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Luis Miguel Goitizolo

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7/21/2016 12:55:52 AM

It’s Our “Freedom” They Hate — US Coalition Air Strikes Kill 77 Civilians, Including Children

On Monday, airstrikes, believed to be led by US coalition forces, killed 21 innocent civilians in Manbij’s northern Hazawneh quarter in Syria, according to the British-based Syrian Observatory for Human Rights. On Tuesday, additional strikes in the region killed 56 more, including multiple children, according to Reuters.

Prior to the strikes on Tuesday, the Syrian Observatory for Human Rights noted that more than 100 civilians have been killed in Manbij in only a short time — nearly half of them children.

The deaths of these innocent men, women, and children will, and likely already have been, written off as collateral damage in the war on terror.

The US military will claim that Islamic militants hide among the population to deliberately cause civilian casualties during coalition strikes. However, they conveniently ignore the fact that it is coalition bombs killing the civilians.

Prior to the assault on Syria from the west, Syria had vibrant, bustling marketplaces in the old cities of Damascus and Aleppo. The country boasted its own innovative IT industry despite economic sanctions imposed by the west.

Terror attacks were all but non-existent and the people certainly never feared bombs falling from the sky. However, all that changed after the ambitions of the military industrial complex became reality.

In depressing irony, the west continues to fail to realize the cause of terrorism. Americans, especially, continue to buy into the notion that the terrorists hate our freedom.

The mainstream media and politicians alike fail to ever mention blowback as the real cause of terrorism.

As Americans cower in fear over the perceived threat from men, women, and children attempting to escape ISIS from war-torn Syria, the majority of people are ignoring the reason there are refugees in the first place.

The US created and funded the terrorist regime in Syria that would be used to destabilize the region and create a specific advantage for American interests over China and Russia.

Prior to 2012, ISIS, as we know them, did not exist. So how did this unknown group of psychopathic killers gain such notoriety so quickly?

Leaked Pentagon documents and News Anchor Ben Swann from WGCL Atlanta, explain exactly what happened.

A plan to create and arm an active resistance to the Assad regime was put in place four years ago, and the result was a radical group of jihadists who, in turn, morphed into ISIS, all thanks to the United States.

These leaked Pentagon documents are not the only evidence that the United States created and aided ISIS either. Just last year, renowned journalist Seymor Hersh interviewed members of the DoD who confirmed the establishment knew about the monster they were creating but chose to conveniently ignore it. According to the report:

Lieutenant General Michael Flynn, director of the DIA between 2012 and 2014, confirmed that his agency had sent a constant stream of classified warnings to the civilian leadership about the dire consequences of toppling Assad. The jihadists, he said, were in control of the opposition. Turkey wasn’t doing enough to stop the smuggling of foreign fighters and weapons across the border. ‘If the American public saw the intelligence we were producing daily, at the most sensitive level, they would go ballistic,’ Flynn told me. ‘We understood Isis’s long-term strategy and its campaign plans, and we also discussed the fact that Turkey was looking the other way when it came to the growth of the Islamic State inside Syria.’ The DIA’s reporting, he said, ‘got enormous pushback’ from the Obama administration. ‘I felt that they did not want to hear the truth.’

But that’s not all. When Secretary of Defense Ashton Carter testified in a hearing before the Senate Armed Services Committee in December concerning the U.S. strategy for fighting ISIL, his inept attempt to keep knowledge of the ISIS oil convoy under wraps backfired in a most comical way. John McCain addressed the Defense Secretary in a state of facetious disbelief about the US-allowed and Turkish-protected oil routes from which ISIS earned a large portion of their funding:

“Secretary, you may want to correct the record. We all knew those fuel trucks were moving back and forth. We’ve seen them. We knew it. The decision was not made by the White House to attack them. I think you may want to correct the record,” he added, “because I certainly knew.”

But it doesn’t end there either. The US foreign policy of destabilizing the Middle Eastern region over past decades has led to resentment and hate toward the West. Subsequently, ISIS has no problem filling its ranks with the family members of the victims of the West’s brutal oppression in the region. As we reported last year, the United States’ foreign policy of drone warfare, killing thousands of children, has created a million Osama bin Ladens.

Veterans are also coming forward to confirm this notion. Saying he had “helped create ISIS,” an Iraq War veteran and US Marine bravely spoke out on his role in stoking the ISIS wildfire.

Former Marine Vincent Emanuele’s acknowledgment of responsibility comes in an article that wasposted on TeleSUR’s English website, in which he hoped to answer the often raised question of“Where did ISIS come from?”

“I saw my fellow Marines kill innocent people, torture innocent civilians, destroying property, mutilating dead bodies, running over dead corpses, laughing and photographing people while doing so,” he said. “For me it was very simple. I sat there in Iraq and I asked myself ‘How would I behave?’ ‘What would I think if I was in the shoes of the Iraqi people?’”

“I vividly remember the marines telling me about punching, slapping, kicking, elbowing, kneeing and head-butting Iraqis. I remember the tales of sexual torture; forcing Iraqi men to perform sexual acts on each other while marines held knives against their testicles, sometimes sodomizing them with batons,” wrote Emanuele.

“I knew what I was seeing was wrong, I knew it was immoral, I knew it was unjust, I knew it was illegal,” said Emanuele,“and I knew that we would pay severe consequences in the form of the blowback as we are seeing with groups like ISIS. I knew those things were going to happen back then just from being a self-conscious person.”

Only through educating ourselves and others about who is behind this theater of constant war and terror, will we ever begin to stop it. Continued dehumanization of Middle Eastern people and more war will only serve to fuel the flames of terrorism. It’s high time American citizens stand up and bravely say — no more war.

Matt Agorist is the co-founder of, where this article first appeared. He is an honorably discharged veteran of the USMC and former intelligence operator directly tasked by the NSA. This prior experience gives him unique insight into the world of government corruption and the American police state. Agorist has been an independent journalist for over a decade and has been featured on mainstream networks around the world.


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Luis Miguel Goitizolo

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7/21/2016 10:42:39 AM

Mapped: Terror threat around the world

At least 84 people have been killed in Nice following a Bastille Day terror attackCREDIT: ERIC GAILLARD

15 JULY 2016 • 9:45AM

As the map below shows, France is one of more than 40 countries around the world where the threat from terrorism is rated "high" by the Foreign Office

The country had the top terror threat level long before last night's attack in Nice, in which at least 84 people were killed.

"There is a high threat from terrorism," The Foreign Office states on its website. "Attacks could be indiscriminate. Due to ongoing threats to France by Islamist terrorist groups, and recent French military intervention against Daesh (formerly referred to as ISIL), the French government has warned the public to be especially vigilant and has reinforced its security measures.

"High profile terrorist attacks have taken place in Paris in 2015 and other smaller attacks have taken place across France," it adds. "On 7 January 2015, terrorists attacked the ‘Charlie Hebdo’ offices. On 9 January 2015 there were further attacks at a Jewish supermarket in Porte de Vincennes, Paris, and a police officer was shot dead in Montrouge. On 21 August 2015 there was a terrorist attack on the Amsterdam to Paris high speed Thalys train service. On 13 November 2015 terrorist attacks killed 130 and injured hundreds more at multiple sites across Paris."

France has the highest threat level CREDIT: ALAMY

Other countries where the threat from terrorism is rated "high" include Turkey and Belgium. Last month 45 people were killed in an attack at Istanbul's Atatürk Airport attack, while the Brussels bombings in March left 35 dead.

Turkey has witnessed a string of attacks this year, in Istanbul, as well as Ankara and Gaziantep, in which more than 100 have been killed.

"The threat from terrorism remains high," the Foreign Office says. "Terrorist groups, including Kurdish groups, Daesh (formerly referred to as ISIL) and far left organisations, continue to plan and carry out attacks. Further attacks are likely. Terrorist groups, including Daesh and the Kurdistan Freedom Falcons (TAK), have publicly threatened to attack tourist sites in Turkey. You should take extra care in public places – particularly those visited by foreigners. Be vigilant, follow the advice of local security authorities, monitor media reports and keep up to date with this travel advice."

At a glance | Foreign Office advice on travel to Turkey

Map showing bomb attacks in Turkey over the last year
Bomb attacks in Turkey over the last year

Terrorism threat: High

Annual British national visitors: 2,500,000

Visas: British nationals need a visa to travel to Turkey, except for cruise ship passengers with ‘British Citizen’ passports who arrive at sea ports for tourist visits

FCO advise against all travel to:

Within 10 km of the border with Syria and to the city of Diyarbakir, where security force operations against the PKK and related groups are ongoing in the Sur district

FCO advise against all but essential travel to:

The remaining areas of Sirnak, Mardin, Sanliurfa, Gaziantep, Diyarbakir, Kilis and Hatay provinces, along with Siirt, Tunceli and Hakkari.

General advice:

"It’s generally safe to travel but you should take additional safety precautions. You should be alert to your surroundings and remain vigilant in crowded places popular with tourists."

- FCO website on 29 June, 2016

In its advice for Belgium, it says: "Brussels hosts a number of international institutions (EU and NATO) and government and foreign embassy buildings which are sensitive locations."
The terror threat is also "high" in Egypt, where a Russian aircraft was bombed last year, Tunisia, where 30 Britons were killed in a massacre last summer, Indonesia, Russia, Myanmar, Kenya, the Philippines, Colombia, Thailand and Australia.

Tunisia is one of more than 30 countries where the threat from terrorism is rated "high"

The inclusion of much of the Middle East, including Iraq, Saudi Arabia, Yemen, Syria, Lebanon, Israel and Afghanistan, will come as no surprise.

The Foreign Office uses four ratings when judging the threat of a terrorist attack in its travel advice: high, general, underlying and low.

Countries where the terror threat is low include Iceland, Bolivia, Ecuador, Poland, the Czech Republic, Switzerland, Hungary, Vietnam and Japan.

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The UK terror threat level, assessed by MI5, is more fluid, with five categories ranging from "low" to "critical". The UK terror threat level is currently "severe", the second highest rating.

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Luis Miguel Goitizolo

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7/21/2016 10:47:33 AM


Anti-Muslim discrimination is now heavily ingrained within U.S. culture, the author writes. We see it on TV news and in Hollywood movies that depict Muslims as terrorists.

BY ON 7/20/16 AT 11:00 AM

This article first appeared on the Amnesty USA site.

On July 15, Newt Gingrich proposed that American Muslims be tested and questioned on their religious beliefs—and face deportation.

Gingrich told Fox News:

The first step is you have to ask them the questions. The second step is you have to monitor what they’re doing on the Internet. The third step is, let me be very clear, you have to monitor the mosques.

Gingrich’s comments are the latest in this trend: After horrific terrorist attacks, pundits take to cable news to offer discriminatory, anti-Muslim proposals and rhetoric.

For me, it hits home. I was 12 years old when the 9/11 attacks, a crime against humanity, occurred. A wave of discrimination followed—for me, and for many other American Muslims.

In my eyes, I was as American as anyone else my age. I celebrated the Fourth of July with my family, played high school sports and shared many of the same interests as my peers.

But after 9/11, I was frequently bullied in school and harassed in public, especially when I was with a relative who wore a headscarf. These changes made me paranoid, and I struggled with an identity crisis. Seemingly overnight, I went from being a regular American to public enemy number one—by virtue of my faith.

I kept telling myself that things would get easier, that the feeling of being “othered” would eventually fade away, and that my faith would no longer be defined by the heinous actions of a few.

Unfortunately, the political and social climate for American Muslims has only worsened over time. Anti-Muslim discrimination is now mainstream and heavily ingrained within U.S. culture. We see it on TV news and in Hollywood movies that continuously depict Muslims as terrorists.

Violence against American Muslims and mosques continues to be reported in the aftermath of attacks in the U.S. and Western Europe. Most frighteningly, it’s not just rhetoric—we’re seeing proposals to change U.S. law and law enforcement practices to target law-abiding American Muslims.

Gingrich joined other public figures in suggesting widespread monitoring of mosques—without suspicion of a crime. In fact, the NYPD has in the past done so—designating entire mosques as “terrorism enterprises” in order to justify the use of invasive surveillance measures.

These policies demonize Muslim Americans and falsely portray the entire community as complicit in terrorism. In actuality, according to one study, two out of every five disrupted terrorist attacks between 2001 and 2011 were based on information provided by Muslim community members.

Women celebrate the Eid holiday that marks the end of the Muslim holy month of Ramadan in the Brooklyn borough of New York City on July 6. Ali Albassam writes that anti-Muslim discrimination is now heavily ingrained within U.S. culture. We see it on TV news and in Hollywood movies that depict Muslims as terrorists.

Another example is a Senate hearing on “Radical Islam” held a few weeks ago as a response to the mass shooting in Orlando, Florida. As a volunteer for Amnesty International USA in Washington, D.C., I felt compelled to attend.

During my commute to the Senate building, I became overwhelmed with anxiety, afraid that I would somehow feel betrayed by my own government. But upon arrival, my anxieties quickly diffused. I noticed a long line of diverse attendees that wrapped around the building. Many showed up to protest the hearing and found creative ways to get their message across. Code Pink’s posters read, “Islamophobia is un-American,” and activists handed out “Islamophoben” pills to “cure irrational fear of Muslims.”

A handful of those who participated in the hearing conveyed a similar message.

Senator Coons (Delaware) and Senator Durbin (Illinois) spoke out against anti-Muslim bigotry during the hearing. “We can and must defeat terrorism without sacrificing our constitutional principles,” Coons said.

And to sacrifice these principles and blame over a billion Muslims … only serves to divide Americans, to alienate the Muslim world and legitimate the murderous groups.

We are being called upon like many generations have in the past, to respond to a legitimate fear of terrorism in a way that is consistent with our American values and when we lapse into this notion that we are going to condemn a faith I think we’ve gone too far.

Michael German, a fellow at the Brennan Center for Justice and a former undercover FBI agent of 16 years, testified that using terms like “radical Islam” actually “puts us on a path to perpetual war with predictable consequences to civil liberties, human rights and the rule of law.” He added, “[this language] only serves to stoke public fear, xenophobia and anti-Muslim bigotry.”

Amnesty International USA, in this statement for the record, said that for U.S. law enforcement to single out American Muslims would be blatant religious discrimination, and fly in the face of U.S. commitments to support religious freedom at home and around the world:

The U.S. should not join the dubious company of governments and armed groups that single out religious minorities for discriminatory treatment—including on the grounds of security. Examples include China, where Zhang Kai, a lawyer supporting churches resisting the removal of crosses, was placed under “residential surveillance” and accused of endangering national security in August 2015 ; and Iran, where in 2013 an Iranian-American Christian pastor was sentenced to eight years’ imprisonment for “forming house churches with intent to harm national security.

The U.S. government must not respond to terrorism by betraying the very values it was founded on. By ensuring that American Muslims are treated with dignity and without discrimination in civic and political life, the U.S. can set an example of an effective counter terrorism strategy that doesn’t abandon its core values.

Ali Albassam is a Security with Human Rights volunteer.


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Luis Miguel Goitizolo

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7/21/2016 4:44:59 PM

Brazil arrests 10 in alleged Olympics terror plot

Jul 21, 2016, 10:57 AM

Soldiers of the Brazilian Armed Forces stand guard outside the 2016 Rio Olympics Village in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, July 21, 2016. (REUTERS/Stoyan Nenov)

RIO DE JANEIRO (AP) – Brazilian police arrested 10 people who allegedly pledged allegiance to the Islamic State group on social media and discussed possible attacks during the Rio de Janeiro Olympics, officials said Thursday.

Justice Minister Alexandre de Moraes said in the capital, Brasilia, that 10 suspects had been detained and two more were being sought. All are Brazilian, and one is a minor. The gender of the people was not given.

Police acted because the group discussed using weapons and guerrilla tactics to potentially launch an attack during the Olympics, which begin Aug. 5, Moraes said.

However “they were complete amateurs and ill-prepared” to actually launch at attack, Moraes said. “A few days ago they said they should start practicing martial arts, for example.”

Still, Moraes said even disorganized groups should be taken seriously.

The arrests were made in 10 different states, including Sao Paulo and Parana in the southern part of the country, and it was not clear whether the suspects knew each other beyond their online contacts. Moraes said there were no specific targets for an attack.

Moraes said they had all been “baptized” as Islamic State sympathizers online and that none had actually traveled to Syria or Iraq, the group’s stronghold, or received any training. Several were allegedly trying to secure financing from the group, known by the acronym ISIS.

The justice minister added that one of the suspects communicated with a Brazilian store in an alleged attempt to by an AK-47 assault rifle, apparently the most concrete action taken toward a possible attack.

Last week the top military aide for Brazil’s interim government said concerns over terrorism had “reached a higher level” after the attack in Nice, France.

Security has emerged as the top concern during the Olympics, including violence possibly spilling over from Rio’s hundreds of slums. Authorities have said they will be prepared and that some 85,000 police and soldiers will be patrolling during the competitions.

(Yahoo News)

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Luis Miguel Goitizolo

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7/21/2016 4:56:04 PM

Syria opposition asks anti-IS coalition to halt strikes

AFPJuly 20, 2016

A Syrian man reacts as rescuers look for victims under the rubble of a collapsed building following a reported air strike on the rebel-held neighbourhood of Sakhur in the northern city of Aleppo on July 19, 2016 (AFP Photo/Thaer Mohammed)

Beirut (AFP) - Syria's opposition appealed Wednesday to the US-led coalition fighting the Islamic State group to halt its air strikes after dozens of civilians were killed in raids near an IS-held town.

In a letter to the alliance's foreign ministers, National Coalition president Anas al-Abdah demanded "an immediate suspension of the military operations of the international (anti-IS) coalition in Syria to allow for a thorough investigation of these incidents".

The Syrian Observatory for Human Rights on Tuesday said that children were among at least 56 civilians killed in strikes by the coalition as they fled Al-Tukhar in Aleppo province, near the key IS stronghold of Manbij.

"We believe that such incidents indicate a major loophole in the current operational rules followed by the international coalition in conducting strikes in populated areas," said the letter.

"It is essential that such investigation not only result in revised rules of procedure for future operations, but also inform accountability for those responsible for such major violations," it added.

Al-Abdah strongly condemned the "massacre" and held the international coalition totally responsible for what he called "the crimes that took place in Manbij".

"The Syrian people, as you are aware, have been murdered, maimed and tortured for over five years now at the hands of (President Bashar al-)Assad's murderous regime, Russia, Iran and allied militias in addition to ISIS and terrorist groups."

Al-Abdah warned the killing of Syrians now at the hands of the international coalition "will only push them further into a spiral of despair and, more importantly, will prove to be a recruitment tool for terrorist organisations.”

(Yahoo News)

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