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Luis Miguel Goitizolo

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7/18/2016 11:16:27 AM

“The US has been led down a dark alley”

e2e5315aa1abafb41a600ba2fba6652fThere is no nonsense so errant that it cannot be made the creed of the vast majority by adequate governmental action.
–Bertrand Russel

“Capitalism is a vehicle that helped bring the banksters to absolute power, but they have no more loyalty to that system than they have to place, or to anything or anyone…they think on a global scale, with nations and populations as pawns. They define what money is and they issue it, just like the banker in a game of Monopoly. They can also make up a new game with a new kind of money. They have long outgrown any need to rely on any particular system in order to maintain their power. Capitalism was handy in an era of rapid growth. For an era of non-growth, a different game is being prepared.”
–Richard K. Moore, Thunder Road Report, Dec 19, 2011

At a time of universal deceit, telling the truth is a revolutionary act.
–George Orwell

Not ignorance, but ignorance of ignorance, is the death of knowledge
–Alfred North Whitehead

Corruptissima republica, plurimae leges (The more corrupt the state, the more laws)

“There is no means of avoiding a final collapse of a boom brought about by credit expansion. The alternative is only whether the crisis should come sooner as a result of a voluntary abandonment of further credit expansion, or later as a final and total catastrophe of the currency system involved.”
–Ludwig Von Mises

The US has been led down a dark alley and strangled in what history may recognize as a financial coup d’etat, and a campaign of economic war against the common people.
–Jesse, at Cafe Americain

The study of money, above all other fields in economics, is one in which complexity is used to disguise truth or to evade truth, not to reveal it.
–John Kenneth Galbraith

If liberty means anything at all, it means the right to tell people what they do not want to hear.
–George Orwell

“Politics is the gentle art of getting votes from the poor and campaign funds from the rich by promising to protect each from the other.”
–Oscar Ameringer

When the people lose faith and don’t know what to believe in, they don’t believe in nothing, they believe in anything.
–Eric Janszen

Some ideas are so stupid only an intellectual can believe them
–George Orwell

Some people say that Americans are ignorant and apathetic. But I don’t know and I don’t care.
–joke, provenance unknown

The hottest places in hell are reserved for those who remain neutral in time of great moral crisis.
–Dante Alighieri

A constant in the history of money is that every remedy is reliably a source of new abuse
–John Kenneth Galbraith

Economic forecasting was invented to make astrology look respectable
–John Kenneth Galbraith

The only time a nation destroys itself is when it becomes efficient in enforcing mediocrity.
–Lyndon Larouche

The policy of the Status Quo since 2008 boils down to this assumption: if we prop up an artificial economy long enough, it will magically become real.This is an extraordinary assumption: that the process of artifice will result in artifice becoming real. This is the equivalent of a dysfunctional family presenting an artificial facade of happiness to the external world and expecting that fraud to conjure up real happiness. We all know it doesn’t work that way; rather, the dysfunctional family that expends its resources supporting a phoney facade is living a lie that only increases its instability.
–Charles Hugh Smith from Of Two Minds, October 2, 2012, excerpt article, “If You Prop Up An Artificial Economy Long Enough, Does It Become Real?”

The financialization of America was a conscious decision by the oligarchs. They controlled the issuance of credit. They controlled the currency and level of inflation inflicted upon the masses. They controlled the corporations selling consumer goods on credit. They controlled the Congress, courts, and government agencies with their deep pocket lobbying and buying of influence. Lastly, they controlled the media messages and molded the opinions and tastes of the masses through their Bernaysian propaganda techniques perfected over the decades. In one of the boldest and most blatant acts of audacity in world history, the Wall Street/K Street oligarchs wrecked the world economy in their insatiable thirst for profits, shifted their worthless debt onto the backs of taxpayers and unborn generations, threw senior citizens and savers under the bus by stealing $400 billion per year of interest from them, and enriched themselves with bubble level profits and bonus payouts. Meanwhile, median household income continues to fall, real GDP is stagnant, true unemployment exceeds 22%, and 47 million people are living on food stamps.
–Jim Quinn of The Burning Platform blog, Oct 8, 2012, excerpt (brilliant) article, “Decline, decay, denial, delusion, and despair”

What will collapse really be like? I expect the event will be spectacular in some ways, but subdued and subversive in many other ways. Triggers may be swift and startling, but the reactions of the populace slow, uncertain, and presumptive. There will be fissures in our foundation, but the complete extent of the danger may take a few more years to become evident. While the public continues to maintain its fixation on some Mad Max nightmare scenario, the real collapse will be taking place right under their noses in the form of 25%-50% increases in food and fuel, tightened job availability with pensions swallowed by austerity, food lines hidden by food stamps until the government finally defaults and pulls the rug out from under entitlement programs, etc. For a time, it will look and feel like a slightly darker version of today, and not the cinematic melodrama that we have come to envision. The worst of times that we often find extolled in the pages of history books come at the cost of years of almost equal disparity, and usually, the lead up is far more difficult to handle than the finale…
–Brandon Smith from Alt-Market, August 6, 2012, excerpt article, “Has the perfect moment to kill the dollar arrived?”


"Choose a job you love and you will not have to work a day in your life" (Confucius)

Luis Miguel Goitizolo

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7/18/2016 11:39:51 AM

Nice attack: What we know about the Bastille Day killings

  • 16 July 2016

The lorry was finally brought to a stop opposite a luxury hotel: police had raked the windscreen with bullets

Dozens of people have been killed, including children, after a lorry ploughed into a large crowd watching a fireworks display marking the end of the French national holiday for Bastille Day.

The driver also fired shots, before being killed by police. This is what we know so far about what happened.

Who is the attacker?

The driver of the lorry has been identified by officials asMohamed Lahouaiej-Bouhlel, a 31-year-old man of Franco-Tunisian origin.

Paris prosecutor Francois Molins says Lahouaiej-Bouhlel was divorced with three children. His ex-wife was taken into custody on Friday morning along with four other people believed to be linked to him. A flat he lived in near Nice train station was searched by police on Friday morning.

Image copyrightAFPn
Police are examining documents taken from a flat in Nice

Mr Molins said Lahouaiej-Bouhlel was "totally unknown" to security services, and the investigations are continuing into whether Lahouaiej-Bouhlel acted alone.

He is said to have hired the lorry from a rental company in Saint-Laurent-du-Var, a town to the west of Nice, on 11 July, and had been due to return it on 13 July.

Police said that, at the time of the attack, Lahouaiej-Bouhlel was in possession of an automatic pistol, bullets, a fake automatic pistol and two replica assault rifles (a Kalashnikov and an M16), an empty grenade. Also in the lorry with him were a driving licence and a bank card.

Who was the Nice attacker?

Who were the victims?

At least 84 people were killed, including 10 children and teenagers.

A total of 303 people were taken into hospital following the attacks, the French health department confirmed on Saturday. Of those, 121 remain in hospital, 30 of whom are children, and 26 people are still in intensive care - including five children.

In the hours after the attacks, worried relatives posted images on social media of the missing.

Among the dead was Fatima Charrihi, whose son said she was the first to die.

Another victim, according to reports, was the assistant head of the Nice border police, Jean-Marc Leclerc.

An American 11-year-old boy, Brodie Copeland, and his father, Sean, were also killed. They had been on holiday in Nice.

Three people on a school trip from Germany were unaccounted for.

Read more about the victims

Who was behind the attack?

French security officials are still assessing whether the driver of a truck was working alone or in a group.

So-called Islamic State later claimed one of its followers carried out the attack.

A news agency linked to the group, Amaq Agency, said: "He did the attack in response to calls to target the citizens of the coalition that is fighting the Islamic State."

Officials said it bore the hallmark of a terrorist organisation.

President Hollande said on Friday that it was "an attack whose terrorist nature cannot be denied".

Mr Molins said the attack was "in line with the constant calls to kill" from militant Islamist groups, and the investigation would be seek to find out whether Lahouaiej-Bouhlel had ties to Islamist militants.

French Interior Minister Bernard Cazeneuve said Lahouaiej-Bouhlel seemed to have been "radicalised very quickly".

Anti-terrorist prosecutors in Paris have launched an inquiry for murder and attempted murder as part of an organised terrorist strike.

Earlier this week, France's DGSI internal security organisation warned of the danger of further attacks from Islamist militants with "booby-trapped vehicles and bombs".

The so-called Islamic State has targeted France on several occasions since January 2015.

Only hours before the Nice attack, President Hollande had announced that France's state of emergency would be removed later this month. After the attack in Nice he announced it was being extended.

What happened on the promenade?

Media captionAttack in Nice: Fly-through video of how events unfolded

The terror began a little after 22:30 (20:30 GMT) on Thursday, shortly after thousands of people had watched a firework display on the seafront in Nice, at the end of a day marking France's national holiday, Bastille Day.

There had been a mood of celebration and the crowd had enjoyed an air force display. Families strolled along the city's renowned Promenade des Anglais.

A large white lorry was seen driving erratically a couple of streets away from the seafront promenade. "He was speeding up, braking, speeding up again and braking again. We thought it was weird," said Laicia Baroi. She described how the lorry then turned on to the promenade heading south-west towards the airport.

But it was not for another half hour before the attack began. A German journalist saw events unfold from a hotel balcony, as the lorry doubled back from the direction of the airport, breaching the barriers erected on the promenade opposite the Lenval children's hospital.

"He was driving really slowly, that's what was astonishing," said Richard Gutjahr, who described seeing the lorry being tailed by a motorcyclist. "The motorcyclist tried to overtake him and even tried opening the lorry driver's door," he told AFP news agency. At that point the motorcyclist fell under the wheels of the lorry.

When two police officers opened fire on the lorry, the driver accelerated and careered at full speed towards the crowd.

The vehicle mounted the kerb then went back on the road, zigzagging for up to 2km (1.25 miles), as the driver deliberately drove into people.

Media captionNice attack: Footage of final gun battle

A local MP spoke of hundreds of people being run over. Others scrambled to safety, on to the beach or into nearby hotels.

"I was opposite the Palais de la Mediterranee [hotel] when I saw a lorry at high speed running over people. I saw it with my own eyes, people tried to stop it," said one witness.

Police finally managed to bring the lorry to a halt near the luxury hotel.

Paris Prosecutor Francois Molins says the driver fired repeatedly on three policemen, who returned fire and pursued him for hundreds of metres.

Mobile phone footage appeared to show the moment the driver was shot.

Images from the scene showed the windscreen and front of the lorry raked with bullets. Interior ministry officials later confirmed that the attacker had been "neutralised".

How have the authorities reacted?

It soon became clear that many people had died, although the full scale of the disaster was unclear. The dead and injured were taken to the local Centre Hospitalier Universitaire de Nice.

The hospital launched its crisis mode for exceptional health situations and put out an emergency number for families: 00 33 (0)4 93 72 22 22.

Elysee tweetImage copyrightTWITTER
Image captionThe presidency said during the night that the president and prime minister had convened an interministerial crisis meeting

In the area around Nice, the anti-terror alert was raised to its highest level.

President Francois Hollande was flown back to Paris from a visit to Avignon, joining Prime Minister Manuel Valls in a crisis room. Mr Valls declared three days of mourning which started on Saturday.

The pair then travelled to Nice, where the interior and health ministers were already involved in crisis meetings with local officials.

On Saturday, Mr Hollande met his defence and security chiefs and cabinet ministers.

Then later, Interior Minister Bernard Cazeneuve called on "patriotic citizens" to become reservists to boost security across the country.

He also reiterated a pledge made by Mr Hollande on Friday to call up France's current squad of reservists, which total some 12,000 volunteers.


"Choose a job you love and you will not have to work a day in your life" (Confucius)

Luis Miguel Goitizolo

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7/18/2016 3:19:02 PM

Claims Emerge that Erdogan Faked his own Coup in order to Wield More Power

What began as a brainstorm erupted into a full blown conspiracy theory when a Politico reporter poured gas on the fire claiming that his Turkish source believed the coup was a staged performance.

Social media is abuzz with new claims that Turkey’s President Recep Tayyip Erdogan faked the coup attempt against the government after the country’s leader called the botched overthrow “a gift from Allah.” Posting under #TheaterNotCoup social media users ask aloud whether the whole think was an elaborate scheme for the Turkish strongman to garner even more control.

We’ll see a change in the constitution for worse, which secularism will be gone and Islamist motifs will be in what a shame

​The theory originated when Politico’s European correspondent Ryan Heath said that a Turkish source of his believed that the entire debacle was a staged performance citing the fact that the government was able to communicate with everybody in Turkey via SMS text message and that Erdogan would be able to "clean" the military of secularists and install hardline Islamists in both the judiciary and the armed forces stripping away any constitutional check on the leader.

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My Turkish source says this looks more like theatre than coup. Long interesting view here

​The social media punditry, scoffed at as conspiracy theorists and crazies by most, argue that the hyperbolic Erdogan will use the coup attempt that left at least 265 dead and over 2000 wounded in the same fashion that Hitler used the Reichstag fire – the 1933 arson attack on the German parliament building which Hitler used as an excuse to suspend civil liberties and order mass arrests.

Looks like a convenient Reichstag Fire scenario went down last night

​There are many reasons to doubt this fanciful theory not the least that President Erdogan was on vacation when the coup plotters first seized the TRT news channel, the bridges, and Istanbul’s Ataturk International Airport. The leader was forced to phone in by FaceTime to CNN Turk to put out a desperate plea to the people of Turkey to take to the streets and put down the coup.

History happening, of mankind and medias: Erdogan speaking via FaceTime on tv during coup of state

​Others point to the convenience for Erdogan who was able to blame his arch nemesis Fethullah Gulen who alleged has developed a shadow government within Turkey – known as the Parallel Structure – with ambitions of ultimately seizing control of the country.

Furthermore, Erdogan had fallen out of favor among Western leaders in recent months after repeated crackdowns on journalists, legal maneuvering to outlaw dissenters, forging a constitutional amendment revoking legislative immunity for opposition lawmakers, and seizure of nearly full control of the country’s executive and legislative powers with the tacit consent of Prime Minister Binali Yildirim.

​President Erdogan has been both a tormenter of Europe and the United States as well as a key linchpin in the strategic plans of both. Turkey agreed to take in an additional 1 million Syrian refugees from the European Union after already housing over 2.75 million migrants from the war-torn country, in return for fast-track consideration within the EU and visa-free travel.

Those plans were summarily shot down by European leaders with former British Prime Minister David Cameron saying that he didn’t fancy Turkey would be prepared to enter the EU for another thousand years at least citing the country’s move towards an autocratic framework.

Who/what was damaged/harmed during :
- the Turkish parliament
- the Turkish Army (leaders taken hostage)
- the citizens.

​Nonetheless, Turkey’s President was emboldened following the events that unfolded on Friday with the very future of Europe hanging in the balance with the EU all but praying that Erdogan would hold on. If Erdogan’s regime fell, Europe faced the specter of several million additional refugees flooding into the continent – a reality that would all but mark the end of the economic union and result in a near immediate end to the Schengen open borders agreement.

The United States found itself in a similar predicament with Turkey serving as NATO’s primary launchpad into the Middle East to attend to the crises in Syria and Iraq. If Turkey fell and the United States lost access to the Incirlik air base the US fight against Daesh would could to a screaming halt.

Faced with those realities, the preview of what a world without Erdogan would look like may very well have been a godsend for the besieged leader of Turkey, but it may also be a nightmare for the United States.

Turkey’s government has already wrangled together over 2,8000 soldiers and 2,745 judges who are claimed to have conspired against the Erdogan regime and who now all face treason charges. It is unknown whether any of these targeted soldiers or jurists were opponents to Erdogan’s strongman form of government, but ultimately not involved in the plot at all. Regardless, the prison doors have now shut on the leaders primary political opponents.

"This means it [the failed coup] will be followed by a real coup by Erdogan himself, and the last remnants of democracy will be lost," suggested one social media pundit.

The alleged mastermind of the coup according to Turkish officials, Fethullah Gulen, also trafficked the idea that the coup was staged saying "I don’t believe that the world believes the accusations made by President Erdoğan. There is a possibility that it could be a staged coup and it could be meant for further accusations [against the Gülenists]."

Whether the coup was ultimately fact or fiction, the world has been fundamentally changed by the horror descended on the streets of Istanbul and Ankara on Friday with the advantage clearly going to the coup’s survivor.


"Choose a job you love and you will not have to work a day in your life" (Confucius)

Luis Miguel Goitizolo

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7/18/2016 5:09:08 PM

Fake CIA Agent And FOX News “Terror Expert” Sentenced To Prison For Lying To The Public For Years

"Choose a job you love and you will not have to work a day in your life" (Confucius)

Myrna Ferguson

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7/18/2016 9:48:42 PM
Hi Miguel,

Looks like things are speeding up on some of these liars. I love this line.
While the idea of FOX News and the government allowing him to make fools out of Bill O’Reilly,Sean Hannity, Andrew Napolitano, Neil Cavuto, everyone at Fox & Friends, and the CIA for over a decade is laughable, the utter hate, lies, and warmongering that spewed from this man’s mouth was anything but humorous.

Bill O"Reilly was fooled, just struck me funny. The other day he was patting himself on the back. Good laugh for me anyway.


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