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Luis Miguel Goitizolo

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7/20/2016 2:47:04 PM

Prominent journalist killed in car bombing in Ukraine

July 20, 2016

A portrait of Pavel Sheremet is surrounded with flowers and candles at the Radio Vesti headquarters in Kiev, Ukraine, Wednesday, July 20, 2016. A prominent journalist was killed in a car bombing in Ukraine’s capital, Kiev, on Wednesday, sending shockwaves through the Ukrainian journalist community that was shaped by the gruesome killing of the publication’s founder 16 years ago. The country’s top online news website Ukrainska Pravda said its journalist Pavel Sheremet died in an explosion early on Wednesday as he got into his car to drive to work to anchor a talk show on a local radio station. (AP Photo/Efrem Lukatsky)

MOSCOW (AP) — A prominent journalist was killed in a car bombing in Ukraine's capital, Kiev, on Wednesday, sending shockwaves through the Ukrainian journalist community that was shaped by the gruesome killing 16 years ago of the founder of the publication he worked for.

The country's top online news website, Ukrainska Pravda, said its journalist Pavel Sheremet, 44, died in an explosion early on Wednesday as he got into his car to drive to work to anchor a talk show on a local radio station.

It said the car was owned by its founding editor Olena Prytula, who was Sheremet's romantic partner. Images from the scene showed the charred car stranded in the middle of a cobbled street. The Ukrainian president has ordered protection for Prytula, the interior ministry said.

Zoryan Shkiryak, adviser to the Ukrainian interior minister, said in a Facebook post that an improvised explosive device was planted underneath the car. Shkiryak said the device was either a delayed-action bomb or was remotely operated. It's believed to have contained up to the equivalent of 600 grams of TNT.

Interior Minister Khatiya Dekanoidze said in televised comments at the scene of the crime that she will personally supervise the investigation.

"We are looking at all theories," the visibly shaken minister said, adding that solving the murder is "very important, a matter of honor" for the Kiev police.

Ukrainian President Petro Poroshenko on Wednesday met with Dekanoidze, the prosecutor general and the chief of the Ukrainian Security Agency and urged them to conduct a speedy investigation.

"This is a matter of honor for us: do everything we can in order to solve this crime as soon as possible," he said. "I think this was done with only one goal in mind — to destabilize the situation in the country, possibly ahead of some other events."

Russia's Novaya Gazeta quoted several friends and family of Sheremet and Prytula as saying that they had complained about being followed.

Ukraine's media community was deeply affected by the brutal slaying of Ukrainska Pravda founder Heorhiy Gongadze in 2000. Thirteen years later, an Interior Ministry official was convicted for the killing but the probe never formally determined who ordered it. Rights groups accused Ukraine's then-president of involvement in the murder based on tape recordings made by the president's bodyguard.

The Belarusian-born Sheremet irked officials in Belarus and Russia before he moved to Ukraine, where he said there were fewer hurdles to independent reporting.

In 1997, Belarus convicted Sheremet of illegally crossing its border and sentenced him to three years in prison for his investigation on the porous border between Belarus and Lithuania. He served three months in prison before he was released. Sheremet faced threats and harassment in Belarus and was badly beaten in 2004 while covering an election. Several years later he moved to Russia to work in television.

Already a Russian citizen by then, Sheremet in 2010 was stripped of Belarusian citizenship.

In a media landscape sanitized by the authoritarian Belarusian government, Sheremet — while living abroad — founded which went on to become one of the country's leading independent news websites. He moved to Ukraine in 2014 after what he said was pressure from his Russian television bosses over the reporting of ongoing opposition protests in Kiev.

Outpourings of grief came Wednesday morning from politicians and journalists in all three countries.

Russian opposition leader Alexei Navalny wrote in his blog on Wednesday that he dined with Sheremet when he was visiting Moscow for a march in memory of slain politician Boris Nemtsov, a friend they had in common.

"Governments knew that (Sheremet) could see through them and hated him for that: Sheremet was thrown into jail in Belarus, harassed and fired in Russia, and followed in Ukraine," Navalny said. "Pavel was a smart and courageous man, a brilliant journalist and a good person. This is the way we will remember him."

Russian presidential spokesman Dmitry Peskov told reporters on Wednesday that the Kremlin was "deeply concerned" about the journalist's killing and urged a speedy investigation.

The Organization for Security and Cooperation in Europe in a statement condemned the killing and called on Ukrainian authorities to conduct a thorough investigation and bring the perpetrators to justice.

Sheremet is survived by a son and a daughter who live in Minsk, where Sheremet will be buried.


This story has been corrected to show that there was a conviction in Gongadze's killing but the case was not fully solved.

(Yahoo News)

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Luis Miguel Goitizolo

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7/20/2016 3:03:05 PM

‘Worst thing that has come before this court’: Mother financed addiction by letting drug dealer rape her child

Calling it the worst case she's seen, an Ohio judge sentenced this Cincinnati mother to 51 years in prison. In June, April Corcoran pleaded guilty to giving her 11-year old daughter to her drug dealer for sex in exchange for heroin on four separate occasions.

“I can honestly say that, in three-and-a-half years on the bench, this is by far the worst thing that has come before this court.” So said Judge Leslie Ghiz of Ohio’s Hamilton County Pleas Court as she sentenced April Corcoran to 51 years to life in prison Tuesday,
reported the Cincinnati Enquirer.

Her crime: Corcoran, 32, had pleaded guilty in June to raising money to feed her heroin addiction by loaning out her 11-year-old daughter to her drug dealer, who, with the mother’s blessing, raped, sodomized and abused her, sometimes videotaping it, according to the indictment against Corcoran.

The preteen was being forced to have vaginal, anal and oral sex with a 40-year-old man. The mother pleaded guilty to multiple counts of complicity to rape, human trafficking and child endangerment.

Because he preferred children younger than 11, prosecutors said, the mother dressed her up to look even younger, reported WLWT TV. “Little did we know, I guess, her drug dealer had a propensity to film little kids when they are performing sexual acts on him,” Assistant Hamilton County Prosecutor Katie Pridemore said at the time of the plea. “She didn’t have the means or the cash to buy her heroin anymore from her drug dealer,” said Pridemore. “….So she offered up her child in return.”

“You showed no kind of mercy,” the judge told her, according to the Enquirer. ” …. I don’t know that you grasp the damage that has been done to this poor child.”

The alleged dealer, Shandell Willingham, was also charged and is awaiting a hearing.

Corcoran had a special routine after her daughter was brutalized. As a “reward,” she gave her daughter heroin, the court was told. “Sometimes this defendant would give a little bit of heroin to her daughter,” Pridemore told the court. “The daughter didn’t want it but she said, ‘you’re a good girl. You did the right thing.'”

The middle-schooler vomited each time.

This happened four times between February and June 2014. Corcoran has not expressed any apologies to her daughter, the judge said in court Tuesday.

Now 13 years old, the girl is living out of state with her father and stepmother. She is taking medication, has had suicidal thoughts and is undergoing medical care, Ghiz said in court Tuesday. There’s doubt she will be able to cope.

“I saw my granddaughter. I heard her small voice,” the girl’s grandmother said in court. “It was horrific. How could she (Corcoran) do this? I don’t know if my granddaughter is going to be able to have a normal life.”

The authorities learned of the case in June 2014, when the girl moved in with her father, who reported it.

The girl’s plight didn’t shock locals in the rural area of Ohio where Corcoran lived, the paper reported at the time of her arrest. “I mean, things like this happen a lot down here,” resident Keith Benson said. “Probably not to this degree, but there’s constantly being reports of animal abuse and fights breaking out around. It’s a little bit surprising but not entirely unexpected.”

“As a parent, it is hard to imagine how you could use your child to satisfy your drug addiction,” Hamilton County Prosecutor Joseph T. Deters said at the time of the indictment. “Even after all my years as a prosecutor, I continue to be amazed at how badly parents treat their children. What this little girl endured is unimaginable, and I can only hope that mom and drug dealer’s prosecution and intense counseling will help this child regain some trust in the world. This case is Exhibit A for how devastating heroin is to our communities.”

“They tell me before she became hooked on heroin,” James Bogen, Corcoran’s court-appointed attorney told the paper, “she was a very loving and attentive parent.”

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Luis Miguel Goitizolo

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7/20/2016 4:47:10 PM

07.19.16 10:40 PM ET

U.S.-Backed ‘Moderate’ Rebels Behead a Child Near Aleppo
Katie Zavadski

It’s the kind of stomach-wrenching brutality you’d associate with ISIS. Except this time, it’s American-armed rebels who are cutting off a boy’s head.

Members of an American-backed rebel group in Syria beheaded a young child in a grisly execution video.

The footage surfaced early Tuesday of members of Harakat Nour al-Din al-Zenkiand a captured child in Handarat, near Aleppo. The young boy, who appears to be prepubescent, is then executed on the back of a pickup truck.

The gruesome videotaped murder of a child drew outrage on social media and the promise of an inquiry from the group’s leadership, which has previously received U.S.-made weapons and American funding. The group no longer gets such backing. But it’s also renewed questions about which rebels the American government has supported in Syria’s ongoing civil war.

“Even if they no longer get U.S. aid, it still shows the moral pitfalls of what we’re trying to do in Syria,” Daveed Gartenstein-Ross, a terrorism expert and senior fellow with the Foundation for Defense of Democracies, told The Daily Beast.

There are two clips from the unsavory events. One shows five militants surrounding the boy. In the second, one of them stands over him on the truck and cuts the boy’s head off with a dull knife, raising it over his head.

Details conflict about which groups, exactly, comprise the “moderate” Syrian rebels funded by the U.S.-led coalition, but critics have long warned that fluid dynamics and shifting allegiances on the ground make it difficult to predict which groups will be aligned with U.S. interests.

Yet the Zenki movement was on the white list as recently as December 2014. A McClatchy report on the U.S.’s decision to stop payment and suspend delivery of weapons to rebel factions noted that the crackdown would not affect the Zenki movement and Harakat Hazm in Aleppo. As many as 1000 Zenki fighters were on the CIA payroll, according to the article.

A field commander for one of the rebel factions told McClatchy at the time that fighters were paid $150 a month, and that the aid cutoff was in response to gains by the Nusra Front, al Qaeda’s affiliate in Syria. The Islamic extremists of Nusra reportedly seized American weapons from the U.S.-backed groups.

But Thomas Joscelyn, a senior fellow at the Foundation for Defense of Democracies and editor of The Long War Journal, told The Daily Beast that the Zenki movement wasn’t exactly an enemy of al Qaeda’s. Zenki has long history with the Nusra Front, Joscelyn added—one that has been whitewashed by advocates of funding a moderate opposition.

“Ideologically, it’s definitely hard-line Islamist at a minimum,” he said.

Joscelyn traced numerous interactions between Nusra and the Zenki movement, including one where the latter attacked Nusra on Twitter in English after a confrontation at a checkpoint. But Nusra fired back, demanding they go to a Sharia court and make up, Joscelyn said.

The Zenki movement agreed to all terms and “issued a glowing statement” about cooperation with Nusra, Joscelyn said.

In another instance, Zenki leader Toufic Shehab al-Dine commended Nusra for decimating another U.S.-backed group.

“He basically said, they are corrupt, they deserve to be dismantled,” Joscelyn said.

Yet Zenki movement used American TOW missiles well into 2015, supplied by an allied forces center that’s reportedly staffed with CIA officials.

The group also received significant funding from Saudi Arabia, Foreign Policyreported.It was only in September 2015 that a military commander for the grouptold Voice of America that they were out of the weapons.

An Amnesty International report about human rights abuses found that Zenka was responsible for torture and forced confessions in Aleppo, where it is based. One media activist who reports on government abuses told Amnesty International that he could hear the sounds of people being tortured while being held by the brigade, though he couldn’t see it happening because of a blindfold. Others said they had received threats for being critical of the movement on Facebook.

More troubling are allegations in the report that the Zenki movement kidnapped Syrian Orthodox bishops on a humanitarian mission and handed them over the the Nusra Front. Yet other activists said they had been tortured by the movement into signing false confessions.

The report notes that the Zenki movement was apparently one of the recipients of aid from MOM, the northern operation command run by the United States and allies. The movement “stopped being funded by it in September 2015 after it joined forces with the Aleppo City Battalion and the al-Zaher Bibers Movement, which was accused of kidnapping two Italian humanitarian workers,” according to the Amnesty report.

Still, the group’s leadership issued a statement condemning the beheading. It said it formed a committee to investigate how such a crime could have happened. Such public executions by rebel groups can could serve to bolster embattled Syrian president Bashar al-Assad, who has sought to make all rebel groups out to be bloodthirsty radicals.

But even jihadist groups, Joscelyn said, depend on keeping the good will of the areas they pass through, and such actions are beyond the pale.

“What are they gonna do? Say we’re all for beheading children?” he said. “Only the Islamic State would say that.”

with additional reporting by Shane Harris


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Luis Miguel Goitizolo

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7/20/2016 5:16:29 PM

Chicago gang member gets 90 years for executing pregant teen mom

Charinez Jefferson died begging for mercy.

Neither she nor her unborn child received it.

Instead, Timothy Jones, a Chicago gang member, cursed at the 17-year-old mother as he shot her in the head. Then he fired additional bullets into her chest and back.

This February, five years after the brutal execution, Charinez’s own mother succumbed to cancer.

Debbie Jefferson died dreaming of justice for her daughter.

On Monday, she got it — thanks, in part, to the words Debbie wrote on her deathbed.

“I watched you during the trial and you showed no remorse. So maybe you wouldn’t know how I feel,” Debbie Jefferson told Jones in a statement read by a prosecutor during sentencing. “From this day forward, when you open and close your mouth and eyes, and you are still able to walk and talk, stop and take a minute and think about the lives you destroyed.

“All of your sleepless nights and dreary days, I pray you ask God for forgiveness and to have mercy on your soul,” the statement continued, according to the Chicago Tribune.

After listening to the mother’s words from beyond the grave, a judge sentenced Jones to 90 years in prison.

Even in Chicago, a city suffering from decades of gang violence, the 2011 slaying stands out. It is a terrible tidemark in a South Side community seemingly forever awash in blood.

“This young man sent a message on the streets that an unarmed pregnant woman that’s not violent to nobody [is] not safe,” Charinez’s aunt, Devorah Hope, told the Tribune shortly after the killing.

The shooting occurred the night of Aug. 16, 2011.

Charinez and a male friend had just walked to a corner store in the Southwest Side neighborhood of Marquette Park. Charinez, eight months pregnant with her second child, bought some bottles of juice.

As they walked back along 63rd Street, Charinez called her mother to say she was almost home.

She never arrived.

Instead, a car pulled up.

Timothy Jones jumped out.

“He’s got a gun,” someone shouted.

Jones’s initial target was Charinez’s male friend, a member of a rival gang, witnesses would later testify.

Jones had been shot twice — including once earlier that day — as part of a raging gang war. Just 18 years old at the time, he was a “stick-up man” with a recent robbery conviction and a tattoo on his arm that read “RIP Granny,” the Chicago Sun-Times reported.

His “minor injury [earlier in the day] fueled his rage and fueled his desire for revenge,” prosecutors later claimed in court.

When his gang rival took off running, however, Jones turned his 9mm on the only person left.

Charinez Jefferson.

“Please don’t kill me,” she said, witnesses later testified. “I’m pregnant.”

Jones was unmoved.

“B—-,” he said, and shot her in the head.

When Charinez fell, the impact cracked her unborn baby’s skull. As she lay on the ground, dying, Jones fired again and again into her body.

“I just couldn’t believe that he had shot her that many times,” Debbie Jefferson said later when she saw autopsy photos of her daughter.

Jones fled but was quickly caught by police. Witnessed identified him as the shooter, the Sun-Times reported.

Charinez was rushed to a hospital, where she died.

Despite the horrific shooting, doctors were able to save her son. But Kahmani Jefferson would never recover from his injuries. Oxygen deprivation left him in a vegetative state, unable to see, hear or breathe, the Tribune reported.

Doctors urged Debbie Jefferson to take her grandchild off life support, but she refused.

“I couldn’t see turning the machine off on him,” she told the newspaper in 2014. “Who am I to judge whether he lives or dies, OK? I was just grateful that he’s still here.”

Even as Debbie attended the February 2015 trial for her daughter’s murder, she was facing her own showdown with bone cancer.

A jury deliberated for just four hours before convicting Jones of murder, the Tribune reported.

Debbie Jefferson apparently knew she would not survive to speak at the sentencing, so she prepared a statement.

On Monday, five months after Debbie’s death and five years after her daughter’s, a prosecutor read her powerful words in court.

“Maybe with one more shot, you would have taken his life too,” Debbie said of her disabled grandson, Kahmani. “It’s kind of sad when his [older] brother asks, ‘Grandma, when is he going to get out of bed and play with me?’

“You not only took my daughter’s life, you basically took his life too,” she wrote. “I pray every day that God shows him favor and that one day he will be able to enjoy some parts of life.”

Charinez’s aunt, Betty Lee, also provided an impact statement.

I can barely close my eyes some nights without seeing my niece’s body on that morgue table, bullet wounds from toe to head and for that I don’t think I will ever be able to forgive you,” she said in court, according to the Tribune.

“You not only took my daughter’s life, you basically took his life too,” she wrote. “I pray every day that God shows him favor and that one day he will be able to enjoy some parts of life.”

“I hope the night of Aug. 16, 2011, haunts you in the midnight hour, as it has done me night after night, although I doubt it will,” Lee added.

Judge Nicholas Ford ordered Jones to spend 90 years behind bars, more than twice the minimum possible sentence but shy of the maximum penalty of life.

Even after her own death, Debbie Jefferson had helped get justice for her daughter’s murder.

And in her words, issued from beyond the grave, there was even a hint of the mercy Charinez had been denied that terrible summer night five years ago.

“I had to let go of anger, resentment, bitterness and hatred,” Debbie wrote to her daughter’s killer. “[I] had to find a way in my heart to forgive you.”

(The Washington Post)

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Luis Miguel Goitizolo

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7/21/2016 12:32:50 AM

Fears for Rio Olympics terror attack as Brazilian extremists become first group in South America to pledge allegiance to ISIS

    • · Group called Ansar al-Khilafah Brazil has pledged allegiance to ISIS
    • · It comes just three weeks before the Rio Olympics kick off in Brazil
    • · France was informed of a planned attack on its team at the Games
    • · Security preparations for Rio are currently being reviewed

A Brazilian extremist group has become the first orgainsation in South America to pledge allegiance to ISIS, sparking further fears for a terror attack at the Rio Olympics.

The pledge was spotted by SITE Intelligence, a jihadi monitoring group, on ISIS's messaging app of choice - Telegram.

In the Telgram channel titled Ansar al-Khilafah #Brazil, the Brazilian jihadis announced their dedication to ISIS leader Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi.

It comes less than three weeks before the 2016 Olympic Games are set to begin in Rio de Janeiro on August 5.

Brazilian soldiers conduct a counter-terrorism drill simulating an attack at the Deodoro train station on July 16, 2016 in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil

Brazilian soldiers conduct a counter-terrorism drill simulating an attack at the Deodoro train station on July 16, 2016 in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil

National Force soldiers arrive at the Rio 2016 Olympic Park in Rio de Janeiro

National Force soldiers arrive at the Rio 2016 Olympic Park in Rio de Janeiro

Meanwhile, France was last week informed of a planned terror attack on its team at the Games, according to the head of military intelligence.

The plans were revealed by General Christophe Gomart, head of the Directorate of Military Intelligence (DRM), at a parliamentary commission in May investigating the attacks in Paris in January and November last year which left 147 people dead.

In the report on the planned Rio attack, Gomart told the commission that he had been informed of the plot - planned by a Brazilian national - 'by our partners'.

No other details on the claims were made available by the French authorities.

Brazilian officials said on Friday that security preparations for the upcoming Olympics will be reviewed after the devastating attack in Nice, France, on Thursday

Brazilian officials said on Friday that security preparations for the upcoming Olympics will be reviewed after the devastating attack in Nice, France, on Thursday

Brazil has announced it is bolstering security for the Rio 2016 Olympic Games following the truck attack in Nice, France, which killed at least 84 people

Brazil has announced it is bolstering security for the Rio 2016 Olympic Games following the truck attack in Nice, France, which killed at least 84 people

Brazil's institutional security cabinet, which co-ordinates the information services in the country, told AFP they had received no information from the French authorities.

'We were not the source of information and the Brazilian intelligence agency (ABIN) was not officially informed either of this matter,' a spokesman told AFP.

In early July, the Brazilian Minister of Justice, Alexandre Moraes, said a jihadist attack in Rio de Janeiro during the Olympics was a 'possibility' but 'not a probability'.

Some 85,000 members of the security forces - 47,000 policemen and 38,000 soldiers - will be mobilised to ensure the safety of 10,500 athletes as well as officials, journalists and tourists from around the world expected for the Games which run from August 5-21.

Brazilian officials said on Friday that security preparations for the upcoming Olympics will be reviewed after the devastating attack in Nice, France.

Defense Minister Raul Jungmann told CBN radio in a Friday interview that safety protocols would be revised in the wake after Thursday's attack that killed scores of people leaving a fireworks display along a well-known boulevard.

A man drove a truck into a crowd of people celebrating Bastille Day in an attack that French officials called an undeniable act of terror. The killing only ended after police shot and killed the armed driver, who was identified as a 31-year-old Tunisian delivery man.

'The attack in Nice is worrisome for us, too. We have learned a few lessons. We will review procedures, make more barriers, searches and apply much tighter security,' Jungmann said.

'Unfortunately that can be an extra difficulty for people, but it is for their safety.'

Brazilian Police prepare for Olympics with security drill

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A Brazilian police officer from the anti-bomb squad checks suspect bomb near Leblon beach ahead of the 2016 Rio Olympic games in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, July 18

A Brazilian police officer from the anti-bomb squad checks suspect bomb near Leblon beach ahead of the 2016 Rio Olympic games in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, July 18

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