Al-Qaeda in Yemen and Boko Haram in Nigeria. In the Horn of Africa, 48 percent of young people joining the Al-Shabaab group fighting an insurgency against Somali and Kenyan authorities did so 30 days after being introduced to the group.

Their route into the group is accelerated by monthly payments which can be as much as $500, more than double the per capita income in the country ($248), according to the United Nations.


"Choose a job you love and you will not have to work a day in your life" (Confucius)


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