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Luis Miguel Goitizolo

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2/5/2017 12:33:29 AM

    FEBRUARY 3, 2017


Ireland’s Village magazine seemingly promotes Donald Trump’s assassination on their February cover by showing a close up picture of the side of his head with a sniper rifle bullseye shown over the temple area. Further down the cover are the words, “Why Not?”

Along with the cover, of course, this Village issue features an article pointing out the reasons why they believe President Trump is such a horrible leader and thus a problem that needs to be eliminated. The piece, of which is simply “by Village,” summarizes how Trump’s policies on climate, abortion, and refugees (while also highlighting his alleged misogyny and “hatred”) make the billionaire businessman-turned-politician a horrible president.

Right away, it says, “Donald Trump is a purveyor of hatred” and a threat to civilization. The writers of Ireland’sVillage magazine also believe him to be “anti-liberal, anti-democratic,” and a “corruptible bully.”

The entire article is nothing more than Trump-bashing based on mainstream media narrative, and besides the fact that they’re promoting his death, there’s really nothing new or interesting about it.

Of course, Trump’s highly controversial refugee policy, in which the president signed an order forbidding asylum seekers from seven Middle Eastern and North African countries from being admitted into the United States, was brought up. According to Village, this order is in violation of Geneva Conventions and Protocols, which is a set of internationally recognized principles of humanitarianism.

Village is also unhappy about Trump’s stance on international trade, the Mexico border wall, the EU, and his relationships with “hatemongers” Nigel Farage and Marine Le Pen.

Marine Le Pen of France
Right-wing French politician Marine Le Pen has been compared to Donald Trump. [Image by Sylvain Lefevre/Getty Images]

They don’t appreciate the new president’s view on climate change. He believes it’s a hoax and promptly erased all mention of it from U.S. government databases after being sworn in. Also mentioned are his anti-global warming Cabinet picks, and the magazine writers insinuate, without providing evidence, that Trump plans on seeking out and punishing Washington climate enthusiasts.

As for Donald Trump’s women issues, Ireland’s Village magazine included quotes from the now infamous “grab ’em by the p***y” tapes that were leaked to the public during the 2016 election. Also mentioned are the flood of sexual abuse allegations that followed the aforementioned leaked audio, some of which lack any semblance of incriminating evidence.

Touched on next is the issue of abortion, of which Trump’s stance is pro-life, like many Republicans. Many Trump-hating feminists are outraged at this, as well as his defunding of Planned Parenthood. The authors of this magazine article seem to be convinced that, in one way or another, abortion will be outlawed under President Trump.

Village went into Trump’s closet and dug out whatever skeletons they could get their hands on, pointing out how he filed for bankruptcy several times, his problems with business dealings, and, of course, how “racist” he is.

“In support of all of his agenda, Trump brings the language and the methodology of divisiveness, difference, intolerance, misogyny and machismo. His currency is dishonesty and boorishness.”

The Trump-bashing goes on with things we’ve all heard hundreds of times before. He hates Muslims. He hates Mexicans. He hates Chinese people. He hates women. He lies. He’s selfish, arrogant, and has an ego the size of Texas. He’s a white supremacist. He wants to put “America first,” and that’s a bad thing because as the president of America, why on earth would he want to put it first?

Muslims protest Donald Trump
Muslims pray in protest of President Trump at JFK Airport in New York City on February 3. [Image by Spencer Platt/Getty Images]

Make no mistake about it: Ireland’s Village magazine has gone off the deep end, as they justify Donald Trump’s assassination from the point-of-view of a Christian saint, by quoting St. Thomas Aquinas, who said, “He who kills a tyrant (i.e. an usurper) to free his country is praised and rewarded.”

Village magazine is advocating for not just the death of a man, but the death of a father, a husband, a grandfather, and an uncle. Sure, in the end, they say it’s “unethical,” but not for lack of them seriously entertaining the idea. Trump is loved, whether you believe it or not, and the amount of pain that would result from taking his life overshadows the juvenile, selfish, mean, and irrational need his haters have because he doesn’t see things the way they do.

[Featured Image by katz/Shutterstock]

"Choose a job you love and you will not have to work a day in your life" (Confucius)

Luis Miguel Goitizolo

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2/5/2017 9:46:37 AM
State Department reverses visa ban, allows travelers with visas into U.S.: official

Demonstrators participate in a protest by the Yemeni community against U.S. President Donald Trump's travel ban in the Brooklyn borough of New York, U.S., February 2, 2017. REUTERS/Lucas Jackson - RTX2ZFBF

The U.S. State Department will allow people with valid visas into the United States, a department official said on Saturday, in order to comply with an opinion from a federal judge in Seattle barring President Donald Trump's executive action.

"We have reversed the provisional revocation of visas," the State Department official said in a statement. "Those individuals with visas that were not physically canceled may now travel if the visa is otherwise valid."

(Reporting by Yeganeh Torbati and Julia Edwards Ainsley; Editing by Bill Trott)


"Choose a job you love and you will not have to work a day in your life" (Confucius)

Luis Miguel Goitizolo

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2/5/2017 10:14:36 AM

Veterans Returning To Standing Rock As Fight Against DAPL Continues

"Choose a job you love and you will not have to work a day in your life" (Confucius)

Luis Miguel Goitizolo

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2/5/2017 11:06:40 AM

'You don't belong here': Solicitor caught on camera in racist train rant against mother and child over first class seats

'You should be in common class. In fact, you shouldn't be in this country at all'

The lawyer had been drinking when he launched into a racist tirade on a Virgin train Twitter/ajmackinnonknx

A solicitor who launched into a drunken, racist rant against a woman and her four-year-old son has been convicted and fined after he was caught on camera.

Former public schoolboy, Alexander MacKinnon, objected to the presence of Sannaa Shahid and her son, Zayn, in the first class carriage of a Virgin train travelling from London Euston to Glasgow in December.

The mobile phone footage, taken by Ms Shahid, shows the 47-year-old asking: “How did you get into first class? You don’t deserve to be in first class.”

He sneered at them: “You should be in common class. In fact, you shouldn’t be in this country at all.

Ms Shahid, a Glasgow-born lawyer, said the altercation began when MacKinnon shouted at her son for no apparent reason, and then escalated into the racist tirade.“You don’t deserve to be here. Bloody foreigners. Where were you even born?”

Around a dozen other passengers looked on and did not intervene, leaving Ms Shahid to confront MacKinnon and report him to the train manager.

MacKinnon appeared at Carlisle Magistrates Court to plead guilty to a racially aggravated public order offence and was fined £1,154 plus costs.

Ms Shahid praised the actions of the train manager, who ordered MacKinnon off the train, calling him a “drunken racist”. He was then arrested by British Transport Police.

She had been heading home to Glasgow after visiting her husband Aftab, who is working in London, when the incident occurred.

She told the Daily Record: “I was taken aback. I’ve lived in Scotland all my life and nothing of this nature has ever happened to me. I told him straight that he was being racist and the staff on the train heard it.

“There were another 10 to 12 passengers in the carriage and not one of them spoke up. That was shocking too.”

After she complained to train staff, MacKinnon made a phone call in which he said someone was “wasting police time” by accusing him of racism.

He said to Ms Shahid: “I’m a racist, am I? You’re a racist!” before swearing aggressively at her and her little boy.

MacKinnon is originally from London and was a boarder at the exclusive Milton Abbey School in Dorset before embarking on his legal career.

Social media “likes” include Donald Trump and Scottish Conservative groups as well as the BNP and the English Defence League. He has also shared articles about former Ukip leader Nigel Farage.

PC Mark Mellenthin, who investigated the case, said MacKinnon’s “frightening racist outburst” left Ms Shahid “visibly distressed and shaken”.

He said: “People like MacKinnon must understand that abusive, racist behaviour has no place on the railway. Everyone has the right to travel without fear of abuse like this.

“When it does happen we will do everything in our power to bring people before the courts.

“Hopefully MacKinnon’s substantial fine will make him think twice before unleashing such vitriol on other members of the public.”

His conviction comes as figures show racially-aggravated hate crime has been on the increase since the Brexit vote last year.


"Choose a job you love and you will not have to work a day in your life" (Confucius)

Luis Miguel Goitizolo

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2/5/2017 2:19:41 PM

Hey, Bibi: You Manage Your Border, We’ll Manage Ours

The Israel Prime Minister stepped in a hole and kept digging when he praised Trump’s wall. Stay out of our hemisphere, buddy.
Ruben Navarrette Jr.RUBEN NAVARRETTE JR 02.05.17 12:15 AM ET


Jerusalem, we have a problem.

That giant sucking sound you hear isn’t those American manufacturing jobs that H. Ross Perot warned in 1993—with some prescience, I have to admit—would be headed to Mexico if Congress ratified the North American Free Trade Agreement.

No. It’s the sound of Benjamin Netanyahu sucking up to President Donald Trump in advance of a White House visit scheduled for later this month. The Israeli Prime Minister recently endorsed, via that new diplomatic backchannel known as Twitter, Trump’s plan to build a wall on the U.S.-Mexico border.

Last week, newly-confirmed Homeland Security Secretary John Kelly said that the border wall should be built within two years. To the chagrin of some Trump supporters, Kelly also said that the wall would not be a continuous barrier but rather—in some places—a virtual wall with sensors that are monitored by Border Patrol agents.

But who asked Netanyahu for his opinion anyway? This subject is a bit outside his wheelhouse, isn’t it?

Now, I have much respect for the Prime Minister, and I’d defer to him if the topic directly impacted his neighborhood, like Iran’s nuclear capability or fighting Hamas.

But a proposed wall on the U.S.-Mexico border, when Jerusalem is 7,788 miles away from Mexico City? No way, Jose.

Still, on Jan 28, @netanyahu tweeted: “President Trump is right. I built a wall along Israel's southern border. It stopped all illegal immigration. Great success. Great idea.” The tweet came complete with images of the U.S. and Israeli flags.

Oy vey! Again, why is a proposed wall along the U.S.-Mexico border any of Bibi’s business? Just because he says that he too built a wall on Israel’s southern border?

Netanyahu must be talking about the Israel-Gaza security barrier, which Israel first constructed between the Gaza Strip and Israel in 1994—or two years before he became prime minister for the first time. After being torn down, the barrier was rebuilt in 2000-2001. Another section was added in 2005. But Netanyahu missed both of those construction periods as well, since he didn’t begin his second term as prime minister until 2009. Of course, it is true that, for the last several years, Netanyahu has enthusiastically embraced the idea of building barriers and walling off his country from its Arab neighbors.

Of course, the Israeli barrier was built to keep out terrorists. The one that Trump has in mind for the U.S.-Mexico border is meant to keep out tomato pickers—and housekeepers and gardeners and anyone else eager to help Americans do chores they won’t do.

Besides, consider the scale of these projects. The first security barrier separating Israel from the Gaza Strip spanned just 37 miles. Then came plans to build another 60 miles worth of fencing. The U.S.-Mexico border spans 1,951 miles.

Are these two barriers comparable in any way, shape or form? It doesn’t look like it.

The United States and Mexico are trapped in this sick, codependent, and dysfunctional marriage where divorce isn’t an option. The parties blame each other when things go wrong, and neither wants to take responsibility for making things worse. It’s been a powder keg for many years, and now Trump has come along and made the situation even more explosive.

There is even this story floating around that Trump gave Mexican President Enrique Pena Nieto a major dressing down during a recent phone call from the White House. According to Washington-based journalist Dolia Estevez, who cited sources on both ends of the call, Trump told the Mexican leader that he was prepared to send the U.S. military to Mexico to fight the drug cartels and that he was going to build the border wall and Mexico was going to pay the bill whether it liked it or not.

Both the White House and Pena Nieto’s office dispute the story and insist the call was much more cordial. Nevertheless, both sides are clearly on edge, and the marriage is on shaky ground.

So this is the wrong time for Netanyahu to butt in. He should understand what it is like to be in a sensitive relationship—or a series of them—where one always has to be careful about what one says and does so as not to wreak havoc, spark conflicts, or risk lives. Lastly, he should approach the subject of walls and fences with more humility, since nothing that Israel has constructed has stopped terrorists from using tunnels to sneak across the barrier and attack Israelis.

Guess what? There are also tunnels between the United States and Mexico. Lots of them.

Netanyahu’s ill-advised tweet caused shockwaves in three different countries—Israel, Mexico and the United States. In a communiqué to the Israeli Ambassador, Mexico’s Foreign Ministry expressed “profound surprise, rejection and disappointment in the prime minister's message on Twitter” and declared that “Mexico is Israel's friend and should be treated as such.”

There was even an apology of sorts from Israeli President Reuven Rivlin, who seems anxious to get past the brouhaha.

“I am sorry for any hurt caused as a result of this misunderstanding,” Rivlin recently told reporters. “But we must remember that we are talking about a misunderstanding, and I am sure that we can put the issue behind us.”

And Netanyahu himself made reference to the controversy just two days after his tweet. He backed off his praise for Trump’s proposed border wall, and claimed that he was talking about Trump’s earlier praise for Israel’s security barrier.

“I did not comment about U.S.-Mexico relations,” Netanyahu insisted. “We’ve had, and will continue to have, good relations with Mexico.”

Mr. Prime Minister, stop digging. You seem to consider yourself an expert on walls. But this particular wall half a world away is not—as you claim—a good idea. In fact, the whole concept of a massive wall made of brick and mortar, spread along the nearly 2,000 mile border between the United States and Mexico, is a few tacos short of a combination plate.

I say that as someone who lives less than 50 miles from the U.S.-Mexico border and who has written about the immigration debate for more than 25 years at three different newspapers in the Southwest. Border Patrol agents have told me for years that there is no barrier known to man that a desperate human being can’t find a way around, over or under if it means feeding his family. That’s not politics. That’s real life.

I also say it as someone who knows that the U.S.-Mexico border has been on your mind for some time. In 2002, I saw you give a speech in Dallas where you compared the relationship between Israelis and Palestinians to the one between Americans and Mexicans. You claimed that Palestinians were trying to crash the gates and enjoy the fruits of what the Israelis had created.

Then you turned to the crowd and said: “Now, you here in Texas wouldn't know anything about this phenomenon.” You were right. The Texans don’t know. Who in the hell do you think picks their fruit? You also noted that immigration impacts demographics, and insisted that a mass migration of Palestinians would “flood” Israel. You turned to the crowd again, and said: ”You know about this. This is the reason you have an INS.” Then you asked how Americans could expect Israel to allow mass immigration when we won't do the same, particularly on our Southern border. You were trying to drum up empathy, but the whole thing gave me the creeps.

And I say it as someone who had the opportunity to meet with you for about an hour in Jerusalem in 2012, along with four other Latino journalists. I left that meeting with a new admiration for your independence, and your unwavering resolve to protect Israel.

I respect your grasp of the issues in your part of the world. But, despite your strong opinions, I’m worried that you don’t understand how things work in mine.

(The Daily Beast)

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