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Luis Miguel Goitizolo

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7/19/2016 10:49:11 AM

Turkey’s Failed Coup: “A Gift From God” Or From Washington?

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Luis Miguel Goitizolo

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7/19/2016 11:07:11 AM

28 Declassified Pages Do Nothing To Explain Implausibility Of 9/11 Official Story

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Luis Miguel Goitizolo

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7/19/2016 11:26:03 AM

15 Years Of Fighting For 9/11 Truth

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Luis Miguel Goitizolo

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7/19/2016 2:08:21 PM

Study: Tens of Thousands of Innocent People In Prison Because of Faulty Field Drug Test Kits

Tens of thousands have been convicted and served time — even earning the black mark of a felony — for crimes they likely didn’t commit, a recent report found, because the cases against them relied on horribly unreliable field drug test kits.

So prone to errors are the tests, courts won’t allow their submission as evidence. However, their continued use by law enforcement — coupled with a 90 percent rate at which drug cases are resolved through equally dubious plea deals — needlessly ruins thousands of lives.

In New York Times Magazine, ProPublica’s Ryan Gabrielson and Topher Sanders note that although a popular $2 field test kit for illegal drugs hasn’t been modified significantly since 1973, it remains the backbone for countless convictions and guilty pleas for tens of thousands of doubtlessly innocent people.

One variety of field test, the reporters explain, “use a single tube of a chemical called cobalt thiocyanate, which turns blue when it is exposed to cocaine. But cobalt thiocyanate also turns blue when it is exposed to more than 80 other compounds, including methadone, certain acne medications and several common household cleaners. Other tests use three tubes, which the officer can break in a specific order to rule out everything but the drug in question — but if the officer breaks the tubes in the wrong order, that, too, can invalidate the results. The environment can also present problems. Cold weather slows the development; heat speeds it up, or sometimes prevents a reaction from taking place at all. Poor lighting on the street — flashing police lights, sun glare, street lamps — often prevents officers from making the fine distinctions that could make the difference between an arrest and a release.”

Error rates, in the context of the over 1.2 million people arrested in the U.S. each year for illegal drug possession, could easily be considered astronomical — even though department figures also vary widely.

Between 2010 and 2013, re-examination of tests by authorities in Las Vegas found a false positive rate of 33 percent, while lab system for the Florida Department of Law Enforcement’s own data “show that 21 percent of evidence that police listed as methamphetamine after identifying it was not methamphetamine, and half of those false positives were not any kind of illegal drug at all” — worse, some of those officers simply misunderstood which color indicated an ostensibly positive result.

Without stating as much, the report suggested systematic intimidation often traps people into situations they feel would be unwinnable — such police threatening to summon drug-sniffing canines to manufacture consent, or when prosecutors bluster with lengthy sentences to essentially force defendants into otherwise unacceptable plea arrangements — often when a putative suspect committed no crime at all.

Color test kits exploded in popularity around the country, Gabrielson and Sanders noted, almost immediately following then-Pres. Richard Nixon’s 1973 declaration of war on drugs — itself conceptualized under the guise of moralistic imperative because, the president’s chief advisor later admitted, “We knew we couldn’t make it illegal to be either against the war or black,” and the antiwar left and black people comprised the administration’s primary adversaries.

But those field test kits promptly came under fire, as National Bureau of Standards warned in 1974, they “should not be used as sole evidence for the identification of a narcotic or drug of abuse” — a determination echoed by the Department of Justice in 1978, saying the tests “should not be used for evidential purposes.” Secondary, specialized — and far more accurate — tests are required for prosecution in virtually every location in the U.S.

However, those caveats haven’t exactly been heeded.

A 2011 report from RTI International, cited by NYT Magazine, “found the prosecutors in nine of 10 jurisdictions it surveyed nationwide accepted guilty pleas based solely on the results of field tests,” and Gabrielson and Sanders “confirmed that prosecutors and judges accept plea deals on that same basis in Atlanta, Boston, Dallas, Jacksonville, Las Vegas, Los Angeles, Newark, Philadelphia, Phoenix, Salt Lake City, San Diego, Seattle, and Tampa.”

Plea bargains comprise a startling percentage of felony drug convictions: The reporters discovered roughly 90 percent of those nationwide had been handed down through plea deals, though strikingly higher rates were found in Tennessee, with 94 percent; Kansas, at over 97 percent; and Harris County, Texas, home to Houston, the rate of felony drug convictions from plea deals is a staggering 99.5 percent.

Taking field test error rates, and the subversion of rights and perversion of justice effected through plea-bargaining, the failed and falsely-premised war on drugs creates an astonishing number of criminals not guilty of any crime — drug-based or otherwise.

Worse still, and similarly observed by Jacob Sullum for Reason, all of the aforementioned ignores the absurdity of felony convictions based purely on quantities of putatively illegal substances so minuscule they defy the concept of criminality. One anecdotal example from NYT Magazine illustrated the case of a woman whose felony drug conviction — among other alarming details — was bargained for an amount equal to just two-hundredths of a gram.

Police violence is epidemic in the United States, and retaliation — as in the case of Dallas — has now become tangible reality. But an astounding number of policing’s ills can be directly linked to the sham war on drugs and its criminalization of not only substances, but being poor — or, perhaps more aptly, human in the wrong place at the wrong time.

When law enforcement isn’t tasked with protecting people from legitimate, violent criminals, but rather policing people from themselves through their choice of vice, society suffers the consequences. Violent crimes go largely unsolved, while innocent people are gunned down by nervous police whose primary job amounts to revenue-generation through the search and seizure of ‘illicit’ substances — drugs which, if legal, would ‘harm’ no one other than the user.

When advocates and activists, privacy-rights hawks and even some politicians, say “the system is rigged,” this farcical feeding of the prison-industrial complex and its arbitrary criminalization of non-violent ‘crime’ is an enormous part of that.

While no act of aggressive violence should be tolerated or condoned, ire at this broken system virtually guarantees the cycle of killing by police and retaliation by civilians will continue unabated — rather, unabated until the State tucks tail and admits the war on drugs has outlived its guise and, indisputably, needs to end.

During the short video below, the researchers demonstrate how easy it is for police to generate a false positive during a field test for drugs.

The group tests over the counter Tylenol PM in a police test kit for cocaine — the test kit says the Tylenol is cocaine.

The group also tests the most popular chocolate in the world, Hershey’s chocolate, for marijuana, it also tests positive.

Perhaps the most disturbing test was when the group put absolutely nothing into the field test kit, and they received a positive result.


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Luis Miguel Goitizolo

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7/19/2016 2:37:04 PM


In the past two months I've traveled to the Baltic region, to Georgia, and to Russia. Talk of war is everywhere.

BY ON 7/19/16 AT 6:00 AM

Recently, I grabbed a taxi in Moscow. When the driver asked me where I was from, I told him the United States. “I went there once,” he said, “to Chicago. I really liked it.”

“But tell me something,” he added. “When are we going to war?”

The question, put so starkly, so honestly, shocked me. “Well, I hope never,” I replied. “No one wants war.”

At the office, I ask a Russian employee about the mood in his working class Moscow neighborhood. The old people are buying salt, matches and
gretchka [buckwheat], he tells me--the time-worn refuge for Russians stocking up on essentials in case of war.

In the past two months, I’ve traveled to the Baltic region, to Georgia, and to Russia. Talk of war is everywhere.

In Estonia, at the Lennart Meri security conference, we take a bus two and a half hours to the east of Tallinn, to Narva, a city on the border with Russia, for a discussion: “What is Narva Afraid of?” a variant on the geo-political debate: “Is Narva Next?”

The question, as any Russia-watcher knows, translates into: Would Russia invade and occupy this NATO member-nation, dispatching its tanks and troops across the bridge that separates Narva from the Russian city of Ivangorod, or, could it employ the tactics of hybrid war that it used in Ukraine?

Estonian officials I speak with doubt Russia would challenge NATO with an outright invasion, but something less clear, less defined, something harder for NATO to respond to? Perhaps….

Eighteen hundred miles to the southeast, in Georgia, another country that shares a border with Russia, I watch as Georgian military helicopters, trailing Georgian flags, fly low over Freedom Square, celebrating the 25th anniversary of the former Soviet Republic’s independence.

This former Soviet Republic is eager to join NATO, and already contributes troops to the joint operation in Afghanistan. Some of those troops have died in battle. But with two of its regions under Russian control, Georgia is unlikely to be approved for membership in the foreseeable future.

The Independence Day celebration, however, gives no hint of that. Under the hot sun on Freedom Square, Georgian, U.S. and British soldiers, just back from joint training drills, march in formation. When the festivities are over, parents and children curiously inspect an American M1A2 Abrams tank and a Bradley infantry fighting vehicle, fresh from the NATO “Noble Partner” exercise, which rehearsed quickly moving soldiers and equipment to counter “any potential future operation.” The word “Russia” is left unsaid.

On to Moscow, where “war fever” is at fever pitch. Here, there is no softening of language; NATO and the U.S. are the enemy and Russia must be ready for attack.

The government website Sputnik News blares the headline: “New Russian Bomber to Be Able to Launch Nuclear Attacks From Outer Space,” a story later found to be false.

RT television’s English-language website breathlessly reports on “Killer airwaves: Russia starts trial of electromagnetic warfare system” that would “guarantee complete neutralization of all enemy electronics.”

But it’s not just sensationalist media that are fanning the flames.

Former Soviet President Mikhail Gorbachev complains that NATO’s rhetoric at its summit in Warsaw “simply howls about the effort to almost announce war against Russia.”

NATO, he told Interfax news agency, “talks about defense, but actually is preparing for offensive action.”

Russia’s envoy to NATO, Alexander Grushko, says that NATO’s “confrontational policy” is being built on a “mythical threat” from Russia. The alliance’s announcement that it is locating four new battalions on permanent rotation in Estonia, Latvia, Lithuania and Poland is proof, he says, that those countries “are being transformed into a bridgehead for military/political pressure on Russia.”

Russia, he says, must respond to a “new security situation.”

“This is absolutely not our choice but, of course, from outside, everything necessary will be done to reliably ensure the defense capability of the country.”

“Not our choice” is now the bumper sticker of Russia’s foreign policy, a modern take on the Soviet Union’s “mir i druzhba” (мир и дружба) (“peace and friendship”) claim that it would never want war.

Now, as during the Cold War, it’s all the West’s fault.

At her Wednesday briefings, Russia’s Foreign Ministry spokeswoman, Maria Zakharova, lambastes the “demonization” of Russia. NATO, she claims, exists in a kind of “military and political looking-glass world,” reacting to a “non-existent ‘threat from the East.’”

“Are there specific examples of how Russia is undermining peace and order in Europe?” she asks. “What lies behind these words? Sweden claims that we are threatening them. The U.K. says we are a threat. NATO Secretary General Jens Stoltenberg says we are undermining peace and order. What are the specific examples? Show them to us--and we will work on them.”

Paratroopers of the 173rd Airborne Brigade of the U.S. Army in Europe take part in military exercise "Black Arrow" in Rukla on May 14, 2014. Jill Dougherty writes, 'In the past two months I’ve traveled to the Baltic region, to Georgia, and to Russia. Talk of war is everywhere.'

In an interview widely quoted in the Russian media, a foreign affairs expert and a member of the Russian Foreign Ministry’s Foreign Policy and Defense Council, Sergei Karaganov, told the German magazine
Der Spiegel that Western propaganda against Russia “is reminiscent of the period preceding a new war.”

“The help offered by NATO is not symbolic help for the Baltic states,” he said. “It is a provocation. If NATO initiates an encroachment--against a nuclear power like ourselves--it will be punished.”

President Vladimir Putin himself plays both sides against the middle, warning the West that Russia will have to “strengthen the potential of its strategic nuclear forces” in order to counter the United States’ missile shield, while at the same time insisting it’s the West, not Russia, that’s destroying the balance that kept the world from nuclear conflict during the Cold War.

During the St. Petersburg Economic Forum in June, he tells the heads of international news agencies that the U.S. is lying when it claims its missile defense system will not threaten Russia:

“We know what’s going to happen, and they know that we know,” he told the group. “They’re just ‘hanging noodles on your ears’ (‘pulling the wool over your eyes,’) as we say, and you, in turn, broadcast it to your populations. People don’t feel the fear--that’s what worries me. How can’t we understand that the world is being pulled into a completely new dimension--that’s the problem. They pretend that nothing is going on. I don't know how to get through to you anymore!”

President Putin’s dual-track approach, his unpredictability, is a useful tool, one Russian analyst tells me, keeping the president’s domestic and international opponents guessing as to what his next step will be. Will he reprise his “little green men” in another post-Soviet nation? Or will he play the role of peacemaker, urging the world to unite in fighting terrorism? Yet it’s precisely that unpredictability that makes the West nervous.

Back in Tallinn, the consensus among Russia-watchers at the Lennart Meri security conference is summed up by Fiona Hill, director of the Brookings Institution’s Center on the United States and Europe.

“We talk an awful lot now about our feelings of insecurity towards Russia,” she says, “but I think it’s a pretty obvious fact that the Kremlin is also running scared, and we really have to start to inspect why is that the case?”

The Kremlin is frightened about its grip on the political situation at home --and the geopolitical situation abroad. Russia is trying to deter the West in a very aggressive way because it realizes it is weaker--economically, militarily, and in terms of soft power.

The world, right now, is a very unstable place, for everyone, including Vladimir Putin.

As I browse in a Moscow gift shop, a t-shirt catches my eye: a buff-looking Vladimir Putin dressed in a black turtleneck and tight black pants, with the words “SAVE THE WORLD” in white letters across his image.

How? There’s no answer on this t-shirt and, in the real world, no magic prescription.

But all the talk of war isn’t as crazy as it seems, several Russians tell me. “They may not love us,” they say, “but they fear us.”

Jill Dougherty
is an expert on Russia and the former Soviet Union. In her three-decade career with CNN, she served as foreign affairs correspondent, based in Washington, D.C.

The opinions expressed here are solely those of the author.


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