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Luis Miguel Goitizolo

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7/8/2016 5:53:10 PM

San Francisco/Seattle Media Blitzes On Homelessness: Truth Is Also Homeless In The Land Of The Fee, Home Of The Slave

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Luis Miguel Goitizolo

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7/9/2016 12:17:52 AM

Attacking Police And Enacting Violence Will Do Nothing To Stop Brutality — It Will Make It Far Worse

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Luis Miguel Goitizolo

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7/9/2016 12:52:43 AM

‘Racist’ Killing of Nigerian Asylum Seeker Stuns and Saddens Italy

© Cristiano Chiodi/European Pressphoto Agency
People left flowers on Thursday at memorial in Fermo, Italy, that marked the spot where Emmanuel Chidi Namdi was beaten.
ROME — An Italian man who the authorities say hurled racist abuse at a Nigerian couple and beat the husband when he came to his wife’s defense was charged on Thursday with manslaughter, after the husband died from his injuries.

The victims are believed to have fled Boko Haram, the Islamist militant group that has conducted a murderous rampage across West Africa, and to have reached Italy by boat. A Roman Catholic priest was sheltering them while they applied for asylum.

The authorities called the attack a serious hate crime. It has horrified Italians and prompted soul-searching in a country that has been struggling to cope with an influx of refugees.

According to the authorities, the suspect, Amedeo Mancini, 39, accosted the couple — Emmanuel Chidi Namdi, 36, and his wife, who was identified as Chinyery Emmanuel, 24 — while they were strolling on Tuesday afternoon on a street in Fermo, a town of about 37,000 in the central Italian region of Marche, near the Adriatic coast.

Mr. Mancini started verbally harassing them and, in the scuffle that ensued, Mr. Namdi fell, hitting his head. He entered a coma, and died on Wednesday night.

Prosecutors said on Thursday they would charge Mr. Mancini with manslaughter, aggravated by racist motives.

The attack has prompted a nationwide reaction. On Wednesday evening, Prime Minister Matteo Renzi telephoned the Rev. Vinicio Albanesi, the priest who was hosting the couple at a seminary, to offer condolences. On Thursday morning, Mr. Renzi
said on Twitter that the government was determined to fight “hate, racism, and violence,” and used the hashtag#Emmanuel to honor the victim.

Italy’s interior minister, Angelino Alfano, presided over a hastily convened meeting with the local authorities in Fermo.

“It’s a very sad day for the community of Fermo,” Mr. Alfano told reporters. “The great heart of Italy is not represented by the man who committed this homicide.”

© Cristiano Chiodi/European Pressphoto Agency From left, Mara Di Lullo, the prefect of Ferma Province; Angelino Alfano, the Italian interior minister; and Domenico Seccia, the prosecutor in Ferma, spoke on Thursday about the death of…

“We are here to discourage a phenomenon of national contagion,” Mr. Alfano insisted. “The germ of racism needs to be cut off before it can plant its poisonous seed.” He said the victim’s widow, Ms. Emmanuel, would be granted humanitarian protection in Italy, allowing her to stay in the country, at least for now.

Italy’s fractious political parties joined together to condemn the attack.

Even the leader of the anti-migrant Northern League, Matteo Salvini,
said on Twitter that he would pray for Mr. Namdi.

“Those who kill, rape or attack another human being need to be punished,” Mr. Salvini said. “Regardless of skin color.”

Investigators are still trying to piece together what happened. A lawyer for Mr. Mancini said his client was acting in self-defense, but Ms. Emmanuel said her husband reacted only after Mr. Mancini verbally abused them and grabbed her arm. After Mr. Namdi fell, his attacker continued to beat him, she told members of the Catholic
seminary of Capodarco, where she and her husband were living.

The seminary
described her ordeal on its website. The couple had been living in the seminary for eight months, after fleeing violence perpetrated by Boko Haram that had claimed the lives of their parents and son. The husband and wife crossed Niger and then Libya, enduring such hardship that Ms. Emmanuel miscarried soon after arriving in Italy.

In Fermo, the couple were living with 128 other migrants and asylum seekers. In January, they were married in a local church, having lost their papers from Nigeria, according to Father Albanesi.

“Of course people here are not used to migrants,” Father Albanesi said in a phone interview. “It’s a town of immigration, but it’s a tranquil area, certainly not racist. This episode is the result of the freedom to express hate and aggression that some people have started taking on social media and elsewhere, and that needs to be stopped.”

Mr. Mancini and a man who was with him — who tried to intervene in the altercation, and has not been charged — were known as troublemakers in the community, Father Albanesi said, adding, “But they are not organized, the community is not with them.”

Mr. Mancini had a criminal record — at one point he had been barred from attending soccer matches — but not a serious one, the authorities said.

In recent months, tensions in the area had increased, with three small bombs detonated at churches where migrants were housed. (One of the bombs caused slight damage to a church door; no one was hurt.) Father Albanesi said the violence seemed to be associated with a small group of men who were known for causing trouble at soccer matches and espoused racist beliefs.

“There are small groups of people who feel they belong to the Aryan race,” he said. “They are part of the same group that set the bombs in front of our churches.”

Paolo Calcinaro, the mayor of Fermo, said in a televised interview that the attack did not represent his neighbors. “This is not Fermo,” he said, his eyes welling with tears. “We are a welcoming community.”

Italy has been grappling for over a decade with an influx of migrants who have reached its southern shores. Since January, 76,809 migrants have arrived in Italy from North Africa, mostly from sub-Saharan Africa, via Libya, where the political situation is chaotic. Only in the past week, Italian and international rescue officials have saved more than 10,000 people at sea.

As neighboring countries like Austria threaten to close their borders, and with aid programs struggling to keep up, Italian charities and grass-roots organizations have sprouted to help the migrants. Some 132,500 migrants are currently registered — a sharp increase from 103,700 at the end of last year, and 66,000 at the end of 2014.

In Italy, it can take years for a final decision on an asylum application.

Goffredo Buccini, a commentator in the newspaper Corriere della Sera, on Thursday lamented the tragedy of a man who “escaped the Islamist folly of Boko Haram” only to be “murdered by a local racist,” calling the attack “nauseating.”

“There is no horror that can stop the fear of the other when this fear becomes blind stupidity,” Mr. Buccini wrote in an editorial, adding that racists were depicting migrants “as those who are taking food away from us” when the opposite is true, since many migrants work and pay taxes.

“All of this is poison,” he wrote. “May Emmanuel and his story teach us to recognize it, and help us find at least an antidote.”


"Choose a job you love and you will not have to work a day in your life" (Confucius)

Luis Miguel Goitizolo

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7/9/2016 1:08:02 AM


The chaos and division of post-invasion Iraq helped the group's earlier incarnations to thrive.

BY ON 7/7/16 AT 6:11 PM

Long before the Islamic State militant group (ISIS) founded its self-proclaimed “caliphate” across Syria and Iraq in 2014, its predecessor organizations Al-Qaeda In Iraq and Islamic State in Iraq were wreaking havoc across the country.

Former Prime Minister Tony Blair, who committed the U.K. to joining the U.S.-led invasion of Iraq in 2003, has sought to downplay the significance of the war in ISIS’s rise, stressing that the collapse of Syria following the 2011 “Arab Spring” uprising provided a space where the group could develop its economic and military foundations.

But declassified intelligence documents included in Sir John Chilcot’s report into the war, published Wednesday, emphasize how chaotic and violent conditions in Iraq spawned the group’s earlier incarnations and helped them to thrive.

ISIS began life as an Iraqi franchise of Al-Qaeda, led by the notoriously brutal Jordanian jihadi Abu Musab al-Zarqawi, who transformed his independent jihadist group al-Tawhid wal-Jihad into a local force for Al Qaeda in 2003.

An April 2005 assessment by Britain’s Joint Intelligence Committee (JIC) included in Chilcot’s report warned that the Islamist insurgencies launched in response to the invasion had increased the group’s strength in the area. “Al Qaeda has capitalized on the Iraq jihad,” it said, and a later assessment in June went further, declaring that “The merger of Al-Zarqawi’s organization with Al-Qaeda…has firmly placed it in a pre-eminent position in Iraq…a unified jihadist command may be emerging. Iraq is now seen by Al Qaeda as its main theater of operations.”

The documents highlight how, as the coalition occupation of Iraq continued and the process of political reconstruction struggled to involve Sunni people and parties, Al-Zarqawi and other leaders after his death played on sectarian tensions to grow the strength and influence of their group.

By March 2007, the JIC judged Al Qaeda in Iraq to be “the single largest Sunni insurgent network” in the country. “The lack of progress by the Iraqi government in delivering any tangible progress on national reconciliation, combined with spiralling sectarian violence, has helped bolster support for [Al Qaeda in Iraq],” it wrote. Earlier, in 2006, it noted how Sunni nationalists and religious extremists shared “common aspirations” in restoring Sunni power and removing coalition forces.

By 2008, the JIC thought the threat from the group was substantially reduced; it was, “Down but not out.” But the report is clear that by the end of the U.K.’s time in Iraq it had left a legacy of Sunni-Shia sectarian grievance and division. “Although the borders of Iraq [in 2009] were the same as they had been in 2003,” the report reads, “deep sectarian divisions threatened both stability and unity. Those divisions were not created by the coalition, but they were exacerbated by its decisions.”


"Choose a job you love and you will not have to work a day in your life" (Confucius)

Luis Miguel Goitizolo

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7/9/2016 1:18:03 AM

The Never Ending War: Obama Orders 8,400 Troops To Stay In Afghanistan

"Choose a job you love and you will not have to work a day in your life" (Confucius)


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